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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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50969342 No.50969342 [Reply] [Original]

Has anyone ever held a job where their boss has started to become extremely disrespectful towards them? I've worked my current role for 3 years, and my boss used to be pretty cool - even using words like "dude" and "man" here and there but these last 4-5 months he has become extremely difficult to work with. It's not like he blatantly insults or disrespects me, but he has become very rude and uncordial and has started to bark orders at me a bit. He's in his 40s and I'm in my 30s and I can tell he doesn't respect me - we don't have much in common, since he's your typical normie that likes football and cars and other retarded shit I don't jive with, so I'll admit we don't have a lot of shared interests to talk about or bond over.

He's just very cold and looks like me with that "resting bitch face" where I can just tell he hates my guts. He's become rude, unpolite, unamiable, and not fun to work with AT ALL. Every day I go in to the office to work with him I hold tons of tension in my jaw and chest because I hate working beside him all day. I dream of making it in crypto every day so I can tell him to go suck a massive cock.

>> No.50969394

suck his cock and swallow his load you faggot OP

>> No.50969430

Yes, I’m typically pretty passive and kind of a suck up and work and what happens is your boss loses respect for you and then at some point loses patience with your poor work performance and starts acting like this. Usually it’s because you’re a low SMV male and you’re not doing what he wants, you’re doing what you think is important, so they get pissy and think they can bully you around because you’re a beta bitch.
>tldr: start looking for another job

>> No.50969457 [DELETED] 

Chances are youre thinking too much and making your interactions worse for no reason without realising it. I bet since youve rarely interacted hes hardly thought of you at all and his coldness you perceive is only indifference

>> No.50969479

If he "became" rude then I have to guess something horrible happened to him in his personal life maybe it's worth just asking him, saying that you noticed that he used to be cool before he started smoking weed and maybe he'll explain that his wife left him or whatever and from then on he'll be nicer to you and you'll have a better time fucking LIVING and not shitting up this board with /adv/ bullshit

>> No.50969628
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He "wrote me up" for like 20 things he was unhappy with a few months ago - a lot of it was petty nitpicky bullshit like "left the label printer out" I told him I thought a lot of it was unnecessary, but signed the paper anyway since this job is how I put fucking food on the table for my family. Yes, I'm usually a pretty passive dude and avoid conflict - and he's the exact opposite. I've had people at my job comment about how he has a short fuse. I've never had issues in the past of managers taking advantage of me and pushing me around, so I don't THINK I'm some sort of weak cuck that puts off beta male energy. He was pretty cool when I started working for him, and I'm either thinking the "novelty" period wore off and he's acting like his true self now - or I was just poor at commanding respect from him or pushing back when he started his small little nitpicky bullshit and it's just spiraled down hill from there.

>> No.50969648


Has your company recently gotten a new ceo or upper management?

>> No.50969671

yeah you sound like a fag
you drive a toyota don't you

>> No.50969704
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No, I work for a small company and would know if there was management change. He's said a couple things during our weekly stand ups that elude to him being a leftist, like commenting something about roe v wade that was rescinded recently, and I know he spends his time on Reddit.. I suspect he got roped into the political outrage cycle and maybe that's making him bitter and angry? Or at least not helping. Ultimately, I really just think it's his personality, I've had a few other co-workers make small comments about him.

>> No.50969760


He's just an asshole then.

>> No.50969813

So he is a fag too. Curious.

>> No.50969903
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>staying in my shitty thread to say the word faggot twice

>> No.50969941

would like to get to the bottom of this. since the chariot of the man is of utmost importance, did you by any chance get a car recently that is considered a bitch car, like a chevy trax or a toyota corolla/rav4?

>> No.50970097

Cars are of little importance to me, and I basically view them as a tool to get me from point A to point B. I drive a Mitsubishi Lancer

>> No.50970116

OP is from Indonesia

>> No.50970128

Lancers are ok, I don't think this is the issue here. I can't help you with the social dynamic because I'm autistic. Grab his throat and smash him into the ground?

>> No.50970187
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Thanks, anon. I suspect I'm a bit on the spectrum myself - very bad at reading social situations and not a lot of empathy. I've always got along well at other positions I worked at because I worked with a team of people who were similar age/interests. Now it's just me and my boss, I don't really have a "team" and this dude is hard to read / figure out. I'll skull bash him in Minecraft and report back thanks

>> No.50970325

OP, I just left a job this year due to almost the exact same circumstances. We shared nothing in common, from politics, hobbies, backgrounds. He had a miserable, unhappy home life with a wife he always talked down to, multiple of his children that he saw pass away, and poor financial planning causing him to work well into what should have been his retirement. He bad-mouthed everyone in the organization except himself, and treated his own guys in his department like shit. After the 6 month mark, he started being short with me and I decided I had to leave, because you can't fight this shit when it comes from a superior, which is the unfortunate truth. Nobody liked working for him, but I was the only one not tied down or too financially strapped to jump ship. My boomer coworkers will probably never leave and continue to take his abuse.

Just get the fuck out OP. You'll thank yourself later and you'll be more sane for it. As much as you want to make things work with this guy, who knows if he will be willing to meet you halfway. Might just be a miserable, rotten cunt like my old boss. If you're that tense like I was, just start looking for a job and make a change ASAP.

>> No.50970372

I had a "cool" boss, then the corona lockdown started and he turned into a micro manager. He was just afraid we were all goofing off, which we were lol.
When I quit he went all niceguy mode again.

>> No.50970479

Your boss is probably wearing a green hat
>which brings up a gift idea

>> No.50970673

i play league of legends

>> No.50970856

the real faggots are the ones who say the word faggot or waste their time waiting for things like demeter to have an ultra pump, faggot.

>> No.50972070

kyoko-chan sekksu nakadashi