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File: 438 KB, 976x669, 3463457.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
50982054 No.50982054 [Reply] [Original]

You will make it, but you'll still be an incel.

>> No.50982094

I made it. I am still and incel.

>> No.50982232

Damm at least I'm better than that

t. 19 year old zoomzoom

>> No.50982241

Abebros... It's over.

>> No.50982261

Jesus fucking Christ, 40 percent? That cannot be correct, I call bullshit

>> No.50982303

nope its correct, I guarantee you that the number for the west is very similar as well. Young males are getting fucked over around the world, but nobody cares, how sad.

>> No.50982335

Does this mean the good-looking Japs are having harems?

>> No.50982359

It just boggles the mind, is all. I was antisocial as fuck and rarely ventured outside my house for the first few years of my adult life, but even then I occasionally went on a date or two until I got my feet wet. If those numbers are correct then Japan needs to unironically look into government programs to encourage people to mate. That is some Civilization-ending statistics there man, fuck

>> No.50982362

So it seems... So it seems

>> No.50982366

>You will make it, but you'll still be an incel.
Yes, and?

>> No.50982368

Based nips. I never date, I skip straight to banging.

>> No.50982376
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It's over.

>> No.50982378

No, a lot of their women don't care about dating and sex either

>> No.50982381

I don't care if I'm still an incel. I'm not pursuing woman I'm pursuing making it

>> No.50982401

The wonders of industrialization, urbanization, and social media.

>> No.50982410

Do you think the government can do that? How would they? It's just an interesting thought. Will they make them all attend Jordan Peterson classes.

>> No.50982428

Incentivized speed dating. Incentivized baby making.

>> No.50982429

Yes. https://youtu.be/-_LeZXBjtnU
Jap VK band looking like traps have armies of chicks at their disposal. Look they command them. The stemcel nerd japs, get 0 pussy.

>> No.50982472

Mandated communications courses in public schooling centered around socializing, particularly with the opposite sex. Massive tax cuts for those in relationships, and especially those with children. It's mostly about ensuring the propagation of the people really, I still find it utterly baffling that no one is dating but if there are no people there is no country. So ideally the government needs to encourage marriage in one way or another.

>> No.50982474

>I was antisocial as fuck and rarely ventured outside my house for the first few years of my adult life, but even then I occasionally went on a date or two until I got my feet wet.
How does that happen? I'm the opposite.

>> No.50982477

>10% dating all the woman
Wheres my equality libtards? Why Chads get suck suck while me only getting duck duck

>> No.50982484

That sounds like it could work. What if they incentivised things like masculinity or something and how you should go out and do things and take risks. Like if they made some weeb shit that wasnt majority shy guys who have woman approach them first.

>> No.50982498

Those are some good ideas too.

>> No.50982504

Just pay them to take mma and fitness classes.

>> No.50982513

Do you think education in communications and public speaking classes will help with woman?

>> No.50982514

>If those numbers are correct then Japan needs to unironically look into government programs to encourage people to mate
Lol... Who's gonna tell him?

>> No.50982523

I got a shit job in maintenance at the time that required me to be on my feet for the entire day, even with my awful diet I lost ~90lbs in one year. Gaining more skills gave me more confidence, and since I worked with a large number of people inevitably there were some women there and a few found me cute. Asked one if she wanted to hang out and play some tennis and it all sprang from there. Went from introvert to extravert almost instantly. I think most people quite like socializing and would be good at it but just don't give themselves the opportunity to get their feet wet.

>> No.50982525

It's literally the human version of a death stranding. They've made their living environment hostile to themselves and they are basically beaching now.

>> No.50982534

Alpha fucks, beta bucks is true everywhere. It is just becoming more pronounced now that women have the right to choose their mates and with everyone having phones it is easier for them to sneak around. The top tier jap guys are maintaining harems of prime pussy while the bottom tier cant even get a date. The same pattern is happening in every developed country around the world. It's over

>> No.50982551

this is just sad, holy shit.

>> No.50982556
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You guys should be the Japanese government

>> No.50982560

That woman looks like the chudjak

>> No.50982567

You really think the top 60% of Japanese guys are having babies by multiple bitches?

>> No.50982586

If the course materials are geared in such a way to encourage socialization with the opposite sex, then yes. It doesn't have to be as rigid as a traditional communications course covering interpersonal communication, but it could be similar, with additional credits for attending events revolving around socializing or speed dating. I'm just offering a simple outline for solutions, it's not as if it's a catchall but if nearly half the country is not making the effort to go on dates then some kind of top-down approach needs to happen.

>> No.50982587

I didn't get my first gf until last year at age 32 after I surpassed $1 mil net worth, bought a house and cool new car. Autists aren't made for this world.

>> No.50982592

kino analogy, love myself some death stranding and monster energy.

>> No.50982610

its sad because government's around the world don't give a shit about their young males, and actively go out of their way to make their lives worse.

>> No.50982614


>> No.50982623

AI, not all of them, but the smartest biggest one.

>> No.50982642

Yes. This is just hair metal boomer shit. Wear weird shit and slay pussy. These bands are notorius for fan girl sending death threats to them if they get found out if they got married. It's like some anime shit.
The normie glasses wearing "salary men" have no sex, they are incel.

>> No.50982644

And literal satanist elites.

>> No.50982650

Slow down one second, does that mean there is roughly a similar statistic for Japanese women? No wonder they're still pure

>> No.50982654

I said top tier. 60% isnt top tier. The mid tier gets some 1 used up roastie each and if they are lucky, they are not getting cucked while they spend their whole day and night at work

>> No.50982661

nothing wrong withbeing an incel, casual sex causes stds.

>> No.50982691

It also makes people fight if they're in the same social circle.

>> No.50982714

It's happening in the west too. We will all see a revolutionary uprising

>> No.50982721

Ok so whats the issue

>> No.50982746

>We will all see a revolutionary uprising
>revolutionary uprising

>> No.50982758

might need to visit japan.. those starving girls need help

>> No.50982773


You masturbate everyday which tricks your brain into thinking that you're a stud which tells the universe that you do not require any more female attention.

>> No.50982788

Men have to masturbate almost every day or they get health problems.

>> No.50982816
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I agree, so it's up to us to try our best. We need to be the future we want. We can all make it.

>> No.50982840

If things go as planned, I will likely use the currency reset as a slingshot to create a army of incels under my control. I will pay them in silver, and they get to keep what ever woman they find while they pillage.

>> No.50982848

This is what anime does to men. Im guessing older dudes are fucking all the young 20 year old females. What a bunch of lucky bastards if so

>> No.50982867

>and they get to keep what ever woman they find while they pillage.
As a knight of Christ I cannot allow this action. All conquest sex must be consensual or it goes against the Lord.

>> No.50982883

If the government wanted people to mate, just give them free money. It's that simple. Universal Basic Income would cover the costs of baby making at least. Solves so many fucking problems and yet governments avoid it because they hate us cattle.

>> No.50982886

A visionary, a trailblazer, godspeed anon.

>> No.50982929

Idle populations go full hedonist and then criminal.
It's better to have starving homeless and oppressed workers than people who get paid to do nothing.

>> No.50982945

at this point the number of incel will continue to grow, and I imagine most of them are angry and pissed off at the world. Should be easy to rile them up into a army.

>> No.50982958

My "loser" highscool classmate is a wigger rapper and I checked his Tiktok and he's slaying young zoomers. Girls have jobs/onlyfans now, they don't need a betabuxx at age 20. I've noticed the same with japs, except it's rock bands.

>> No.50982960
File: 189 KB, 981x1512, this kills the globohomo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

End the public social net and ban all marriage and child support laws! Women will be suddenly kind and humble again and will search your company.
Sadly 99.9% of the people don't understand this so nothing will change.

>> No.50983037

It's not directed. I'm not even sure I support the notion of a UBI in its essence, but if the primary goal is to increase procreation in the people then the action should suit the conclusion: In other words, roundabout measures which may bring about the effect should not be prioritized, but instead highly-specific means to ensure the desired goal is reached. If your car's oil is low, you don't take the entire thing in for a tune-up.

>> No.50983058

Too bad we're not satanists or we could join the government and make positive changes!

>> No.50983100

same, but i legit hate interacting with most people on a continuous basis. ephemeral interactions are best. if there's a chance i can have a fwb i will give her my number but that's never happened lol lmao

>> No.50983103

50-60% of men reproduce. 90% of women reproduce. If those numbers don't make sense fret not, they make perfect sense and the explanation is the successful for all of time have been getting their dick wet while you, the disposable expendable male are used to further their goals. There is no way out. Welcome to hell.

>> No.50983183

jap girls are unbelievably hypergamist
thats why weebshit is so huge in japan
they're really just 20-30 years ahead of everyone else

>> No.50983217

please dont say that out loud to whichever mad max warlord tries to recruit you into his rape army

>> No.50983236

those numbers are extremely optimistic
genetic evidence from the bronze age (dawn of civilization) indicates that like 1 in 14 males were reproducing
with social media and stable industrial society the potential for an even more extreme ratio is there

>> No.50983246

How did you meet her? How experienced was she? Did she find your lack of thereof offputting or weird?

>> No.50983307

That's what happens when you eat a lot of free glutamic acid.

>> No.50983363

What do you mean reproduce?
You don't need that for laborers!
You can just import them, plus they'll vote for the right team!

>> No.50983389

you don't need laborers to produce anything, robots already do most of that
you need laborers to consoom

>> No.50983501

This zoomzoom get's it

t. Chad

>> No.50984372

We met on Bumble. I've had sex before dozens of times mostly with sex workers in poor countries so I didn't seem inexperienced in bed. I always lie about having girlfriends years ago if anybody asks so I don't look like a complete weirdo. She's had plenty of relationships in the past. We've been together for almost a year but I haven't really felt a deep connection. I might break things off in the near future.

>> No.50984393

It's true. I've pretty much made it and I'm actually more of an incel than before.

>> No.50984475
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I'm the 40%

>> No.50984633
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This is the only time in history men have been able to communicate globally and instantly, we're starting to slowly realize the reality of the male burdens is that most of us won't reproduce. That is amplified by the fact that any beautiful village women, can just become an instawhore and have access to the top quality of men from around the world. Back then most people were confined to the area they were born with and set up an anecdotal for meeting the "one" when realistically that small village or town is all they had access to
So you'd see someone with similar looks matched to each other.
We're absolutely fucked and there needs to be a revolution, or access to high quality sex bots.

>> No.50984862

Free energy and deep dive VR are really the only things I'm looking forward to at this point. Honestly don't feel like I'm missing much even if a happening threw us back 150 years socially, the women around my age would be the same just acting differently.

>> No.50984933

How is this possible? Do women not date the bottom half of men now?

>> No.50984959

The ex president of Japan told them to start having more sex and he got assassinated

>> No.50984979

>just blame the men because it's politically incorrect to attribute any blame whatsoever to women

>> No.50985056

25yo haven't made it and still incel

>> No.50985097

lmao this shit is wild

>> No.50985123

Based. That's one of the reasons I got in on crypto as it seems like a good way to the top.

>> No.50985148

I'm literally going to divorce my wife and put her on as much welfare as possible. She wants to stay home and raise the kids. It is the only way we could afford it.

>> No.50985186

they havent for 10-20 years dumbass

>> No.50985220

Japanese men just need to put down their phones and go do manly stuff to have healthy testosterone levels.
Now imagine being a western north american male.... 75% of your women are obese, fuck niggers, are generally gross, and stupid.

>> No.50985225

They haven't for all time

>> No.50985235

is a phenomenon entirely caused and created by women. meaningless to talk about in any other context.

>> No.50985248

idk at the height of civilizations women weren't really allowed to date and were just parcelled out to any man who could hold down a job
which is how we could sustain 5+ fertility rates during the industrial revolution. if half of men were sexless every country in europe would have collapsed from all the angsty sexless beta males joining militant political factions

>> No.50985424
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For me I'm waiting til housing is affordable and I'm able to buy sex dolls.

>> No.50985699

nip.gov is incentivizing alcohol sales https://www.npr.org/2022/08/18/1118163173/japans-tax-alcohol-young-people-campaign

>> No.50985718

she kinda cute

>> No.50985731

Built for BWC

>> No.50985774

One could almost think that the current state of gender relations was intentionally brought about to achieve this exact purpose

>> No.50985795

This all began after WW2 and Japan became the ultimate slave to the US. Japanese men got sucked into salaryman world and thus for several decades now, many boys never really knew their father, only their mother, because the father work so hard, so long, following the strict societal work culture norms. It really got worse after the 1980s. You can see in the 1980s it seemed like Japan was opening up but then after the economic woes that was it and Japan has never truly recovered. I also wouldn't doubt post ww2 Japan is some sick CIA experiment, what with all that anime stuff permeating the culture beyond. Having cute animal mascots for some things is one thing but they now have literal cities where the city mascot is an ANIME GIRL, not just some cute animal character.

>> No.50985798

Leftists turn right wing when the sexual marketplace is concerned.

>> No.50985807

If I don't have to work anymore and I can dedicate my life to study, I don't care if I never have sex.

>> No.50985862

Japan hardly has child suppor tfor women. Example, most companies won't hire women for anything basic than typical office jobs because they know if they are young they'l lleave and have baby (exceptions apply to talented women with specific skills of course...). Japan is nowhere close to being West in mindset and yet they have this problem. It's a lot deeper than women causing everything wrong.

>> No.50986106

Unironically just low test males in the case of japan. They just need better fitness programs in school.

>> No.50986145

I'm 35 and happily married.

>> No.50986149

if i make it i'll be a voklcel

>> No.50986177

This desu
It's not as though things fell this was on accident, there really are people who would rather see the population crater than teach incels how to actually talk to women or mandate gfs. There's no way any real change would ever make it anywhere near the legislature in the states, but maybe Japan would actually do something like subsidize registered couples

>> No.50986235

But all the upper tier men are affected by this shit too. Thr oligarchs, the governors, the technocrats are all still bound to the same cultural matrix. Western, and Japanese culture is simply now a beta male culture. They don't have a warrior spirit anymore. Women don't respect them. Its not some elite level tinkering in play.

>> No.50986267

>But all the upper tier men are affected by this shit too.
no the upper tier men still happily enjoy endless access to pussy and resources
only poorfags like us care what happens to the worker drones

>> No.50986289

The obesity thing really is killer
Not only are you competing against every chad in a 50 mile radius of where you live, but the amount of women who don't swell up like a balloon as soon as they hit 21 seems to dwindle every day, it's unbelievable

>> No.50986310

I haven't made it but I've got an absolute whore I fuck regularly. She even buys the condoms.

>> No.50986340

Based, Fischer runaway extinction is such a beautiful way to go. Female natures self-destructive tendencies literally transcend species.

>> No.50986344

Nope. They can barely breed. Look at Vitalik or SBF or Zuckerberg. They're wealthy but such pathetic disgusting subhumans with negative test levels and weak scrawny appearances. Barely resembling males yet closer to trannies.
One alpha nigger athlete can outfuck half the tech nerd billionaires lol. Western males are just weak and soft due to their feminized society.

>> No.50986373

I guess it's not as bad for me as it is the average Japanese man, I've been on dates... but do not understand human interaction enough to understand what it was I was supposed to do on the date

I want sex not ~a connection~ or whatever the fuck

>> No.50986404
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More pussy for me

>> No.50986429

yeah fatties cut the touchable woman count solidly in half in the united states
the average guys odd's at getting a slender white girl would be more than tripled if we were a country with japan-tier demographics, its unreal that they are having problems like these and I refuse to take "bro they are just all beta males" as an explanation.

musk has like 7 kids with 4 different women, and he's not fit or particularly tall or handsome, just rich and socially competent
a billionaire who desires to breed can easily pump several kids into several women at the same time

if you are attractive the girls basically throw themselves at you... young girls are usually socially retarded but also weirdly confident/entitled enough to think any man will take them. chad's don't have to do any social legwork to take these girls to bed because they basically get in the car before you even ask. I've seen it many times

>> No.50986486

Musk is an exception. He comes from a lineage of men that love to fuck. Also he is tall, and was fairly fit younger. Notice how he has typical traits of not giving a fuck? I hate to say it but western men simply lost the vitality required for life. They are just weak, gross, asocial, cant group, cant fight, raised by women. This affects everyone at all levels rich or poor. Women don't respect that shit. They don't like nerds that tinker with computer science no matter what. They want to be fucked and put in their place by confident, manly, test filled actual real males.

>> No.50986492
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That is literally against the word of God. Read the bible faggot.

>> No.50986509

>I've seen it many times
I went on a date where the girl, a complete stranger who texted me for no more than a day, readily hopped into my car but by the end of it she got out and speed-walked back to hers

I think there's a lot more to it than you think

>> No.50986735
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your problem is that you aren't physically attractive enough to have her just ignore your sperg traits
at least i think, its not like I've ever had a girl show overt sexual interest in me before

>> No.50987560

kike detected.

>> No.50987602
File: 461 KB, 1093x1110, 88C0945A-C5AE-4E16-8F30-608A3E18709A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have above average looks and an above average body. Late 20s. Christianity fucked me good since I always felt "wrong" doing something sexual outside of marriage. Now my head got too fucked to even be able to begin a relationship of any kind. Had plenty of 10/10s flirt with me. I mean there was some autism in there too that made me shy away, but my fear of hell was 90% of the reason. It is legitimately impossible for me to be with anyone now. I can't actually describe how FUCKED my head is now.
Religion was a mistake

>> No.50987642

>Blames the teaching of Jesus Christ and not the daily internet pornography habit for his social woes.

Get your own house in order before blaming Christ, anon.

>> No.50987671

>daily internet pornography habit for his social woes.
Nigger. I'm not you. I didn't even use the internet for recreational use (mostly. Exception was music for training) until basically my early 20s. I shit you not. What did I do as a hobby? Train my body more than 99.9999999% of the human race.

>> No.50987698

Look man , the goal is population reduction from globohomo. And looking at Japan Japan it works.

>> No.50987719

Jewish hands typed this.

>> No.50987814

>I was antisocial as fuck
Antisocial? You mean Asocial

>> No.50987876

Going to Japan and SEA as a western male feels like a quiet invasion.
The women are so easy to get with and laidback.
I almost wonder if this was all planned.
There are hundreds of videos on foreigners dating Japanese and SEA women.
I wonder why the algorithm promotes these.
Perhaps war is no longer needed for a country's women to be had.
Just a how-to YouTube video and a few dollars.

>> No.50987923
File: 621 KB, 900x900, soon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is all part of a project called "いろとりどりのセカイ", aka "Colorful World". The objective of Colorful World is to weaken the "enemy" by reducing native birth rates while immigrant birth rates increase, allowing the immigrants to eventually overwhelm the native population.

>> No.50987982

Women are whores by nature and desire exoticism. Men compete with other men by invading and fucking.

>> No.50988000

Unfortunately there are vaat biological differences between people which shows in their culture. Our are world leaders aware that much of the world cannot create functional societies on the scale of europeans/asians?

>> No.50988020
File: 36 KB, 298x266, 5d682932-fd02-41c3-8fe7-70503f11fa15.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Our are world leaders aware that much of the world cannot create functional societies on the scale of europeans/asians?
this is a positive quality for you consoomer cattle to have

>> No.50988061

I mean, is it really? Is it really a good thing for Europe/USA/Asia to slowly start mimicking Africa or Pakistan?

>> No.50988068

why would the elite caste in their gated communities give a fuck what happens outside as long as the money flows

>> No.50988071
File: 275 KB, 1047x1034, ADB850FD-4943-480B-9182-AE33BC3149AB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

au contraire

>> No.50988073

I'm not american, but can't you date some cute girl from your church ? You don't even have to make sexual intercourse with her before marriage, just holding hands, having fun and kissing fells pretty good.

Also most christians consider the lake of fire as a metaphor, and it looks like you're swimming in it right now.

>> No.50988120

Because eventually they will get blacked like bill gates daughter and absorbed into the horde xd
Elites not immune

>> No.50988124
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fuck man, i could go to japan and fucking slay. i can even speak a couple of sentences, im 6' 1", good looking, american and thin.

fuck i would do it if i didn't have a gf goddamn i love her but holy shit i want some jap poon so bad

do they let you creampie them?

>> No.50988126

they obviously dont care

>> No.50988213
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kill yourself

>> No.50988222

>above average looks and an above average body.

got some bad news for you, retard

>> No.50988225

In truth this isnt discussed much but it's probably because of fleshlight or onahole type sex toys. From ages 15-20 I was literally content with just fucking plastic to blow off steam and had zero interest in dating or fucking women, once I got rid of the toys when I was 21 I started needing pussy like a man dying of dehydration in the desert

>> No.50988248

>Leftists turn right wing

hilarious, but no. leftism has always been about personal FREEDOM. personal freedom and body autonomy are leftist ideals.

women have a right to reject you for being fat, short, smelly and ugly. git guud

>> No.50988369

Women find 99% of men unnatractive. Okcupid had to stop publishing their stats because it showed that dating was only possible for a small handful of very good looking men while the rest was just here to pay for nothing.
Social media has given women the option to seek only the top 1%. Which is white, over 6feet and good facial features.
Nonwhite women are primarily attracted to white men. Not only in the west but in the entire world. Let's remind ourselves that white people are already a minority in their own continent but when you take it on a World scale you see that women of all races are seeking a race that is like what 3% of world pupulation? Exclude below average white men, and underage plus edlerly men and you're left with like 0,5% of the population that women of all races consider as potential mates.
Asian women in particular are infatuated with white men to a point they completely dismiss their own race. It doesn't matter if what they desire is unavailable in their area, they wont settle for a nonwhite man. That's how you end up with such numbers

>> No.50988385
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>women have a right to reject you for being fat, short, smelly and ugly. git guud
you need to git guud like Big Harv, Harvested.

>> No.50988404

Feminism was a mistake. It's only been 100 years so not too late to roll things back

>> No.50988446

How profitable has it been for you anon and what do you have eyes on? I for one have seen considerable innovation in privacy projects and I'm sticking around for the long term.

>> No.50988478

fat kike faggot had a lot of money and literally put women in movies in exchange for what they gave him, im not sure what point you're trying to make?

also, its entirely possible to take a picture for, work with, and generally tolerate and abhorrent rapist kike faggot like weinstein and still have valid claims like every women in that image you posted and every woman that accused him holds

fucking retard nigger rape-apologist

>> No.50988520

That won't even work
There's only one way to fix this
Ban feminism

>> No.50988539

Jealous bitch, kek

>> No.50988550
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>That is some Civilization-ending statistics there man
Not really, as long as the 1% Chads breed all the women

>> No.50988553

My head is too fucked. Idk what happened, but I turned very cold and cynical. I'm not able to be affectionate with people. I think being a wageslave contributed to my fucked up world view

>> No.50988561

Also most christians are idiots. Hell is real, not some metaphor

>> No.50988572

post body faggot.

>> No.50988576

You first :)

>> No.50988582

Dude Chad doesn't fucking want some obese landwhale that can't even do makeup right.
Chad wants to fuck Stacey and Becky.

>> No.50988587

It's also funny how you conveniently ignored how I said many hotties flirted with me.
>i-it's all in your head because.. it just is, okay??
Stop consuming lard

>> No.50988604

im 6'1" and like 175 lbs, not ripped or anything but girls dont care as long as you're tall and your face is pretty, also my hairline is completely perfect, i see a lot of posts on here about you retards balding in your early 20s kek

anyways im getting pretty fucking drunk by now i forgot what we were talking about. i bet you're a faggot virgin zoomer anyways

nigger i've had sex with like over 50 women, and i coomed inside most of them.

>> No.50988627
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>im 6'1" and like 175 lbs
Nigger. I lost weight (not a good thing) and stopped training for years because of personal shit. I weigh 180lb still of mostly muscle and I look skinny now by my standards. I'm shorter than you so you probably look like a twig which is embarrassing. Even I'm embarrassed at 180lb. At your height with that weight I'd feel like giga shit

>> No.50988658
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nah honestly i wish i could lose another 10 lbs. i used to have abs coming in but now i just drink a shit ton and i really stopped giving a fuck.

anyways, if you're truly past the "hell is real and scary" meme im sure you can find a good girl to start a relationship with, assuming you really do get 10/10 or even 7/10s flirting with you, anyways it doesnt matter, what really matters is an actual connection and personality. id rather have a 6/10 gf i love than a 10/10 vapid whore who doesn't know shit about anything

anyways godspeed fren, WAGMI and i wish you the best of luck

>> No.50988843
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Maybe I'm an autist, but I think it's actually incredibly hard to get laid with non-fat, non-ugly women.

Like, dramatically hard.

> 6'2''
> Looksmaxxed
> Ripped
> Crypto-milli
> 500 matches on Tinder (yeah I used boosts and extremely good photos)

And I go on a 4 dates per month and fuck maybe 1 new girl every 3 months.
And I'm not super picky. If it's so hard for me, I can't imagine how anyone who has worse stats could even get any attention at all.

>> No.50988873

it's over for you maybe but i'm part of the harem havers
>cope and seethe

>> No.50989038

Did Jesus told you to look down and mock fellow christians ? Religion is tailored to control people, but spirituality is supposed to help you find peace in a wicked world. If faith is tormenting you, you're doing it wrong. Like I said, looks like you're already in hell. I hope you'll be able to escape and find joy.

>> No.50989052

Religion isn't supposed to bring joy. It's supposed to be about finding out the "truth". Truth isn't pretty

>> No.50989058

ive honestly found that a lot of girls just use tinder as an ego boost and only actually go out with guys they meet in person. I have like 200 matches on tinder but im able to pull way hotter girls IRL.

>> No.50989062

>leftist using the n word
leftists turning right wing is hilarious to see

>> No.50989068

Being from Western Europe and seeing my zoomer coworkers (not liberal) get laid, being incel is just mental illness

Accept that you were let astray by redpill faggots on YouTube, and drop all your beliefs about women and just start be around girls and actually talk with them

>> No.50989094

They are anti-human that don't want us to reproduce. You are assuming that they share your desires but they don't.

>> No.50989137

Bad people have sex all the time. Criminals have sex. Murderers and rapists have sex. I bet all those people have bad beliefs about women. The idea that only good people have sex and bad people can't is a fallacy. Normies truly do live in a different world.

>> No.50989179

At the same time, porn has become more popular which has forced women to show more of their body online to attract male attention.

Not to mention men have access to dating advice books that our ancestors could have dreamed about.

I know the solution is hard to believe but rather than complaining you should be learning on how to play the game.

There are many tools you can use to better your success with women. First and foremost is the camera, next is instant messaging through social media apps, next is dating apps.

Being good with a camera makes instant messaging and dating apps easier because hopefully you will have good photographs of yourself. Don't even go outside and meet women. Spend that time messaging 100 women locally that you would date.

Get a job, spend money on the women buying her gifts on every date. Congrats you just got a hook up, whether you want her to be your girlfriend or not depends on if you want her and she wants to be.

>> No.50989182

It's not over yet. Yes, Christianity fucked you up. It did it to me too. The only reason I could somewhat break the curse was because I was raped and that loosened me up to sexualness a little. But it was still a struggle for me to be sexual with my wife when we first started dating.

>> No.50989187

It actually doesn’t matter what kind of beliefs you have regarding women

What I actually was getting at was the MGTOW movement and young men that don’t get laid, get their hit by going online watching 90min of redpill YouTube and in their mind they got their relief and think their problem is solved

Over and over again

>> No.50989228

> ive honestly found that a lot of girls just use tinder as an ego boost and only actually go out with guys they meet in person. I have like 200 matches on tinder but im able to pull way hotter girls IRL.
Same, all of my hottest girls were from cold approach not Tinder.

>> No.50989251

So true bro. MGTOW I think helps men think about women in a different way, I'd argue a more accurate way; although men commit the exact same crimes women do.

It's important to teach people to get out of their true love mindset, because it is sad but the person with the more true love mindset always gets hurt in the relationship.

>> No.50989260

I'm 28 and I've never been on a date, kissed a girl or held a hand, or done anything at all.
You know what the funny thing is? And this is not a cope. I don't really ever think about it, I guess sometimes I do but I just fail to see what getting into relationship would offer me.

>> No.50989261

Mgtow people do get laid though, what are you talking about. The comment section of those videos are men that were in relatiuonships before. And if you meant to say incels, then they don't even watch redpill content, they disavow that as being part of the sexual rat race. So you're complaining about the wrong thing.

>> No.50989313

>I just fail to see what getting into relationship would offer me.
Same. Despite desiring love and intimacy with the opposite sex, there are things about my life right now that I enjoy and I don't want to give up those things just to achieve that. And I'm not coping because I know I will never reproduce anyway. I'm not "going" my own way, I was "sent" my own way. I didn't make the choice. So I can't pretend that this is empowering, like those mgtow dudes, because it isn't. And if I do get into a relationship, I don't think I can even handle the responsibilities that come with it and live up to the expectations. I'm too ruined for all that, even if a gf were to fall from the sky and drop on my lap.

>> No.50989341

It's easier than you think, but still difficult. Depends if you both truly feel love. You don't need to be physically attractive as a male to have sex. You just need to have male energy.

>> No.50989353
File: 197 KB, 681x383, 9c08a3c4a6f595e8b5b0dd8232d138b9b3741d7f. [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You will never become a samurai.
You will never drift Tohoku climb in GTR.
You will never date a school girl.
You will never slice a perfect sashimi.
You will slurp ramen like a Japanese.
You will never enjoy sex on tatami.
You will always look dumb in yukata.
You will look even gayer inkimono.
You will never be called aniki.
You will never enjoy inaka summer sunset.
You will eat ze bugs.

>> No.50989370

Wanna trade? I got an ex-wife, live-in GF, kids and barely scraping by.

>> No.50989381

of course they watch redpill, or at least aware of it

all i am saying is being incel is just mental illness.
me for example im technically a incel, but at this point i am blaming my neglecting dad for it.
even as a young kid all he talked about was, discussing things and matters in autismo schizo terms. much like the concept of intellectualization:

''Intellectualization is persistent because the subjects feel a 'narcissistic satisfaction', a 'secondary gain' from their self-defence, in the sense that their obsessive ideas and sterile reflections give them the illusion that they are different and even superior to others.''

as a teenager i just gobbled up all the redpill infographics because i already were accustomed to that thinking

>> No.50989387

Japan is a lost case, and this social dysfunction phenomena is spreading like a wild fire across countries, south korea is another example. It's almost like a self destruct process has been initiated subconsciously. We are seeing 40-60% population decline by the end of this century.

>> No.50989432
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I got this guys.

>> No.50989442

what do you say typically to strangers to start convo?

>> No.50989450

I tried to get into spiritualism to cope but it just more gynocentric bullshit meant to cater to women more than anything.

>> No.50989457

But that's the plan.

>> No.50989479


To be pedantic, you're thinking of the dawn of the Neolithic/copper age.

And remember that the switch to organizing society around agriculture was a disaster for most people.

"But why then?"

Because agriculture (recreating the flooding conditions to grow grains) gives you power/leverage that can be stored as a surplus managed by an elite.

But imagine, in the dawn of that time, how little "culture" could serve as a defense against the naked predations of the elite! Exacerbated further by the nutritional deficiencies that a dependence on grain crops produces!

>> No.50989505
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Being incel is just a mental illness at this point. Going to make it with my bag of matic and I fuck hot bitches on the daily. Japan needs some rehabilitation, y'all mofos creepy as hell.

>> No.50989727
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nipponbros...BWC is to strong