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File: 140 KB, 495x701, AF2CA98C-C47D-45A7-9E64-EE83E86EF997.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
50989809 No.50989809 [Reply] [Original]

Is a scam
Peter shit was right. Still not buying gold though.
Also next bull market I'm a 100% alt maxi. Btc isn't worth if without leverage, but it isn't tradeable either sooo???? Fuck it.
Doesn't give life changing money and erases 2-3 years of gains in a single year

>> No.50989816

Did you take that photo?

>> No.50989867


>> No.50989914

If you haven't finished investing in yourself then don't touch stocks or crypto

>> No.50989923

imagine spreading those ass cheeks far apart and placing your face deep into the crack and inhaling the scent of braap

>> No.50989929

Stfu. Been here since 2018. I'm tired of btc's games. Alts on the other hand is what makes money.

>> No.50991295

You ever take a shit and it just doesn't come out right and no matter how much you wipe you can't get 100% clean? Me neither, but how do girls who wear pants like this cope in that situation?

>> No.50991391

They know that we kind of wanna smell their ass so they keep it as clean as possible and hope for the best.

>> No.50991452

You have low testosterone

>> No.50991622
File: 67 KB, 300x351, tumblr_nuooq8LkXI1uczxtvo4_r3_400.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>next bull market

>> No.50991706

- that my ability to interact with that glorious rump is limited by the medium of photograph on the internet. I can print it off and wrap it around my dick, bursting through the A4 hymen but it doesn't satiate. If only, miss, I could dive into the paper AHA! and enter your world! I would say "no need to reach up for a spray miss" then kick her in the back of her knees so she falls to the floor. Her ass now bent and by god larger than before! All plans out the window, my erection demands an answer. Before she had even fully finished falling to the floor I would have made entry and be hammering away. My jackhammer motion so wild and heavy each pump would pull fully clear and shunt air inside inflating that ass to new proportions. The air would pack and fill her and she would be orgiastically moaning unable to even mount a moment of lucid consciousness to see who the source of otherworldly pleasure is. The air would fill to a point of near pregnancy and would also begin to shoot back out with humiliating fart noises and shit gas. She would be too corrupted by the extreme pleasure to stop it.

>> No.50991718

Whitest man itt

>> No.50991842
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>> No.50991924


>> No.50991935

unironically made for bbc because no self respecting white man wants that

>> No.50991963

you make no sense, everything you are bitching about is just 10x worse with alts in the bear market. You should be growing a vagina about it in the bull market

>> No.50991987


>> No.50992022

Is white code for low test?

>> No.50992060

Nah, we just want women who look like human beings

>> No.50992068

Faggy low test detected. The ONLY correct answer was to plunge your dick into that ass

>> No.50992091

>we just want women who look like men

you guys are just homosexual, you're always criticizing women for having secondary sex features.

you want them to look like young boys.

>> No.50992110

Sirs, apologies for language but I rape that benchod right there

>> No.50992134

My gf has an ass like that and thats unironically what im doing. This is honeslty whats keeping me alive during this bear market

>> No.50992233

either a larp or you actually like the smell of shit

>> No.50992246

Non-white americans detected. You are subhumans that should be genocided.

>> No.50992318

you must be greek for desiring man asses.

>> No.50992332

Its the smell of a female ass and pussy combined and I love it. I dont know if its female pheromones or whatever, but I am conditioned to her smell. Also having my face in her ass or inbetween her thighs feels comfy too. And yea, I ate her ass before so why would I mind smelling it

>> No.50992442

must be something between you and your gf kek, asses and pussy both smell, at best they're washed and musky

>> No.50992503

excellent pasta, is this OC?

>> No.50993174

Nah bruh your bitch just stinks. Pussy smells fantastic and washed ass smells like nothing unless you're digging your nose in there

>> No.50993234
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>you guys are just homosexual
Ironic coming from an HIV-ridden faggot

>> No.50993266
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>> No.50993277
File: 97 KB, 900x654, 1639541492084.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>society at historical low for T. levels
>likes "thicc" asses and other disgusting features
You tell me lmao. High T. men don't want to fuck baboons

>> No.50993292
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>> No.50993306
File: 98 KB, 1024x742, 1642331455627.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you want them to look like young boys.
*Girls. High IQ and High T. civilizations favor neoteny, yes.

>> No.50993355

You guys always use "testosterone" as an excuse for being into lardass chicks.
Have you actually ever had your test levels checked?

>> No.50993473

Yes coffee is a scam. It fucks up your sleep and gave headaches if you quit

>> No.50993514
File: 6 KB, 284x177, unionpay.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

With Visa and Mastercard cancelling conservatives, should I get a Union Pay credit card?

>> No.50993561

That’s why you don’t quit and you don’t drink it after a certain hour that works for you, retard.

>> No.50993693
File: 187 KB, 542x465, pariah.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's called showering after shitting or not being poor and having a bidet installed. What the fuck

>> No.50993719

faggot detected

>> No.50993747

>Pussy smells fantastic
need a poll, i'm curious about other opinions

>> No.50993860

Nah, thanks man but I'd rather rub my asshole raw with Bisphenol-A laced recycled material toilet paper than use that fag shit. Besides, what are you gonna do when you're out in public and have to take a shit at a public restroom or in the office restroom?

>> No.50993867

my ex looked like this ;_;

>> No.50993880

It doesn't, you're talking to a coomer.

>> No.50993948

Pussy smells great.

>> No.50993990
File: 101 KB, 675x900, 1659372380310297.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pussy doesn't smell fantastic unless you spray fragrance on it or wash it with nice shower gel. If she's doesn't shower it tend to smell like wet nickels.And taste salty. it's a long story.. don't ask

>> No.50994139

It smells absolutely amazing around 30 minutes after she's peed.
Sometimes it can smell too strong a bit like fish. Ignore the "fragrance" fag, when women wash, it takes all the natural scent away.

>> No.50994247

I have. Hight test, chilled out and (over) confident about everything. I recover from hard training fine and gain muscle mass very easily. My 8 dick is a beast

t. Chad

>> No.50994275

It depends. I have 3 kids so my wife and I bone constantly, we have very intimate then alternating rough/sensual sex. Depending on my horniness levels during any given intercourse the ass/pussy combo can smell great, other times im just eh about the sex and its a quickie and its ok at best, if not just avoiding the area.

>> No.50994286

Vast majority of women I’ve eaten out have actively tasted terrible

>> No.50995790

That ass if fake as hell. I love PAWGs, but that is repulsive.

>> No.50995824

True. Lower standards in sexual partners led the decline of Western civilization

>> No.50995829

if you are white, this is the only white woman you can fuck so might as well

>> No.50995854

Pussy tastes and smells wonderful if your woman is healthy. Slightly salty and sweet. A clean asshole is totally scentless.

You guys just are fucking women with disgusting industrially polluted biomes. If they eat healthily, and are active, you should be drowning in their pussy at every opportunity.

>> No.50995865

Nigger. Alts come with GAINS. That's the difference, jackass. You dca out in bull markets and still get life changing money. You don't get that with btc, smoothbrain. With btc you just get 2-3 years of gains erased by one bad year

>> No.50995864

Thats what im thinking. Since everyone is expecting crypto to blow up again like it did im inclined to believe we will never see something like 2020 again

>> No.50995868

What the FUCK is that???

>> No.50995883

you unironically have low.t

>> No.50996065

You do not have high testosterone. OP's image is that of an overweight female. There are no visible features such as wide birthing-hips, large breasts, or soft, feminine facial features which would signal healthy offspring for her progeny.

Rather, your risk/reward pathways in your brain have been utterly fried beyond function as a result of your chronic pornography usage. Please consider an aggressive dopamine fast before you downspiral into the next logical level of dopamine receptor desensitization- trans porn.

>> No.50996128

sorry she doesn't look like a starving third worlder, anon

>> No.50996236

some girls smell and taste amazing, some of them stink

>> No.50996251


>> No.50996269

I hate Americans so much

>> No.50996352
File: 42 KB, 1080x180, Screenshot_20220819_184916.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, it is repulsive, nigger

>> No.50996373

Pussy smells wonderful. I love to let my wife’s pussy juice dry on my face after giving her head so I can smell it the rest of the day.

>> No.50996398

Imagine feeding her to 400lbs.

>> No.50996402
File: 197 KB, 1022x1277, IMG_20220819_184059_604.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>USA has the same preferences as shitskins

Now i know why Amerilards are so retarded

>> No.50996452

>if anon is not a pedophile, then he is not white

Nice try, Shekelstein.

>> No.50996482 [DELETED] 

Looking forward to the Phase 2 of the NEVM where Syscon will introduce zkrollups to the platform. And this will not only bring NEVM speeds up to over 200,000 transactions per second; far beyond what is theorized for ethereum 2.0, but will also allow projects built atop the syscon platform to institute zero fees within their applications.

>> No.50996488

thats what Ive been saying for a while now.
all you need right now in the crypto market is ETH and MATIC

>> No.50996638
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Th-that cat is going to say it, isn't he?

>> No.50996674
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>> No.50996738

why didn't you sell? you could've lived rent free for a few months

>> No.50996770

why do fat girls wear tiny backpacks? are they retarded enough to think it makes them look smaller?

>> No.50997076

good thing the spam is contained these days

>> No.50998536


>> No.50998613

I could have retired for a decade or 2 if I sold in november

>> No.50998824
File: 991 KB, 1000x1000, 1634278043138.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

checked, kekked, and notepadded for future reference.

>> No.50998880

Oof thanks man

>> No.50998924

psyop leggings

>> No.50998937

If you ever go on /fit/, you know higher test correlates with liking a woman's hips and ass. Sorry you had to find out this way.

>> No.50998986

M0nk3yp0x enjoyer detected. Don't forget to take your TPOXX

>> No.50999152

>There are no visible features such as wide birthing-hips
Look buddy I get you're blind but it's an image board so things being invisible to you doesn't mean it's invisible to the rest of us

>> No.50999168

Is this smart water fucked up?

>> No.50999231

I feel yavv bro

>> No.50999307

Stop whining and seething you low test incel

t. Chad

>> No.50999542

Would you prefer a twink

>> No.50999749

Kill yourself troon
Men that actually have a woman thye made kids with enjoy wide birthing hips.

>> No.51000501

>all this cope
Nobody who looks like this ages well and is ever fit. It's always lard ass that is guaranteed to be moldy cottage cheese within 5 years. Take away the form fitting clothes and it's just another pig.

>> No.51000657

You like smelling girls shit?

>> No.51001904
File: 57 KB, 976x850, _91408619_55df76d5-2245-41c1-8031-07a4da3f3f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love smelling her ass crotch area and would absolutely eat it as well. Like what the fuck are you all just meming when you post imagine the smell?

>> No.51003245

I never shit in public for that exact reason

>> No.51003764

Based and aryan