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50973285 No.50973285 [Reply] [Original]

if you had to start over from $0, what would you do?

>> No.50973307


>> No.50973310

It would cost him $0 to do that and prove he's not a lying sandnigger

>> No.50973335

this get posted here every single week, how are these bots getting through the captcha

>> No.50973344

how would he be able to rent a room without any money desu

>> No.50973388

I'd take a dump in public and use my 15 minutes of tik tok internet fame as a platform to spread my apocalypse political message and build a political party cult based on summoning the AI demiurge, but it's ok because it's on the blockchain.

>> No.50973400

I don't take any advice from people of non-European background. Even then I limit it to Western euros.

>> No.50973409

>> stack $10k in 4-5 weeks
for most people this takes a year, if not longer.

>> No.50973426

Or I would just live stream myself taking a shit and monetize it with ads. Think about it, no ones done it before, it's an untapped market.

>> No.50973457

>rent a room


>> No.50973459

1 month after starting from scratch this nigger has somehow stacked $10k doing "marketing" and waiting tables

>> No.50973461

Bots can get through the captcha, even the 6 letter one. Hell, plenty of 4chan browser apps come with an auto captcha solver.

>> No.50973476

Some millionaire did a challenge where he went homeless and essentially tried to go from $0 to $1mil in 6 months and ended up stopping the challenge early and only made like $90k or something. Either way, it was a valiant effort but showed that making a million from scratch isn't as easy as retard tweeters make it out to be.

>> No.50973478

reality if you're not one of ((them))
>rent room
>apply for jobs
>apply for jobs
>apply for jobs
>apply for jobs
>wait tables
>apply for jobs
>apply for jobs
>apply for jobs
>drive uber on side
>apply for jobs
>apply for jobs
>apply for jobs
>apply for jobs
>apply for jobs

>> No.50973519

>work remote
What, like, from a public library?

>> No.50973527

any startups want to hire me for marketing? i have no money or experience but what i lack in education and knowhow i can makeup for with uhh ahhh ummmm i can uhhh... fuck never mind

>> No.50973544

all in dogbat

>> No.50973563

In his rented room which he got for free obviously

He also got a phone and computer of course despite having "$0"

>> No.50973607

>rent a room in a nice house
>no money
retarded twatter

>> No.50973729

This. If you are a kike then it’s so easy to be succesful. If you are not a millionaire as a kike then you are the equivalent of a street nigger. They have life on ultra easy mode from all that nepotism

>> No.50973782
File: 162 KB, 2044x872, fuck faggot ops.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.50974258

cringe and lowkey gay

>> No.50974298

nothing about your gay ass is 'untapped'

>> No.50974326

I'd recruit people into Hustler's university and then use the profits to enroll in Hustler's university myself to learn how to make big money and fuck women.

>> No.50974689

Also to add, that motherfucker basically had his influencer gf shill his shit, illegally sublease a mini-mansion while getting a friend to be a co-signer.
Niggers lie and the already rich are full of shit.

>> No.50975014

He forgot to type “sucking dicks on the street for enough money to rent a room in a crack motel” in his gay list of bullshit

>> No.50975070

Do I know you?

>> No.50975082

Spend my XMR.

>> No.50975091

in a nice house no less, as if he has options

>> No.50975128

Exactly. They’re so delusional from the amount of money they currently have that they can’t make sense of their obviously bullshit scenario.

What I would do if I had $0:
>I own a van outright; assuming I didn’t have that to live in either I would ask everyone I knew that would take me in to give me a month to stay with them.
>Land a contract for the profession I currently have skills in for $75/hr+
>Move out at the end of the month into an efficiency
>Save money until I have at least 20k
>Take on additional contracts and start a business
Boom. Right back in it less than 4 months.

The idea I think he’s getting at is that you need a skill set and the know-how and you can pretty much do whatever you want. Without skills or daddy’s money, you are fucked.

>> No.50975299

Yeah. Marketing gigs don't pay that much unless you are the boss. Realistic:
Get marketing gig - 5K/month after taxes
part time job waiting tables - 2k month
Living expenses - 2.5k. Leaving you with 4.5k a month to stack.
Plus it would take some time to even get those jobs.

>> No.50975306

even your plan folds instantly if you don't already have reliable friends/family (because not many own a van outright). it's less about having a "skillset" and more about who you know

>> No.50976948

Seduce a woman
Ask for money
Rinse repeat for a week
Start boarding
Work at McDonald’s
Work to management
Get a loan
Get a food truck
Employ others
Franchise the brand

>> No.50977259

we need a term for these fake ass JustHustleBros™ social media addicted homos

>> No.50977404

Go to college, become a banking analyst again, save as much as I possibly could, and speculate on real estate, and industrials.

>> No.50977499
File: 1.46 MB, 4383x3080, 106882487-1620907084270-gettyimages-1313523507-bth003mcdonaldsadvertising15wageinpennsylvania.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

work at mcdonalds unironically
they pay so much, some lowly wagie there legit incomemogs 90% of european positions
americans don't know how good they have it

with roughly 3k$ in monthly income, i would focus on renting a very cheap dwelling. if necessary buy some garbage used car and sleep there

after a few months of this i would slowly be able to stop living like a peasant. knowing me, after staking a few tens of thousands i would quit and try to neet it up

>> No.50977685


what the hell even is a remote marketing gig?

>> No.50979130

Assuming no skills, no connections and just the clothes on my back? Also I just landed in generic American city? Alright fuck it let's see.
>1. I need water and shelter first without getting killed by a hobo. The water I can get for free in most U.S. cities easy enough so I won't focus on that. Then I would scope out the next 20 block radius for the rest of the day to find somewhere safe to sleep.
>2. Go panhandle. As soon as I had 5 dollars I'd go get a proper sign, cup and marker. After 10 hours of panhandling and avoiding the police I should have at least $50.
>3. With that money I'd buy cheap but filling food, a Planet Fitness membership and keep a few plastic bags on me to store crap. The next day would be more of the same of just panhandling until I raised about $200.
>4. I'd go take a shower at Planet Fitness, buy a new but inexpensive clothes at a thrift store, wash my original set at a laundry mat, and make my way to a library. With my surplus money I'd also buy a two tarps and a used bike. At the library I'd focus on getting an Amazon Warehouse position or go on craigslist and find cash labor positions. The name of the game is to get ANY employment. If I had to go do manual labor with Mexicans I'd do it. Whatever puts cash in hand.
>5. Once I'd gotten established as far as some type of steady employment over the course of that I'd stabilize my homelessness situation. First I'd get spare parts for the bike, a proper backpack, a bit of spare food/water, and when I'm off from work I'd work on getting copies of my government documents and a P.O. box.
>6. Once I had $2K I'd go on craigslist and find a car. I'd spend 100 hours studying the mechanics of cars so I could run the systems tests myself and find an Asian shitbox that wouldn't immediately breakdown. I'd start sleeping in the car.
>7. At this point my documents would be in and I'd at least have a P.O. box and car to sleep in. I'd contact Swift, Schneider etc. and get a spot in their CDL A program

>> No.50979173

>>50979130 cont.
>8. Past that point it's as simple as drive trucks for 5-10 years OTR. Buy land, buy RE, buy a proper 4x4 truck and trailer, build a shed, buy equipment/tools. Build a 1 year emergency fund and stack BTC/SPY until you feel comfortable enough to retire from trucking.
>9. If you feel the need to start a family then sub out the retirement statement with getting your own truck and authority. Do that for a decade and then settle down with a million or two and your pick of the liter in wives.
Simple as.

>> No.50979822

get a job, save up, and invest in good low caps with good yields, like that of zpay and Ride on Elrond ecosystem. Make good yields and stack a good amount of eth and so on...

>> No.50980000

This kind of mental exercise is just another way for people like you to dab on the lower crust/trash of society that you hate so much. If you have skills to casually get a 75/hr job, then yeah, suddenly losing all your wordly possessions means nothing to you.
Was there a point when this "if I had $0" game was something other than yet another way for psychos to shit on poor/dumb people?

>> No.50980105

I mean it's hilarious that he thinks he can do any of that with 0. The rental already makes his theory bullshit.

But how come there's always this bullshit cop-out with these types of faggots
>Invest everything over $10k into an Amazon brand and scale hard.
they never explain this part, even though it's literally the part that actually needs explanation. but they pretend that it's so fucking simple to just build a brand from scratch and hit success. it's not. it's just fucking not. countless people fail in this process, and he could be one of them. but he has deluded himself into thinking that his success is purely his own capability rather than lucky circumstance.

what the fuck is that old saying? success is 50% skill and 50% luck? or some shit? these faggots always ignore the luck part.

>> No.50980106

Debt max.

>> No.50980129

The only "flaw" is you should add networking and get to know people. That will open up doors to opportunities, employments and possibly accommodation.

Jobs with a more turnover and temporary nature like restaurants. Bike messenger or food delivery.
Bike messenger also share interest in cycling if you're in to that, I reckon it's easier to bond with people and you have that tighter community.
It's also easier to learn fix a bike than a car, either as a side hustle or work in a shop. But if you want to fast track into higher earnings, being a car mechanic is probably better.

>> No.50980155

Starting from $0. I would take out student loans and toss it into cryptocurrency and leave the country.

>> No.50980236

Car mechanic earnings cap far lower than logistics and from my experience most men suck at interpersonal relations. If giving advice for this thought experiment it's better to stick to tangible materialist grindset benchmarks. I say that because the charisma, speech, diplomacy build is niche at best. Also the longer you're homeless the higher probability something stupid happens. The name of the game is to get stable high paying employment off the streets and short of the U.S. Military or an oil field I don't think unskilled laborer is going to beat CDL A work.

>> No.50980263

Andrew Tate's $50000 Hustlers university got LEAKED.

https://d1scord.gg/8V2UdnmP (replace 1 with "i" to avoid spam)

Learn how to copywrite, make money, ecommerce, crypto, code, trade all for FREE LEAKED NOW gooo fast!

>> No.50980282


>> No.50980355

flip burgers for $100k a month while not eating and sleeping under a bench, put everything in GME and scale hard

>> No.50980505

Dude just scale hard bro

>> No.50980612

Decent plan.

>> No.50981012

>Water ain't free
>Job without an address lol
>Panhandle $50 rofl

>> No.50981031

>rent a room with $0
>work remote with $0
>get a job with no home
In 12 months he'd be dead

>> No.50981066

Planet fitness wouldn't let you in

>> No.50981140

a job where you make bullshit "I made it through company X" and whore it out on instathot, fakebook, and tittok

>> No.50981182

>If I started with $0 today
>Rent a room in a nice house
with what money?
try coming up from the street fucking sand kike

>> No.50981197

>what the hell even is a remote marketing gig?
a WFH job in a marketing role, you stupid idiot. Go to literally any company's careers site and click "marketing department" to find out what the jobs are like.

>> No.50981284
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>I'd spend 100 hours studying the mechanics of cars
/o/ here, 100 hours is insane, you can learn to fix the most common 99% of issues in like 3 hours, probably faster if you just focus on the model of car you own

your problem will be that tools are fairly expensive and also take up space

>> No.50981307

>if you had to start over from $0, what would you do?
Violent crime probably kidnapping
1)Tax Free
2)Great vacation allowance
3)Low on meetings/HR/Diversity
4)Pays well
8)Growth market large number of overpaid state employees with expendable children ready to harvest

>> No.50981354

Who the fuck would invest in Amazon. Really who? Who uses the word 'brand' is this some retarded millenial that escaped from daycare? Who the fuck come eher and starts a thread WITH A FUCKING TWITTER SPAM POST
Delete this board it is DEAD

>> No.50981521

He’s talking about an Amazon FBA brand.

>> No.50982906

id scale that bpa free water bottle on amazon so hard bro

>> No.50982988

Ask for 100 DOGE
Swap it on the Dogechain
Plough profits into QNT
Wait for QNT to hit 5k
Buy house
Run eBay business from house
Sell house for 2 million
Buy better house

>> No.50983056

if i started with $0 today
>make runescape account
>stake party hats until 50 party hats
>sell for bitcoin
invest everything into philosophy degree

>> No.50983310

>an amazon brand
him a countless others. How exactly will he divert towards his brand the the mindless short attention spanned consumerists that compose today's society?

>> No.50983340


>> No.50983615

>Own a van outright
For anyone who is actually living with fuck all nothing you have a list of options:
>Homeless shelters
>Couch surfing
>Kindness of strangers buying you a tent to live in/ a bike to get to work.

You would be surprised how nice people are if your honest and don't look like a crack head.

>> No.50983773

Steal a couple catalytic converters from Prius cars and Ford E350s, sell quick. Hopefully in a week, then all in on Chainlink before smartcon then sleep on the streets until moon mission.

>> No.50983818

If I had $0 I would walk around and try to find retail or odd jobs. Enough to pay for gym membership to shower each day. Hopefully 2-3 hours a day of work. Then go to library everyday to use internet and read/write.

>> No.50983928

Yeah bro. If I started at $0, I’d just get a 6 figure job, pull a loan from my HELOC and sell a couple of my assets and viola, I’m back in 7 figs in 30 min

>> No.50984278

Wtf? I just need a pumping coin

>> No.50984542

i would mobilize a group of homeless people to contribute like 1% of their earnings, and put it in silver and gold and cheap ass land anywhere i can find it.
take loans out against the gold silver and property
buy guns and tactical gear to arm the homeless
infitrate kidnap and execute the top 1% with my army of hobos.
live in their mansions.
live in their yachts.

>> No.50984563

Why all in chainlink?
Many altcoins are on sale anon, and I'm keeping a close eye on iost, reef, lit, fwt, raca, and chess for my tokens at the next bullrun.

>> No.50984583

when you're already at seven figures none of that shit is worth your time, retard.

>> No.50984677

is that much demand for marketing gigs? I mean how do you even find such a job? and what's the pay

I feel like you'd make more money as a waiter but you'll make $10k in 4-5 months not weeks

>> No.50984743

>get on welfare
>collect NEETbux
>start day trading with 100$
>not worry about money in the slightest
Holy shit, i miss this life.

>> No.50984770


>> No.50984802

funny how whites have the same inferiority complexes about jews as blacks have about whites

>> No.50984837

All the successful people I know had family that either supported them or gave them a lot of money for years while they built their business and went to school. The single most important factor in success is having friends and family connections. Of course you need to work too, but without connections you'll need a lot of luck

>> No.50984868
File: 79 KB, 505x604, 003E7878-7166-4775-BF1C-121149083762.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I started with $0 today, I’d do the following:
>burn all forms of identification
>somehow get ahold of a shitload of Melanotan 2
>megadose, sit in the sun all day
>shave head, grow a beard
>practice ebonics
>do something blatantly illegal, resist arrest
>get rodney king’d
>wake up from coma, have a full kosher legal team crowdfunded from faggot white libtards and dark hegemony slush-fund shekels waiting for me
>sue the shit out of the cityfag ZOGbot gang that had the nerve to cripple a future astronaut-lawyer
>hope the MT2 blast lasts until I can get out of the dindu-deification news cycle
>blow half of the settlement on weed, menthols, and hellcats in every color to not raise suspicion

The perfect crime.

>> No.50984907

>funny how whites have the same conspiracy complexes about jews

fixed that for you. And it isn't a complex when you're right.

>> No.50984915

It's that standard deviation IQ gap that clips them both.

>> No.50984948

>be a nigger
>primitive monkey who can’t handle civilization

>be white
>have your family and other whites brainwashed to put niggers and kikes before your own

>be a kike
>have support from family and other kikes

You’re seething because he pointed the truth. Before 1900 all important positions were in the hands of whites and whites consciously promoted their own. Now they’re brainwashed to promoted shitskins first and be ashamed of own race. That’s the only reasons Jews are ahead

>> No.50984952

Kill Jews

>> No.50984963

IT'S ALL RICH PARENTS. And those studies about most millionaires in America being first genertion rich is bullshit, because most of the people in the study are Boomers who's parents technically weren't considered rich back in the 50s and 60s. It also doesn't account for young people who's parents pay off their college debt and give them a down payment for a house. It's all bullshit.

>> No.50984996

First off, I'd try not to post bait.
Second off, I'd write the word "sage" in the options field
And thirdly, I'd leave but not without calling you a faggot.

>> No.50985007

>95 IQ

>> No.50985017

>if you had to start over from $0
>"Finally, I am free..."

>> No.50985164


>> No.50985384

Based. Privacy crypto are the future chad.

>> No.50985624

Wtf fwt and chess are???

>> No.50985719

>He seethes at the truth because it burns.
The funniest part of the story is that the Jews are right that cumskins are nothing but cattle fit for the slaughter. Watching you all seethe at the WEF's pending dystopia makes it worth it, desu.

>> No.50985965

It's creating a private label product (bullshit chinesium from alibaba) and marketing it as your own brand on amazon fba. It takes a lot of time and a lot of capital to do that. Even just normal reselling on fba is very hard for the average person. These fags online always preach fba like it's a cheat code to endless riches.

>> No.50986087

Hit up Brock pierce and tell him you will sell your soul, suck his dick and then find other teen boys to suck his dick and I think you will have a chance.

>> No.50986118



>> No.50986130

be happy

>> No.50986160

>if you had to start over from $0, what would you do?

Go to cheap bar and pick up a fatty.
Let her care for me while I find a job.

>> No.50986193

>if I started with $0 today
>rent a room

>> No.50986245

What is an amazon brand?

>> No.50986407

>Start from $0
>Go to kmart and steal a tent
>Pitch tent in woods
>Eat at food banks
>Use PC at library and learn to code
>Code ransomware virus
>Stack 10k XMR

>> No.50986480
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>invest everything over $10k into an Amazon brand scale hard
Be more specific, please – I don't speak con artist lingo.

>> No.50986728
File: 34 KB, 554x554, images - 2022-06-06T011814.223.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you not aware of that anon? Fwt and chess are still low-cap gems. Freeway is an insured and regulated platform and has managed to increase its TVL and users. Chess is developing and their passive income is also lit.

>> No.50986966

If u got 0 to start with how can you afford to rent a room
Game over from the start

What a retard

>> No.50987399


>> No.50987438

Have any of you actually experienced the insanity of a hot selling Amazon item that you have lots of stock on? I can sell 200 of 1 item on Amazon in the same time it would take ebay to sell 1. Unfortunately I never got into private label. I want to sell quality products not be a middleman for Chinese junk.

>> No.50987483

Because it is a cheat code. You can search for 2 years for a really good product. When you find it. It’s total insanity. The savvy normies are catching on though as Amazon quality has turned to total shit. It might as well be Ali express. The normal normies might not ever notice their buying dollar tree shit for $15

>> No.50987543
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>Twitter hustlers

>> No.50987562

Why rent a room instead of living for free with your parents and saving everything?

>> No.50987877

The real flaw is him working for swift
>Sorry we're insured for that
>Sure wish I'd finished training
>Smile werner I'm a faggot too
Shame on you, >>50979130