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50998700 No.50998700 [Reply] [Original]

What does this type of gaslighting achieve?

>> No.50998769

because you are in a recession and this keeps the breaks on everyone running for all exits. US is really on the edge of losing hegemony anon, all stops are being pulled out.

>> No.50998772

panic selling
panic buying
and they reap the comissions

>> No.50998784


>> No.50998820

it is apparently really important to lie constantly

>> No.50999089

Damage control for midterms
only people that vote democrat will unquestionably believe it though

>> No.50999149

>What does this type of gaslighting achieve?
Dem votes in the mid-terms. That's the only thing they care about right now.

>> No.50999249


Lol, yeah keep believing what you're told about being "in a recession" thinking you're some brilliant investory buying silver and dumping your stocks and crypto while smart money keeps accumulating. Anyone who thinks we're in a recession or recession is imminent is getting played

>> No.50999272

I thought so too, but won't the gaslighting piss off the moderate middle class? If they are convinced that blue voters will never swing, then I don't understand the need for the propaganda.

>> No.50999441

Breaks the link between cause and effect so that when the post mortem occurs nobody can be assigned the blame.
Kind of like drinking away your ninth grader's collegefund but telling the wife you didn't actually steal anything you were just borrowing from it but you also dont know if you're going to be able to make the monthly repayments into the future because of this shit going on at work with your coworker Tim who's a real piece of shit who you're pretty sure wants to get you fired and sucks up to the boss all the time and blah blah blah

Four years later Tim's the boss now and the problem is that he wouldnt give you a raise so that's why your kid cant go to college. Fuck Tim, that child hating bastard.

>> No.50999454

Yes, but it's your base that turns out most in the mid-terms. That's why retard Joe hasn't done anything helpful on gas prices, he'll make moderates happy, but piss off his retarded looney left base

>> No.50999478

those voters need a constant connection to what they've been indoctrinated to support, without it they feel lost, aimless, liable to not vote at all

>> No.50999483

BTW when your enemies are pulling these kinds of stunts it means they are highly intelligent and aware of what they are doing, no matter how naive or incompetent they may present themselves as being.

>> No.50999544
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Government propaganda used to be illegal, until Obama repealed the smith mundt act.

>> No.50999555
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Simple. They’ve realised that perception is more important than market fundamentals. As long as they keep potential buyers/sellers in Plato’s cave there won’t be a recession. The institutional investors can recognise shoddy fundamentals but why miss out on a money making opportunity when the state is batting for the same team as you.
In other words as long as people believe we’re not in a recession we won’t be. So why announce it?

>> No.50999575

>being caught performing simple-minded manipulations means they are highly intelligent
Take your meds.

>> No.50999647

I will not take the meds

>> No.50999689

Hedgies control a third of the world media. What do you think once you realize that?

>> No.50999726
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Take your meds all of you

>> No.50999745


>> No.50999760
File: 384 KB, 980x1200, DDAAB6FB-1D3C-4425-9A00-984DD25577F0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah people tend to attribute superhuman levels of strategic ability and Machiavellian scheming to those at the very top. In reality it seems to me that the DC crowd function more as a hive mind. The president’s minders don’t have to plan or scheme to get all liberal media houses to report what they want. Neither do the conservatives. All they have to do is lay out their narrative, and the flies come to eat the shit.
It is scary to think but most DC guys are genuine NPCs. The only reason they’re doing so well is because daddy had the connections to get them into Georgetown.

>> No.51000900

I don't know, but probably it's to stop the stampede or keeping the working class demoralized. Or maybe both. Or maybe it's to get clicks from the pathologically depressed. Whatever the reason, I hate it and I've noticed the edicts really ramp up during recession. I hardly pay attention to anything from the self-appointed authority narrative, because of shit like this. Stop trying to push me around. You lost me and I hope you don't need a customer in the future.

>> No.51000940

>I thought so too, but won't the gaslighting piss off the moderate middle class?
I honestly think they are trying to hurt us or damage us. I don't think they care about allies or support anymore, because they think technology will save them from mutiny.

>> No.51001001

I really liked the way you described the way people at the top are seen by greater audience.
I want to tell you from personal experience with my mom working in high politics that nobody has any fucking clue what they are doing.
There is a guy paid 250k a year to essentially have all the answers (in line with the party principles) who like has a tiny team and once they pick a line they stick to it.
A lot of incompetence, not a lot of scheming.
Honestly so much time is spent fucking other people over for this or that... there's like no time to really think shit through.
That being said, LOBBIES and LOBBYISTS working for groups that have clear objectives... yeah that's real 100%

>> No.51001768

I always try and assume ignorance/incompetence before malice. Doesn't mean the malice isn't out there though