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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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50936984 No.50936984 [Reply] [Original]

CRO is on the edge of insolvency. You've probably noticed the decline in advertising and talk however you have no idea just how bad this is. An announcement that the CRO cards are being cancelled/suspended/unwound will arrive any day now, these have not been anywhere near the success they had hoped for.

>> No.50937001

nah, but nice try faggot

>> No.50937005

Buy signal

>> No.50937112

you have no idea the reputational impact the Superbowl ads have had on the firm. They went almost all in, and it has left them with a severely tarnished reputation even to this day. There is more I'm not allowed to share as it would probably give away exactly who I am to any colleagues reading this, however it's not a larp.

>> No.50937425

My cdc card had was rejected for network issues for the first time a week ago
I also see new fees for topping it up with debit cards
It's anecdotal but I am unhappy with them as of now
I used to buy everything with the card and this makes reconsider if the cro cash back is worth the hassle

>> No.50937719

>I can't provide proof because I might get doxxed by colleagues at my insolvent soon to be demonized company
that's retarded. if your company is insolvent and retarded and soon to be despised by everyone then the opinion of your colleagues is meaningless. post date stamp and proof.

>> No.50938209

Exactly this. I used the card non stop from 2020 until last May. There's zero benefit now using the card since they almost dropped every perk.

Give me one reason to be bullish on crypto.com. Just one.

>> No.50938236

I believe it.

>> No.50938547

I just need my card stake to run out and I'll be able to squeeze out whatever my Ruby stake is worth. Glad I didn't go to Jade before the nerf cutoff or I'd be fucking pissed.

>> No.50938591
File: 34 KB, 577x778, 4feaca43351b17e08057cd4024c579709323c7ad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ensogo / Monaco / CryptoDotCom

>They exit scammed all their customers with Ensogo.
>They lied about having a VISA deal.
>They partnered with wirecard issuer of VISA, who is also dealing with fraud false accounting and lacking funds
>They defrauded all their ICO investors with Monaco
>They defrauded all their early investors with MCO to CRO token swap
>They have no way to profit off of their business model
>14% APY on CDC, don't ask where the money comes from. It is definitely sustainable in the long term. Crypto.com is surely a profitable venue.
>but the volume?! That's their profit!
Washtrading and 0% maker/taker fees on maximum Cro stake.
Pretty much all big exchanges washtrade, but that's not the point. The point is that the alleged profit they have to sustain all these ridiculous perks does not exist and they are not profitable and when the hype dies down and they can no longer pump and dump their token they are in deep shit.

There is no more fraudulent exchange than Crypto.com.
There will be blood.

>> No.50938801

I have a friend who bought Icy White @ 18c , got nerfed like 2 months later. He's still coping about the dogshit rewards (Staking rewards as well)

>> No.50938911

I'm also and insider and the popular narrative at the office is that OP is a fag.

>> No.50939898
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That’s front page news, proves nothing. Provide timestamp full frontal nude for verification

>> No.50940000

Who cares it’s a centralized piece of shit that looks and functions like it was built by retards. Good riddance.

>> No.50940017
File: 75 KB, 557x575, crok.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> 2004 to 2009 Co-Founder of "Starline Polska" This company no longer exists
> 2009 to 2010 Co-Founder/CEO of "YIY Hong Kong Ltd" This company no longer exists
> 2010 to 2014 Co-Founder/CEO of "BEECRAZY". The company shut down one day, all of a sudden. Investors and customers lost their money. The company was sold to another company, iBuy.
> 2014 to 2015 COO of iBuy. Failed, see below.
> 2016 CEO of "Ensogo" - Formely iBuy. After coup by COO to become CEO, company delisted from the exchange in 2016. People lost their investments. Multiple lawsuits followed.
> 2017 Founder and CEO of Monaco. Rugpulled on investors after essentially delivering nothing and eventually allowing them to swap MCO for CRO tokens costing original invetors 4X more for the same rewards in CRO. Newly minted CRO tokens gave them a huge supply of fresh tokens of free money.
> 2018 Founder and CEO of Crypto.com. Lured new crypto investors with bait and switch tactics of unsustainable rewards of memberships with Spotifiy, Netflix, cashback rewards, staking rates, etc. effectively bamboozling them to lock their money for long periods while token value falls through sinkhole because of changing terms, rates and rewards
yes, this scammer is going to run a successful company this time

>> No.50940046

This cretin looks jewish. Is he? I mean if he's jewish you can just say. Look goys he's a fucking rat kike. We all know by now. You don't even need citations.

>> No.50940257


>> No.50940618
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ty this webpage is awesome. saved

>> No.50940894

Keep talking OP. I converted my CRO to eth and moved it out of the platform two days ago.

Removing the card benefits just smelt too fishy for me

>> No.50940989

>Fell for the card scam.
>Coped by putting it in DeFi
>Realised CRO will be worthless
>Unstake period up last week
>Rolled it into other crypto

Most people are still stuck at step 2.

>> No.50941057

Thank you anon, will be buying more now asap!

>ALWAYS go against biz and earn some dough

>> No.50941557

I have a cro card, milked that juicy cashback for all its worth. What's a good alternative crypto card bros? Is CB any good?

>> No.50941974

Switched to Wirex premium, much better app and rewards:

14% on stablecoins
10% on shitcoins
4% card cashback
6% native token

>> No.50942043

Next rug. Unsustainable everything.

>> No.50942396


>Give me one reason to be bullish on crypto.com. Just one.

How metal cards can you get that are made of metal?

A... Metal... Card.... Shit won't degrade and lasts forever.

>> No.50942926



>> No.50943072

I took everything out when they announced they're cutting smalltime benefits like netflix subscriptions. It was a sure sign they're scrounging the absolute bottom of the barrel for any funds to stay afloat.

>> No.50943123

If they are crashing the plane with no survivors why are they cutting rewards in an effort to survive the bear market?

>> No.50943984

Same but I'm waiting for the defi stake to unbond and then I'm out. I have defended them many times in the past. Hell, I can rationalize the low rewards but cutting 90% of the stuff they tried to lure people in is not inspiring confidence. On top of that their announcements come out of nowhere. No roadmap or plans as to what's next. For more than a year now they have been slashing stuff every 3 months.
And the bear market eexcuse is just bs. Every dodgy motherfucker in crypto, cdc included, try to hide their incompetence under the bear market cope. There is no longer a bull thesis for CRO

>> No.50944009

>There is no longer a bull thesis for CRO
There never was :)

>> No.50944138

In hindsight, yes. Me and others had been calling their rate unsustainable so if they were to survive they would have to cut back on shit. It was obvious to anyone with a working brain. If they did it in fewer steps, with proper communication I'd probably suck it up and tell anons to do the same. However, sending emails anouncing cuts a few days before is at least shady. At this point I'll go back to cb as my on/off ramp. I don't even trade on their shit platform or exchange, they're on par with cb in screwing you over with fees

>> No.50944249

brb buying more cro

>> No.50944263

then why dont we see any insider sells?

>> No.50944299

Money is extracted through employment and external service fees until bankruptcy is announced. No selling needed, they'll just take your money.

>> No.50944335

I mean yeah, its obviously a failing business model. You dont need to be an insider to realise its a matter of when it fails not if. Anyone with any sort of funds in CRO is retarded

>> No.50944969

OP ditched because too many responses would dispel his larp

>> No.50945081

Agreed. They offered me a senior engineering job then immediately withdrew at the first sign of a crypto winter. Total hiring freeze. Their cash reserves must be zilch.

>> No.50945114
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His brother was also involved in a scam, can't remember but interpol was looking to find him

>> No.50945156

I got fired from crypto com about 3 months ago. I worked on the support team and they couldnt pay me anymore. Was a comfy wfh job so that kinda sucked

>> No.50945194

Any internal gossip or news?

>> No.50945330
File: 522 KB, 800x791, hVohNEolBwqCGrrFmcB_I6k4NZpoFY4b3BYDV6pKMhU.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the fact that /biz/ vehemently hates CDC and gargles CZ's nuts at every opportunity convinces me that CRO will eventually flip BNB. /biz/ is literally never right.

>> No.50945422

yes there are regular larpers on biz pretending they got fired from cdc. Other than that no internal gossip to report.

>> No.50945529

checked and keyed.. but have to admit my hands are getting weak with all this FUD... betting on the brand recognition

>> No.50945671

I recall going on a zoom call for a meeting and some of the top figures were present. at some point Kris started mumbling something along the lines of 'shits all fucked.. none of this adds up.. how does this keep happening to me...' and some other stuff that I cant remember. Everyone went silent and then Matthew the CTO asked 'Kris, are you alright??' and he started losing it and just screamed 'FUUUUUUCK!!' and ended his call. After that people could still hear him losing his shit and smashing stuff from other people that were streaming close to him. shit was wild and some girl started crying

>> No.50946760

Yeah.... I remember crying out so hard about these twats on biz in like 2019. Turns out they just got into sport advertising and pumped like crazy. And that's where prudence gets you, watching the train pass you by.

>> No.50947080

how could CDC possible go insolvent if they pay everyone with their shitcoin? just print more lmao

>> No.50947110

>and some girl started crying
ok, at least you made it believable

>> No.50947358


Is this angry cause missed pump and it seems like a normie platform that for some reason must be denigrated? Why spend hundreds of millions on 10yr leases for stadium naming and sports team partnerships before a rugpull?

Isnt the precautionary measures of cost cutting a logical thing to do?

How many Top 20 Cryptos go under often?

How can 6Billion in market value disappear in a rug pull?

I have thought alot about the feasibility of CRO, and will be doing more research, but Biz is always wrong, its must be like a karmic universe thing

>> No.50947374
File: 103 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Credit card 1% reload fee
>Constant complaints on CDC reddit
>Burned a bunch of users with the MONACO switch to CRO
>Burned a bunch of users with the bait and switch tactics with the credit card.
>CDC shills constantly saying there will be a 10 billion burn but no proof whatsoever
>Nearly impossible to close that credit card
>Insane spread in their laggy app
>Worst exchange and app in the sector, even low cap Chinese crypto exchanges work better
>Kris is a known con artist
>Ensogo cluster fuck
>24 hour wait time for adding a new address
>Fired a bunch of employees
>Have billions in liabilities for advertisements, I fully expect them to try to get out of the world cup and maybe that staples center.
>Midwits and retards thinking CRO is the next BNB even though CDC is complete garbage compared to Binance
>VVS in the verge of collapse
>CRO ecosystem literally garbage
The red flags are plenty to be honest. The only good thing about the company is the name. I expect SBF or CZ to pay good money for that when they go bankrupt.

>> No.50947412

Fuck the credit card for a moment use your brain did didn’t they buy the staples center for marketing? I mean after that it’s imposssible to die I mean I can understand crypto getting regulated but as someone who grew up in LA that’s wayyy to much promotion to fail

>> No.50947434

normie tier coin

>> No.50947454


>> No.50947993

How is this supposed to be a bad thing?

>> No.50948024


>> No.50948169

That nobody actually uses https://cronoscan.com/chart/tx

>> No.50948188
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>> No.50948237

>Is this angry cause missed pump and it seems like a normie platform that for some reason must be denigrated? Why spend hundreds of millions on 10yr leases for stadium naming and sports team partnerships before a rugpull?
According to some blind gossip rags, there's a big sports arena that's scrambling to find a new sponsor because that sponsor is about to collapse. Crypto dot com and FTX are the only two that fit the description.

>> No.50948246

The Staples/Crypto Arena people are apparently in a huge panic because they need to find a new sponsor. It's either them or FTX.

>> No.50948305

Bitconnect and XRP were both top 20 coincidence that rugpulled

>> No.50948316

tip of the iceberg. all I can say is keep your eye out for cro related news.

>> No.50948337


what have you heard about them losing money to a new feature they added

>> No.50948352

I don't know anything about that.

>> No.50948381

If you're asking for the reason I think you're asking, I'm not a part of *that* team and none of that team is involved with this post.

>> No.50948398
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Reminds me of the DotCom bubble.
If anything it affirms crypto is here to stay while the leeches fall off from their hubris.
I say this while holding $10k CRO.

>> No.50948414


>> No.50948565
File: 133 KB, 400x307, 3426785.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Crypto Exchange Crypto.com Signs Undertaking With Canada’s OSC | Bitcoinist.com

Crypto.com Exchange Registers With UK Financial Regulator

Crypto.com receives regulatory approval in Cayman Islands

Crypto.com Receives South Korean Regulatory Licenses After Buying Local Firms

>> No.50949269

>these have not been anywhere near the success they had hoped for.

Coz its retarded, imagine a CGT event every time you buy a coffee. fuck that.

>> No.50949280


also they did a token swao from MCO to CRO years ago, during crypto winter and my MCO became worthless coz I checked out of cypto for the winter. wtf. fucking fraud.

>> No.50950374
File: 108 KB, 1024x683, jfl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hello based insider. i think you are probably right and CRO is about to have a Luna level implosion. This will bring an immediate end to the little relief rally we are currently getting and drop us down to 11k before we rocket up to 100k by early next year. Any questions?

>> No.50950436

they added a 1.5% card topup fee and the minimum amount of wxt you can trade is $300
got all my shit out yesterday before they inevitably collapse, thankfully made a good amount off them since i've had to spend a lot in the last couple months

>> No.50950503
File: 1.09 MB, 1406x1068, 1800barnone.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I always wondered why did they reuse this mascot for that car financing company from the early 2000s? If it was the mascot for the failed pets.com then why reuse it?


>> No.50951264

you do realise you can just bank transfer deposit to the app which takes no more than 2mins to confirm and then top up your card via your fiat wallet for 0% fees

Thats how i've been doing things, the 3% cashback is still amazing and leaps ahead of any other crypto card imo

>> No.50951319

i was on about the wirex card, not the cdc one
either way, bank transfer isn't available to me. i got out of cdc before everything shit the bed

>> No.50951371
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I called all you retards last year and made sure I grabbed some caps of you little dunces arguing for your obvious scam rofl
so many retards on here and reddit bought in and are getting burned, this shit is going to zero

>> No.50951376
File: 7 KB, 249x202, images (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the 3% cashback is still amazing and leaps ahead of any other crypto card imo
You get 3% cashback with binance, if you hold 10BNB.
To get 3% with CDC you need to stake 40000 dollars for 6 months lol.
CDC doesn't allow you to redeem your crypto early in the earn program.
Just imagine when CDC troubles get more widespread, you can't even get it out.
I'm sure other crypto companies in the USA that have better cashback if you have to lock up 40K.

>> No.50951379
File: 20 KB, 1200x91, crr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmfao, it's been less than a year... god biz is fkn dumb as fuck

>> No.50951442

I have the binance card too and its the same as the coinbase card its not an actual debit card you can only load it with crypto not actual fiat currency in the same way that you can top up the crypto.com card

So yeah any cashback they give you on the binance card is taken out from the huge spread they take when converting your crypto into EUR to complete the transaction which was always like 10% higher than the actual price the few times I tested it.

Idk you can shit on cdc for a lot of things like cronos chain disappointment or all the cringe advertising but their card is top tier, I've used it all over the world with no issues.

>> No.50951519 [DELETED] 

oh yeah and the binance card had really shitty limits on it too, don't quote me on this you can google it yourself but i'm pretty sure you couldn't do any purchase over 500 euro or even spend more than 1k euro total in a week no matter how much you staked.
Meanwhile I've did purchases as high as 12k on the cdc card and got full cashback.

But i've now seen your other post and you're just fudding the same old uneducated copypasta against cdc on this thread so I was probably being baited this whole time

>> No.50951842

shit-tier exchange
shitty chain

>> No.50951869

true, he would have much more incentive to doxx and then post his wallets asking for thank you donations to all the CRO holders asses he saved

>> No.50951999

I dont work for cdc directly, i guess you could say they are clients of ours

>> No.50952093

So why do you think they are on the "edge of insolvency" then?
Why aren't their cards a success?

>> No.50952121
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Aaaaah, this is why the sudden FUD. Pic related. Meanwhile CRO is up 17% this month.

>> No.50952201

Literally this

>> No.50952264

They also got regulatory approval in Canada apparently.

>> No.50953106 [DELETED] 

Merge mining with bitcoin serves the main purpose of giving the syscon platform the second highest hash rate in all of crypto; thus making it virtually impregnable.

>> No.50953113

Checked. Metropolitan Bank?

>> No.50953723

See my post

>> No.50955847

>there's a big sports arena that's scrambling to find a new sponsor because that sponsor is about to collapse
>The Staples/Crypto Arena people are apparently in a huge panic because they need to find a new sponsor.

how about you specify where you heard that from or link any source?

>> No.50955937

According to /biz/ insiders in this thread this guy knows that the company will go under. Any body language and verbal experts able to pinpoint where he slips?

>> No.50955957

This is from 7 days ago. He says they are ep

>> No.50956531


>> No.50956574
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>CRO is on the edge of insolvency
Who cares about this literal dead shitcoin?
If you're still using a CEX or a CEX-Operated scamchain in Year of our Lord 2022 you deserve to get rekt

>> No.50956623

Hi CZ. I'm never going to use Binance. Fuck you're mum, etc. Buying more CRO.

>> No.50956671
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I'm scared bros. I don't own any CRO but I have kost of my crypto on CDC. Should I remove all my crypto from CDC onto another exchange or cold storage? Or is it fine on CDC?

>> No.50959548
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>> No.50959602

My extensive experience on 4chan has permitted me to identity that this is a jew. Therefore he is lying.

>> No.50960898

Saw the 1% fee today and already destroyed my card, I got a CB one to try out for just this eventuality. Should I put my stake into defi or just wash my hands of the whole thing I wonder

>> No.50961051

Wirex you get 4%, no minimum staking requirements. Yearly fee of $250~ though

Still have Ruby card from CRO, but I never use it desu, have no other funds there. Rewards are too shitty to keep anything on the CRO platorm. While on other platforms I get 10% from staking and 4% card cashback.

>> No.50961052

Am i the only one that just uses the card and tops up small amounts of stablecoins using nearly feeless blockchains?

Even if they are sketchy, who cares?
If i lose 200 bucks after i spent some thousands im not gonna cry

>> No.50961536

There's still time to switch to Coinmetro.

>> No.50961732

Fuck CeFi.
At least I got out of this one on time.

>> No.50963238
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CRO is more useless than UNI lmao. People here will turn their backs at good shit like Shibnobi, new chain with multiple release products, to buy whatever's big and hip. You all deserve pain and misery.