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50978614 No.50978614 [Reply] [Original]

How do you make money off of femcels? What are the best markets to invest in for the next 3 decades to capture the exposure of their spending habits?

>> No.50978624

OP if you woke up a woman tomorrow, how would profit from this?

>> No.50978653

cat products and The Sims

>> No.50978690

literally impossible to be a femcel

>download tinder
>get 100 matches who just want to hookup

HOWEVER beyond sex, yeah ugly women can have it hard. always getting dropped but their own fault for not lowering their standards usually

>> No.50978703
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Invest in bbc. These women flock to bbc like flies on shit.

>> No.50978767

The only women who end up being femcels are the obese ones that think they're above tinder and going to the bars/clubs.

>> No.50978818
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hello chang, why do you have these Fantasies?

>> No.50978862
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>> No.50978880

The Sims is HUGE with this demographic. It provides he sort of sheltered, idealistic women who hold out hope for true romance a space in which to simulate a perfect fantasy social life and family. My wife was a genuine femcel before meeting me and was extremely into the Sims fandom.

>> No.50978894
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my sister is a femcel. she says she hates all men but me and my father

>> No.50978904

You know what you have to do

>> No.50978908

One of my wife’s coworkers is a really sweet girl and she actually has a really pretty face, but unfortunately she’s extremely over weight. And just keeps ballooning more and more. She can always find men to sleep with her but literally every single one has no interest in dating her/introducing her to his friends and family. Then, she finally lowered her standards and dated a nice ugly guy for a year, but she couldn’t handle the fact that she wasn’t deeply, animalistically attracted to him so she dumped him. Now she’s back to the same cycle of getting fucked and dumped by better looking men. She’s def depressed but won’t lean into any of the “solutions,” of which there are two easy ones. Be content with an uglier guy, or lose the weight. Hitting her 30s now.

>> No.50978931

Become an OnlyFans pimp like Andrew Tate. Even a 3/10 can sell feet or belly pics

>> No.50978972

In Japan there is a guy who you can hire to do nothing. So he keeps shengnu women / femcells company at social places.

>> No.50978976

VR, personalised VR boyfriend software disguised as therapy tools

>> No.50979032

>Ugly women have it hard
Even an ugly woman can easily get a long term relationship with a looksmatch. They simply believe themselves above actually interacting with their male equivalent though.

>> No.50979044

Another one to invest in is fanfiction. It's difficult to monetize but definitely stands to grow. Harlequin romance style ebooks could also be a big hit. Especially if you could turn them into audiobooks and have a sexy voice.

>> No.50979121

Correct. Female is the wrong word because most of those women are actually periodically fucking chad but they can't get him to stick around. We should just call them dumb stuck up uggos.

>> No.50979160

There's absolutely nothing wrong with that. You're just mad because you want to fuck fat girl pussy.

>> No.50979311

>You're just mad because you want to fuck fat girl pussy.
Said no guy, EVER.

>> No.50979354

I did. I'm a guy.

>> No.50979394

no usually its tiny skinny underdevelopped (no tits and ass) girls with no charm

>> No.50979408

Best markets to invest in over the next decade will be pet supply, alcohol, pharmaceuticals, at-home fitness companies like Peloton, and internet dating + social media companies after we hit a real recession.

>> No.50979484

By that standard its impossible to be an incel too, since you could always fuck an ugly hobo lady, the town bike, or a lonely Granny. Obviously "involuntary celibacy" is supposed to be limited to being unable to fuck people who you'd actually like to fuck. So for women that means Chad.

>> No.50979647

thats not really true though dude. prostitution is illegal and most incels are not capable of talking to a girl and getting her to actually want to have sex with them even if she is literally a homeless slut who sleeps with different guys every night.

your perception of the mental state and social confidence of incels is remarkably naive

here is specifically the difference:
>incels cannot initiate with a girl, not on tinder, not irl, on facebook, or anywhere else and successfully get them to have sex without breaking a law and resorting to prostitution
>femcels can always make a tinder, match with guys, have them do 100% of the work lead the conversation initiate every step of the way and carry the entire relationship to sex unless they are physically deformed or 300lb+(basically deformed)

if you dont understand this, and actually believe that oh incels can just go out and magically initiate conversation with the local slut and actually be not autistic enough to get her to go have sex with him, you really are clueless man i invite you to check out /adv/ to see how pathetic these creatures are

femcels just aint even close

>> No.50979671

Sims like games (VR?) with erotic writing
celebrity molded dildos
snarky cheap wine are clothing brand

>> No.50979672

I'm 6ft 175lbs. I ran two marathons this year and go to the gym 2-3 times a week. Not going to say I'm a hunk but I'm not ugly.

Bless these old ladies I work with. They keep trying to get me with this 5ft 250lb girl at work. All she has going for her is she is sweet.

I have fucked fat gals in the passed and I don't like it at all. Skinny girls are 1000% better.