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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 466 KB, 1490x1074, 2022-08-17_12-51-00.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
50957975 No.50957975 [Reply] [Original]

Admits that the merge will NOT reduce gas fees and will NOT improve transaction throughput.

>> No.50957998

you're retarded if you thought it would, it's always been obviously trash

>> No.50958023

anyone with half a brain knew this was going to happen. dont know why people bought into the hypelies it was going to reduce prices and speed.

>> No.50958063

I mean... gas has been below 15 gwei for months.

>> No.50958228
File: 130 KB, 1041x993, 4AC35746-D5D2-4AF2-B217-DB8E01342723.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because they hated roll up and Arbitrum partnering with chainlink. They needed any excuse to invalidate the work the double trouble dynamic duo was gonna be pumping out.
It worked, people piled on the dynamic duo until they no longer could.
Now they begrudgingly accept that they’re a pathetic layer 1 meant only for settlements.
Seems like that “beautiful dance” stops when the music did MEV FAGS.

>> No.50958254

ICP won

>> No.50958300

exactly. This outcome was always going to be the outcome but everyone ran with the hypelie train and fucked themselves into beleiving shit that wasnt going to happen.
also your name has fag in it lol.

>> No.50958330

is this bait?

>> No.50958349

Based FAG id poster

Makes me feel better about my link stack now.

>> No.50958368

How is this bait?
Is YOUR post bait?

>> No.50958432

I think the point of PoS, aside from energy, is that your average joe can stake and earn constant passive income to pay for gas fees without needing to have expensive mining rigs
>hurrr you could already do that with liquidity pools and farms
Yeah well I guess this makes it easier for your average normalfag

>> No.50958467

Yupp, typical fud from OP.

>> No.50958497

Running a validator is harder than just LP farming.

>> No.50958531

Not a shill but serious try some stuff on avalanche. You can have staking, low fees and a thriving and growing ecosystem.

>> No.50958961
File: 787 KB, 796x525, 1660522363679786.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was never a meme

>> No.50959001

Everyone with even half a brain knew this for months, but fug i guess it’s over now because you said so

>> No.50959024

So basically....this has been a complete waste of time and will kill Ethereum?

>> No.50959133
File: 145 KB, 1788x1175, avaxandlinkfrens.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ETH not needed, Avalanche fixes everything and it already works.
it was always about LINK and AVAX. Arbitroon is centralized garbage that will ngmi.

>> No.50959176

Everyone already knew that since last year.

>> No.50959647

>anyone with half a brain knew this was going to happen.
Anyone that visited ethereum.org knew this because that's what the website always said.
Only retard youtubers and twitter faggots claimed otherwise.

>> No.50959678


>Misconception: "The Merge will reduce gas fees."
>False. The Merge is a change of consensus mechanism, not an expansion of network capacity, and will not result in lower gas fees.

>Misconception: "Transactions will be noticeably faster after The Merge."
>False. Though some slight changes exist, transaction speed will mostly remain the same on layer 1.

>> No.50959755

>the merge will NOT reduce gas fees
For you

>> No.50959916

Merge is the first step to sharding. It cannot be fine in proof of work. Anyone who follows the developments closelyb knows this already

>> No.50960021
File: 1.45 MB, 1440x1446, biden shiggy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

was it supposed to? afaik the merge was only ever supposed to reduce gas fees and improve scalability


>> No.50960034
File: 13 KB, 271x186, 1655675853955.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>big holders get richer by doing nothing
>users get poorer by paying fees
this nigga recreated FIAT

>> No.50960114

this is just proof that Polygon is on its way to top3 and that L2s are here to stay.

>> No.50960162

Why are this pedo blockchain still a thing?

>> No.50960184

Why use eth when IMX and LRC exist? Just buy directly via on ramp and sell via off and pay pretty much 0 in gas.

>> No.50960190
File: 1023 KB, 395x350, DCAA3AD9-2B00-4927-8E95-8CC6C41D928D.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The pedophile king made a joke about gas fees.
Keep up lemming, it’s a ride for the drooling idiots.

>> No.50960280

Two years repeating it and it doesn't register into their thick normie cattle skulls.
How is anybody surprised at the effectiveness of dumbass ads.

>> No.50960364

keep up lemming, you're retarded.

>> No.50960515

Posts like these really solidify to me how out of the loop 99% of /biz/ is. You guys lose so much fucking money because you're literally 2 years late on all of your news. Holy fuck.

>> No.50960560

Those both use ETH, but that's kind of the point. L2s scale ETH to reduce fees and increase transaction speed. The Merge helps expand the toolset L2s can leverage to settle on L1.

>> No.50961513

normalfags don't think too much into things even the ones that affect them directly that is why they get brainwashed easily by authorities and their equally as retarded as themselves peers

>> No.50961821

Finally? They've been saying that for years.

>> No.50961957

There are hundreds of shitcoins that sacrifice decentralization and security for low fees. At that point why not just use traditional payment methods? There is a reason that none of the hundreds of low fee shitcoins have anywhere near ETHs market share. They are traditional payment methods selling themselves as blockchains. ETH fees can be worked around with scaling solutions and future upgrades. ETH devs have focused foremost on the integrity of the network, which is why it has taken so many years to implement PoS despite having by far the most resources going into it's development.

>> No.50961984
File: 287 KB, 300x359, dreamtime coin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

PoS (Piece of Shit) Chain

>> No.50961988

anyone who follows developments closely knows that Vitamin said L2s are basically what shards would have been so no, sharding is NOT happening

>> No.50962076

ETH is not a real blockchain you are thinking of ETC

>> No.50962079


>> No.50962354

ETH badly needs a plan to deal with state bloat, also worried as to why L2's will pay shared security rent forever when ETH is about to become heavily validated by LIDO, Coinbase, Binance and a few other centralized entities and no longer mined. The L2's might as well just become their own sovereign PoS chains at that point, ETH is not optimized for L2s or anything else.

>> No.50962366

That was never the promised result. You're either retarded, baiting, or fudding. Stop making threads.

>> No.50963457

Understood. But if you move 1000 dollars why use erhereum at all? Why would anyone ever buy and trade it over LRC or IMX? I need someone to explain it to me in retard terms

>> No.50963602

you could make the same argument against bitcoin in 2014.
ultimately poor people don't have any influence, especially when there are hundreds of alternatives splitting their "vote" into meaninglessness.

>> No.50963640

theyve admitted that for years and everyone already knew

the issue with pos is regulatory capture

>> No.50965584

Dickhead not one eth dev corrected anyone for two years. They just let them talk about it stringing them along

>> No.50965625

Based and piss pilled

>> No.50965727

Because eth isn't for sending your furry artist $100. Additionally, neither of LRC or imx would exist without Ethereum validators so thank them for their work.

>> No.50965800

Becoming your own PoS chain isn't free. You need to incentivize staking which means inflation. Paying ETH for security is much cheaper than securing your own L1.

>> No.50965856

>eth isnt about furries
newfag alert

>> No.50966204

Sure thank them all you want but it seems as if they are deprecated if other cryptos do everything or have the potential to, at a much much cheaper price.

>> No.50966415


>> No.50966471

Paying ETH is not cheaper than securing your own L1. Any L2 can just issue their own token and effectively become an L1, which they are all going to do, because it is free.

No reason to pay ETH rent forever when all the incentives are there to cannibalize that value and split off.

>> No.50966558

It's always just been about control.. should have listened to those "greedy" miners

>> No.50966574

but what about the furries and their large premined stacks of ETH? will someone please think of the furries???

>> No.50966725

There are many L1s who also wants to kill ethereum, lol

>> No.50966891
File: 6 KB, 235x232, images - 2022-08-18T101442.084.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ETH killer? Lol.Every chain has different features and its own uses. There's nothing wrong with comparing, but make sure they'recomparing realistically. There are many L1s like Otto that complement rather than compete. Geeq is secured by Proof of Honesty, which is also scalable and secure, but let's see once the platform is out.

>> No.50967092

I don't know what are you talking anon but those l1s claiming to kill ethereum has killed themselves

>> No.50967700

literally no one on this fucking board knows shit about fuck
gas on Ethereum will NEVER be cheap. this is something already discussed before
gas on L2s is what will become cheap and this is after sharding

i have my bets on Zksync since they already have a functional zkEVM testnet and are even developing a DAO specific scaling solution with the help of BitDAO

>> No.50967766

I don't fancy comparing something. You can just research Proof of Honesty as it's a pretty new mechanism and Geeq might deliver a better platform. Who knows? They're starting from scratch.

>> No.50968002

The high gas fees will be paid to stake holders and they call it a "yield". ETH 2.0 is a huge scam to make Stake holder rich. The Stake holders have all the voting power and they will never vote to lower the fees. Because thats like voting to give yourself less money.

>> No.50968026

Miners had to run their operations and they had cost and labor going into it. But these ETH 2.0 stake holders do absolutely nothing and they expect the same amount of money.

>> No.50968731

Eth has been completely disregarded as a centralised scam after tornado

>> No.50968882

still 7 txs? kek

>> No.50968907

yes the merge doesn't reduce the fee, the fee reducing features will be implemented after the merge or post-merge.

>> No.50969484

70% premine spaghetti code