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File: 467 KB, 500x711, ze bugs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
50960250 No.50960250 [Reply] [Original]

Better start reading the labels in the food your eat.


>> No.50960270

No thanks I'd rather eat a bunch of chemicals I can't even pronounce than ZE BUGS

>> No.50960591
File: 58 KB, 562x545, FDhv0zTWEAEwRF-.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.50960923

It literally says "Powered by crickets" on the right

>> No.50961217

sir im vegeterien im no eat process food only raw insects

>> No.50963232

i rather eat bugs than SÖY

>> No.50963252

I'm glad russians are moving on from trannies, but why are they obsessed with insect protein all of a sudden?

>> No.50963285

>buys goyfeed
>surprised it's made of bugs

>> No.50963359
File: 308 KB, 684x483, 3AC91D94-94CC-4555-8EA5-AA52054D80EC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it was just a meme schizo

>> No.50963438

I grew up in the Ozarks, I don't mind eating bugs. Hill folk have always eaten them. You can't pick mushrooms or wild vegetables without getting plenty of bugs. If you can't catch fish, eat your bait crickets and mealworms. We also ate verre de terre and bullfrogs, there's nothing wrong with it. And if you think your processed food doesn't already have a shitload of bugs ground up in it, I have news for you...

>> No.50963466
File: 564 KB, 756x544, 1658858174525511.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I figured it out, Ivan already eats ze bugs >>50960250 >>50963359

>> No.50963492

maybe vegans were right all along

>> No.50963522

they just blend it better!

>> No.50963543

We also get shills from industrial sectors preying on our masculine insecurity. If you can convince people that a given food is dirty they are surprisingly effective at converting others.

Remember; 4chan has been compromised. You post here because it's fast but that comes at a cost.

>> No.50963589
File: 21 KB, 241x187, 1652998153823.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i do not trust the science

>> No.50963591

Yep, for almost a decade now. I have a hunch nipmoot is getting paid to allow it too. These Russian shills post constantly and they never get banned. The threads stay up for hours.

>> No.50963670

>russian shills dont want you to eat the bugs

>> No.50963695

>eat the bugs or you are literally putin

>> No.50963721

wheat is the food for poor people, only poors are worried about having to eat bugs

>> No.50963751
File: 117 KB, 640x744, bugs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We will eat the bugs and be happy

>> No.50963807

i know ive seen info suggesting eating bugs are unhealthy but the search engines have buried it. search eating bugs unhealthy and its only globohomo results saying that eating bugs is healthy. sus

>> No.50963809

Poor crickets, what did they do to deserve such a fate?

>> No.50963821

got any links ivan?

>> No.50963866

I first noticed when Marvel blatantly paid off the mods on /tv/ to keep the threads active and hunt down spoiler posters. There was a time when the board became unusable whenever a new capeshit came out but they seem to have toned it down since Endgame.

Anyway, for Hiroshimoot you only have to look at his past administration of 2chan:

>Through this internal strife, the existence of a paid service to delete postings of 2channel was uncovered on April 2, by a sudden announcement from Hiroyuki’s business partner, Mr Uchiyama, Hotlink, Inc‘s president.
>Mr. Uchiyama’s company, Hotlink, has been tied up with 2channel in an exclusive contract, and offered to monitor and delete negative threads and comments about its customers. And it was detected that among its customers was listed Japan’s ruling government party, the LDP. This information was uncovered by anonymous 2channel users. In fact, this privileged access to delete opinions was not widely known by internet users, and caused considerable alarm.

>> No.50963907

I can definitely see a scenario where humanity eats so many bugs that it causes some unforeseen breakdown in global ecology and causes the apocalypse that climate change propagandists are making us give up beef over.

>> No.50963911

not yet glowie, the search engines are burying any info dissenting from the globohomo narrative

>> No.50963952

Interesting info

>no links
ummmmm ivan???

>> No.50964009

maybe if i try a russian search engine i'll find something

>> No.50964042

To be tbf you could probably grind those things into a fine paste and mix it into any meat product without anybody noticing a difference.

>> No.50964043

You don't need a search engine to post the links, Ivan (quick, switch over to the IP to distract from your failure)

>> No.50964053

and nope, nothing there either. i guess russia is in on it, which doesn't surprise me. maybe on russian forums they accuse people who dont want to eat the bugs as being american shills

>> No.50964064

>once I started taking the meds, the links suddenly went away
We know, Ivan, we know.

>> No.50964066

take your meds

>> No.50964082


>> No.50964093

i already told you i can't find anything, the search engines, even the russian one, are burying the results. nothing organic about not being able to find a single source claiming that eating bugs is unhealthy, shits filtered as fuck. which is alarming.

>> No.50964095
File: 6 KB, 96x121, take meds schizo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.50964108

>eating bugs is unhealthy

>> No.50964124

you know im starting to think the guy calling everyone a russian shill is a russian shill, since the implication is that the russians don't want us to eat the bugs. wouldn't that just make me trust the russians then? well i dont since their search engine is also filtering results probably because they're going to be coerced into eating the bugs too.

>> No.50964141

You heard it straight from the vatnik's mouth; the bugs found in russian mcdonald's is safe to eat!

>> No.50964175
File: 191 KB, 1080x1080, link.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here you go

>> No.50964212

Wait till you learn what a lot of food dyes are made out of ...

>> No.50964217

In breath of the wild you literally eat the bugs. If it's safe for link then it's safe for me.

>> No.50964244
File: 990 KB, 904x678, 74D74DC5-66B8-4EC1-8B91-18704C7B495A.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People don’t eat bugs because they are toxic, unnutritious and spread diseases

>> No.50964260

human cultures have eaten bugs for generations without health problems such as... oh wait they don't exist. only the poor starving cultures with massive health problems eat bugs out of desperation.

same with vegans. there's good reason trial and error through generations cant find a culture that is vegan or eats bugs and is healthy. because it doesn't work. and fuck your rigged search results and cucked science

>> No.50964273

>health problems such as... oh wait they don't exist
Correct, cricket protein is perfectly fine to eat.

>> No.50964296

says who? show me a link that isn't globohomo or some dumb normies regurgitating globohomo sources

>> No.50964318

They're serving it in McDonald's hamburgers in Russia. Or is Russia considered globohomo?

>> No.50964325

i trust diets that have survived trial and error by keeping entire cultures healthy for generations. you can't show me a big eating culture that fits that criteria and it's damning.

>> No.50964339

You could just eat organic fresh foods you dumb trannoid but i guess you wouldn’t get paid by your glowniggers if you had said so

>> No.50964343

That's true, Russia is crumbling as a nation and their economy is in free fall. Maybe eating bugs isn't safe after all..

>> No.50964345

yes it is.
also putin bombed an apartment building full of innocent people and blamed it on chechnya so he could come to power. suck my canadian dick i'm a leaf bitch

>> No.50964359

I thought you were American, Ivan. Now you're Canadian?

>> No.50964368

never said i was american
you're unhinged buddy

>> No.50964378

It’s called evolving mate. Switching to plant based organic stuff is good for body and earth. We have the resources now. Can’t like like cavemen forever now pal.

Eventually we will be solar powered that’s once AI take over and humans fuse with cyborgs

>> No.50964386

>organic fresh foods
or as our ancestors called it: "food"

>> No.50964392

>No thanks I'd rather eat a bunch of chemicals I can't even pronounce than ZE BUGS


>> No.50964400

>muh russian shills.


>> No.50964407

yeah and when i say i'm not taking a chip in my head i'll get called a russian shill then too. meanwhile the russians will probably be just as chipped as the rest of the world. because its all bullshit and there is no nation free of globohomo

>> No.50964426

Why is there a troon FBI agent itt trying to convince people to eat bugs? Too dedicated to be a shitposter

>> No.50964432
File: 38 KB, 750x345, 1658664737567286.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Correct, you said you were Russian, but now you're Canadian. Hmmm, you okay, Ivan?


>> No.50964442

You're gonna need more IPs than that, Ivan.

>> No.50964451

you said i was russian, stop gaslighting

dude, every country has web brigades, america, israel, russia, china, everybody.

>> No.50964473

This would happen, this would be God's weird way of punishing us for our arrogance.

>> No.50964476
File: 322 KB, 558x651, 1660764500398165.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes but how does the payment work? Do your posts have to be validated by Boris? What happens if a mod deletes your post?

>> No.50964481

>blame all dissent against the new world order agenda on foreign shills
you really think thats going to work? it's fucking retarded

>> No.50964556
File: 44 KB, 660x753, Untitled-2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fucking spam filter my ass. i tried rewriting this response a dozen different ways it still blocks me

>> No.50964582
File: 73 KB, 657x727, 4723987428934.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rather be a "Russian shill" than a bug eating zogbot lol, do you think labeling anyone that doesn't swallow fleas a Russian is going to somehow make them patriotic and eat crickets? Do you glownigs even get training in psyops anymore?

>> No.50964644

Wait till you found out about all the chemicals used for bug farming

>> No.50964656

probably won't be long before the bugs are gmo too

>> No.50964776

>verre de terre
it's spelled ver de terre you fake ass missourianigger

>> No.50964814

Also, why do jews promote eating bugs when it's explicitly forbidden for them to do so anyway
>Is it kosher to eat bugs?
>The Torah expressly forbids Jews from eating insects (tolayim). In Leviticus 11:41, we are told, “And every swarming thing that swarms upon the earth is a detestable thing; it shall not be eaten.” Any food known to be subject to insect infestation, therefore, cannot be eaten until the insects have been removed.

>> No.50964884
File: 149 KB, 600x497, 1659285843855703.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's 100% guaranteed, it's always the same thing with commie central planners completely disconnected from reality.
Just like during Mao's Chú Sì Hài (4 pests campaign) in 1960, where peasants were ordered to kill all rodents and birds because they were declared "enemies of the chinese people" since they were eating the grains planted in commie farms.

Lo and behold, it only took 2 years after the birb killing to trigger the largest famine the world has ever known, killing approx 50 millions chinks. Famine triggered by the lack of predators for locusts and bugs who multiplicated endlessly and ravaged the fucking crops.
This is exactly what we are headed toward with all this anti-humans muh electric muh sustainable food (((agenda))).

>> No.50964964
File: 13 KB, 300x300, kosher-logo-52780C72E1-seeklogo.com.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's perfect. This will be (((their))) excuse to not partake in this satanic shit.
Do you remember seeing this logo on most your food? It's the international logo for kosher-approved food.
Stuff containing bugs wont have it, thus the kikes wont buy it.

>> No.50965078

anyone know if Ivan is okay?