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File: 42 KB, 646x595, EF7CF098-0A31-4A4D-9210-45CFC014B858.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
51013485 No.51013485 [Reply] [Original]

Can some high IQ, white skin blue eyed chad explain me what the fuck is happening with the markets?

>> No.51013520

Russia is actually winning the war (slowly) and 80% of the world is jumping ship from the US new world order bullshit, thus the value of all US markets is exploding since they were propped up by the US imperial system (petro dollar reserve system). This is only the beginning.

>> No.51013562

swarthy manlet here, its just a bear trap before the next leg up of the golden bullrun

>> No.51013622

russia will "win" but the rest of this is retarded schizo bullshit

>> No.51013636

>hurr durr that's schizo
In a world in which 80% of conspiracy theories have come true, how certain are you that it's wrong?

>> No.51013664

Well its just that as the old unipolar world order dissolves, countries are faced with the fact that the USA actually has the strongest economy on earth right now and while supporting the old world order is really really gay, siding with the strongest horse in the race instead of the 2nd strongest (China) is the better strategy

>> No.51013665

20% I guess.

>> No.51013772
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>> No.51013785

People realized they can cash in on their NFT bags by borrowing against them so the NTFS are crashing and taking the market with them.

>> No.51013792
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>swarthy manlet here

thank's for the laughs anons

>> No.51013833

that's what the bongs said just before their empire collapsed. I'd imagine every empire throughout history thought they were too big to fail too.

>> No.51013866

rates went up these months, paid any attention?

>> No.51013883

Nice larp Igor. Russia lost when they let the world see their military is actually North Korea tier. The fact it's doubtful whether they'll even be able to take Ukraine at all is completely incredible; something everyone expected to happen within the first couple of months.

>> No.51013920
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go back, seething tranny. remember, tranny's rope 5-10 years after coming out. rip.

>> No.51013949
File: 188 KB, 498x490, 14D95803-F1F2-4984-BCF6-BE9385A83EA2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

IQ 137
blue eyes, nothern european with strong genes here
also big cock

it's a r e c e s s i o n.
China is collapsing, especially their banks and real estate. their people will revolt (yes, with no avail). their "mixed economy" is the cause. the CCP knew all along, for decades, and they planned to invade Taiwan at the right time, ie. when the castle of cards would begin to fall. which is soon.

the EU is collapsing: Europeans hate bureaucracy, they don't even know who the EU president is, they are pissed and they are electing euroskeptics. Brexit was the first instance of this. Next is Italy. Then France. Then it's over for the EU. Economy-wise, you already know about the shitshow in Germany's energy sector. It's because they elected the "greens", which are actually bought by the coal lobby, openly so. The people are beginning to wake up about nuclear. Also Ukraine is the next Afghanistan in terms of money laundering.

I won't even start about the US because it's too obvious.

Also I'm shorting BTC in case it wasn't obvious and remember: BTC was born in 2009. Crypto never experienced a recession. This time is different.

>> No.51014213

>"S-slava yoo-krainy!" the redditor squealed as he fingered his asshole and clicked the 'donate now' button to send dilation kits to the brave tranny volunteer brigade, who had expended all their life savings to fly to a war-torn Eastern European nation and get crowbarred to death by their Azov "comrades" for being total degenerates.

>> No.51014243

Thank you white man

>> No.51014247

They never wanted to "take" Ukraine. They wanted to help liberate ethnic Russians living in East Ukraine from the Azov Nazis. The Azov Nazis got wiped out so they pretty much won already.

>> No.51014256

>BTC was born in 2009. Crypto never experienced a recession.
Crypto was made during a recession, which means that you shouldn't short it because its capable of surviving it. It was born in it, molded by it, much like bane and the darkness

>> No.51014293

The West decided to commit sudoku with death jabs so BRICS + Saudis are moving away from the Petrodollar.

>> No.51014324

In the meantime, it will be extremely painful.

>> No.51014411
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your coin is a pre-mined scam and only Bitcoin will make it to new highs


>> No.51014441

Another finn here, BBBY failed which ultimately, finally showed that there is no hope anywhere. Not in crypto, not in stocks. It's all ogre and something new needs to come but until then anything but waging is dead and we are all in the darkness. May that new thing emerge in x number of years.

>> No.51014478

>you shouldn't short it because its capable of surviving it
Yes I actually think that BTC will rally right after the dust settles, but the actual crash has to suck liquidity out of the crypto market. It will reach a new bottom, much lower than most people imagine, which is why I’m shorting. Then v shape recovery, some crabbing and then it will pump very early compared to other markets.

>> No.51014617
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sry cant help brown eyes and black hair

>> No.51014642

>controls 80% of your industrial base
>controls 25% of your geography
>control 80% of your coastline
>controls 80% of natural gas infastructure
>erased your airforce
>reduced your million man army to a ragtag band of old men and terrorfied teenagers
>outguns you 100:1
>constantly grinding territory gains further
>RuSsIa Is LoSiNg!!!!!!!
cry more hohol

>> No.51014708
File: 397 KB, 750x1334, BBBCE827-54B1-4561-A96C-75CC4DE2EF2D.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Blue eyed Anglo Saxon Chad here.
Here’s the basic gestalt. Don’t share it with the niggers.


>> No.51014837

Vlad it's time for meds. delusional 3rd worlder. imagine living in a shit tier country lmao . ruskis don't even have toilets. HAHAHA poorfag yellowteeth

>> No.51014859

triggered Igor just kys before Putler sends you to Ukraine, better than getting BBQd in a tank

>> No.51014891

>seething hohol watching his country be rekt in real time
I'm just a fat burger laughing at you for letting our state department criminals convince you to poke the bear

>> No.51014895

This is some insane cope. Russia should have flattened ukraine given the power disparity, it's now 6 months in without air superiority and they are currently throwing anybody they can into the meat grinder in a war of attrition.

Whatever is happening, russia isn't really winning here.

>> No.51014943


>> No.51015011

Same, 238 IQ, agreed but portfolio is 80% XRP. The rest is UTNP and 0xMR.

>> No.51015025

As a finn all i want to say is fuck you. Do you think Russia will stop at Ukraine? They will come after baltics next, then Finland, everything that was once part of the Russian empire. Fuck you for wanting some poor Russians to rule over us.

>> No.51015251
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I prefer a brown eyed brown hair turbo giga brain to explain it instead

>> No.51015288


>> No.51015333

They want to take Eastern Ukraine over, not reduce it to rubble.

>> No.51015343

I already did

>> No.51015360

not impressed unless icp goes to 2k

>> No.51015376
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should have solded when burry solded

>> No.51015377

Lol not our problem.

>> No.51015386
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I am balls deep long on energy and silver. My body is ready.

>> No.51015388

Yes which is exactly why all of western civ markets are imploding. Everyone reads the writing on the wall.

>> No.51015395

easy we're going to retest 17k

>> No.51015413

Article 5 definitely makes it your problem now.

>> No.51015445

I've noticed across all boards people have left in swarms over the years with a major drop off around that time, but it's hard to pinpoint. I've been going to this website off and on since 2011ish and in the last 5 years whenever I come back I notice every board is slightly less populated. This isn't something happening strictly to this board, it's a sitewide issue, and honestly there's nothing really to be done about it. At one point 4chan's stigma worked to our advantage being it's own form of advertising, but now with the amount of options in the online space few people really have a reason to come here anymore, especially considering the collective consciousness has shifted towards a more entertaining lens rather than a discussion vantage point. The internet is no longer in its "wild west" state where people are willing to explore, there are plenty of places to stay now, and given 4chan's long history and reputation most aren't going to come here anymore. 4chan is a relic of the forum era of the internet hanging on by a thread. It's a good thing 4chan have never been profitable because an issue like this would normally mean a website would be in danger of being shut down, but at this point it almost feels like the website runs as a public service.

>> No.51015469

I don't know but check the Jew calendar, it always has something to do with that.

>> No.51015488

80% in XRP is a pronoun for losers, am rather in BTC and a few dols in KCS & ALBT it's that simple

>> No.51015494

It's because of the new captcha that wiped A LOT of the bots that used to spam these boards.

>> No.51015528

>thinks the war is real

He said high iq anon

>> No.51015576

You’re using terms like unipolar to sound clever but then make it known that you have no idea what you’re talking about, why do you have to LARP as someone who knows what they’re talking about? It’s quite pathetic

>> No.51015577

Markets are going down, clearly. Like bobos have been saying for months now.

>> No.51015582

Lol your cope isn't even coherent. Seethe and dilate, Russia chads won

>> No.51015604

It's Burry's fault. There will be a correction once people remember he's a retard.

>> No.51015605

If they had no problem carpet bombing it to smithereens and then rolling overtop, they'd have no problem. But that obviously is not the goal

>> No.51015639

>on and off since 2011
Clearly you just heard about 4chan while pissing and shitting your Reddit pants during those years, because anyone who had been here during that time would understand 4chan is essentially at an apex of popularity

>> No.51015661

Everyone and their mom knows the economy is fucked and bubble will pop so it's gonna be a slow bleed until retail retards have bought all the bags.

>> No.51015671

that's not how i read it.

>> No.51015713

>the global consciousness brought them to tiktok shit
good riddance then right? or am i reading wrong and there's just far too few people here now?

>> No.51015773

Allow me to explain, my friend.
That is all.

>> No.51016125

That would be my perfect entry point. Until then, I'll keep staking my stables for passive income.

>> No.51016143

china owns the west and even if somehow china collapsed (which would never happen economically because they will just manipulate trade, currency and IP theft to their advantage, and the remaining economies of the world will just accept it because muh marketplace of 1.4billion), they will still be the last one left standing in the end and they have a unified people with a surveillance state that is a masterwork. If the entire world collapses economically, and china does too, china will still end up in a better position than the rest of us because they won't go through demography wars, balkanization, etc. That's the truth. I hate china and I hate chinks but the way things are right now, they will control the global energy supply until the end of time and the west will just continue to cuck out their policies, politicians and principles to chinese owned nwo orgs like the WEF.

>> No.51016421

Where are you staking on?

>> No.51016456

All Russia will end up winning is the rubble that they've helped create. This is US strategy, Russia is going to foot the bill in Ukraine reconstruction, and it will bankrupt them.

>> No.51016481

2m tall German here
The entire market is fake. Buy and DRS GME.

>> No.51016504

BTC should be like 6k right now. I’ll be longing BTC because the recovery will be grand.

>> No.51016546

>largest country on Earth
>North Korea
lol. Honestly though North Korea could take the south easily in theory. Only American and Chinese deterrence is stopping them. South Korea is a fascist, Captalistic, consumerist hellhole run by a cult of foids.

>> No.51016619

I stake on Spool which is a non-custodial middleware. Not a fan of CEXs.

>> No.51016692

kek russia got exposed so hard it went from "we'll take Kiev in 3 days" to now 6 months not even close to the capital. I can't even imagine the embarrassment right now for putin that the whole world sees your military as a paper tiger and can barely take a shithole country over

>> No.51016698

bretton woods collapse
1973 Arab-Israeli War OPEC oil embargo. Oil prices literally tripled overnight, and eventually reached 10x the price by EOY.
Bobos are retarded and don't understand history.

>> No.51017250

What's unique about this? We've got so many yield protocols.

>> No.51017453

I'm brown.. can I suck your dick? I want to be colonized.

>> No.51017475

You are insane to be shorting BTC.

>> No.51017493
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>the war is taking forever on purpose!!!1!!1
Russia so weak it's embarrassing

>> No.51017513

>They never wanted to "take" Ukraine
Kiev in 3 days to this. Sad!

>> No.51017518

It's AIDS, you fucking zigger. You lost.

>> No.51017544

Boutta have a nuclear meltdown plandemic and be forced to mask up and stay indoors for safety from rads. What follows will be a manufactured global outcry against nuclear power, thus pumping energy prices even higher for muh climate. Also, you'll be eating bugs by this time in 2026. Sorry chud.

>> No.51017610

non-custodial wallet

Putin is an ass.

>> No.51017672

Chin up. We already kicked them the balls once, we'll kick them in the balls once more. Perkele

>> No.51017722

lmao boomer take

>> No.51017793

This fucking reeks of brown hands. Actual 138 IQ here (two time psychologist tested, not some fucking fake gay online test, online test I'm around 165, so really you're more like 110 if I had to estimate).

Real truth is that the printers will go brr for Biden during election time, all of this is an illusion- a facade. The "economy" doesn't actually truly exist. "Hurrrrr muh recession" you mean the planned austerity? Yeah, they plan such and they will take it back eoy. If you're shorting BTC NOW, you're fucking retarded and subhuman. End of story.

>> No.51017794
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Bix bear is smarter than the average bear

>> No.51017796

Bear market rally, does anyone actually feel bullish about any countries economy? Honestly, everyone is turning into a shithole wherever you look

>> No.51017801

>Russia is actually winning the war (slowly)
I think they're counting on the west eventually giving up, right now they're just grinding against Ukrainian forces and not really advancing. They're only using volunteers for now and from what I've seen only using old equipment, so they're not trying particularly hard, it just all seems like they're either trying to bleed money from the west and have the west not care after a while like what happened in Afghanistan.

>> No.51017808

That you brah?

>> No.51017927
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Putin will hopefully be dead by then. Dugin, which is the retard feeding him all these ideas, almost got assassinated today by car bomb (it ended up blowing up his daughter instead), and I bet attacks like that will increase with time. Remember, we only have to get lucky once.

>> No.51018173

>4chan have never been profitable
newfag alert

>> No.51018251

>largest country on Earth
By landmass, which is largely irrelevant when Russia is the aggressor. I will admit it's helped them defend in history, though. E.g. Napoleon and Hitler, who figured they could easily rush through the low tier poorly trained trash mobs that are the Russian people, but the vast distances there prolonged their campaigns/made supplying the troops so difficult they were ultimately defeated by fall/winter.

>> No.51018252
File: 16 KB, 474x248, B31FEFA7-ACD8-40C2-967F-2202DD0B94BD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thinks Americans will back him
>like vietnam
>like Iraq
>like Cambodia
>like korea
>like Afghanistan
>like anything the last 90 years

Anon, I….

>> No.51018263
File: 640 KB, 758x802, 1598707243373.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

even the IDF is in Ukraine beating the shit out of the Slavs. How this came to be I will never understand. But the Slavs it seems, just like the White man has lost the will to live and ability to fight.

>What the fuck happened to you all?
t. actual Jewish anon who just wants to be comfy

>> No.51018305

>joo ID

>> No.51018376

If u want high iq ask for asians

>> No.51018501

I hate to tell you this, I know how schizo it sounds.
Once you take the GME-pill it all makes fucking sense.
I wish I had some other way to explain it.

>> No.51018543


>> No.51018551
File: 13 KB, 271x186, 360A000C-5B8D-4453-942D-64103461A322.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Russia is actually winning the war

>> No.51018571
File: 3 KB, 80x249, 6DD3E0C8-397F-478B-B1AD-82F39595D6B9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> In a world in which 80% of conspiracy theories have come true

>> No.51018964

>seething europoors
Russia is slowly winning. Deal with it.

>> No.51019041

Hmm I trust him because he is white. Recession confirmed.

>> No.51019051

reverse bart

>> No.51019158

If he can't take Ukraine in 6 months there's no fucking way he can take spurdoland.

>> No.51019255

>> 51013485

We going down here boyo. Don't tell me you bought at $25k expecting more pamps. C'mon man, that pamp was so obvious that it won't last. I noticed it and just placed my buy orders on tokens I deemed fit like ETH, WOO, RSR, and RIDE. Possibly a means of getting out of the claws of being poor boyos.

>> No.51019264

OP is a fucking racist, stoopid ass pink balled mf have fun being poor guy.

>> No.51019405

>t. Nigger

>> No.51019717

According to George, Celsius probably got permission to sell a shitload of bitcoin. This wasn't retail sellers

>> No.51020107

>Brown id

fucking kek

>> No.51020175

What the hell does $BBBY have to do with any of this? Deliberately throwing money into a failing and obsolete business is not and never was a good idea.

>> No.51020187
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iq 115 midwit qua-ta here with blue eyes and black hair.

I won't pretend to know what is going on other than I hold Chainlink and physical silver and spend my time exercising, working and watching V-tubers. I used to hate le ebin jews but now I realize that life is short and having a hateful heart isn't the way to live.

>> No.51020230
File: 52 KB, 503x610, images (46).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You racist fucking bastard why do even care about the market. Let's the quantum computers fuck you up so bad and I want you to be rekt fucking jeet.

>> No.51020245

Lol. You fucking idiot

>> No.51020305

The United States globalhomo is falling apart just like the globalhomo plans of the USSR. China becomes the new superpower while the US and Russia become has-beens like the UK and France after WW2

>> No.51020334

They are scared to fuck with Funland they remember what happened last time...

>> No.51020352

These Chinese fuckers are into everything and now they are building a quantum computer and some say they have already built it. Man I'm shit scared I want the mainnet to go live soon with Qanplatform.

>> No.51020422

>t.russian nigger

>> No.51020475

Russia has won, but i dont think all markets are pumped. I mean they are, but the eastern ones arent any better.

Although i disagree, there's a lot of ideas that you just gave. I hope i can invest in something before it's too late

>> No.51020616
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>USA actually has the strongest economy on earth right now
You are the strongest retard on earth rn

>> No.51020621


HELLO ????

>> No.51020640

>bretton woods collapse
and now we have oil shortage

>> No.51020658

yet usd go up

>> No.51020664 [DELETED] 

Kek, stop losing yar cash anon, just check Yopi Network

>Backed by physical gold
>RPG games with many payout options depending on the desires of the player
>Yopigold pursue cost stability by buying physical gold

>> No.51020687

the markets are crashing due to evidence being released which suggests peak inflation/the worst is far far from over, like Germany's PPI. This is horrific for Europe, proper nightmare fuel. There is no chance America is safe with minor damage control such as the inflation reduction act, it is purely a short term confidence boost. If the EU is fucked, the US is 5x as fucked. Attempting to sweep the ridiculous increase in the money supply under the rug is beginning to seem impossible (finally). This isn't something investors can just ignore like just another funny metric.

Rates in the US will reach 10%+ before the fed pivots, in line with current inflation figures. Rates rise to meet inflation every single time tightening has occurred, just overlay the funds rate and the inflation rate. A return to normal 2-3% inflation will never occur again, normal will be 6-7% from here on at minimum. No bank or investment firm will tell you this before they have acted on it, and attempting to be the first to make these calls would be suicide to the board.

>> No.51021124

Don't worry about the market, just DCA. I'm doing that for my MOVR QANX LEVER

>> No.51021494

it creates wealth were you can then escape city's,jews and niggers and live offgrid

>> No.51021562
File: 1.36 MB, 619x672, CCA9F1AE-36D1-4597-9F1F-2BD157F555CA.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>won't go through demography wars, balkanization, etc

>> No.51022724


>> No.51023003

Everything is proper FUCKED. Your only chance is to DCA and HODL large, solid coins that will make it through this shitstorm. At this point, we are not even halfway yet. It is about to get much, much worse, but at least you'll have a chance of getting out of this hell before traditional markets. That difference in momentum is what will make you make it.

Just DCA, HODL and try to survive the winter.

>> No.51023026


>> No.51023089

White tall blue eyed selfmade richfag here. Hash ribbon buy signal is on the chart.

>> No.51023100

Churchill kamikaze’d his empire fully knowing that Britain will be reduced to an impotent American vassal as long as the jerries lose. Brits deserved to be replaced by poos and pakis

>> No.51023124


>> No.51023167

Good morning ser i fuk u bloddy innit

>> No.51023183

>white skin blue eyed chad
No such thing.

>> No.51023203

>BTC was born in 2009.
>Crypto never experienced a recession. This time is different.
Wow, white and retarded.

>> No.51023211

I have this strange notion that all of these wars are just theatre and that when troops are shipped off somewhere foreign, arrangements have already been made to have them run around until enough have been maimed and killed to satisfy whatever story the media/gov are trying to spin, and that both sides can essentially win or lose the war depending on whos narrative you're reading. So it's in fact possible for two countries governments to arrange to go to war, kill a load of people, make a load of money and pretend they've both won. Fun times.

>> No.51023233


>> No.51023395

If inflation is that high doesn't that mean no one can retire again since investments cant grow your wealth anymore?

>> No.51025008

as a burger i hope russia overruns all of you fucks one day

>> No.51025029

For you.

>> No.51025084


My man you know nothing of China.

>> No.51025171

>as a burger
and Qtard subhuman on top of that

>> No.51026048
File: 71 KB, 600x646, fe03463c4085658b9f875197cf4d6081.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You answered it yourself. It's overbought.

>> No.51026206

i see the 'go-back-to-reddit' gay brigade has arrived.
Remember Ivan, claiming to be a computer programmer has let you doge the draft so far, but it's only a matter of time.

>> No.51026214

I dont know but If I had more money Id probably have a coke habit so thanks God, I guess.

>> No.51026257

>le Russians

No really go back.

>> No.51026315

these things are true, but it's not the cause of the current recession. That's caused by the long tail of covid, and the mental holiday from reality of shutting the economy down for two years.

China economy coming apart is more in the 5-10 year range -- they'll just re-impose Maoism and limp on for another twenty years.

The EU coming apart is more the 10-20 year range, world economic effects will actually be very small because the EU isn't really a real thing, it's existence is mostly just bluff, once the smoke gets blown away things will largely stand as they are today. The fight in europe was always going to be internal to those countries.

America will actually strengthen in the near term -- paradoxically, just like the 07 collapse -- because of flight to safety.
American collapse is more like the 25-30 year range, but my god, it's going to be some fire works when it happens!

>> No.51026329

have you considered gay conversion therapy ?
It can save you from being a massive fruit.

>> No.51026337

>reddit is... LE GOOD!

>> No.51026477

just buy xrp and solo

>> No.51026518
File: 117 KB, 624x756, 1635766802110.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

136 IQ with dirty blonde hair and blue eyes.

We are entering the age of Aquarius (knowledge). America, as the premier power of the world, will mirror the Roman Republic and fall very soon, either reforming and becoming like the Roman Empire, or it will completely fall and balkanize.

These are chaotic times because of the transition of the ages. Learn to ride the tide of knowledge and information smoothly learn about the environment you want to survive in.

The recession will not be slowing down anytime soon.

>> No.51027831

I stake on Binance chad. I'm also trying my hands LP mining on the Ore Protocol for decent yields.

>> No.51027850

Retest of breakdown then dump it to 18-19k

>> No.51027919

don't be like that... I mean.... cmon....
at least you are 6'2 right?

>> No.51028896

>If the EU is fucked, the US is 5x as fucked
isn't it the other way round?

>> No.51029196

I got a bit tired of following their case with the SEC and sold my XRP. Now I hold assets like MATIC, ORE and FLOW for the long term.

>> No.51029287

Syscon's NEVM offers features to make it more attractive to programmers and users alike. It uses the programming language as ethereum solidity which means those already familiar can easily onboard their projects on syscon's platform to immediately enjoy its benefits.

>> No.51029416

God i love the new captcha

>> No.51029423

this underage cunt is unsufferable

>> No.51029707

How is he wrong?
>inb4 "China akshually isn't ethnically homogenous"
It's over 90% Han. It's nowhere near comparable to the situation the West is in.

>> No.51029758

lmao I came into this thread for innocent shitposting, didn't expect this wall of polcel cope

>> No.51029800

Idiots went back to buying haven’t learned their lesson yet

>> No.51029851

What do you have your eyes on pleb? I'd be getting in on privacy solutions soon. I see them gaining more adoption with the increased hacks and scams happening all over the place.

>> No.51030008

it was a sub $100k experiment, it had near zero liquidity or holders, no holders that needed the money they had invested, yes that includes institutions now, not just retail. and it missed the major crash, the rug pull. not even there for equites yet, and you think btc will hold the line kek

>> No.51030015

Actual 160 in a clinical environment (maxed Wechsler) and 174 on Raven's checking in here.

It is a planned recession, per >>51013949, but, this anon >>51017793 is mostly correct: it is a carefully crafted illusion to cover real world deleveraging and the fact that the Energy Return on Investment (EROI) curve is about to flip. This is the real problem; we are rapidly approaching a point at which is costs more to extract primary resources for energy than the present market value of that energy. So the carefully laid plans of the West have now been disrupted by the few economies who are still producing cheap energy (ie Russia, and look at how Saudi Arabia now wants to build a cyberpunk city... why now?). Anyways, at this point, it has been revealed that the "clever plan" was myopic and completely failed to even consider the possibility that other players might make tactical decisions instead of simply go along with it. So now Europe is completely fucked and America is rapidly getting there. America would already be catastrophically fucked, but due to alignment between finance, the federal government and multinational corporations, they are able to sustain the illusion for longer. People and institutions will flee to sources of established value, such as BTC, metals, real estate, and cars/equipment.

It started as a planned recession, but it was poorly implemented, and their span of control is far weaker than they anticipated. Now anything can happen.

>no, but srsly tl;dr
shorting is retarded.

>> No.51030082

>stupid teenager does some low IQ TA and thinks he's the best

>> No.51030634

Good strategy anon. I'm doing the same for FLOW and ORE till the next bull season.

>> No.51030723

I have green eyes, but here it goes: we were making a lot of wealth. We were making so much wealth, that people started getting drunk on the profits. They realized this was a bad scene and took a bunch of money out--at least the sober ones did. Then this made the stock market go down a lot. Seeing this, a lot of people started to panic and take their own money out, but then other people seeing that the price was low started to buy, because it's such a good deal. Now we have two kinds of people: people who desperately want to sell what they had at the top for a price that it was at the topm and people who think it's going to keep going up. The buyers will buy from the sellers for some time and then that will work, except there's going to be way more sellers than buyers (all those people trying to just get out with what they can). Then the problem will escalate because the newer buyers will start to lose money, then everyone will be fucking seller and it will go down a lot. Most of the people who panicked will now swear off the stock market and it will cause a recession--because there's now way less capital to go around and then the patient ones, and the very rich or talented will then start making purchases at severely reduced rates. You'd think humanity would eventually learn from past mistakes, but no. It's the same story since time began probably.

>> No.51030768

I would tell you what my positions are but then that would be unfair to me.

>> No.51030852

The market was as overvalued as its ever been in history in January 2022. The Fed is taking away the punch bowl. Simple as.

>> No.51031266

Well, I'm 100% in niches I think would do well in the long term like
>Identity Management
>Asset Security

>> No.51031515

The top asset I'm holding is ORE anon. I'm expecting an increase in value over the next few months due to its deflationary supply.

>> No.51031666

>I won't even start about the US because it's too obvious.


>> No.51031796

He's always said the US will have fewer problems than other countries, that doesn't mean that the stock market is going up only.

>> No.51032378
File: 9 KB, 258x192, IMG_6680.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No DeFi you are fucking living in the 19th century

>> No.51032594

Unfathomably based 160 chad

>> No.51032642

>grope penis ID
first post gayest post

>> No.51032696

With the advancement DeFi has bring to the world of finance, it beats my imagination why any clown will overlook it.

>> No.51032857

Hi there, I am most likely the only person here qualified to respond on this thread. Blonde, blue eyed, 6 foot 2 aryan stock.
: idk

>> No.51032884

He has to be a newfag, taking a look at some of Alliance Block products no way anyone should be ridiculing DeFi especially with fundrs which gives you access to invest early into projects.

>> No.51032912
File: 235 KB, 1790x1080, 1660425330987651.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Blonde blue eyes 6'3'' , 7.5 inch cock

157 IQ from clinical test. I have a MENSA card but don't pay dues since the card doesn't let me say the N word in public.

The market will go down further so that I can use my liquid capital to buy bitcoins at around $10k.

I will begin to purchase my coins in winter of 2022 through spring of 2023.

By 2025 we will see the horns of another major bull run.

I will continue earning $200k+ (not including my equity) as an executive of a Blockchain SaaS company, fucking my hot wife in her mouth , pussy, and ass. She will cook all of my meals for me and give me a second child.

As a hobby, I am contemplating attaining mastery of classical guitar because music is the voice of the spirit; cultivating spirit and the arts of man are essential to serving God and Christ.