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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 114 KB, 861x647, 669E3255-DF11-4822-97AB-060CD64F158B_1_102_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
50976420 No.50976420 [Reply] [Original]

If you don't have a job or contribute to society, you don't deserve to get a mortgage.


I don't give a shit what your fake net worth is.

The government should also ban buying houses with cash as a lot of this is money laundering.

Get a fucking job, incel.

>> No.50976459
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>> No.50976577
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>> No.50976603

Get. A. Job.

>> No.50976681
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Stop. Being. Poor.

>> No.50976729

Work wagie, work! Slave for me and grovel to please my deficits. You will obey me!

>> No.50976915

Fuck bro you just punching down. That's not a good look

>> No.50977034

I have more money than you can even dream of mommy's boy

>> No.50977051
File: 40 KB, 490x586, 53BDC733-8E03-4147-A141-32C9A7CECE4B_1_102_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Work wagie, work! Slave for me and grovel to please my deficits. You will obey me!

>> No.50977062

go live in china u commie fagget

>> No.50977079

wanting everything handed to you for existing in your mom's basement is the definition of being a commie you lazy retarded faggot

>> No.50977081

The flaw of your premise is that all human effort revolves around making human beings obsolete in their own societies. Thus the only jobs paying a compelling wage are those which render everyone else without real work.

Thus the only real work is fighting to establish control structures where you receive the profit from capital and machine labor as mankind can no longer justify his own wealth with his own labor..

>> No.50977083

Reality is that NEETs make more money than wagies

>> No.50977139

this is the most retarded cope i've ever seen
reality is you need to go outside and understand how the real works

>> No.50977244

>I have more money

Ask me how I know you are lying.

>> No.50977263
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>Reality is that NEETs make more money than wagies


>> No.50977315

>this is the most retarded cope i've ever seen
1 in 3 american workers make less than 15$ and hour and 40% of the american economy is considered non-essential. Those non-essential jobs are all part of the service industry, which is all adult day care

The reality however is that a lot of office jobs are also meaningless and only exist to staff people in your company. Office work is in reality about establishing control structures to funnel money to yourself from the real labor of machines that do all the real work.

>> No.50977343

Ask me how I know you are a failure of a human being.

>> No.50977362

1 in 1 NEETs leech from their parents and hard working tax payers while contributing nothing to society

>> No.50977393

Look reality is you don’t understand the vast swath of economic activity that exists out of real GDP. I consider the exchange of currency as economic activity. The switch will flip. GGs

>> No.50977430

Look reality is you live in your mom's basement and think you know how the world works because you read a couple threads on 4chan from people who have never touched grass. You know nothing.

>> No.50977431
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Hey wagie I see you slackin. You better pick up the pace.

>> No.50977434

look man, the modern economy is machines farming, and producing everything while college grads answer emails and get paid from the machines labor and high school grads deliver peoples food from the restaurant or walk around picking up items from warehouse shelves.

We don't live in a human centric economy anymore.

>> No.50977464

I’m a NEET who has never, ever worked and I paid for my $2.5m house upfront with ETH gains and “disability” savings three years ago.

I make passive income now renting out the second suite for absurd prices and spend my days playing old vidya and gooning; I haven’t been outside in three days. I will not ever “contribute” or do anything, I deserve it more than you salty cucks, and more importantly you can’t stop me. HAHAHAHAHA

>> No.50977468

Doesn't matter. Work is work. Go outside.

>> No.50977493


>> No.50977509

Listen here, you stupid fucking parasitic faggot, stop larping about your fake gains and apply to a job right now. You will NEVER make it relying on fake internet money dumb fucking crypto bro. I'm doing you a favor. You're welcome.

>> No.50977595

This has to be satire. Like an NPC just walked into the room and their mind is malfunctioning trying to comprehend not basing your life on the fake reality and what others think of you.

>> No.50977618


'How can they be thriving whilst not bending to political correctness and the nonsense of society. This is not fair stop them now!'

>> No.50977634

Couples with less than 2 children do not deserve houses. Houses are for raising families. If you want to be childfree then you should unironically live in ze pod. Also only married men with children should be able to drive, childfree 'adults' should have to use public transport to keep the roads clear for family men

>> No.50977702
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>> No.50979142
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the government owes me a house

change my mind

>> No.50979532
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Be quiet chudcel, go support putler back on /pol/.
All fields.

>> No.50980149

retard i can literally knock you the fuck out and u wont fight back i bet 13 bucks canadian u will die like a bitch in our fight

>> No.50980194
File: 309 KB, 576x472, 434821301.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If you don't have a job or contribute to society, you don't deserve to get a mortgage.
>I don't give a shit what your fake net worth is.
>The government should also ban buying houses with cash as a lot of this is money laundering.
>Get a fucking job, incel.

>> No.50980402

NEETs are people they specifically attack in order to keep them weighted down because otherwise they're too intelligent and win the economy.

OP is just PSYOPS to try to erode confidence. I highly recommend all NEETs keep a journal and work daily towards building a cult with which you can take down local law enforcement & electrical grids. Failing that, get yourselves any sort of firearms available and take down the highest ranking politician, businessperson, or military officer you have access to because they're all worthless scum who haven't the faintest idea of what modern technology is doing, nor how to stop it.

Pretty much, evolutionary dogmatists came to the false-conclusion that Humanity must ""EVoLve"" in order to meet the demands of modern life, but really they're just fucking dumbfucks who wanted to sacrifice Humanity's best and most creative for Humanity's worst and most plebeian.

>> No.50982917

>retard i can literally knock you the fuck out and u wont fight back i bet 13 bucks canadian u will die like a bitch in our fight
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA shut the fuck up manlet chud I'm 6'3 and bench over 300. I will stomp your fucking teeth in the moment you leave your mom's basement incel.

>> No.50982935
File: 426 KB, 647x1031, 85F876ED-1DAF-47FE-ACF4-0946D3B644A4.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>NEETs are people they specifically attack in order to keep them weighted down because otherwise they're too intelligent and win the economy.
>OP is just PSYOPS to try to erode confidence. I highly recommend all NEETs keep a journal and work daily towards building a cult with which you can take down local law enforcement & electrical grids. Failing that, get yourselves any sort of firearms available and take down the highest ranking politician, businessperson, or military officer you have access to because they're all worthless scum who haven't the faintest idea of what modern technology is doing, nor how to stop it.
>Pretty much, evolutionary dogmatists came to the false-conclusion that Humanity must ""EVoLve"" in order to meet the demands of modern life, but really they're just fucking dumbfucks who wanted to sacrifice Humanity's best and most creative for Humanity's worst and most plebeian.

>> No.50982957

I make more money from trading and sitting on shitcoins than I do with my job as a carpenter. Seethe. Cope. Dilate.

Stop. Being. Poor.

>> No.50982963

im a neet and own a house. hows that feel faggot!

>> No.50983247

I don't want a job, I don't want a mortgage, I'm comfy squatting in my parents' house they've already paid it off

>> No.50983874

so what if ur 6 foot wont help u when ur on the ground bleeding about to fucking die and i fucking shoot you in the head and u stop moving forever. nothing to do with the fact that i am 5'3 i just hate you tallfags so much acting like ur better then me fuck you all