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51014460 No.51014460 [Reply] [Original]

Check out link threads. Everyone sound so nervous right now
>staking will make the price pump.. r-right?
>Sergey wants to meet us in here person for a burger. T-there’s no way he won’t betray us
>b-bro link was always a 20 year hold… if you can’t wait that long just sell
>w-wait, don’t sell just yet! Staking! Ccip! Enterprise layer! Anyone?
>m-maybe we just need to wait a little longer
>d-dude, 1k eoy was just a meme
>m-maybe you should have bought the moment the ICO dropped!
Honestly what happened to you guys? Every link holders I talk to are move goalposts left to right. 5 years my friends. You seriously had to wait 5 years just so you get staking v.01? Even xrp holders aren’t even this delusional.

>> No.51014473

In the end LINK was just another pump and dump shitcoin

>> No.51014483

imagine holding 4 years through all the uncertainty just to barely outperform boomer coin

>> No.51014484

it's karmic retribution for how insufferable and smug these faggots were from 2017-20. Makes me feel as if there is some fairness to the universe after all.

>> No.51014487

But you will never see a linkie admit that. Seriously we need a link general now

>> No.51014492
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>> No.51014497

Oldlinkers left this board ages ago after selling the top, all you have left are nulinkers who bought at $50 and are desperately trying to convince themselves that their shitcoin can still pump.
Newsflash faggots, alts don't last longer than a single bullmarket.
Chainlink had its chance and it blew it. Smartcon will be a nothingburger, staking isn't going to affect the price, LINK will continue crabbing between $5-$10 until being forgotten.

>> No.51014496

Only thing I’ve noticed is the entire market is dumping its ass off but there are threads like this singling out LINK like it’s dumping by itself

>> No.51014514
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bought more LINK, the future of finance, thanks to these absolute retards dumping it cheap. cope, seethe, dilate. $1000 EOY

>> No.51014518
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They said they'd be the new elites, where are you faggots now?

>> No.51014524

ITT: 50 iq retards who have no idea what they’re talking about
Link Marines will unironically make it in 5 years while you rope

>> No.51014529

Just wait for that one dude to post the demoralization campaign analysis

>duuuuuude theres a campaign to FUUUUUD my shitcoin on a mongolian fishing board.

You fucking faggots shilled this w absolute certainty for the last 3 years. Come out here and take your fucking medicine you cowards. Cant wait until the karmic debt is repaid

>> No.51014532

either one of you will be right funny eh?

>> No.51014552
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Feels good watching the collapse of Chainlink Labs and the complete destruction of the link shills.

>> No.51014553

The entire market is dumping, sure. But it continues to be one of the worst performing assets for the last year. It went from top 5 crypto to 25. It’s time to wake up anon. Just calling everything as fud doesn’t do you any good. I’m guilty of that as well because I’ve held link for 4 years and finally decided to sell last year.

>> No.51014581

more like gaynlink

>> No.51014593

>duuuuuuuuuude nice fuddddd, losing 90% of my investment doesnt bother me bc I bought in 2001!!!!

>> No.51014602

>Link Marines will unironically make it in 5 years while you rope
Kek and there it is. Just to put things in perspective:
Btc holders made it in 3 years.
Eth holders made it in 1 year.
Doge and shiba holders made it in less than a year.

How does that make you feel? Pretty amazing I hope.

>> No.51014694

Lmao this.
All you had to do was buy anything shilled on /biz/ apart from Chainlink and you would have made it.

>Rubic pre first pump

All done at least x100 and were shilled on /biz/ endlessly, often with recoloured and copy-pasted old LINK memes.
If you bought any of those apart from Chainlink you would have made it during the 2020/2021 bullrun, instead you thought you were smarter than that and instead are clinging to hopium.

>j-just 5 more years LINK marines, and we can finally go back to ATH
Fucking pathetic

>> No.51014900

Notice how the
>link is a bear market coin,
narrative is dying out too? I swear missing the bullrun made these anons into zombies

>> No.51014935

>j-just 5 more years LINK marines, and we can finally go back to ATH
Fuck off. No one said 5 more years to ATH. Anon said "make it in 5 years". We will surpass ATH in the next 6 months. In 5 years we'd have gone parabolic.

>> No.51014962

>just 6 more months!
Lmao based on what?

>> No.51014984

Smartcon will pump Link no doubt. Due to bear market, I'm not sure how high we'll go, but we might find some bear-market relief in 6 months time too.

>> No.51015014

Why do you set yourself up for disappointment like this? I’m genuinely curious.

>> No.51015037

>doesn’t like Chainlink
>doesn’t like Chainlink and makes Chainlink threads

top zozz

>> No.51015171

W w w werr finnnnna pump marines

>smartcon moves price from $6.25 to $9. Within a week its back at $7.50

Kill yourself

>> No.51015534

>arbitrum will pump link
>*insert random breadcrumb* will pump link
>smartcon 1 will pump link
>smartcon 2 will pump link
>smartcon 3 will pump link
>the bear market will pump link
>OCR will pump link
>staking will pump link

Lmao, how much longer can link cultists huff that fake copium?

>> No.51015565

>we need a link general now
the fact that there isn't one yet should tell you that this is another jannie scam

>> No.51015572

This. Fuck linkniggers I wouldn’t mind them just like I don’t mind every other coin holder but these fuckers were absolutely insufferable.

>> No.51016118

> how insufferable and smug these faggots were
imagine getting triggered so hard you’re still crying years later

>> No.51018436

My only real regret is not buying more. I could have easily bought 300k and I only bought 40k and diversified out into now defunct shitcoins.

>> No.51018553

I'm confident in my LINK holdings, will keep buying and win in the end

>> No.51018585

>All you had to do was buy anything shilled on /biz/ apart from Chainlink and you would have made it.
you're not counting the other tokens shilled on /biz/ at the time, like ARK and REQ, both of which did poorly compared to LINK
I wish I had bought LINK instead of ARK

>> No.51018624

$.20 to $50
check biz once a quarter and the first thread is always someone saying i didnt make it

>> No.51018654

Nothing in this entire market does anything of use apart from monero and chainlink. Sadly monero will never moon due to the masses being retarded goys. So that leaves only link as the logical fundamentals choice. Any other coin is pure lottery luck. Saying you made it on Shiba is like saying you won the lottery. There was no reason for it to moon

>> No.51018656

I am not selling and I am not posting.

>> No.51018811

Every token being hit by the market once again so token pointing your fingers at LINK alone, even BTC fucking raised its heads from the claws of the bear but I think now is the time to get some tokens that are long overdue on my watchlist and by this I am giving particular reference to JUP, QNT, SYLO and XEM. WASGMI fags ain't no two ways about that.

>> No.51018812

Nigger I guarantee you never touch $50 again. Screencap this

>> No.51018829

Kek a LINK marine spotted.

>> No.51018950

not a linker but that chart looks juicy for a buy

>> No.51018986

> in 5 years
but it’s already been 5 years

>> No.51019159


It certainly does, bruv, I'm not a big fan of LINK though, but getting a good bag won't hurt me, because why should it? Kek.

Possibly more buys on it and placing it in my sylo smart wallet whilst staking my holdings on BHAT and RIDE on Maiar sounds checked to me. The bears keeps giving opp. to bag as much alts as possible in the space, I definitely don't want to sleep on tokens with potential and solid products.

>> No.51020913

hahahaha stinky linkies BTFO

>> No.51021920

You hold Link