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File: 66 KB, 1600x900, BitDAO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
50986284 No.50986284 [Reply] [Original]

why is everyone suddenly bullish on pic related?

>> No.50986334

the L1 launching ***soon***
ive literally been waiting forever and its still a soft proposal
what is going on? what are they doing wrong?

>> No.50986360

Thank you for using Government-approved blockchains and protocols only. Once CBDC is available you will once again be a fully compliant citizen in the international banking system

>> No.50986412 [DELETED] 

dont expect them to finish this fast
it a whole ass L1. shit will take time with development alone
i got mine staked. not selling before at least $20

>> No.50986431

its a fucking DAO you dumb fuck
you literally cant bring down a DAO unless you bring the whole internet to a halt which would literally kill crypto altogether

>> No.50986453

dont expect them to finish it fast
its a whole ass L1, development alone will take a long time
im staking mine fuck it. not selling before at least $20

>> No.50986462

>cant bring down a dao without bringing the whole internet down
ur a retard

>> No.50986485

is he not right tho? the only way a government can bring down a DAO is if they buy more than 51% of the tokens

>> No.50986511

>bro im telling you bro, crypto is different bro.
the government cant stop crypto bro

but, what if the government blocks the country's internet access?

>just dont think about it bro, thats the worse case scenario bro. fucking government pigs bro

>> No.50986539

Oh really? Just a moment ago they had to take down the whole internet, now they just need 51% attack, I wonder if you'll think of something else in the next few minutes.

>> No.50986541

but isnt this a given? if you need a good product then you have to actually wait for it
look at Ethereum. its the home of the best projects on the market and they take years to develop new features

>> No.50986550

>just a 51%
yeah anon this sounds so incredibly easy and possible

>> No.50986580
File: 83 KB, 499x779, Screenshot 2022-08-18 at 22-07-11 51% Attack Explained Simply Real Life Example (2022 Updated).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah anon, it's never happened before. OH wait..

>> No.50986633

hello oldfag

>> No.50986652

people always want development happening super fast just so they could make some quick profits but then end up bitching and moaning when the project ends up sucking ass

The Solana L1 is a perfect example of this

>> No.50986687

>it's a smart contract you literally can't bring down a smart contract unless you bring down the whole internet
oh sweet summer child

>> No.50986709

still wasting money on "trees"? kek

>> No.50986715

illiquid scam token
enjoy getting rugged

>> No.50986730
File: 257 KB, 1462x1340, Bitdao treasury.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.50986800

nice photoshop lol

>> No.50986818

ask me how I know you're retarded and poor

>> No.50986844

tvl means shit, lotta tokens with high tvl and are fucking worthless

>> No.50986847
File: 123 KB, 1516x196, Screen Shot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

literally two clicks on Etherscan
how dumb do you feel anon

>> No.50986868
File: 32 KB, 576x1024, kys fudder.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.50986952
File: 87 KB, 1125x1180, BIT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey anon, i have BIT

>> No.50986972

Centralised scam good luck getting dumped on retards

>> No.50988326

im staking 10k BIT right now
$20 is way too low. the L1 will take some time to launch. this is gonna give us more time to acoooomilate.
by the time the L1 launches the entire market would have already went into bull mode

>> No.50988474

Nobody is. It's just regularly name dropped by poor people to sucker others into their scam. I mean that's obvious, but I'm just making sure we're all on the same page here