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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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50981123 No.50981123 [Reply] [Original]

>created the single largest pump and dump scheme in all of history
>spends all his time attacking people on twitter, mostly his own bagholders
>harasses other crypto ceos, to the point where even charles hoskinson is calling him out
>spends tons of company money on prostitutes and retarded things like "cryptoleaks.info" trying to save face
>doxxes random reddit users for questioning him and his project
>named his project "internet computer" thinking it was a good idea
>made the ticker "icp" which sounds like frozen urine or insane clown posse
>single handedly crashed the ENTIRE fucking market by releasing his scam token
>blames every other entity in existence for the failure of his shitty project, including ftx and binance
>still getting away with his crimes, even tricking new retards into buying into his ponzi
Dominic Williams needs to be stopped. He is out of control. This man belongs behind bars.

>> No.50981168

Never heard of him, but he sounds based.

>> No.50981183

You forgot
>starts threads on 4chan /biz/ to get people to defend him

>> No.50982377

i have over 2k icp and the absolute gay retarded shit you fuckers post makes me hate this bag.
good thing it’s only about 5-7% of my total crypto holdings

>> No.50982397

On August 19th, the Dfinity securities lawsuit verdict will be decided behind closed doors. Shortly thereafter, a public press conference will take place in order to inform the public of upcoming developments, and it is looking bleak for Dominic Williams' Dfinity. He is now beginning to melt down in various Twitter posts and on Reddit, knowing in his heart what the lawsuit outcome will be. His recent instability may yield some clues towards the full gravity of the situation.
This run up to 9$ was the final exit pump for employees and insiders. It's officially over.

>> No.50982436
File: 253 KB, 741x673, k3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meanwhile the chief "computer scientist" of s*lana doesn't even know mathematical proofs, deletes his own posts where he's wrong and to this day refuses to explain any details about his supposed computer science and blockchain function publicly in depth because why? Because >"durRRRRRrr i wUUrked on 2-5g we didn't publish the datasheets thats uhh academia!111" and paraphrasing: "YOU DON'T DESERVE, YOU DON'T ACHSUALLY NEED and WE REFUSE to give you an explanation on how this shitcoin protocol(s*lana) actually works, just because,"trust us it just wuyuurkksszzz". Scam.

The scam coin S*lana would fall flat on its fucked up head and went to zero by now had "investors" in this class had any brains and it wouldn't pass the fucking sniff test on main street, and would be ridiculed and dumped. But actually the funny thing is SOMEHOW THEY DON'T because solana is a manipulated asset and this whole space is fucking corrupt and filled with lazy brainlet retards who don't to due diligence, don't take this seriously and as a result don't know any better.

S*lana also keeps rugging it's users because it's garbage. By now thousands of people probably lost their life savings on network outage or out of surfacable cleartext json files right out of their wallets that would immidiately destroy any other project?? HAHA OK. AND PEOPLE ARE SUPPOSEDLY STILL BULLISH ON THIS GARBAGE CALLED S*YLANA HAHAH. MAKE IT UP.

You will never get an explanation how the solana network actually operates or generates revenue because it's a ponzi scheme shitcoin backed by zillions of jew scam bux, this seems good to the average retard even though it's literal vaporware trash that requires a whole bunch of fucking IT input JIDF task force to just function, the validators have to coordinate with the jidf blockchain jannies anytime something goes wrong.

KEK when even the average market dimwit understands this your "magic revenue"(lol) shitcoin operating in the negative it will die.

>> No.50983971

at least you could make money by buying solana. unlike icp where everybody (except VCs) has lost money on it.
sounds like you’re jealous.

>> No.50984448

Enjoy the ponzi scam while it's hot, it will eventually find correct market value @ zero, that is if the outages and private keys leaking won't get the solcucks first.

>> No.50984557

not in the next 5 years.
meanwhile icp will continue to crab n dump for the foreseeable future as 5+ million tokens are minted every month

>> No.50984565

How about both ICP and Solana are complete trash and aren't going anywhere long-term? The only blockchains that will have relevancy five years from now are the ones that actually get adoption from corps and governments for the (few) things that crypto is good for

>> No.50984572

Icp holders are gonna get shrekt for believing in the literal Voldemort of crypto.

>> No.50984597

never selling my icy pees you stinky jeets

>> No.50984608

Enjoy holding it down to double digit cents

>> No.50984624

yep. pretty much correct

>> No.50984664
File: 211 KB, 1024x523, dfinity-messari-image-1024x523.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If anyone wants a good look at how much early investors and seed investors go for tokens, here you go. Less than 450 people/entities got 34% of all tokens that were given out initially

>> No.50984692

Then add in the 110 people/entities from the presale that add another 5% of tokens to a very small number of people who bought on the extremely cheap

>> No.50984722

Yeah look at how well that went for rose

>> No.50984723

This is the plan. I'd love to have 50k ICP. The coin will be worth MINIMUM $100, likely $1k. It's unironically the last chance to make it. Enjoy being poor faggot

>> No.50984771

>Enjoy being poor faggot
This is how you know someone has nothing to actually argue why their shit has value that doesn't immediately fall apart with a little critical thinking

>> No.50984801

eth was the same or worse
you'll never be early in any project ever again like these people were
i don't get why you even post or come to the boards since there's nothing you'd ever invest in

>> No.50984834


>> No.50984887

>i don't get why you even post or come to the boards since there's nothing you'd ever invest in
There is something I'm 'invested' in, though most of my confidence in it comes from the devs being realistic about what blockchains and crypto in general are actually good for (not making 'decentralized internet' that nobody will ever care about) and getting the fundamentals down. Aiming to be nearly 100% compliant with relevant governments and creating things to show their legitimacy and benefit like tokenized carbon credits

>> No.50984921

shit that other guy is right you are a giant faggot

>> No.50984951

It's okay anon keep believing in you magic new internet that will totally do decentralization later

>> No.50985943

Lol you're retarded, leave the real people threads and stick to your magic money ponzi schemes dumb nigger.

>> No.50986061

But SOL along with NEAR are the only blockchains corporations are interested in. No one else has got post ICO funding like they have, both have the quickest rate of devs onboarding and the amount of apps being built on them both is increasing at the highest rate.

I'm sure Vitalik, Charles, Anatoly, Zhong etc are all sitting down every day in order to explain to all their twitter followers like yourself how their blockchains work, especially when it's all readily available public knowledge. It's not like almost every single blockchain is open source and has freely available white papers or anything right? Or will you admit to needing everything explained to you like you're fucking 4 because you're incapable of grasping even the most basic shit contained within them?

>> No.50986084

typical cracker scammer

>> No.50986108

>you speak in terms of nations and peoples.... there no nations, there are no peoples. only one holostic system of systems
>i like harry potter
yes, go fap to anime

>> No.50986163

Yahaha solcuck megasneethe how does your poolana ponzi shitcoin generate revenue again? it doesn't. Move along fruitcake.