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File: 84 KB, 1125x1191, BIT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
51006103 No.51006103 [Reply] [Original]

>Treasury Growth:

Currently BitDAO has the largest treasury in the crypto worth around $1.28 billion
The treasury is constantly being replenished from multiple sources including, but not limited to:

1- pledged contributions from Bybit (around 75 million each month)
2- token swaps and venture deals
3- yield strategies

>ETH dominance:

BitDAO is one of the largest ETH whales right now ranking 35th on Etherscan. Their treasury currently holds more than 200,000 ETH and they’re planning on keeping up this pace as they keep buying around 380 ETH daily on average.

>Treasury diversity:

Aside from being the largest and most valuable in the crypto market, BitDAO’s treasury is also the most diverse in its holdings. The BitDAO treasury currently consists of:

- 924,453,646 BIT (33.44%)
- 246,298 ETH (31.42%)
- 207,721,564 USDC (16.24%)
- 120,896,663 USDT (9.45%)
- 3,362,316 FTT (7.01%)
- 6,633 Univ3 LP WETH (0.85%)
- 10,000 PEEPS (0.51%)
- 2,132,235 xSUSHI (0.27%)

It is very rare to see treasuries that are this diverse in this market. 37% native tokens is a very low number especially when you consider than other huge treasuries like Uniswap’s consists of 99% native tokens.

>BIT Purchase Program:

BitDAO’s treasury growth will be related to BIT price via the dynamic BIT Purchase Program, see: proposal BIP-9.

>L1 Proposal:

The BitDAO community is in the process of voting on creating their own L1


BitDAO is governed by BIT token holders. It is permissionless to submit soft proposals on the BitDAO forum, and official proposals on the BitDAO Governance Module (Snapshot). It is permissionless to hold BIT, delegate BIT, and vote to approve or reject proposals.

>> No.51006170
File: 34 KB, 296x402, slow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

actual real photo of my fucking self waiting for the god damn L1 proposal to go through

>> No.51006193

yall have no fucking patience do you. these things take time. this is not a regular propsal, its a whole ass L1

>> No.51006231

dont get me wrong, i love bitdao a lot and own a good chunk of BIT tokens myself. but bitdao is the 2nd largest treasury and not the 1st
the largest treasury in the market right now would be Uniswap

>> No.51006280

patience grasshopper
yeah but any in the market dont take uniswaps treasury into consideration because its made of more than 99% native tokens so it defeats the entire purpose.
plus uniswap doesnt do jack shit with their treasury. bitdao spends hundreds of millions each month trying to grow the ecosystem

>> No.51006306

why are they so focused on ETH though. they have more than 240k ETH. if the merge doesnt go well then this might not be too good for the dao

>> No.51006322

prob from previous eth thefts from rug pulls and rebranding horrible tokenomics to boot

>> No.51006326

>more than 240k
thats literally nothing chill

>> No.51006337

they're literally the 33rd largest ETH holder on the market. thats more than what some exchanges on the market even have
240k is a big fucking deal stop larping

>> No.51006376

literally read the first section of the thread. you'll know where the funds come from
Bitdao is actually very transparent with how it acquires its funds

>> No.51006387

100% scam with a name like that lmao

>> No.51006389
File: 87 KB, 1125x1180, hey anons, i have BIT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey anons, i have BIT

>> No.51006401

>completely decentralized
>one of the most liquid organizations on the market
>constant inflow of funds

oh yes anon, very much scam
fuck off

>> No.51006421

when is the L1 launching tho?

>> No.51006448
File: 254 KB, 1580x1368, BitDAO treasury.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anon? you good

>> No.51006462
File: 32 KB, 576x1024, kys fudder.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.51006482

been a while since we got a bitdao general here

>> No.51006485

What is the DAOs answer to RICO?
>conspiracy to evade taxes
>conspiracy to evade the corporate transparency act
This game is getting silly.

>> No.51006511

you cant stop a DAO unless you physically break the world's internet or buy 51% of the tokens which makes no sense for a government to do

>> No.51006534
File: 28 KB, 780x438, mmm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck it, im staking my BIT so i cant really do much other than wait

>> No.51006558

i fucking hate uniswap but im forced to use that shit aaaaaaaa

>> No.51006583

I'm saying can't the government just KYC people and charge them with a RICO financial criminal conspiracy?
DAOs are literally conspiracies to evade taxes and the corporate transparency act and I'm sure they can drum up new charges.
You're lucky the government is as incompetent as it it.