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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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50990777 No.50990777 [Reply] [Original]

What is he thinking right now?

>> No.50990806

what to eat probably

>> No.50990827

You spent YEARS fudding your own bags so that normies wouldn't make it, but they made it with dogcoins anyway and now they've reached or surpassed your and my level in a matter of months.
Big LINK holders who had iron hands got liquidated on AAVE at the last correction, because your FUD deterred swathes of new investors from even giving LINK a chance to find a higher price floor. Because these holders got liquidated, you literally added to the LINK in circulation, setting us even further behind the normies that you so desperately and spitefully want to see poor.
You've failed spectacularly at your goals—and unbelievably, you continue to fail, in that you don't act on your feelings that something is amiss. You're an endless downward spiral, and you take everything you touch down with you.

I'm cutting you off, tranny. Smartcon is the turning point. No more chances. No more frenship. You're the worst thing to happen to yourself, and to every Chainlink holder there is.

One more thing—
Fuck you.

>> No.50990887

"I wish big macs were served on the breakfast menu"

>> No.50990966

how much free money to market sell today

>> No.50991361

"I should give the HR girls a raise, inflation hits hard or so I hear. Might need to sell some more tokens to do so"

>> No.50991402

Chainlink is a great project that happened to attract a community of self-hating and mentally ill faggots who, upon realizing what they hold, immediately set to do everything in their power to prevent the project from succeeding.
I think the reasoning, deep down, was something like
"If we fud it so hard no normalfag will ever touch it and it still moons, that will mean I was right about the project and didn't just get lucky riding a hype train".
Inferiority complex, self sabotage, autistic tendencies, malice.
Nick Ger sends his regards.

>> No.50991543
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Nothing , It's all according to plan

>> No.50991777

"The new seasonal Spicy Spanish Stack seems like a surefire win but can it truly compare to the classic Big Mac? Oh to hell with it I'll get both"

>> No.50991802

Kek’d and check’d

>> No.50991824
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>> No.50991825

Matching trips this can be the only answer

>> No.50992319

I must now eat both

>> No.50992803

It's even more retarded than that. The cat is out of the bag by now and most normies are exposed to Link on twitter, where the fud and bot problem isn't nearly as bad as on /biz/. The only thing fudding on /biz/ accomlishes by now is shitting up the board. I for one have mostly given up on posting on here.
t. 2017 og who is never selling

>> No.50992842

"I am a glorious cock gargling faggot"

>> No.50992991

Yep, it’s bizzare how derange these people are. I can’t imagine what’s go through their head everyday waiting for 5 years, spending every waking moment on biz. might as hang myself if I was them

>> No.50993005

>You spent YEARS fudding your own bags so that normies wouldn't make it, but they made it with dogcoins anyway
This lmao
For a while there I was scared I missed the boat by not buying Link early on when I could've, but thankfully Linkers are a bunch of self-hating betas so they cucked themselves out of their gains.

>> No.50993056

>twitter, where the fud and bot problem isn't nearly as bad
You're retarded.
Go check some of Chainlink's latest tweets, there's nearly always a bunch of replies about how the token is not needed.

>> No.50993263

>hmmmm how can I get people to come to my Chainlink event?
>should I actually release some of the major features I've been promising for half a decade so there's actually something new and exciting to talk about?
>nah that's silly, I'll just post a bunch of tweets about the same shit we've been covering ad nauseam for years now!

>> No.50993682
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/biz/ probably holds orders of magnitude more LINK than the twitter community, so fudding here is theoretically effective. Most mid sized stacks (1k - 10k) simply bought in 2018-2019 because the smart people on the board seemed way into it, so it's anyone's guess if they'll sell with enough fud.
But fud is not all they do to sabotage themselves and chainlink. I've had faggots say "yeah, I'm lending my LINK to shortsellers because I don't give a fuck about price action, the project will succeed regardless whatever happens and I'll end up having more LINK".
Which also, and that's the funniest shit, which also makes their financial future entirely dependent on the shortsellers staying profitable and solvent. Because if LINK goes parabolic and the short sellers go bankrupt, these linkies lose their LINK as well. And if LINK keeps bleeding forever, CL can't achieve it's goals, the project does and LINK goes to zero.
That's not mere self sabotage, it's biting off the hand that feeds you and choking on it to death.

Captcha: XD XD

>> No.50993778
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>> No.50994165

I really wish Sergey was in Japan with me. I know he'd enjoy the mcdonalds here so much. Made by cute nechans and so many jdm options like the triple patty triple cheese gundam burgers and the mega big Mac. He'd be so much happier here with me than being served his mcdonalds by a black person baka . I would of course handle his order for him but it would be kawaii to push him to order himself and see him try use some nihongo. Sergeykun please I'll be waiting TT

>> No.50994395


Wrong you fucking nigger.

Yet this fat FUCK of a CEO refuses to engage in marketing and we have now not just experienced ONE, but TWO ALTCOIN BULL SEASONS. Stocks have such a hype maybe every 2 decades one hype cycle, chainlink has had TWO ALTCOIN SEASONS and done absolute NOTHING.

>> No.50994497
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>CEO refuses to engage in marketing
Chainlink and Sergey are marketing machines, what the fuck are you talking about.
It's just that anything they say gets fudded into the ground on every platform in existence.

>> No.50994531

You don't live in Japan. They wouldn't let faggots like you in.

>> No.50994629

Why were /biz/ janitors aggressively deleting any and all link threads here just a week or so ago?

>> No.50994865
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