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50983555 No.50983555 [Reply] [Original]

Meet the biggest BBBY baggie on this board

>> No.50984791
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Biz unironically shilled this at a good price but I set really low limit orders for it and it fucking kept going up, you win some you loose some.

>> No.50984823

this is a larp right?

>> No.50984858

next time you miss the boat like that sell puts at what your limit order was. I've been doing that with SIGA since May.

>> No.50984986

I was gonna do it but I figured this was just gonna keep going up and do a gme 2.0

>> No.50985035

Just further evidence the average IQ here is below 60

>> No.50985620
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>Meet the biggest BBBY baggie on this board

Lmfao..... OP, this is me. This is my post. I am not joking.
Im not a baggie by the way, I cashed out with 48k today, as it was dropping and it was self evident that indeed RC did sell.

Back when I wrote that post, there was no paper trail of him actually selling the shares, you no chin incel.
+ the market manipulation, Cramer / Fake news, and the usual shit we deal with on short squeezes, it didnt make sense at first.

With that said .... I took a nice haircut on my brainlet take back then but still made it out good. Shit happens. Still a profitable trade.
As this starts trickling up again, I will be buying again, because guess what you inbred retards ?

-AMC "peaked" at 16, and went to 60 a few weeks later.
-GME "peaked" at 20, when burry sold out. And went to 300 some a few weeks later...
-SNDL, "peaked" at 3 dollars, and went on to 20 dollars a few weeks later ...

Niggers... I know you all are fucking hopeless loser virgins living with your moms, and you love being doompilled, buying shitcoins like ICP ,and I cant force you all to make money. Its up to all of you if you want to continue these pointless "muhhh plebbit" wars.
-Personally I dont care. I really do think 90% of reddit WSB and 4chan biz are a bunch of fucking losers, that make everything personal. Im just here for money, lmfao.

Im going to make money, as I always do. And when BBBY rebounds, which I continue to believe it will eventually, maybe in a week, maybe in 2 weeks, maybe in a month, then I will be sitting pretty when i pick up shares tomorrow at 5 dollars or less....

Dont pull your hair out when that happens.
-Could also be that im wrong of course. Remains to be seen.

Oh and you're all pussies too btw, afraid of risk

>> No.50985690
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btw, that last part really got to you OP ?
You didnt like me laughing at you for missing out on free money ?
hahahaha... Fucking moron.

You know im right too. I sold at 19.94, took a haircut like I mentioned in previous post ... But still, my point remains faggot.

You made NO money ahahahaahhaahha....

>> No.50986468

you should take those gains and put them towards curing your mental illnes before its too late

>> No.50986784

So what's the next $BBBY?

>> No.50986830

I’ll just keep buying GME

>> No.50987754

Holy fuck you're retarded just shut up already the more you write the dumber you sound.

>> No.50987804
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just go back to plebbit you nigger tranny. Also, take your meds! Outside of/ XRP/ nobody cares for schizo posting and pseudo-intellectual ranting, plebbit tier trash. kys.

>> No.50987846
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>> No.50987892

Some people didn't know how to play. I still don't but hit a 3x with a small amount. I never expected it to drop so soon because I was gonna get some puts, I will be following the news.

>> No.50988304

There's too many buyers for it not to make another rally, but I'd be surprised if it got past 19. If you buy now, sell at 15 and make easy money.

>> No.50988492

This guy might be on to something. Both meme stocks ripped, and hard. I don't think this is the end. I think is... is... just the beginning

>> No.50989219

>i sold actually so I made lots of money
>but anyway it hasnt squozen, the squeeze is yet to come! Blah blah blah