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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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50989865 No.50989865 [Reply] [Original]

Well this ain’t good

>> No.50989877
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how will this affect deanos

>> No.50989908

bongbros.... why are we just brutalized serfs?

>> No.50989926

I hope they are safe.

>> No.50989933


>> No.50989938


>> No.50989943

What’s a serf, Tom ?

>> No.50989961

Liz Truss is an incompetent ded-Maggie channeling piece of garbage you wouldn't leave in charge of the office raffle.

>> No.50989979

Okay now it’s at 1.1868. Getting worse every goddamn minute.

>> No.50989983

>Good Bye Points

>> No.50989990

we need to short squeeze !!!!!!!!

someone get reddit

>> No.50990009

>earning in GBP
how do i cope bros

>> No.50990024
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>> No.50990035

>I'll need the keys to the car now deano, hand them over, there's a good lad..

>> No.50990036


god i love Deano and his mrs. What a pair of top lads.

>> No.50990091

You could hang yourself when it hits 1.1790. S’what I plan to do at least

>> No.50990096
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and also we need our boy Richie to adopt crypto

>> No.50990274


Watch out, lads. Yankee on the loose.

>> No.50990292

you guys realize a weak currency is a good thing, right?
the strength of the dollar right now is great if you're buying stuff abroad, but economically it's a complete disaster for us.

>> No.50990327

>if you're buying stuff abroad

That's all Britain does you smoothbrain. And we import energy.

>> No.50990351

weak currency is good if you hold btc/eth/us stonks

>> No.50990397

Deano would rather leave the gas heating off and freeze to death this winter than give up his car. it’s the only way deanobox owners can flex

>> No.50990427
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>worst inflation since 1977
well that ain't good

>> No.50990452

>you guys realize a weak currency is a good thing
if it's such a good thing, burger, you tell me what proportion of your net worth you'd willingly have set on fire.

>> No.50990464

duzzis mean me glibberglobbers ah gonna cost moran ever?

>> No.50990542

The problem with the UK is that every bit of economic development the country has needed over the past decade has been blocked by NIMBYs.

New airport expansion creating tens of thousands of jobs? Delayed and blocked.

Giga-fast rail network creating jobs and connecting the country? Don't disturb muh bats

Actually building housing the country needs for people - you know, to actually live in? It will disturb an ancient Viking settlement so its blocked.

The UK has developed a fantasy economic ideology that says it can grow perpetually without doing anything, as if wealth is a God-given right of the British people.

The UK can't even raise interest rates to combat inflation because of 'muh house prices'

Once you realise just how bad it is, you will see that the pound is probably overvalued as it is.

>> No.50990573

That's bang out of ordah m8
oi oi, apples and pears, av' a banana

>> No.50990592

Sunak is liked a lot by the population and has better qualifications than her, but Truss will win because Tory members are mostly southeast boomers
Also, I hope you lads have at least some sort of USD

>> No.50990597
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so deanos will be on Can't Pay? We'll Take it Away!

>> No.50990610

you shouldn't be keeping any of your money in fiat mid to long term

>> No.50990638

It takes forever for currency devaluation to improve exports and in the short term it makes imports more expensive so it can actually reduce imports

>> No.50990668
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brits wanted to brexit, because they had the delusion they're still an empire and can do whatever they want.

funny memes but reality is that it's just another country; like a denmark; or a slightly richer Italy.

bonus: they want to get rid of eastern europeans and the whole of pakistan came instead.

>> No.50990688

>blocked by NIMBYs

You mean blocked by politicians who refuse to spend money.

>> No.50990689

bit strong that

>> No.50990701

Denmark still has an empire, though.

>> No.50990714

I worked for a telecom laying fibre cable, I dealt with so many horseshit complaints from boomers upset that we've dug up "their verge" who's claim to the land lies entirely upon them running their lawnmower over it every 2 months. I hate boomers so much I cannot even begin to explain

>> No.50990715


>> No.50990722

Lots of stuff blocked by nimbies are fully funded by private money.

>> No.50990725

Wanna tell that to his people?

>> No.50990733

It also used to be a financial hub, of brutal cunts who will squeeze you of all your money. That works for a while when the citizens were rich in an empire so they didn't notice but when they become a regular country with needs: the bankers fuck them in the arse; e.g. now they claim energy prices will be 5,000 pounds per HOUSE; not a single other country has allowed that.

>> No.50990812

Should I buy a house now or wait longer

>> No.50990818

Why does the janny keep deleting bong threads? The one about inflation, even on topic surprisingly, got nuked the other day.

>> No.50990893

No idea where you're from but I voted to leave because I didn't fancy being ruled over by unaccountable, faceless bureaucrats in Brussels, which is what we were inching towards. That plus the situation with the military which again would behave morphed into a Euro-army. Plus the mass immigration policy.
>cos they think they're an empire
Clowns like you are ten a penny everywhere, it seems

>> No.50990947 [DELETED] 

you were conned, every single power in the EU without any exception whatsover comes as an indirect result of representative democracy from elections in each country.

there is nothing non-schizo to refuse that; it's unequivocally the truth; every single leader there is controlled by the individual governments.

you were just seething you weren't an empire anymore and the sole leader because you acted like narcissistic cunts and nobody cares now.

>> No.50990954

Agreed. The countries refusal to go become an industrial exporter or simply anything of value is its issue.

>> No.50990963

you were coned, every single power in the EU without any exception whatsover comes as an indirect result of representative democracy from elections in each country.
there is nothing non-schizo to refute that; it's unequivocally the truth; every single leader there is controlled by the individual governments.
you were just seething you weren't an empire anymore and the sole leader because you acted like narcissistic cunts and nobody cares now.

>> No.50990976


>> No.50991003

>he believes what he reads in the daily mail
>he fights the establishment with the aid of Jonathan Harmsworth, 4th Viscount Rothermere

>> No.50991058

That would be class, to think an entire series of this filmed all in one Barret homes estate.

>> No.50991071

I converted all my GBP in to USD, well 90% of it until the UK starts accepting the dollar.

>> No.50991081
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>> No.50991084
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Honestly man if we don’t start accepting the American dollar as our national currency we’re absolutely fucked

>> No.50991091

I don't want my countries issues to be decided upon by a roomful of foreigners who will veto anything tabled by our 'EURO MP'. European parliament is so far removed from the wishes of the people it claims to represent it's farcical. The majority of Britain's electorate saw it that way, too, and as a result we're not there anymore, and glad of it.
Your childish trolling has just given me a platform to voice my feelings on this issue to my foreign bizraelis. Even people like you have a purpose to serve, it seems ;)

>> No.50991102


>> No.50991134

Deanos will be fine, they have already moved onto the property ladder, it's the people who didn't who now have ZERO chance at owning a home, ever.

>> No.50991139

sure, be isolated if you want, just don't come crying if being isolated isn't that amazing when you're not an empire anymore and everyone can fuck you in the ass easily by just havign a union of others.

one strong regular country can be fucked by 3 weak countries in a team.

solo won't take you far little britain.

>> No.50991209

Anon, the British empire ended many decades ago, and people who remember it are all dead. I don't know what country you're in, but you're seriously out of touch with reality. Did you read some history book written in 1960 or something?
Funny guy lol

>> No.50991279
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>just build on everything bro
How about you fuck off? Rural Britain is the one last thing that makes life tolerable here

>> No.50991306
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>my feelings

>> No.50991310

>and people who remember it are all dead.
I dunno, pretty sure a lot of people were alive when Hong Kong was still British.

>> No.50991322
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>he thinks the EU isn't the establishment
>he thinks Tony Blair, Bank of England, David Cameron and the majority of the House of Lords aren't the establishment
>he thinks pretty much every single media outlet in the UK isn't the establishment
Yes mate, must have been all those rich eton bastards filling my mind with pro-Brexit thoughts, like, ummmm, errrrr, JACOB REES MOGG and.....ermmmmm LOTS OF OTHER PEOPLE

>> No.50991342

>a roomful of foreigners who will veto anything tabled by our 'EURO MP'.
lmao, an MEP can't even table anything. It's worse than you think and you don't even know.
>European parliament is so far removed from the wishes of the people it claims to represent it's farcical.
Oh, so you want more power for the European Parliament? So that would mean less power for the European Council, i.e. the member states, and therefore a step closer to a federal union. Is that what you wanted?

>> No.50991356

>reddit spacing
back you go
cope harder

>> No.50991372

what is the cause of this? Don't really see what muh Brexit has to do with the value of the pound.

>> No.50991374

>Oh, so you want more power for the European Parliament?
Literally what the fuck are you harping on about? Sending meds to Richmond-upon-Thames as we speak

>> No.50991403

So long for being the safest, most liquid market ever AAAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAAH

>> No.50991429

Not only they literally remember it, it's not even important if they were physically there to see it. E.g. the Greeks are still seething they lost their Empire(s) and it's been thousands of years; national memory is not a meme; it will hunt you not for decades but for centuries at least even if you were not alive yourself at that point.

>> No.50991436

>reddit spacing
back you go

>> No.50991449

>Lowest value ever
It's weak vs the dollar, so what? Compare it to TRY.

>> No.50991451

Brexit is the only good thing the Bongs have. Its the fifth richest country on earth, and the sun literally does not set on it still you know? Europoors may seethe but you know your masters across the Channel laugh at you.

>> No.50991456

I like your grassy towns, but to be fair they're kinda extremist with not building anymore. Houses are like literal gold for little reason.

>> No.50991462

Don’t worry. The 10.1% inflation should help.

>> No.50991502

It's not gonna be demolished in a day, but they are not strong anymore.
Most of their people feel poor; this year they can't even pay heating.
They are literally no better off like a regular Italian or something.

>> No.50991516

Are there any distressed British assets worth buying?

>> No.50991526

>Houses are like literal gold for little reason.
Yes, because we import an extra 300,000 people every single year. Nope, can't talk about that, demand has no impact on price!

>> No.50991547

In case you hadn't noticed, your 'side' is now in power, and demonstrates their stupidity and incompetence daily. But you go ahead and pin your hopes and dreams to a British revival planned and orchestrated by Liz Truss.

>> No.50991570 [DELETED] 
File: 3.09 MB, 1920x1080, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buy everything you see in . The place if beautiful, and not even normie brits know it.

>> No.50991574

How about we send all the shitskins back and murder the Benny scroungers & over 80s
Fuck off if your gonna build shitboxes to foreign cunts to live on the pleasant green pastures that make this country beautiful
Every urbanite faggot needs to burn

>> No.50991577


Is there any chance Labour might become less retarded in the future? Would be good to vote for a non-corbynite sane party.

>> No.50991580

good lad, now immigration has stopped and you're ruled over by accountable, elected individuals who only care about the will of the people

>> No.50991581

that, plus our housing is absolutely shit

>solidly built, but from the 19th century so no insulation or modern layout
>or modern, but absolutely terrible build quality thanks to being slapped together by drunk polak or romanian builders

>> No.50991587
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Buy everything you see in Cornwall. The place is beautiful, and not even normie brits know it.

>> No.50991611

>not wanting to be in the EU means you are a devout Tory
Lol fuck off with your spastic playground argument

>> No.50991619

Just pop down to spoons la. Save on the sky sports cause they got in on the flatscreen there. Heating on the house, money left over for a few extra pints and goes at the pub quiz machine. Lush.

>> No.50991620

No one needs more than 40mbps
Fuck your queer cables right off cunt

>> No.50991630

it's great when you export oh wait

>> No.50991645

As long as Putler is defeated.

>> No.50991653

He won't freeze, that Canada Goose coat he got for Christmas will finally come in handy

>> No.50991656

Give it to Mick Lynch IMO...

>> No.50991666

Get fucked cunt. At least I know who's making/breaking the rules over here and at least I can have a say and at least I can track them down and rape them within 2 hrs
Fuck the EU
The UK is sovereign
Why don't you move to Germany if you want to bootlick so hard you massive faggot
Step 1 was need it, now step 2 comes as we extinguish shitskinned faggots like you
The earth is rightful British clay

>> No.50991672

Should tell you something when those sharing your opinions are all imbeciles, lad.

>> No.50991703

You can be isolated all you want, just don't come crying once you realize not being an empire anymore doesn't have the luxury of having no friends.
One strong country can be fucked by 3 small ones if they unionize.

>> No.50991729


>pro working man
>anti EU
>Doesn't buy (((their))) bullshit

Yeah sounds pretty based to me.

>> No.50991735

Why would we need "help" from anyone for anything
You sound like a gaping pussy
Oh no I can't get avocados, coffee or sunflower oil, How will I ever deal with this devastating blow
Fuck off
Isolationism is what's needed against this degenerate shit hole known as (((the west)))
My grandparents lived a fantastic life untainted by (((technology))) I think we'll be fine
If it can't be grown or procured on our land then we shouldn't have it in the first place

>> No.50991749

>binary choice
>hurr durrr some idiots also think the same thing as you therefor u stinky dum dum poopyhead

>> No.50991778

>actively vote for one of the greatest geopolitical missteps in recent memory
>immediately elect a clown to shove it down your own throat
england deserves everything bad that's coming to it.
scotland and NI should leave.

>> No.50991794

Wtf everyone knows fucking Cornwall mate what are you on about.

>> No.50991798

Scot here

When we go independent it won't be without killing the entire UK 1st. I can't wait

>> No.50991809

even the US can be fucked if other big powers unionize

but go on be an isolationist bully, nobody cares that you're poor now anyway.

>> No.50991831

>We have a High Court writ

>> No.50991845
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I don't think that's true. I believe most traditional brits are very aware of it but most city people and almost all non-brits have no clue, so the prices are depressed when it's literally as good looking as Corfu (and better in some cases).

>> No.50991857

What part of I don't want to take part in your gay world don't you understand you worthless German faggot?
Fully cut us off from every resource, so what? Modern life is fucking hollow.
We can ascend past your degenerate hellscape and live like the Amish
I would give up all modern comforts if it meant my people weren't being destroyed by foreign imports
Ridding normalfags of their tv's and mobiles would cure their mind rot
We have wood, we have excellent soil for agriculture - what else would we need you dysgenic freak?

>> No.50991866

>actively vote
How else are you going to fucking vote on a ballot paper you utter retard?

>> No.50991870

nice projector seetheboy

>> No.50991900
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>I would give up all modern comforts if it meant my people weren't being destroyed by foreign imports
>Ridding normalfags of their tv's and mobiles would cure their mind rot
>We have wood, we have excellent soil for agriculture - what else would we need you dysgenic freak?

>> No.50991918

>wahhhhh wahhhhh big scawy wussia and chyna
Give a fuck cunt
Let the weak die
I'd take medieval life standards over today's degenerate race to the bottom any day
Just because you can't cope without your dilator and hrt doesn't mean I can't work my land and defend my family
The planet needs to be cleansed of those of weak body and mind

>> No.50991934

No rebuttal
Low iq histrionic faggot lol

>> No.50991955

frog bastard

>> No.50991981

who cares? Faggot OP is planning to make threads for every shithole now?

>> No.50991995

Both Yom Kipur and the equinox happens in September.

Prepare your anuses.

>> No.50991997

that's a picture of Porthcurno, anon. I go there every year as I own a spot of land there, which i rent to campers. House prices are ridiculous, Million pound plus for average sized homes.

>> No.50992099

Is anyone here still in GCT from yesterday? If so, you got balls!

>> No.50992177

nazis belong in a cage tho+

>> No.50992200

cause it's the only outdoors in england, that doesn't make you hate yourself.
brighton is supposedly a beach; it's them most depressing beach.

>> No.50992289
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Yknow I’d also like to point out that from the point of Russia’s invasion, the euro has fallen by 11.6% in value. Comparatively, the pound has fallen by 13.4% in value.

>> No.50992331

Should have made a trade alliance and free movement with commonwealth countries, fuck why are our politicians so incompetent

>> No.50992346
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delet right now

>> No.50992358
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Meanwhile, in America.

>> No.50992371

Corbyn was the best PM we never had

>> No.50992374


Great thinking lad i'm sure no one has ever had that thought before and i'm sure Canada and Aus would be totally up for...wait they aren't up for it? You mean they don't want stink Britpoors coming to their countries? Oh, ok then.

>> No.50992396

If miles O' brien and Jay Leno had a baby.

>> No.50992412

>Posts a literal english spy

>> No.50992504

this is good news right? it is good for export... unless you produce fuck all lolololololol

>> No.50992784
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>tfw dadberg bought a holiday house in cornwall by the beach in the 90s for 200k

>> No.50993231

"commonwealth" is just code for more pakis, they already do that, and they already never stopped travelling to the old colonies anyway.

it's an absolute ludicrous lie that brexit would OPEN the world of commonwealth to them.

it was never closed and they only closed the doors to EU.

>> No.50993286

Canada is part of the United States, and Australia WISHES it was geographically relevant so it could get some security (but it can't).
New Zealand.. is worth mentioning?!?!?!
India blames literally every single problem it has on the British.
The UK is completely fucked, good luck guys

>> No.50993613

Will go a lot lower when interest rates rise and housing collapses

>> No.50993639

Put the boomers to the sword

>> No.50993661

> Econ 101
Please die

>> No.50993687

> Buy everything
Britain has cancer: rentier cancer

>> No.50993723

if you didnt cash your life savings to usd your NGMI

>> No.50993783

Brexit means brexit m8. 'ave another bevvie at the pub and it will all just blow over soon. You watch

>> No.50993839
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She has a surprisingly good rack though

>> No.50993889

europe is fucked lmao

>> No.50993962


She's no mommy Priti.

>> No.50994101

this was always going to be the eventual fate of the arrogant, complacent, ignorant, lazy br*tish race. The country a kiked out degenerated husk that slides back to third world status economically.

It turns out you can't base an economy around drum and bass and smoking weed in council flats

>> No.50994123

>mass immigration policy
I voted remain because, inter alia, I knew without a shadow of a doubt they'd simply replace the pjotrs and pavels with ngubus and mbegwes. And, what do you know...

>> No.50994162

You were told months ago the ukrainian shitshow was actually an economic war of the US against Europe.
This is one of the expected consequences.

>> No.50994170

Why are British men often handsome while their women are fake tanned fake lipped wigger ugly creatures?

>> No.50994216

You mean Slags? Is there no US equivalent of the Slag?

>> No.50994302

The slag's not universal, I think only europe and Japan has them. Dumb whores are everywhere, but the fake tan, lip surgery, fluffy jacket cow is local cuisine.

>> No.50994623

This is actually kind of funny, because the US is unironically prepared to lock down any world trade route with a carrier group anywhere in the world at any time. In any theoretical war with the US, we would simply cause the country in question to starve, or the whole continent, in the case of the EU forgetting that it’s really a US puppet organization.

People forget that the state of Texas by itself has a larger Air Force than Great Britain, and if you were to pull all of the usable carriers out of mothballs and conjoin it to the active fleet, the US could field a carrier group for every sea and trade waterway on Earth at the same time. People who fantasize about ganging up on the US don’t really seem to realize that with what they’ve got, they could fight the entire rest of the world working together, and win, simply by virtue of having more military capacity than the rest of the Earth put together.

That is how much money they’ve been spending on the military. It’s like an entire French GDP and more every year, just for military R&D since WW2. It has never stopped.

>> No.50995917 [DELETED] 

> In any theoretical war with the US, we would simply cause the country in question to starve
you're stupid. the US is in a literal war with Russia right now (a proxy was since they keep sending weapons to the Ukrainians directly) and russians almost don't give a shit.

even a big country like the US is fucked if other big countries unionize against them.

>> No.50995938

> In any theoretical war with the US, we would simply cause the country in question to starve
you're stupid. the US is in a literal war with Russia right now (a proxy war since they keep sending weapons to the Ukrainians directly) and russians almost don't give a shit.

even a big country like the US is fucked if other big countries unionize against them.

>> No.50995989 [DELETED] 

Sup, that's amazing! Everybody understands that crypto is the future, but have u tried Yopi Network?

>Earn while u spend crypto in daily transactions
>Pay globally with yopicash through NFC
>No team coins
>Few big partnerships coming up

>> No.50996007

>I didn't fancy being ruled over by unaccountable, faceless bureaucrats in Brussels
That's the lie you were told by the unaccountable, faceless drunken bureaucrats in London that didn't like Brussels telling them to stop acting like drunk retards. Good job, you took away the one thing that was helping to prop Britain up.

>> No.50996055

>People forget that the state of Texas by itself has a larger Air Force than Great Britain
The state of Texas doesn't have command over the Air Force you retard, military bases are not owned or controlled by the states they're in, it's all federal.

>> No.50996117

I thought Brexit solved this. What happebed, Mr. Bean?

>> No.50996160

No more tescos finest lads, it's lidl from now on. The bakery isn't half bad to be fair.

>> No.50996212
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Russian oligarchs dumping their pound bags, enjoy.

>> No.50996281

They are if they are State National Guard you retard.

Fun fact, the US Air Force has the biggest air force in the world, the US Navy has the second biggest Air Force in the world.

>> No.50996310

then why are you so desperately trying to get back into Europe through NATO warmongering and interfering in Ukraine? How does that serve Britons who instead can figure out to heat their homes and eat?

>> No.50998138

we have slags in the US, they hang around in the high cost of living areas usually being influencers on instagram, botox and all. our version of chav is also just trailer trash.

>> No.50998352
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>it's a British thread on biz

Anglo threads on biz and depressed Canadian threads on pol are honestly the most comfy threads on 4chan.

>> No.50998556


>> No.50998588

Imagine still being this fucking naive after the last few decades.

Were you literally born yesterday?

>> No.50998616

How can you still not understand that we live in a one party state with a fake democracy?

Just like the rest of the Western world.

>> No.50998662
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Yes, the EU is in a fantastic place by itself at the moment. What would we do without them?

>> No.50998788

>just pave over everything
Get the fuck out of my green and pleasant land you fucking jew dickhead.

>> No.50998976

based post, based dubs
based post, based dubs

>> No.50999032

I thought I was the only one who enjoyed the /pol/ leaf threads.

>> No.50999118


>> No.51000116

You'll have to explain what you mean there, champ. What with all my naïveté I'm not quite sure what you're alluding to. Strongly doubt you'll convince me that there's some reason I *shouldn't* think the government are stupid incompetents and Liz Truss is an imbecile, mind.

>> No.51001330

I love how easy it is to turn leaf demoralizing threads into remoarlizing threads. Nevermind how obsessesed /pol/ is with shitting on leafland. It's almost like the propaganda IS necessary.

>> No.51001371

I would vote leave again if I could. Fuck the EU.

>> No.51001797

Not any more. Kek! Nan survived covid only to freeze to death.

>> No.51001832

An entire nation's economy powered by Gregg's and Starbucks. This will end well.

>> No.51001900

hear hear

>> No.51002461

>Fuck the EU
I think you could aspire to more lads. Bare fucking competence'd be a big start. Meanwhile, your government dressed doctors in binbags to profit their friends. Fucking supine bootlickers. Is that mud on your lip or is it shit?

>> No.51002599

EUs handling on vaccines was far worse than UK

>> No.51002840

Count the dead, you'll find it's been worse in the UK. But not my point. Where's any fucking indication at all, that those now 'in charge' of competing with the rest of the world, can do so capably?

>> No.51002935

It isn't Polish plumbers that turned London into a Third World shithole, you preening primping little asshole.

>> No.51003058

to be fair she probably was not too ugly before she decided she wanted to look like some kind of clown out of love island.

>> No.51003110

your direction brain would not be able to comprehend retard, now go watch some telly, your favorite bread and circus is on

>> No.51003156

fuck face, if you dont realize that brexit was handled so badly because it was not what the globalist cabals wanted, then there is no saving you.

>> No.51003293

sounds like they did a number on your wet ass

>> No.51003403

The UK has as many nukes as China. Once you realize a tiny little island could run a successful scorched earth policy for most of Europe and the inhabited parts of Russia you'll realize why they haven't been wiped off the face of the earth and how they retain being such a massive financial center even while being so noncompetitive in terms of education and industry (al though if their government sized the farming and energy industries they could be self sufficient). Being bottom bitch for the US for the past 80 years has had it's benefits for the UK.

>> No.51003516

Can someone on a normal salary explain to me how you’re going to cope with supposed tripling (or more?) of energy bills? When I read the news it all seems a bit apocalyptic but I’m not really getting the feeling that anyone’s truly worried.

Anyway to answer the OP, yes the UK seems to be in a dire situation. Salaries, cost of living and taxation, quality of life in the UK seems to be completely out of sync with the rest of the developed world. Europe/Japan have functioning societies and high QoL, in the US/Canada/Singapore intelligent and hard working individuals seems to have loads of money. We have nothing. Some of my friends (ex investment directors and other high earning tech workers etc) are legitimately planning to leave the UK now (previously this was just wishful thinking).

>> No.51003520

Now we're going to be fucked by our own aristocrats who will sell your arse.

>> No.51003530

Education is competitive here, everything else not though, i’ll give you that.

>> No.51003556

These mongs actually believe we've got a democracy in this country and voting actually changes anything. The aristocrats didn't like sharing power with the eu, so now they've got no checks and balances if they want to duck us up, which they will. It was a vote between a rock and a hard place.
>voted leave.

>> No.51003568

dunno about UK but in australia the fact that every cunt racked up billions and billions of savings during the lockdowns and coof, cos they weren't blowing it consoooming shit, suggests that the average persons' discretionary/ disposable incomes' are actually quite large. That said, those persons with below average incomes' are gonna are going to struggle.

>> No.51003581

On paper sir. But the UK has massive skill shortages. The institutions themselves might be good but your ability of getting people in them and the skills your economy needs out of them is very poor. They should just turn student debt into a skills tax or some shit. Last I checked no one pays it back over in the UK.

>> No.51003597

Nigga we're never gonna have China's currency

>> No.51003628

Why? Lower value induces favorable industry environment. Like China, who intentionally suppresses their currency

>> No.51003732

I did pay mine back. The new plan 2 system seems incredibly unfair though.

But yeah you’re right - on paper the education is good. London, at least in the financial districts, still feels innovative and high performing. Outside of that, things are starting to feel a bit bleak.

>> No.51003749

Yes i think same situation here. I also think half of the under 40s in the UK are expecting a huge windfall inheritance, and are living their lives accordingly.

>> No.51004122

Why would you do that? It's essentially another tax. That's 30-100k you could of stuck in assets you pissed away.

>> No.51004168

retarded take by a very retarded person
Literally if people had a say in GB, they would be better off. Regardless, GB has been fucked since WW2. We all know it.

The EU is a shithole and leaving it was one last glorious moment for the bongs, and I completely support them in it regardless of all the leftoid faggot retards (like yourself) that still moan about it.

You're a remoaner.

>> No.51004184

a race can only have good looking men (germanic) or good looking women (slav, asian)