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51004748 No.51004748 [Reply] [Original]

By the age of 25 that is. I'm just trying to gauge your thoughts on this subject, as men and women I respect.

>> No.51004754

Somebody who's not there for their family and fellow man

>> No.51004782

Does family include my extended family, such as cousins and aunts and uncles and such? I am an only child who is there for his parents and love them, but can't really stand the rest to be honest.

>> No.51004830

No, sometimes that happens in life, especially if your extended family doesn't share your values. To your earlier point, a loser is someone who is passionless and doesn't try to pursue anything. They demand that others take care of them even when they're in a position to attempt to take care of themselves. They're frequently bitter and blame others for their shortcomings, or they're completely oblivious and refuse to take ownership over their own destiny.

>> No.51004869

at 25? they care about how they appear still, still spending outside their means on clothes, especially shoes. if you're 25 and you're talking about the latest shoes and shit you're most definitely immature for your age. they vocally attempt to get out of chores, don't clean their room, dont wash up. They always try to shift blame to someone else even when it's meaningless who's fault it is. They have either no aspirations or big aspirations with no action in place of how to achieve them. They talk and care more about what other people are doing more than what they or the person they are with is doing. they can't find a job or are still in college trying to complete a 3 year degree. They smoke weed daily. They can't socialize without drugs.

>> No.51004891

someone who is bald or balding

>> No.51004899

They talk a lot about how they think the world should run but can't even get out of bed on time. They don't workout/have any idea about the gym or fitness or how their body works. They use their free time playing video games at almost every chance they get. They dislike women or haven't gotten over a breakup from 3 years ago. They have no true wit or clever charisma.

>> No.51004901

>By the age of 25
6 figures net worth

>> No.51004902

clique theory presents an excellent model of the loser archetype
this is but one type
some losers are highly ambitious, passionate, skillful, otherwise competent etc. but repeat catastrophic failure behaviors as a matter of course. narcissists are notorious for this

>> No.51004925

>need to have big aspirations
>cant be 25 and in college trying to get a degree or that makes you a loser

>> No.51004926

the biggest giveaway of a loser is how often they take drugs or drink. Drugs don't create winners. Being a winner is realizing that drugs don't align with progress and achieving. You will never achieve to your fullest extent with drugs, and being unable to give up a nice high every day in exchange for chasing your goals and providing to society is the absolute Hallmark of a loser

>> No.51004932

>highly ambitious, passionate, skillful, otherwise competent etc. but repeat catastrophic failure behaviors as a matter of course. narcissists are notorious for this
But Anon, those are winner qualities.

>> No.51004935

not if you've been at college for 6 years on a three year degree, but being in college is better than having high aspirations and not being in college. Just remember going to college doesn't make you a winner

>> No.51004946
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>To your earlier point, a loser is someone who is passionless and doesn't try to pursue anything. They demand that others take care of them even when they're in a position to attempt to take care of themselves. They're frequently bitter and blame others for their shortcomings, or they're completely oblivious and refuse to take ownership over their own destiny.

This. If you are 25 and unemployed living with your parents, but you are trying to do something with your life, then you are not a loser because most 25 year olds are stuck in the same boat because of cost of living alone.

But if you are 25 and unemployed living with parents and playing fortnite all day not trying to do anything with your life then you are a loser.

And "trying" doesnt mean you have to get a job or some other dumb thing society requires of you in order to "not be a loser". You can also be trying to do something with your life by starting your own business or learning how to daytrade or something. Just dont fall for one of the "meme dreams" like trying to be an artist, musician, or becoming a movie star because even if those people are technically trying to do those things with their lives they are still losers 90% of the time because those dreams 90% of the time just arent realistic.

Go look up Colonel Sanders of KFC fame and look at all the random stuff he tried to do with his life before he struck it rich in his 60's with fried chicken of all things. Dude even tried to be a lawyer at one point, an all around "proper" and "respectable" job, and it was FRIED CHICKEN that actually made him rich in the end, lol.

>> No.51004967
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Someone with no long term goals whatsoever who optionally has disdain for those that do. I used to know a lot of people in their early to mid 20s who had no ambition whatsoever. They would come home, some would get drunk every day, others would alternate between watching anime and playing video games and youtube or tiktok. None of them had any ambition for chasing a dream as they simply had no dreams. They felt like wageslaving was the only thing worth the time because at least it let them continue their lifestyle of content consumption, even with proof of their employers not giving a shit about them or demanding very long and shitty hours. I think some of these people will eventually snap out of it and find something worth pursuing but others are going to be on that content IV drip for the rest of their lives.

If you can relate to any of that I recommend getting a notebook and asking yourself questions about your life and what you think you want from life in the next 5, 10, 15 years. You won't get an answer off the bat if you're honest with yourself but if you do find a true answer you can change your life.

>> No.51004989

Yes, even small goals are good, shooting for a meager job or low-paying career is totally fine. In fact, that's how success usually starts. You don't have to be a perfect person either, you can have flaws and still not be a loser. Just try to self-improve or do SOMETHING. It's amazing how many people don't.

>> No.51005022


The golden metric is how often they blame bad luck. Doesn't matter if they actually got unlucky. It's what makes Phil Hellmuth a loser, even with his millions in tournament winnings and all his bracelets.

See also, DarkSydePhil, LowTierGod, Wings of redemption.

>> No.51005023

I am a 33 year old khhv, living with my mom, unemployed, and have $60K in student loan debt.

>> No.51005084

I think the "meme dreams" you mention are more concrete than you think. There's nothing wrong with wanting to make music, make art, write a book or act. What I think most people get wrong in thinking about those dreams is that they want to be the world class versions of those professions. Amateurs look at book writing and think they can be GRRM or Stephen King when being a general midlister (something GRRM actually was for a very long time) is way more achievable. Amateurs look at Andy Warhol and think they can succeed if they just hustle their art. Amateurs think Hollywood will give them a break. The reality, if they could see it, is full of careers or side paths that let them live off their ambition and potential but without the blinding world class glamour.

>> No.51005236

Chris Hansen jerks off Marilyn Manson while twenty girls sit in a corner laughing. The elite control the globe like a basketball in their hand. They say what goes who can do what and where you should stand. Youre locked into a reality that’s so surveilled it’s laughable then you act surprised when the fbi no knocks a youngin for acting powerful. It’s your mind that’s been warped by the media. You jump around a new idea like a flea ya. There’s no hope or end in sight you pray to god but you’re damned for all the strife you bring upon others. Never thinking about mothers or children. A war is going on and you keep killing them. I’m talking to big dogs who should let by gones be by gones. Instead they rather treat humans like pawns

>> No.51005276

damn I’m balding at 25

>> No.51005302

being gross ;/

>> No.51006300

>I think the "meme dreams" you mention are more concrete than you think. There's nothing wrong with wanting to make music, make art, write a book or act.

On the one hand fuck these. On the other hand as a 37 year old who gave up on music bc backup career was so difficult and time consuming and meaningless for most of my life..

If you're any good at the meme artistic skill you have but not good enough to make it, it doesn't matter it still doesn't ever leave you alone or go away. Still try to do it or you will hate yourself. Not acutely, the self hate just piles up slowly. I had to quit marketing/pm career jobs to Uber drive so I can write music and not neck myself. I can't stop myself from practicing piano and guitar for 3 day stretches of time without breaks, it's like autism. It really fucking sucks to sit in an office all day answering emails and pleasing clients and making deadlines. Every second I'm not practicing I want to murder someone.

>> No.51006325

I have high T and mog you soi boy faggots with full heads of hair which you have due to high estrogen levels.

>> No.51006407

Posting on 4chan asking what other losers think makes a loser.

>> No.51006427

men go on about their hair more than girls do these days kek

>> No.51006455

Being born in a shithole and not leaving its the biggest sign of a loser.

>> No.51006496


Cope cope cope cope cope

>> No.51006550

Testosterone doesn’t cause balding, but DHT does, which is related to stress. Most balding is unrelated to hormones and simply genetic.