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50968106 No.50968106 [Reply] [Original]

"I tell you the truth, it is hard for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven. Again I tell you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven."

- Jesus Christ

>> No.50968169

heaven and hell are on earth

as you grow the number of your posessions, your worries grow aswell until you can think of nothing else

>> No.50968183

Glad to know that all of /biz/ will enter heaven. See you in heaven /biz/bros

>> No.50968200

Not "the eye of a needle" but "The Eye of the Needle", will not spoonfeed more.

>> No.50968214

Not if you give away your possessions.

>> No.50968213

wow bro ur so enlightened.

heard it before

>> No.50968215

>as you grow the number of your possessions, your worries grow
this is unironically the case. i'm currently moving to a new apartment with some friends and my gf. all i own is my laptop, but everyone else has shit sprawled across the living room and i can barely walk through. gf won't have sex bc she's too busy looking at more furniture to buy online. everyone is just concerned about buying more useless garbage. the fucking cats are annoying as shit too.

>> No.50968222
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>it is hard for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven
I'm not worried. My 85% LINK portfolio will guarantee my spot in heaven.

>> No.50968230


>> No.50968247

Yeah, I was a mover for a while I know it all too well.

>> No.50968273

People always quote that and fail to acknowledge what it says in the following verses.
Mathew 19:24
24 And again I say unto you, It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God.

25 When his disciples heard it, they were exceedingly amazed, saying, Who then can be saved?

26 But Jesus beheld them, and said unto them, With men this is impossible; but with God all things are possible.

>> No.50968570

based context bible reader

>> No.50968626

Why doesn't God want me in heaven? Is he a commie?

>> No.50968996

>don't worry about worldly possesions guy!
>ps. provide food, shelter and social status to the priest class
>don't forget to toil for the boss
Christies getting scammed for 2000+ years and loving it...

>> No.50969074

The opposite, he expects people to take responsibility, which commies are allergic to. That's the reason why richfags have such bad odds: if you aren't already rich it's difficult to get rich without shitting on people along the way, and if you are rich, you have the means to help others, and the responsibility that comes along with it.

Basically, trying to get into heaven while being rich is like trading 0 day to expiration options. Risk and reward both ramped up to where most people will just blow themselves up.

>> No.50969078
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Jesus is King

>> No.50969096
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>Not "the eye of a needle" but "The Eye of the Needle", will not spoonfeed more.

>> No.50969117

Is this from Heretic 2?

>> No.50969214
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Good thing that gay jewish fairytale isn't real then

>> No.50969233


so the rich popes goes all to hell then?

>> No.50969349

thank based jesus i can be rich and fit through a camel's eye

>> No.50969355

I laughed very true

>> No.50969414


>> No.50969546

If you look at the paintings depicting hell that were made during the middle age, you can see quite a lot of men of the Catholic church boiling in cauldrons. So I'd say yes. The Borgia definitely went to hell.

>> No.50970420

Sounds like heaven is fillled with poor niggers.
Had enough of that on Earth.
Not interested christcuck.

>> No.50970430

But I thought dante said it's mostly women there.

>> No.50970501

Based and enlightened anon

Similar story... Gfs mother has huge 1.5m house. Full of shit, clutter, dust everywhere, can barely breathe in there, can barely walk, so much crap everywhere, little trinkets, statues, boxes full of trash, rotting food etc

Your mental health suffers when I go there. She is physically unhealthy

My small flat is clean and I have the essentials. Nothing more nothing less. I feel at peace when in a clean and tidy environment

Minimalism and tidiness is a blessing

Materialiasm + dirtiness is sinful

>> No.50970523

You should fuck her mother.

>> No.50970542
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>> No.50970564

I don't see how it's incompatible with what I said. Most=/=all. On top of that, even if some of us hate women, quite a lot of men deserve to burn in hell too.

>> No.50970723

Do you think we get to have sex in hell with the beautiful women? One time I had a dream I was in a part of hell, it was a corporate style building but elegant inside, and I wasn't in for long but I saw a few hot model looking bitches in there.

>> No.50970772

yeah, they rip your dick and balls off in perpetuity

>> No.50970788

>"with God all things are possible"
You would know that line follows immediately after yours if you had actually read the bible.

>> No.50970809

"Wake up, we're here. Why are you shaking? Are you ok? Wake up."
"Stand up... there you go. You were dreaming. What's your name?"
"Well, not even last night's storm could wake you. I heard them say we've reached Morrowind, I'm sure they'll let us go."
"Quiet, here comes the guard."

>> No.50970838

I've tasted hell. It's terrible. It's a deep and un-fixable regret that makes you scream eternally. Imagine being stuck in a featureless, dark well forever and knowing there's NO going back. That's the burning, the burning of your soul that you let yourself end up there instead of heaven. Imagine the deepest and most bitter regret possible, lasting forever.

>> No.50970853

>Do you think we get to have sex in hell with the beautiful women?
In hell all the women are insect hybrids.
Think human centipede. Or 8 legged sluts that bite.

>> No.50970859

that was most likely a literal typo by some greek autist who translated the text. in fact there are a ton of translation errors in the bible, quality assessment wasn't really a strength of early christians.

>> No.50970866

Christianity is a repackaging of the same mystery cult that has existed all over the world for almost all of history.

>> No.50970939

God came down to Earth as Jesus Christ to die and be raised from the dead. Perfection and eternity entered this world to overcome it and save us.

Say what you like, rage against God all you like despite the gifts you've received, but that literally happened. Hearing and believing that is all Christianity really is.

You should consider the implications of what happened, instead of focusing on what flaws men have and raging against the creator.

>> No.50970950

God obviously doesn't care about us.

>> No.50970960

I mean, try to imagine how fucked up God is based on this reality.

>> No.50970971

none of that happened. the bible is a book of morals. don't tell me you're a grown ass man who believes in fairy tales like resurrection from the dead, heaven, and hell. lmao.

>> No.50970980

I can tell you for a fact that the devil is real
He like to leave signs on everything and then punishes the people who notice.

>> No.50970986

Wealth beyond measure, outlander.

>> No.50970991

Speak for yourself, on balance my life is blessed.

Your father and his father sinned like crazy, of course their generations created a fucked up world.

>believes the laws of physics just hold themselves constant for no reason

>> No.50971011

This entire reality is based on warfare.
The laws of physics dictate that we most dominate and consume and parasite off of other organisms to survive.
Try to understand how cruel and schizophrenic God is based on the things in this world.

>> No.50971034

no, that's your imagination. the "devil" is a metaphor for socially unacceptable behavior.

>> No.50971040

>t. never grew a vegetable or met a cow

He gave us many gifts. Nobody needs to be cruel to animals.

>> No.50971050

No, he's real.
But you're lucky you don't know about it.
Everyone is about to learn though, by proxy.
But most won't really understand ever.
Which isn't a bad thing necessarily.

>> No.50971052

>universe is nearly 14 billion years old
>93 billion light year diameter
>bro god is real and he appeared as a human on earth 2000 years ago
>trust me, bro

>> No.50971062
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There is no "reality" or universe.
There is no space.
There is only the word of God.

>> No.50971072

Christ is risen. Hosanna in the highest!

>> No.50971113



>> No.50971126

So your argument is basically that it's strange news and hard to believe?

Don't trust me, open your eyes to the mystery of the reality you're in. The atheist position of causation causing itself for no reason and the laws of physics remaining constant 'just because' is entirely illogical.

>> No.50971159

do you buy lottery tickets every single day of the week, because you have faith that you'll win despite overwhelming evidence saying otherwise?

>> No.50971169

That's right goy, blessed are the meek for they shall inherit the kingdom of Yahweh. Do not pursue wealth, it's not for your kind. Besides, you don't want to go to HELL do ya goy? That's where all the rich goys go. Don't even think about touching my money goy, it's a mortal sin to covet.

>> No.50971179

>overwhelming evidence

>> No.50971181

He's real.
I don't think it's a good thing to not understand, but I can see where you're coming from. He seems to target you more overtly when you become aware and try to disentangle yourself.

>> No.50971189

It's not a safe thing to talk about.

>> No.50971197
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>btw if you do happen to make money (and you really shouldn't, you'll go straight to hell) you need to donate a bunch of it to the church (or you'll go straight to hell.)

>> No.50971201

Hell is the real world.

>> No.50971208

someone who has eyes to see, rare
heaven and hell are everywhere and nowhere, the flesh is all that's really on earth

>> No.50971214

I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan.

>> No.50971235


>> No.50971244

You said it yourself
>He seems to target you more overtly when you become aware and try to disentangle yourself.

>> No.50971252

In what universe is this an intelligent response? You haven't given any of this any serious thought, and you won't after this, so no point continuing this conversation.

>> No.50971264

abiogenesis is more likely and more consistent with our understanding of the physical world than hand waving arguments that hinge on the supernatural. i wish heaven and hell and the afterlife were real, but it's so wildly insane and against everything we've studied, observed, and recorded for thousands of years.

>> No.50971277
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>our understanding of the physical world
There is no physical world.
There is only the word of God.

>> No.50971285

I don't like the idea of being cowed into silence by the bastard
but I've gotten hit often enough over the past few months that I'm not eager to be attacked again for no reason

This is wisdom I suppose.

>> No.50971297

you sound like a mentally retarded african voodoo nigger. the best and brightest theological minds don't reject physical reality, they embrace it.

>> No.50971304

it's not something you are meant to understand.
not yet any way.

>> No.50971310

We linkies arent going to heaven most likely

Its the price we pay

>> No.50971318

>be abiogenesis
>never created in a perfectly controlled lab setting
>even with access to the purest chemical precursors money can by
>still can't do it
>expect it to "just werk!" in a dirty puddle with constantly changing temperature, acidity levels, and random contaminants
"Naturalists", everyone. Believes in a strictly material reality despite that also never being proven

>> No.50971320

"you must adjust the language, to what they believe"

>> No.50971333

you don't even understand God, look at the beam in your own eye. All you seem to know is the devil.

>> No.50971352

>you don't even understand God,
“I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the LORD do all these things.” King James Version (KJV)

God is schizophrenic and bi-polar. How could an omnipotent being be anything other than mentally ill?

>> No.50971363

>never created in a perfectly controlled lab setting
miller-urey experiment.

>> No.50971369

>a camel
Anglos are so fucking retarded. No wonder things like protestantism exists when they can't even translate the Bible properly

>> No.50971392

it's hilarious that the most popular bible is one written by an english king 400 years ago with the goal of creating a politically subservient mass of nigger cattle.

>> No.50971393

I'm confused by your posts buddy. You say
>God is cruel and schizophrenic
and you also say you know for a fact the devil is real

Isn't God loving and kind? He sent Jesus.

>> No.50971413

"I tell you the truth, it is hard for a nigger or gypsy to enter the kingdom of heaven. Again I tell you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a nigger or gypsy to enter the kingdom of heaven." - Me
Jews are gypsies.

-_- Jesus Christ only made his philosophy so heavily based on basic morality because gypsies are incapable of it. If Jesus the gypsy had lived in Britain or even Rome then he would have had other ideals.
Jesus' philosophy felt exactly like someone who got bullied by criminals and went insane and had the realization "The scorpion just can't help being a scorpion, it's in his nature".
What Jesus didn't get it through his delusional head is that death is much more honorable(for the others, not himself). You can lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink

What Jesus didn't want to get through his thick head is that he's 1 in 1 billion. No other gypsy thinks like him, feels like him, does like him, realizes like him. Gypsies are masters of deceit, something not even africans are capable of. Gypsies started a whole religion based on lying and pretending they're asians or caucasians.
As such Jesus sacrificing himself "for others" was meaningless. He should have taken the entirety of the middle east with him and shove it into everyone's head that they are already living in hell, it's called the middle east. Africa is at least honest about being a lazy degenerate shithole unlike the gypsy who keeps yelling " I'm a good person " . Russia is also honest when it assassinates or invades, they don't try to cover it up.

It also shows a lot about America's puritanity. Jews/gypsies invaded it and they once again shoved their lies about "being a good person" in everyone's faces to pretend they're something they're not.

>> No.50971414

The old testament clearly states that God is wrathful and hates humanity. He only tolerates a very small portion of righteous humans.
Jesus came to earth and sacrificed himself on behalf of humanity to save them from Gods wrath, who before the sacrifice was content to damn everyone.
God through up his hands and said "if my son wants you, fine, but you'd better believe in him".
God does not like humanity. He only likes a select few people who are essentially paragons.
The devil on the other hand is simply pure evil and likes to damn everyone he can.
The devil was on of Gods first creations.
Go figure.

>> No.50971430

It's extra hilarious that people who never lived in arabia/turkey/middle east would ever fall for jewish tricks and suck gypsy culture cock.
When the logical course of action is to cleanse the middle east and burn anything that might result in gypsy mentality.

>> No.50971478
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also, God left the earth under the custody of Satan until the apocalypse happened, for the purpose of tempting and damning as many people as possible.
They're both dicks.
Again, the devil places signs of his presence everywhere and anyone who notices gets punished.

>> No.50971481

The devil is salty that he can't be God.
He was the highest being in creation but that wasn't enough, he wanted to supplant God as the most high.

God so loved the world he sent his only begotten son to die for us while we were still sinners.

Spirits, unlike humans, cannot change or be redeemed. Their eternity is already played out.

>> No.50971496

It's hilarious how in the gypsy's minds there is no other species but them(well same goes for asians, really).
And sadly even if everyone was aware of each other the gypsies would still ignore the vikings, the asians, everyone else in favor of "Nope there is only one kingdom, the middle east and God damns us all. Nevermind that the anglos, vikings, asians, etc. do 180 degrees opposite of us gypsies. Nope there is only gypsy ... and maybe africans ... we are doomed, doomed. Hence humanity doomed, nevermind the rest of the humans living on this planet. The animals? I ignore them, they're animals, not humans."

It's also sad how almost every religion has some form of death and rebirth bullshit which clearly shows humans are not happy with who they are currently and how they're living. They hate their own civilization and would never consider their primitive civilization as above Gods. Utterly defeatist, dishonest and pathetic if you ask me. Might as well just commit mass suicide or blow up the planet.
>inb4 it's anti arrogance to keep us evolving to maybe reach the gods/adults.
Or just a bunch of manchildren who try to look up to their imaginary adult who beats their asses and hopes to one day become an adult himself even if it means basic death.

You guys are never taught to kill a gypsy when you see one. All you're ever thought is to avoid them and not give them money. All you're ever taught is "the government accepts this bullshit to divide us and hence we also have to accept it because there's nothing we can do".
You're never taught how to kill, how to poison, how to commit genocide, how to apply the same arrogant mentality as a gypsy against them.

>> No.50971497

>Be poor
>Allow those who don't believe in me to have leverage over you and others.
Retard take from history's worst financial advisor and mid tier life coach

>> No.50971510

Yeah, that too.
The old testament God and the new testament God have very different temperaments.

>> No.50971519

Shut up Jiub, you're supposed to be out fighting those cliffracers...

>> No.50971527

sounds lika cope for poor people to not revolt against elite.
>just stay poor bro, it's better, trust me, you will see after you die. kek

>> No.50971541

Not "the eye of a needle" but "The Ei of the Needool", will not spoonfeed more.

>> No.50971561

And again it's hilarious how all these religions and primitives have one thing in common; they cannot think beyond consuming or being consumed or evolving without death(which again logically they should be damning birth so they no longer wish to die).

Luckily those who aren't as primitive and as anti fun are capable of thinking outside the box and not thinking like a retarded cell obsessed with consuming and the fear of being consumed. Sadly the majority never thought of eugenics and basic non-contradicting logic and honesty. Such as "How about we stop believing in daddy up in the skies and just become responsible for our own manchild actions and either try or die trying? without all the "luck"-based paranoia gambling that a meteorite or aliens will wipe us out?" I guess the manchildren enjoyed their gambling, imaginary mommy in the sky, humiliation fetishes too much to ever cut out the crap. It's interesting how only humans are capable of being masochistic. You'd ask yourself when the hell will a mammal ever need self-destructive emotions beyond suicide/giving up? You never see mammals worshipping imaginary things and being so masochistic as humans are.

>> No.50971566


>> No.50971742

A man of culture.

>> No.50971758

Your assumptions are wrong, several mammals can have masochistic, sadistic or psychotic behaviors, like dolphins or great apes. Tons of animals are eating their own progeny, female mantis and spiders try to eat the males during intercourse, most mammals try to procreate between siblings without any problem, etc. Animals don't have morals, only instinct.

>> No.50971783

>Huge home
>Fill it with clutter
Why do neighbobs do this shit? When(if) I make it I'm having a moderate country home, with a fuckoff huge hall to host in and all there's gonna be is tables and benches in there.

>> No.50971784

the original greek text still exists, there are literally millions of people that can just read it and confirm what it says

>> No.50971876
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It's obvious what Jesus means here. The camel thing is a common misconception

>> No.50971929

it also makes a lot more sense with rope, and other translations of the same texts from the time also use the word rope. hilarious how one guys' fuck-up lasts for millenia without anyone fixing it.

>> No.50972087

> The experiments showed that simple organic compounds of building blocks of proteins and other macromolecules can be formed from gases with the addition of energy.

So where’d the necessary energy come from?

>> No.50972158

Islam is the only true religion. Jesus was a man who ate food just like all other men. He was no son of God. God has no partners. Jesus was a prophet of God just like Moses and Abraham before him. After Jesus came Muhammad (pbuh). He was the final prophet of God and he came with the final message of God. The gospels were written 70 years after Jesus' death and were written by people who never even had direct contact with Jesus. The Qur'an is written directly from the mouth of Muhammad. Surely there is a clear difference between the two? The true believers, after reading the Qur'an immediately understand that it is the word of God.


Exactly. It is impossible to gain understanding from the Gospels because they are not the direct word of God. Jesus probably said like 1000x more stuff than what is written in the gospels. He definitely did. That is why another messenger was necessary. Alhamdullilah the mercy of God for sending prophet Muhammad.

>> No.50972189

>Islam is the only true religion.
Nothing is true.

>> No.50972302

I'll pretend I'm ignorant. Can someone explain to me why the hell do all the global powers like China, Russia, America do not exterminate the sandniggers or even worse/better, send out a virus that specifically attacks their DNA and tortures them?
We have their history. They are openly. We don't live in the medieval ages when we didn't have enough power to deal with a large quantity of people in that desert. We have now nukes now. Why did America not atomic bomb the middle east LIKE THEY DESERVE?

why isn't Russia, America, China forcing the entirety of the middle east to cut their own balls so they may never breed again?
And most hilarious there's been countless real wars with India which actually has some power, unlike the puny tiny shitheads in Arabia, Turkey, Kazahstan and exceptionally tiny countries like Iraq, Iran, Syria. I think India is capable of killing and taking over the middle east if they want to.
Islamists have no army, so why the fuck do all these governments ignore them as if they can't do it? why don't they just kill those tiny cockroaches? destroy every islam equivalent of a chapel, force the arabian princes to stop showing off how rich they are, put Arabia completely under American or Russian domination and funnel the oil to America/Russia where it belongs to, etc.
For fucks sake it makes no sense. Why isn't India attacking Arabia, Turkey, Kazak? why isn't Turkey attacking Arabia? IT MAKES NO SENSE. It's logical; you hate your own kind, kill them or take control of them to torture them. You as a foreigner hate those cockroaches, send the artillery, viruses, nuclear blasts on them and instill communism onto them.
It makes no sense for the middle east to still be breathing in the year 1945, let alone 2022. It didn't make sense for them to had still been alive since the 1800s honestly speaking, let alone to allow South America to exist.

China is at least doing its part and started taking over Africa properly unlike France.

>> No.50972459

We have their history since the Persians at least. Ottomans were a huge empire that even Russia feared. Muhammad burned the crops that caused the dark ages. Jews have been thrown out of even their own shithole countries like India before it was called India.
>Gypsies/jews are openly against everyone, calling themselves "the chosen ones" because they are literal incestuous viruses that need a different DNA to survive. They have parasites in their brains, they are even more fucked up in the head than most gypsies. All that radiation and heat wave from the sun from that arid desert obviously destroys the brain because humans do not have natural protection against the heat. An advanced human brain naturally gets more insane as you put it through radiation, unlike a real cockroach or a simple minded mammal.
And yet India, Arabia, Russia, China, etc. refuse to kill every gypsy imaginable saying "it's not worth it" or "let's just ignore them and let them kill each other" it's inhumane and irresponsible to not step in and kill them yourself. You're indirectly defending them by allowing them priviliges instead of instilling Chinese-tier communism onto them and creating a giant prison country and killing anyone who promotes jew culture and jew victimization and jew words like "jew" without calling them gypsies. They are gypsies and will always be gypsies no matter how hard they steal caucasian DNA.

Start off with the root of the problem, the worst of the worst AND THEN slowly start taking care of Southern Europe that's filled with gypsies. Start taking care of Africa then South America, etc.
it is retarded to give a shit about your own country(especially when you're Russia & America) when the entire planet should be taken care of PROPERLY, not just sending ambassadors to it.
It is absolutely handicapped to leave everyone else to their own devices as if they're ants and you're a god fighting with other gods(Russia vs America). Take care of your fucking planet.

>> No.50972561

It is absolutely irresponsible and inhumane to go with the mentality of "I don't care, he's not mine. Who cares if he lives on the same planet as me. I don't care"
It is your moral obligation to take care of your criminals in a torturous or death manner. Letting the cockroaches climb on your ceiling and you going "It's fine. It's just cockroaches, I need to take care of the bear/eagle eyeing me instead" it is fucking shallow and short-sighted, especially when the cold war ended up being a nothing burger.
Take care of your infestation problem before taking care of anything else, because of the gods die then we're left with the cockroaches.

Just imagine for a second Britain, France, Germany, America, China, Russia not existing, none of their technologies existing. Who would be in control of the world then now in 2022? I assume we'd all be living in South American conditions in a free for all full of short-sighted thieves who cannot think about the day after tomorrow or who think the apocalypse is coming soon and they need to colonize the moon to get the hell off this planet and let it burn.

It is absolutely retarded to let the cockroach shit on your ceilings and crawl your ceilings and for you to go "eehh it's fine, it's just annoying, it's not hurting anyone". Clean or contain & torture your parasites off the planet. Stop fucking tickling them with a crappy air strike once in a while and genocide the middle east for the parasite's own good. Same for India, clean your fucking jews you retards. Take over Arabia, you fucking incompetent retards.

>> No.50972631

And finally I find it absolutely disgusting how the mixbred babies of Spain, Italy, Greece aren't openly bashing Turkey and Arabia's heads open and demanding compensation for being invaded by the Ottomans and having all their heritage and genes destroyed. Gypsies sucking gypsy cock is disgusting. Gypsies who think they're all on the same side is disgusting.

>> No.50973553

Luke 14:26

>“If anyone comes to me and does not hate father and mother, wife and children, brothers and sisters—yes, even their own life—such a person cannot be my disciple.

If you can explain how that doesn't make Jesus sound like an isis recruiter, I might try church this Sunday

>> No.50973801

Try reading the rest of the bible for yourself. It's chock full of weird or inconsistent or crazy shit that just gets thrown out there and then we move on to the next statement. Christian theologians talk circles around it to justify it by saying a bunch of extra stuff that the Bible clearly doesn't say. I don't see how any conscious person can actually read that book and think about what they're reading and then decide that's their religion.

>inb4 blah blah from Christians
I've read the book myself. There's nothing else to know besides someone else's pilpul.

>> No.50973820


>> No.50973835

>Be happy you are poor goy in the end uhmm you will go to Heaven… yeah!

>> No.50973866

In the gospel of Thomas it goes like this:
>Jesus said, "Whoever does not hate father and mother cannot be my disciple, and whoever does not hate brothers and sisters, and carry the cross as I do, will not be worthy of me."
So the point is to carry the cross, not to hate people and then hurt them or set up some sort of Christian caliphate. It's way more of an ascetic idea than that.

>> No.50973935

He's saying you need to focus on spiritual instead of monetary pursuits so you can escape the demiurge and get back to the pleroma. Money is but a means to an end, and a poor one at that.

>> No.50973969

You lack faith and the Spirit

>> No.50973973

>So the point is
Here's the blah blah. He explicitly says you have to hate brothers and sisters to be worthy but let's pretend that doesn't mean anything and talk about carrying crosses instead.

>> No.50973991

Ave Christus Rex!

>> No.50974006
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Merely stating the difference between creating ISIS and some dude wasting their life in a monastery.
You do understand that those are two different outcomes?

>> No.50974011

The entire christian religion was created by Jews to enslave others and keep them poor with teachings like this

>> No.50974046

Bob promises eternal salvation or triple your money back.

>> No.50974067
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Modern "Jews," the ashkenazim, are khazars; (((they're))) converts to Judaism and they didn't create Christianity.
Christ is King!
cope and seethe libtard.

>> No.50974186
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>god can fuck & impregnate 12-yo mary
It's not fair biz. I just want to lick her hairless plump innie & play with her little clit

>> No.50974191

my $shinja and $shib and me don't care about heaven.

>> No.50974206


It is kind of ironic that the world's greediest, richest subgroup of people had the religion that bleated on about humbling yourself and embracing poverty, kek

>> No.50974235

lol more desperate pilpul. He explicitly says that you must hate brothers and sisters to be worthy. Keep pushing on those goalposts, bro.

>> No.50974249

>He explicitly says that you must hate brothers and sisters to be worthy.
>doesn't understand metaphor and parables

>> No.50974261

>christianity is a slavery tool
this is what 13 year olds / white college girls think btw

>> No.50974297

>doesn't understand
lol everything that sounds bad doesn't mean what it says because it's a metaphor. You just don't understand, man.

>> No.50974308

Jesus also explicitly says everything he preaches is a metaphor and parable.

>> No.50974315

>I'm too dumb to understand subtlety: the post
I wonder how you fare with literature in general
And no, I don't believe you read it all. I enjoy reading some books of it but the whole thing has too many boring parts and repetitions that no one
I'm not religious but if you can't understand the underlying message you are at least an am*rican

>> No.50974321

He says in matthew he preaches in parables and metaphors because it is not for everyone to understand what he is saying.

>> No.50974390

Imagine unironically being a christ cuckold.

>> No.50974398
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wen loli mary doujin

>> No.50974438

ya this dumb book you're talking about dominated the world for 2000 years, you're very dumb or dull to make your statement, /r/atheists is probably a good place for you to go. Just because esoteric things are out of your reach because you are simple does not make it bad. Expecting spirituality to be easy to understand is a 10iq take.

>> No.50974475

Amino acids do not equal cellular life.

>> No.50974477

>if you can't understand the underlying message
>everything he preaches is a metaphor and parable

Here we go with more blah blah. I can type the word "subtlety" and "metaphor" therefore nothing means what it says. The Bible says what it says. You talk in circles around it.

>> No.50974507

It doesn't even dominate the world today, cucky, and 2000 years ago Yeshua was still eight years from even starting preaching.

>> No.50974578

Retard monkey nigger read a single book that's not stephen king or harry potter for once it's like you apes never got
Your point is that literary devices don't exist, probably because you never read a single poetry line.

>> No.50974586

More blah blah. Nothing to say about the text itself. Have you even read it? No need to bother because anyone who doesn't worship it is an atheist from reddit who doesn't understand. Sad. Many such cases!

>> No.50974603

Yeah they're not the same god

>> No.50974626

Taci in mortii matii ca altfel de omor in momentul asta. Vrei sa vezi cum i-mi bag toata pula in gatul tau si te omor? al dracu de evreu nenorocit.
God you jews love the newspaper, radio, TV, Internet, it makes the lies travel faster while you're sitting comfortably in your chair without someone shoving a knife at your throat.

Nice way how you tried to pinpoint it on the "libtards" to pretend you're right-wing.
"ashkenazis" were never a thing. Germans gave them that name. Just like jews gave germans the name "nazis" . Khazars used to be an entirely different kind of people before AS USUAL jews mixbred with everyone cause that's what parasites do.
Christ is still a gypsy and a useful hippy idiot which the jews used against everyone to point fingers at.
Also it's not like lying and deriding and promoting bullshit morals isn't part of gypsy culture.

Jews are gypsies, get it right.

>> No.50974645

maybe you should muster some of that chutzpah at Islam since they're the ones oppressing women now days, not Christianity

>> No.50974696

Them, and Nietzsche

>> No.50974863

It was more of an accident, just like WW1 and Adolf. Let's take the lolcow and use it against everyone else.
>Everyone follows Jesus? let's muddy up with the bible with lies taking out of context so the idiots don't understand that Jesus had a problem with his own people, not everyone else.
It wasn't even Adolf who had a problem with the jews, it was one of his generals. And as usual the jew wolf cried and victimized itself. Adolf was just an idiot surrounded by idiots surrounded by more idiots.
>WW1 Germany - hey let's have a war. On European soil just like Napoleon. Yep let's never ever have a war on Middle East soil, what do we care about other countries? Let's fight among each other like retards, who gives a shit that the cockroaches are laughing at us.
>Retarded ugly mutt child Adolf somehow gets into a position of power either by luck or the jew elites of WW1 putting him there.
>Retard Adolf goes on a retard tirade just like Napoleon and starts having a war on European soil and then goes on to attack Russia during winter (because only retards are put in positions of power, retards who never read history or have unique ideals)
>The other powers instead of pointing out that "Hey retard if you want to get rid of jews then why don't you wage war on the middle east including turkey and arabia? doesn't that sound more logical?" they preferred to either shut up about it or the germans were too stubborn to accept constructive criticism, such as Germany and Russia allying and Hungary being forced to pay for reparations for starting the war, not Germany.
>Ok this is confusing
Keep up. History is riddled with accidents and a greater power taking what you built and corrupting it. But said power will never literally grab your hand and punch you with it. Most of the blame goes to the existing idiots accepting it. The execution lies on you, not the jew. The jew just provides you the bomb, he doesn't trigger it for you.

>> No.50975123

I haven't gotten around to reading the Koran yet, so I have no opinion on the actual text. Maybe I'll find it compelling and convert. Maybe I'll find it incoherent gibberish.

>> No.50975146

And Europe+Russia instead of putting Germany to the test "Alright asshole we'll let you control the world if you allow us to help you cleanse the world of jews, but we are attacking their capitol at Istan first, agree or else you're a jew y ourself" of course once the deed was done they'd murder Adolf cause he's a little shit who doesn't deserve anything, but it would had been more of a shit test to see who's a jewish lover and who isn't. The idea of ridding the world of these parasites is good, the execution as usual isn't.
But everyone was too much of an idiot to ever make such a bold alliance and level with the lolcow. Just like America and Russia refusing to ally and then doing nothing for 66 years... make that 82 years.

>> No.50975172

>I'll find it compelling and convert.
Seriously? After the trash countries that spawned out of it? Bold move, who knows maybe you'll do like the Amish and Mormons something, modify it and make a better religion out of it. (Mainly because they're white and don't live in deserts). Everything even the best idea a gypsy touches will instantly turn to shit. Gypsies are natural 0/10 students that ruin anything and everything.

>> No.50975268

It's not that fucked up, you're just sitting at your computer day in and day out

>The universe is big therefore God doesn't exist
Retarded argument

>Yeah ok the universe is 13 billion years old and 93 billion light years in diameter and only just now on one planet did "consciousness" emerge? >Yeah right bro, humans aren't real

>> No.50975569

Not the eye of the needle but the eye of the needful sers

>> No.50976308

this nigga real be actin like the messiah by capin 2 leddar fr fr

>> No.50976345

Jiub is a fucking saint

>> No.50976365

Meh, yeah. I feel like some people get out of it but time there is so skewed your perception will make it feel like eternity. I feel that Jesus will eventually rescue those stuck in the dark or they figure out how to get out themselves. I'm not entirely sure of course.

>> No.50978514


>> No.50978533

Good. I intend to go to hell anyway so I can trump Satan and kill the kikes down there again and again and again for all eternity.

>> No.50978594

You're not the doomguy, retard. It's more going to be in the sense of kikes, literal children of the Devil, circumcising you for all eternity.

>> No.50978687
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You got scammed by a made-up jewish fairytale.
Thanks for playing.

>> No.50979385

that's why islam is the way. we are nothing but Allah's beggar's

>> No.50979497

okay that's it.
you're going to hell.

>> No.50980412
File: 19 KB, 702x430, eyeoftheneedle.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The original Koine Greek phrase is τρυπήματος ῥαφίδος

There is no article or word otherwise to make any distinction.

Go be a faggot some place else.

>> No.50981256

Your cock is fat and your wallet is too. Check em, anon.


>> No.50981264

Absurd levels of cope.

>> No.50981276

Lemme ask you something, anon. Does your nose contain a hook-like quality?

>> No.50981467

This. I live in a house with a wife who runs a business. Shit is fucked and it fucks my head up. Cats don't help but I love my cats to death