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50983275 No.50983275 [Reply] [Original]

I am so tired of living this life in a industrialised society. I am a god damn fucking ape, not a store clerk. I want to conquer and fuck, not serve customers. I know that with the industrialisation both life expectancy as well as wealth exploded for the average worker, but somehow here I am bored out of my mind feeling robbed of the adventure that should be life. Instead I watch godforsaken technocratic cunts in the government plan my life for me based on bs statistics and their longing 'to be a gurl' ...
I am not a cog in a machine, I am a cell in a super organism that desperately longs to become cancer. Fuck you jannies. This is biz related. Cancer is good business.

>> No.50983322

>I want to conquer and fuck, not serve customers.
Well, you have been conquered (and fucked) by other ape men. They are having their adventure. In the ape world, the strong (them) conquer and fuck the weak (you).

>> No.50983337

The secret, anon, is simple. You are free.

>> No.50983393
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yes, risk-adjusted returns are such an adventure. i bet they are screaming with joy at their bullshit life filled with erectile dysfunction, ungrateful children and mindless materialism.
the only one who does the fucking is the super organism.

>> No.50983407
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this realization means you get a choice. choose wisely.

>> No.50983475

The people at the top are coordinated, ruthless, take great care of their kids, believe in teamwork, and are also not materialists.

>> No.50983493

The fantasy of competent associates and peers.

>> No.50983523

Keep believing the theater of buffoonery. Meanwhile, game is being run.

>> No.50983552

ah huh

>> No.50983556

during times of slavery in the american south when two groups of slaves met each other they often fought over who has the best master.
don't be a fucking bootlicker, nigger.

>> No.50983563

Get a hunting license, OP.

>> No.50983576

I just noticed that OP's id is Doctor C(u(c(k Foo

>> No.50983589

anon, that is a great idea actually. thank you a lot! (though it is laughable that we need to ask for permission to do the most basic of human activities.)

>> No.50983594

I'm not licking boots at all. I merely refuse to underestimate a foe.

>> No.50983604

do you feel somehow threatened, jew? what's with the stupid replies?

>> No.50983622

You know I too used to believe that the Elite 0.001% were some masterminds that have some kind of plan to dominate the golem race, but now I just believe that they are just incompetent idiots that lucked into money and power mostly through inheritance. Of course they often do everything in their power to preserve that wealth, but that mostly ends up being diversified investing. Bill Gate's daughter is getting blacked. Lol, lmao even.

>> No.50983640

You advocate a world of might makes right and then when it turns out you are the weaker party, you get salty. War is never fair and the combatants are not going to freeze their arms race at the paleolithic, yah dig?

>> No.50983680

people like bill gates are low on the hierarchy.

>> No.50983760

stfu, person of nose. You don't even understand what I am trying to say. I don't fucking care about power or ideology. I want a shithole to live in so I can venture out to murder a dragon. And when I come back I want to sodomise the princess as a reward. I want a world where I can poke out my fucking eye on a table instead of being drowned in rounded corners. Play your power games. I don't care. You too are living a stupid meme, and like all memesters you too will vanish.

>> No.50983797
File: 32 KB, 500x500, Deus-ex-soy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go be a hobo, it's free.

>> No.50983826

I used to believe it too until I started working for the feds.
It's idiots all the way up, some of them just have power.

>> No.50983829
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have a well deserved (you)
>getting mad on the internet

>> No.50983843

i dont know anything about that but i love the sisters of mercy so im poastin in bread

>> No.50983862

desu I contemplate that thought almost every day. but then again have you ever talked to hobos? in germany, that is where I live, they are not allowed to wander around, because if they leave city they loose their their right to welfare. It's fascinating really to know that even the lowest of the low are somehow still entangled in a web of economic dependence and convenience. I do not think I am special in that regard. I will fall in the same traps everyone else does.

>> No.50983883

That's what stealing is for.

>> No.50983886

>because if they leave city they loose their their right to welfare
im curious how they track and enforce this

>> No.50983896
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nice id Doctor Cock Foo

>> No.50983906

sub-dermal implants. hobos work on a catch and release mechanism.

>> No.50983917

simple: they have to report at the 'job centre' every week (or every other week. apparently it depends on the hobo) and that limits their traveling radius.

>> No.50983985

Go join the army or another countries army if you want to conquer and fuck. Get deployed overseas and enjoy your adventure.
Short of that it's building a business empire. You just need to get creative if thats what you are after.

>> No.50984234

anon, I get where you coming from, and I appreciate your input. Honestly. I hate acting like a spoiled brat saying no to every constructive proposal, but: look at soldiers. they are nothing like those lobsters of jordon peterson. I don't see them throwing their claws into the air to show the world their dominance. Maybe it's because murdering goat herders from a safe distance with firearms actually isn't all that satisfying. Maybe it's just that they too are human and murder is actually fucked up, unless it's a true enemy that threatens your life. Idk. I never was in a war situation.
The business thing: Yeah, I did that with moderate success. It sucks. I want out of that.

>> No.50984325

at least the other guy was creative.

>> No.50984370

>I want to conquer and fuck, not serve customers
for 99.9% of human history this just means that you get conquered and your dream-girl gets fucked. You get your organs ripped out as an Aztec human sacrifice and you genes are socially-selected to not reproduce.

This is about as good as it gets. You could probably get a mortgage.

>> No.50984457

>look at soldiers. they are nothing like those lobsters of jordon peterson.
wow. I even like JP and thought I'd seen shades of his rhetoric in your earlier posts. But this is too much. If you're not a troll, if you're truly attempting to articulate yourself forthrightly with the larger consciousness... You need to soort yourself oat, bucko!

Unironically, you seem to have been swallowed-whole by ideology.

>> No.50984468

anon, you are defending something that destroys your soul. You want your organs getting ripped out and your girl getting fucked by me.

>> No.50984505

figures you like jordon peterson. your other reply already sounded totally cucked. go wash your the PeePee.

>> No.50984545

14 days until rent's due, Wagie. Have you saved up enough yet?

The only human ethos is adapt or die. Malcontents get culled.

>> No.50984571
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>wow. I even like JP

>> No.50984642

>I was an ubermensch in another life, don'tcha know
Were your parents rich or something?

>> No.50984694
File: 69 KB, 425x449, Herb_Ostrogski-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related is my family crest. I am sure you can figure it our for yourself from here. Other than that: you're grasping at straws. Never said anything about deserving any crap, mate. you're just a projecting peterson-fag.

>> No.50984762

Become a career criminal

>> No.50984826
File: 780 KB, 808x1162, sexy slavic mayo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

best advice so far in the whole thread. (not being ironic in any way. I mean it. have a pic of sexy mayonaise as reward. It's like reddit gold version for 4chan.)

>> No.50984861
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>> No.50984902
File: 103 KB, 500x665, 3theps.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OK, I gonna stop replying now. I'm getting way too drunk and it's not even the weekends. Have fun lads!

>> No.50985178

The only jobs for non npcs these days is either a terrorist or an explorer to Antarctica

>> No.50985184

Go learn to fight MMA.
Do heavy lifting.
Have hot sex with many women.
Scam normalfags out of their money.

>> No.50985199

>oy vey goyim the people in power are just stupid don’t think about this
midwit or kike

>> No.50985471

The amount of seethe from the goyim fills my heart with such joy. You get what you fucking deserve!

>> No.50985527

We should have never stopped germans.
Too gullible.

>> No.50987004

if you're in an industrial country - why do you work in a customer service job? Work in a factory doing something like making watches or cars.

>> No.50987034

Wanna put together a crusader group?

>> No.50987055

Stop working pajeet