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50953748 No.50953748 [Reply] [Original]

Like it or not chuds, privacy is here to stay.

>> No.50953829 [DELETED] 

Are you sure about that anon?

>> No.50953964
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Tornado cash left the chat

>> No.50954111

>Private finance
Hell yeah

>> No.50954239

Y'all know this was coming right?.

>> No.50954274

They wont be missed, monero still holds the crown.

>> No.50954280

Yeah. I have a few privacy alts in my stash. I would like the growth over the coming years.

>> No.50954410
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Kek, At what point exactly will you realize that Monero is fucking outdated

>> No.50954461

Sounds crazy but I'm bullish on privacy tokens right. This kind of pressure does nothing other than to amplify the relevance of privacy based utilities in the first place.

>> No.50954597

Coming years? Expected "coming months"

>> No.50954954

Expected it. This is not the first time anyway

>> No.50954993

XMR maxis joined the chat

>> No.50954995

I guess everyone likes a level of privacy on their business and assets. Even in crypto.

>> No.50955124
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The use cases for privacy systems probably needs to be defined better. I wonder why it's hard for people to understand that privacy is a right and everyone, irrespective of their class is entitled to it

>> No.50955663
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Tell me how I can stay anonymous without buying XMR

>> No.50955758

Wondering how privacy works anyway.

>> No.50955965

Not sure you can. It's token gated

>> No.50955989

Still on top.

>> No.50956131
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Still on the top?? Sure about that?

>> No.50956155

No lies there's even more influx to the privacy niche after the sanction, goes to show the niche just needed some spotlight.

>> No.50956299

First, you have to understand how the public blockchain ledger works

>> No.50956331

Privacy in crypto is a long shot. Many people don't even know their transaction histories are wrongly visible for anyone to look

>> No.50956409

About to displaced by Railgun. A privacy system that works across multiple chains on Ethereum, Binance Smart Chain and Polygon is likely to make long-term impression, as long as privacy in crypto is concerned.

>> No.50956558

I won't say that considering the way privacy coins get banned.

>> No.50956588

Kek, the public ledger has people's transactions out in the open. Kind of flawed if you ask me.

>> No.50956616
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How about legitimate traders who are innocently interested in staying private with their finance. Whatever ban threats there is, it's not long-lasting.

>> No.50956627

There are so many privacy solutions in the space anon. Take a closer look and pick the best one.

>> No.50956681

Actually, you can't afaik.

>> No.50956726

Not a fan of token-gated system. Although, the logic makes sense to me; tying the value of an utility to a token

>> No.50956795
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Picture you being a target cause anyone can trace your wallet balance to you. Ain't that some BS.

>> No.50956867

Which century are you newfag? Privacy can be achieved on blockchains with zkSNARKS, Mixers, or ring signatures. There are even protocols that enable privacy in defi too.

>> No.50956914
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I've always been big on privacy chad. It would be great if I could shield my NFTs as well.

>> No.50956958


>> No.50957010

>Take a closer look and pick the best one
Hmm I wonder which one that could be

>> No.50957017


>> No.50957063

Privacy is right and its needed in almost all sector including finance.

>> No.50957078

At the point where it's compromised/breached, which has yet to occur

>> No.50957121

The usecase is well defined, privacy protocols are meant for PRIVACY and SECURITY but just like every other system there will be misusers and challenges.

>> No.50957182

What two men do in the privacy of their own home does not concern us

>> No.50957187

Don't even get started on mixers. The security using mixers is very questionable

>> No.50957211

Limited privacy solutions actually support NFTs

>> No.50957215

Monero is token gated I guess. The only non-token gated platform I know in the privacy niche which is Railgun.

>> No.50957231
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Perhaps someone is doing that already

>> No.50957276
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lmao did railgun hire a jeet marketing agency? thr absolute state at the "shilling" going on in this thread

>> No.50957330

I dont think the shot is that long anymore, there's been a major awareness in the space since the ban.

>> No.50957361 [DELETED] 

Get your ass some passive income anon.

1. Go to Binance
2. Spot Wallet
3. Click Deposit, search for TRX
4. Select TRC20 network
5. Copy Address
Then go to


scroll down and paste it into the box
click on "Get Started"
You get instant $30

Pay out is August 30.

>> No.50957363

I thought Railgun launched on solana recently.

>> No.50957580

Its absurd to think that one sanction will wipe out the whole privacy niche, when privacy is actually what we need to curb the recurrent hacks and exploit.

>> No.50957774

Fuck you

>> No.50957839

Trying to spot out the "shills". Your interest in railgun might be personal. Go check yourself, anon.

>> No.50957869

Some platforms only care about securing the space with their services hence why they offer ease of access like Railgun. Token value can always be achieved from community involvement.

>> No.50957876

You don't deserve to live, jeet. Only retarded fools like yourself will fall for this scam

>> No.50957912
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Smart move, faggot. I can see how you're trying to shill Railgun in the most organic fashion imaginable

>> No.50957941

It's fucking straightforward. Every single transaction you make can be tracked on the explorer. It's built to be public anyway

>> No.50957974

Why are we even talking about privacy? Shouldn't it be a norm in the first place

>> No.50958022

Cocksucker. Not pumping your fuckin bags

>> No.50958091
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>About to displaced by Railgun.
Tell me how it betters Monero

>> No.50958223

It shouldn't be a matter of choosing a best. What matters is that privacy solutions is easy and enabled for users to access, regardless of the chain in which their assets are held.

>> No.50958288

Go to hell, motherfucker

>> No.50958334

People often make the mistake that privacy is meant for criminal activities

>> No.50958366

Flawed but atleast, there is a solution.

>> No.50958394

ITT jeets actually think they're being subtle

>> No.50958454

I've heard this before

>> No.50958515

Smart contract privacy protocols does

>> No.50958519
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>> No.50958600
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The list is a long one
>Composable on multiple chains.
>Does not require the token to use its privacy system
>Nifty altcoins permissible i.e. can be anonymously swapped or traded on it.
>Prospectively supports NFTs

>> No.50958623

Financial surveillance. A fucking nightmare

>> No.50958685
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Censorship: the biggest threat to security.

>> No.50958725

It's a shallow way of thinking. Imagine saying the internet is meant for fraud only. Things like privacy are for universal use. Whatever anyone decides to do with it should be their fucking business

>> No.50958767

Were you at the last DeFi conference at NY

>> No.50958792

There is a reason why relayers are considered to be more secure compared to mixers

>> No.50958815

Not a mention of Aztec. Waste of time

>> No.50958838

Who the fuck wants NFT support? That shits fucking retarded

Because people like to take the easy route. It's not that they don't think privacy is a right, removing the doors from their homes would cause serious concerns, but that they don't care if you know who they are as long as they can get a slight convenience from it. It's for the same reason that so many people (especially here in the U.S.) choose fast food over cooking for themselves, it saves them a little bit of hastle. To them online/financial anonymity is only needed if you're involved in something you be, because this justifies their laziness in their own eyes.
It's an excuse they use to prevent doing their own research and taking life seriously. It's easier to remain ignorant and hope for the best than it is to fight for a better system

>> No.50958878

>if you're involved in something you be
something you shouldn't be*

>> No.50958884

Oh it has a check mark for "private" on a marketing sheet designed to make the competition look bad by padding with useless crap. I trust Railgun entirely now.

>> No.50958921

That's the whole point of privacy based solutions. Information about transactions is meant to be private, even if the blockchain ledger is public.

>> No.50958966

MONERO (Ticker:XMR) Is the one and only true privacy coin, no one is buying your bags of whatever shitcoin you're shilling pajeet faggots

>> No.50959190

I've never used any fiat gateway to onboard crypto so I'm pretty much safe

>> No.50959249

Bobos don't understand the importance of importance of privacy and data security.
They'll rather allow whatsapp spy over their dick pics than use a safer and better messenger option like Sylo.

>> No.50959267

I know biz fags are stuck with XMR bags so I understand you

>> No.50959321

How do you now buy and sell crypto anon?

>> No.50959404
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lmao.. I really won't use it if the only thing it protects is my dick pics
want to believe you're joking

>> No.50959444

Heard of something called p2p?

>> No.50959460

xmr, icp, two dead project that they all don't want to admit.

>> No.50959590

It goes beyond that brainlet, decentralized messaging, non custodial crypto and nft wallet, access to web3 and the open metaverse, list goes on

>> No.50959612

thoughts on Secret? i have some bags

>> No.50959635

I have no issues with privacy but protocols offering anonymity are the reason why we won't gain adoption.

>> No.50959881

whatsapp and fb has been charged with data bridge many times in the past and I'm sure they didn't stop selling users data either hence why having a decentralized substitute makes a lot of sense.

>> No.50960343
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Privacy has always been here. You faggots don't just realize it

>> No.50960552
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You're right anon. There are privacy solutions that can take peoples business off prying eyes. My favorite is Railgun which integrates with defi and smart contracts.

>> No.50960588
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Peer to Peer. The risk is fucking crazy

>> No.50960668

I thought anonymity was the whole point of crypto, And how can you have privacy without being anonymous?

>> No.50960775 [DELETED] 
File: 44 KB, 960x624, 1653072134424.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can see bizfags are finally catching on. I recently made a private swap on the Railway DEX and I feel euphoric. Privacy is going nowhere.

>> No.50960781

The projects in attendance kicked ass

>> No.50960867

why are people promoting this scam.

>> No.50960903

Privacy is under threat, moron. especially in decentralized finance. At this point, I guess it's everyone's responsibility to maintain private balances and wallet. At least, there is no excuse; there are several privacy solutions that are quite straightforward to use.

>> No.50961003

source? Or you're just talking out your ass

>> No.50961050

Your definition of scam is definitely twisted. In case, you don't know, it is backed hugely by DCG. Next time, before you label anything a 'scam', do a search and see what it's about.

>> No.50961083

He's probably one of those retarded jobless jeets lurking around different boards in search for attention

>> No.50961134 [DELETED] 

Haha, u're wasting yar cash on the shit and then cry on 4ch on every topic. Be smarter, kids, check Life Beyond

>Massive Multiplayer Online game
>Doxxed Team
>Upcoming NFT Drop

>> No.50961156

Do a better research. I bet you'll find more convincing projects

>> No.50961195

No one will fall for it, fool. Go to hell

>> No.50961257

Kek, keep living in the past, dumbass.

>> No.50961280

To dump on uneducated newbies. You can tell it's like a couple of pajeets shilling the same "project" and talking points while changing IDs to portray that it's a larger group (which it isn't). Just disregard these retards.

>says xmr is a dead project
We can tell you're not very bright anon.

>> No.50961325

Samefag. You basically just described what you do

>> No.50961384

Do you understand the implication of what happened to Tornado?

>> No.50961420

Kek, another retard obsessed with XMR. You're clearly just bitter that your bag was not mentioned enough as you want it to. You need to understand something: Monero is fucking outdated. Go Kys

>> No.50961451

Why do I think this is still a problem, I only know of a few available on more than 2 chains and multichains compatibility for privacy protocols is very important for adoption.

>> No.50961576

People dont know better, privacy is mostlikely the only security we've got on-chain and for every system there are bound to be bad actors.

>> No.50961640
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>literal bond villain money
I'm ready

>> No.50961695

>Does not require the token to use its privacy system
Now that's a project focused on service, I guess this is peculiar to Railgun.

>> No.50961934

>one/one ID
You've fallen right into my trap, fool. I didn't promote anything. You're doing the same thing.
>You're clearly just bitter that your bag was not mentioned enough as you want it to.
Thank God it's not mainstream, I need to accumulate more. It is mentioned through grass roots and organically, unlike the railcucks
>Monero is fucking outdated.
Explain why it is outdated then, since the darknet markets are going Monero-only from now on. Perhaps you should tell them that *insert pump-and-dump shill "project" here* is better than XMR. See this picture >>50961640 for further evidence of how retarded you are.

Now, for both of you I propose a challenge - keep the discussion with me with the same IDs. Protip - you cannot.

>> No.50962020

Quite similar to Ore protocol except for the decentralised messaging feature. Identity management, web3 access, asset security are all features of ore protocol too.

>> No.50962044

Oasis will check all marks once Saphire is out.

>> No.50963035
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Most definitely. Good thing the crypto space is slowly getting saturated with privacy solutions cause it's high time assets and transaction history stop being public information.

>> No.50963667

NFTs are based anon. I'm looking forward to Ore Network NFTs and what the use case would be.

>> No.50964630

Aztec uses rollups and in centralized chud. I think a decentralized privacy protocol using zkSNARKS is the way to go.

>> No.50965718

NFTs would lead to an increase in global adoption of crypto and asset security concerns might come in. I just know of one privacy protocol that would integrate NFTs and give users access control plus private auctions.

>> No.50965933
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You'd have to use a non-token gated privacy protocol chud. It's that easy.

>> No.50966712

Good point. Although I feel more attention should be giving to asset management and security pleb. Platforms that focus on it would thrive.

>> No.50967894
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Everything else this guy has been a part of has rugpulled. This won't be any different.

>> No.50967996
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Forever fucking rekt by Bucc.

>> No.50968015
File: 62 KB, 1080x1046, 19D1F1F1-C12D-48DF-A6FF-455179588AFF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine having a team member say this in the project's Trannycord
I'd fucking sell

>> No.50968030

I agree with you. They are already making great strides, like freeway. In general, asset management platforms have good passive income systems and rewards. Security in DeFi can't be undermined. It should be prioritized at every level and aspect of DeFi.

>> No.50968048

It is good that XMR has been upgraded, but the use of multi-chain would be a better idea, just like other privacy solutions that don't need bridging or are not token-gated.

>> No.50970409

If you used Tornado Cash before, 0xMonero is a good alternative.

>> No.50970455

Secret has a whitelisted token bridge. They do not support all tokens so their ecosystem will not grow. Tomo did the same gated bridge and look at them now, nobody invests in Tomo or its ecosystem.

>> No.50970508

>be anons friend
>take anons picture for social media
>caption: "my friend anons so cool, he's like a super hacker and has crypto!"
>privacy btfo

>> No.50971003
File: 6 KB, 194x259, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Y'all privacy jeets need to fuck off. What has the likes of monero done? Other aspects of the blockchains like data efficiency and multichain need more attention. Tired of this shit.

>> No.50971018

Based. Only a matter of time before it goes extinct. Paying more attention to the likes of Geeq and their ecosystem running nodes and building dApps.

>> No.50971305

The clampdown doesn't makeit a good alternative to use. I like how privacy solutions in general are not backing down due tothe setback that could result in a major one accompanied by fud. This shows how relentless and strong they are.

>> No.50971334

>The clampdown doesn't make it a good alternative to use
I mean doesn't make it a bad alternative

>> No.50971361

You must be living under a rock. Heard of PoH consensus and multi-blockchains? Go educate yourself.

>> No.50971373

The only thing that would lead to increased adoption are products that work in the real world like geeq data. Every other thing is vaporware.

>> No.50971378

Because this is a painfully obvious pajeet thread. These pajeet faggots constantly try to swarm this board with ‘natural’ discussion about privacy just so they can shill their railgun and geeq scams.
If you can’t spot this then you are a clueless newfag who will lose all their money

>> No.50971399

Hallo, that's great! Everybody understands that crypto is the future, but have you tried Life Beyond?

>Fun action gameplay
>Open Alpha Reward Program
>CEO, Benjamin Charbit, was the Game Director for Assassin's Creed: Blackflag
>Upcoming NFT Drop

>> No.50971500

Hang yourself, pathetic scum

>> No.50971604 [DELETED] 

Syscon has always on my watch list. They have been busy with their recent developments and also listed on top exchanges! Now waiting for coinbase listing

>> No.50972298

Go home, Dave. Your daughter needs you.

>> No.50972316

you should have nothing to hide

>> No.50972340

Bridges have always been susceptible to hacks. So, naturally, any privacy solution functioning without them would be a safer choice.

>> No.50973394
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>Bridges have always been susceptible to hacks

This is not the case with privacy solutions, be it multi-chain or not, but it is a good feature that all privacy solutions must have and support.

>> No.50973897

‘Ndrangheta have adopted Monero payments so I'd say it's actually a pretty critical feature.