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50943510 No.50943510 [Reply] [Original]

>Arbitrum hires a marketing manager
>it's the former head of Amazon's global brand marketing team

Arbitrum is such an enigma to me. Launched with almost no external hype or fanfare, no native token to drum up a retail frenzy. Instantly went to #1 L2 TVL despite that and has stayed there ever since. Started working on L2s before ETH was even a thing, which makes no sense to me, and now hires A+ world class talent and announces it with a simple tweet, again, no fanfare.
WTF is going on back there?

>> No.50943545

it runs on eth so its a no. they can sink billions into marketing, principals cant be bought

>> No.50943552

it takes a certain kind of intellect to corner the market before the market exists

>> No.50943620

>Instantly went to #1 L2 TVL despite that and has stayed there ever since.
Remember arbinyan? IIRC all of that money went through Arbinyan first. Spectacular deflation on Arbitrum yield farms was all the action it really saw. Bizarre indeed, hope someone can shed some more light on this.

>> No.50943745

What should I invest in to take advantage of Arbitrum's growth?

>> No.50943756

Literally all of the best minds in tech are moving to the arbitrum/chainlink stack

>> No.50943760

Chainlink is used as gas for Arbitrum.
Want to send tokens on Arbitrum? You need to hold Link.

>> No.50943782

No it isn't, you just have to bridge over eth.

>> No.50943791

There will almost definitely be an arbitrum token, they’re just trying to appear/be more legitimate by waiting to launch it.

>> No.50943803


>> No.50943812

I'm pretty sure I know what I'm talking about.
I remember plenty of Link threads saying Chainlink was gas for Arbitrum.

>> No.50943817

Theres already a token for it

>> No.50943822

man it was so funny how hard the arbitrum launch was shilled by link bagholders on this board and then how much of a total nothingburger for link price it turned out to be.

>> No.50943828

And I've used arbitrum you retard. Fuck, I used to spam the arvault threads

>> No.50943840
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>> No.50943845

You guys just don't understand. Link is the GAS. This was spammed for a month. There's no way a lie would be spammed for a month nonstop

>> No.50943847

Thats not right
Arbitrum gas is eth
Chainlink nodes are arbitrum validators, sequencers and cross chain

Once eth goes POS you can run and eth node, an arbitrum node and a chainlink node all on low resource hardware and collect passive income streams from all

>> No.50943855

I already lost money shorting eth, noty

>> No.50943857

You fucking retards psyopped yourselves into that one.

>> No.50943863

>by link holders
are you mentally challenged. Everything that is shilled on here is shilled with link. shills think its a key to sell shit to /biz/

>> No.50943897

I remember linkie after linkie coming into the Arbitrum discord asking about link and being ignored.
Ahh, yes. So Chainlink is pretty much the validator and you can only stake Link with Chainlink nodes, so the token is needed for Arbitrum. Yes, very true.

>> No.50943937

arb will never have a token because it doesn't need one. it's not a cash grab like optimism.

>> No.50943953
File: 477 KB, 1506x1452, 95pussen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Arbitrum hires a new marketing manager
>thread instantly fills up with people seething about Chainlink
ahhh feels nice to be home

>> No.50943956

Here come the linkies and their buzzwords in before

>muhhh quadrillions powerpoint images from twi years ago

Give it a rest already

>> No.50943981

Its like those pesky DCG shills have Link derangement syndrome. Quite amusing while watching eth and its l2 and whatever losing market share

>> No.50943986

OH WOW, more buzzwords

>> No.50944019

/reads the entire thread twice

Okay, could someone explain in plain English what the flying mortal fuck is going on? It has to do with crypto. That's where my comprehension ends.

>> No.50944025

I too believed this at one point

>> No.50944060

pajeets that want you to send them your coins. Just don't. Ignore the l2 l1 roll up and whatever circus until 2024. Just trade on cexes

>> No.50944068

I don’t even know what arbitrum is since it has no coin.

>> No.50944076

There's an Ethereum Layer 2 called "Arbitrum" which is quietly establishing itself as the God tier Optimistic Rollup (a form of Layer 2).
They just hired a new marketing manager who is a top ex-Amazon exec.
Unfortunately, "Arbitrum" is a trigger word for a certain hyperactive pack of Chainlink fudders, who have decided to come in and talk about Chainlink instead. This is possibly due to the clip I shared above, where Ed Felten, the head of Arbitrum (and former Chief Technology Officer to the White House) said that they were in talks with Chainlink for Chainlink to do validation work for Arbitrum.

>> No.50944105

marketing what exactly and to whom?

>> No.50944148

Good question. Greedy devs, marketing pajeets and vcs pissed of the base, the ponzi crowd moved on and got burned by dogeshit promoted by the faggots above. Institutions, political are never going to come because of the probabilistic nature of dlt settlement finality and the incompatibility with regulations.

And yes, the base is still pissed and wants to see more devs and comapnies go bankrupt, Ed Felten as well

>> No.50944306
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does this goy really not know about ed felton being former white house and his second in command that kike being a student of ari juels and now they're even in bed with the bankman since all the vcs wanna be able to dump on retail the moment they launch a scam token

>> No.50944307
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>> No.50944316

corporate marketing now that they have reddit on board
the space is finally growing up
you still see some low iq posts that govt is going to kill it when actually we're seeing the first signs of them taming it and regulating it
>Schmidt served as Google’s CEO from 2001 to 2011, overseeing one of the company’s largest and most notable periods of growth. He stayed on as executive chairman until 2017, and technical advisor until 2020. Currently, Schmidt has a net worth of $20 billion, making him the world’s 80th-richest person, according to Forbes.
>But if he were just starting out as a software engineer today, he says, he’d want to work on AI algorithms or Web3.
>Schmidt says his interest in Web3 involves a concept called “tokenomics,” which refers to the specific supply and demand characteristics of cryptocurrencies. Schmidt also notes that Web3 could come with new models for content ownership and new ways of compensating people.
>″[Web3′s] economics are interesting. The platforms are interesting and the use patterns are interesting,” Schmidt says. ”[It] doesn’t work yet, but it will.”

>> No.50944349

i use arbitrum daily to compound my gmx stack, NO chainstank is not used as gas retard

>> No.50944383

do you really think optimism and these zkrollup guys (tech won't be ready for years) have a chance?
>With vocal skeptics now abundant, the early, easy days of the blockchain revolution are over. But Ed Felten, a Princeton professor who also served as deputy chief technology officer in the Barack Obama White House, thinks his startup has an answer for some of the database technology's problems.
>He co-founded the six-person Offchain Labs to try to profit from technology called Arbitrum that moves a lot of blockchain transactions into a separate domain. That liberates them from the slow transaction speeds and data-privacy problems that burden the Ethereum Project while still linking with that widely used blockchain foundation, Felten said.

>> No.50944406

Lurk more newfaggot, you obviously weren't here.

>> No.50944492

>>50944406 is right, >>50943863 is a newfag. LINK faggots spammed the board non stop "TWO MORE WEEKS ARBITRUM WILL PUMP LINK" non fucking stop.

Arbitrum releases, LINK dumps because it's not used at all.

>> No.50944497

but yet they dont add more pairs
unlike their competitor GMX who already has 3 asset classes
- crypto
- stocks
- forex

>> No.50944548

>their competitor GMX

>> No.50944552

how can i profit from this?

>> No.50944620

One option is to do the "Arbitrum Odyssey" which is restarting in September, and is basically just a series of events where you use a different product on Arbitrum once a week, and get an NFT as a reward.
Some people are speculating that it will give you eligibility for an Arbitrum airdrop if one ever happens, but even if it doesn't, it could make you eligible for a drop from any of the individual products you are using.
Apart from that just start looking into Arbitrum projects. GMX is the "blue chip" but there are plenty of others that will probably pump if there's a general Arbitrum bullrun.

>> No.50944738

Worthless. If that is the only way I will ignore Arbitrum.

>> No.50944761

You do you, bro.

>> No.50944772

More like Arbitrum isn't used at all, its leading L2's in TVL... with like 2 billion, which is a fraction of TVL on ETH. What some didn't realize is that Arbitrum's purpose isn't for trading shitcoins, if you want to do that you can just play in the mud with the streetshitters on BNB and its still cheaper, sure its centralized but you think people trying to trade pregnantbutt and cumfart token give a shit about that?
Arbitrum (and L2's in general) usecase is to help scale ETH for enterprise usecases.

>> No.50944774

deluded LINKcels are funny. always remember, TOKEN NOT NEEDED

>> No.50944823

I will. Arbitrum can try and be as legitimate as they like. Users won't come without profit. NFTs and Layer Two version of worthless shitcoins scams will not help. You guys should have played your LINK angle up more. Now everyone believes Crypto is dead because tokens are optional or not needed.

>> No.50944865
File: 40 KB, 647x266, arbitrum cucks eth out of gas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I always wonder who picrel was.

>> No.50944921

>teaching gpt3 bots with replies
Kys newfren

>> No.50944965

ALL in the next 30days:
ETH merge
Arbitrium launch using LINK for network gas
DTCC TIW wahehouse/DSM sytem going live with LINK oracles, LINK token used for network transactions
SWIFT messaging adopted LINK oracles and CCIP using LINK token for network transactions

You will know in the next 30 days whether you will make it.

I am guessing you will if you hold a nice bag of LINK and LPL.


>> No.50945133
File: 71 KB, 1280x720, thechasm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Again, Arbitrum is not intended for trading shitcoins. Its a scaling solution for enterprise usecases. Another piece of the puzzle in crossing the chasm. It didn't fail because you couldn't get arbidoge to catch on or whatever retarded shit you're shilling.

>> No.50945173

great thinking retard, let's not look ahead and buy assets that can make exponential gains
let's look at what's happening right now and be negative about it like r eddit

>> No.50945195

>DTCC TIW wahehouse/DSM sytem going live with LINK oracles, LINK token used for network transactions
personally not sure they'll actually deliver on this on time but we'll see

>> No.50945199

Previously you have shilled me NFTs to get involved in Arbitrum on another ID and I replied they are worthless above. So are the currently unseen enterprise usecases. Crypto is nothing more than shitcoins defined by different standards. That is a Chainlink slide and this is an Arbitrum thread.

You have tried to shill and failed.

>> No.50945223

Any attempt to get ahead will be met by whales and infrastructure providers like CeFis trading against users. There is no hope of victory by means of Crypto anymore. Arbitrum did partner with Reddit so they have less to be negative about.

>> No.50945238

checked and you have me confused with someone else, I haven't shilled you anything. I'm just explaining to you that Arbitrum's purpose is to scale the ETH network so that enterprises and institutions can actually use it. You can ignore the Chainlink connection if it bothers you so much, although at the end of the day that's the only way you, the retail baggie, will ever profit off of it. Personally though you seem more short term minded, so I suggest something more your speed, like dogs with a bat.

>> No.50945261
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we are incredibly early.. go do some reading about the early internet or something
remember in the 90s that the use cases were email and "surfing the web"
we don't even have a decent browser wallet currently
talking about whales and shit when there's hardly any money in the space yet...

>> No.50945295

Are there enterprise users here posting on this board? What is the point of marketing your product here?
There are only retail baggies like me here. Dogs with a bat might be all they care about because that is what makes the little guys money. Sorry if that offends you but I am not an enterprise grade user I am just a guy with a money problem.

There is little evidence of a Chainlink connection right now. Plans for the future sure but that is what Crypto used to be about when intelligence matter. Now it is an industry focused on canabalizing users, the little guys that offend you so much. People like me.

>> No.50945313

I'm not marketing any product here, I am also a retail baggie that thinks crypto has a future usecase beyond shitcoin casino. If you disagree with that thesis, why even bother posting in this thread? Just sage and move on.

>> No.50945329

I have been told that for years. Nothing will change and nothing ever happens. This is why we can't have nice things because OP does not deliverar.

>> No.50945368

Right, so you are just a fellow demoralized link baggie. You could have said so. I get why you're feeling that way, but there's no harm in discussing this stuff, nobody has "led you astray", you have agency. Funny that nobody ever goes on long winded rants about how evil shills are in the actual shitcoin threads that get spammed here daily, only in link threads.

>> No.50945393

You're the retatd if you cant pick up on the sarcasm dropping off that post.

>> No.50945405

I am sorry you are offended by your own financial position but you need to come to terms with the fact that large enterprise users are not your friends and they will do anything they can to ruin you and me. Crypto is about shitcoins nothing more. Tokens are now seem as optional because Arbitrum do not have one. I don't think people, as in regular average Joe speculators, early users, the retail baggies that offend you so much are willing to dig into what token the various parts of Arbitrum use. Many people see no Arbitrum token as a sign of a change in Crypto. Tokens are optional is the lowest common denominator understanding regardless users still have to pay to use it.

>> No.50945435

>Crypto is about shitcoins nothing more.
this is genuinely where you're wrong
rwa are coming on-chain
and institutions are using the infrastructure to begin to handle b2b deals and settlement

>> No.50945455

This is an Arbitrum thread. And the reason for the long winded rants is because this is me the retail baggie exercising my agency. Sorry if my agency offends you. Many people are starting to see Arbitrum as a sign of changing times in all of crypto. Hiding tokens like companies hide renumeration packages because like you say they are not for me the retail baggie.

>> No.50945482

Large enterprises are not you friends. All of this volume of use you fantasize about will not help you or me because we do not matter. You recognize this and in the same breath tell me to get excited these enterprises might benefit me if I hold a certain token but you can't tell me what that token is because that would be telling

>> No.50945537

I can’t imagine Ed, Daniel or Harry calling anyone a faggot, so my guess is the usual suspect, Ari

>> No.50945571

Once again checked but you're not making any sense. Arbitrum already explained their economic model, they take a portion of the fees for each transaction, they do not require a token to do this. So in the case of Arbitrum specifically, there is nothing to shill.
The next question is why would anyone use Arbitrum? If they want to trade shitcoins its still cheaper on a shitchain like BNB. If they want to maximize security at any cost, you'd still prefer ETH. But what if you wanted close to ETH's level of security, but with far cheaper fees? Well, of course, this doesn't really benefit retail as we already discussed, as there is no token. But Arbitrum does appear to be using the services of chainlink as validators. This is another usecase added to the link token, so in theory, if/when Arbitrum sees mass usage, so will the link token. If you factor staking into the equation, you can see why this is a point of interest for many (it's likely FSS won't/can't be implemented until staking).

>> No.50945626

They don’t need a token, they just charge a percent fee on all transactions

>> No.50945637

I don't think that they're my friends
I think they will cause the inevitable increase in the value of the chainlink token due to the role it plays in the system they'll be using

>> No.50945672

I'm in GMX, Dopex, Umami and JonesDAO. Keeping an eye out for more defi oriented stuff but I think whenever we have an "arbitrum season" FOMO is going to pump these ones a lot.

>> No.50945684

ETH has high security for no purpose as the majority of tokens launched by the Ethereum network lose value over a long enough timescale. There is no point installing bank vaults on toilet doors anon.
>If they want to trade shitcoins its still cheaper on a shitchain like BNB
Should retail baggies like me prefer BNB which is nothing more than a Chinese lottery?
>But Arbitrum does appear to be using the services of chainlink as validators.
>does appear
The repeated connections you have made to Chainlink do not substantiate themselves if the public immutable ledger cannot show them. Spurious connections and maybes all the while large scale enterprises swoop in and do as they please is exactly how the little guys will lose out.

>> No.50945694

I get why anon is demoralized, some just refuse to believe its possible they could be early on something this important. But it is possible. There were retail baggies (not many of course) who were early to amazon, and google, and held through it all and got rich off of those companies. And again, contrary to what this board (bit of an echo chamber) would have you believe, link is not mainstream yet, at all. Just look at wallets on ethplorer, only 3k 10k holders and around 18k 1k holders, that's nothing. This board spams a made up collage to prove that link already has mainstream normie hype, except I recall each of those when it happened and anons investigated and found out the majority of them were actually paid by whales to shill link and make it appear normie friendly (the lengths people will go to here to maintain outsider contrarian status is absolutely autistically insane, almost admirable in a way).

>> No.50945716

Nobody is going to tell you "hey we're all going to use this and you should buy it". Its never going to be that easy. All you can do is speculate. You seem interested as you continue to spam this thread. Its like you want to believe, but you want someone to hand you the golden breadcrumb with all the connections, and that just isn't going to happen. That or you're one of those insane autists I described who are just obsessed with scaring off every possible newfag.

>> No.50945759

Funny how to you this is all about Chainlink when >>50945368 here I was accused of being a demoralized link baggie being led astray by shills who think its fun and games to discuss maybes and profit by circumstance rather than profiting by something directly. Eventually if this trend continues profits will become fragmentary and that is how they will get us little guys in the end.

I have fewer resources to dedicate to speculation than they have. Simple facts.
>You cant profit directly from this system you need to buy this other token that might be used in the future.

>> No.50945840

People told me that here many times before. Buy BTC buy ETH they will be used directly not maybe and by circumstances beyond the control of the token you are shilling.
My spam is me excercising my agency as a retail baggie. I know this offends you but if you are like me then your mind has to answer these questions.
>but you want someone to hand you the golden breadcrumb with all the connections, and that just isn't going to happen
This is the angle taken by virtually every LINK thread for nearly five years now.
>scaring off every possible newfag
There is not enough traffic here to subscribe to this position. And there is no new money entering Crypto. The volume highs and lows come from the same group with enormous control. Retail baggies like me do not have all that cash on hand.

>> No.50945887

If “direct” profit is so important to you, then the answer is simple. You need to learn how to build and deploy a product on Arbitrum that attracts users.

>> No.50945973

Why would I want to build on a scaling solution designed to make things cheaper? Long term, volume increases are all I have to hope for while profits will decrease because the system is designed to mimic the USD in terms of real value accrued.

And what would my product do? gambling? games with gambling? token swaps? crypto loans for gambling on other platforms? various other financial products that are so close to gambling you can hear the slot machines in the background.

*now with additional fairness*

No I do not think I will get involved. But I will be here trying to profit in the modern world because the future that was sold to me was a lie.

>> No.50946089

If you bought BTC or ETH years ago like you're claiming people have been telling you, you'd have already made it. So I don't understand your qualm here? Did you only start following the space last year?

>> No.50946103

>I’m not going to do anything, but I’m going to sulk about it
Welcome to 4channel, you’ll fit right in.

>> No.50946146

I started following the space when this thread was created. I read the Arbitrum wiki and found all the information I needed to criticize the entire space with a few clicks of my mouse.
Thanks for the welcome wagon. I'm new here.

>> No.50946207

Sergey will dump 1.4m link over the next 6 months. This will be matched by cefi and defi shorts.
Your about to find out just how much the token isn't needed.

>> No.50946223

This is an Arbitrum thread, anon.

>> No.50946272

If there is an arb token, it's not a crazy leap that the NFTs may function as airdrop multipliers.

>> No.50946445
File: 95 KB, 688x704, BE66D086-457C-4E0B-9F7C-F8C13DBF64A2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

On the subject of Arbitrum, picrel is about to go live. For you, my frens

truly a wise man.

>> No.50946475

This link makes them blind with rage

>> No.50947245

Get lost

>> No.50947511

Chainlink is used as gas to transact on the Arbitrum network

>> No.50947537

>I don't want to make money because.... uhhhhh gambling bad!
Ok lol more money for me thanks bro

>> No.50947582

how so?
could you provide txt of this happening on chain?

>> No.50947593

That's bait, dumbass

>> No.50947965

No I cannot

>> No.50948272
File: 101 KB, 1224x306, 77E574CB-8E25-4439-815C-954A22472F41.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope you listened frenz

>> No.50948282

Thanks to you, I'm now a bajillionaire

>> No.50948595
File: 183 KB, 1208x974, arbidoge3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when will my ADOGE be worth something

>> No.50948996

i made this meme in powerpoint. the hardest part was cropping the vitalik figure

>> No.50949020
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To whom it may concern:
This stupid fucking arbitrum, ccip and chainlink logo is not some magical path to my wallet
I'm not interested in your shitcoin and tossing word salad at me with a Arbirtrum/CCIP/Chainlink meme isn't going to convince me to invest.
I'm not interested in your meme token and tossing word salad at me and telling me not to miss out (trying to prey on FOMO, what a piece of shit) isn't going to convince me to buy your heavy bags.
Posting these stupid fucking faggot memes is not a free pass. It doesn't make your bullshit cool and hip, it makes you a manipulative faggot who took a meme and tried to capitalize on it
Very few coins have actual practical uses, and most of those practical uses are buying drugs. Most of it is a thinly veiled pump and dump scheme weakly propelled by globohomo memes.
I'm putting my fucking foot down. You stinky linkie fucking pajeets, turks, finns and russians are getting called out.
Stop pushing Schwabs fucking retarded agenda for your grift.

>> No.50949051
File: 145 KB, 1788x1175, avaxandlinkfrens.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

L2s are outdated centralized tech.
AVAX (Blockchain as a Service) and LINK (decentralized oracles) is the future.

>> No.50949085


>> No.50949156

why do you retards have such a hard time understanding this market? hype and marketing for a token are signs of a scam. can you make money on scams? of course. but if the team behind a project discusses the price of the token or cares at all about investors then they are making a shitty product

>> No.50949251

what is even the point of arbitrum when zksync is objectively better

>> No.50949303

read this: https://medium.com/offchainlabs/optimistic-rollups-the-present-and-future-of-ethereum-scaling-60fb9067ae87
and then read zksync's words carefully. very carefully.

>> No.50949347

Arbitrum one

>> No.50949385

what's the utility of this thing? looks like governance meme basically.

>> No.50949411

GMX, one of the few Dapps that actually generates revenue greater than token incentives.

>> No.50949461
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I daren't speculate too much, but mycelium had a specific role as a contributor to tracer dao

>> No.50949677

Pump & dump
Bankless are scammer meth heads, and S01 boys
Hayes is ok sometimes but obviously a known scam artist and bleep

>> No.50949742
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>> No.50949832
File: 101 KB, 1066x1392, 656C5C31-38EA-4B05-BDB8-4C2897D1DD6F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

literally no one cares
when Polygon drops their open source zkEVM, it will be over for Arbitrum

>> No.50950088

is it?
what makes it bait as opposed to the dozens of seething fud posts made by the same group of esl cockroaches every single day?
or are you trying to say that it's not one of "yours"

>> No.50950510

when will that be?

>> No.50950680
File: 48 KB, 750x1334, chainlink ari juels peeking over fence.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based ari

>> No.50950738

>all on low resource hardware
any idea on the specs for those?
i'm practicing on rinkby for making a link node and not sure on what specs to try and plan out for (like for X number of jobs or whatever)
i'd wonder too- wouldn't arbitrum nodes need an ass load of compute power as well?

>> No.50950760

>just never post anywhere ever again the bots might read it
and you're a massive faggot

>> No.50950797

I feel sorry for newfags who are getting fudded out of LINK.

>> No.50950826

>Launched with almost no external hype or fanfare
There was certainly a lot of hype in the core ethereum community, not the moonboys but the people genuinely in it for the tech. They are acting trustworthy and professionally and delivers a product that just works and is sound security-wise. Not having a token for the sake of mindless FOMO contributes to that. And that is the reason they become #1.

>> No.50950930

you missed how there was silence from vitalik and friends? you didn't notice how friendly they were with optimism?

>> No.50950999

Not everyone is going to make it

LINK has been heavily fudded ever since 2017

>> No.50951032

Trips of truth

>> No.50951096

It has certainly been shilled even more than it has been fudded

>> No.50951687

The last two years, I'd disagree.

>> No.50952522

Hhahahahahahahahahahahahaha here we go again w muhhhhh google/amazon

>5 years, amazon 2.7B revs
>5 years, chainlink, powerpoints and big mac event

All that babble and you have no proof linkholders will profit off arbitrum. This isnt fucking amazon bro. No one on the link team can even explain what the hell it does in common english.

>muhhhhh african farmer crop insurance


>> No.50952530 [DELETED] 

Shilled is the wrong term anyway. It was discovered and discussed extensively. Saying it was shilled is just more fud.
Fuck it man, who cares? In a few weeks or sooner things will be moving and we won't have to suffer these boring faggots hijacking discussion threads anymore as they'll be laughed out

>> No.50952566


>> No.50952568

Maybe if he got in pre 2017… making it nowadays means multimillions, if you wanna have a family in the US that is

>> No.50952595

>you can only make money the VIRTUOUS way by being a bagholder guysssthhh


>> No.50952605

Isn’t that because optimism allows them to perpetuate mev

>> No.50952607

Yeah that would really suck to miss out on another -50% in two years while everything else goes up 10x

>> No.50952649

I didn't think it was possible to be this early and still be early 5 years later.

>> No.50952800

Contrary to what many neets on this board believe, a lot of normies actually have heard of, and passed on Link because it had meme appeal to them. In before

>reeeee we only need institutions
>reeee you had 5 years, insert lie here about buying ico

Yeah yeah yeah, but if we had any kind of mainstream push last year and werent dealing with a team that sabatoged their own investors, we would have seen prices well into 3 figures. Now you’ll be waiting years for that to happen, if it ever does. Missing that window was a massive mistake

>> No.50952813

It had no meme appeal*

>> No.50952893

Checked trips in ID and you're right. The word "shill" gets overused so much I sometimes forget what it actually means.

>> No.50952938

anon that guy got hired at Amazon using the STAR method lmao

>> No.50953004

It's a happening that's arguably as bigger than the internet. But even more disruptive because it goes after every single institution. It will play out over decades. You won't have to wait that long to make it, but if you want you will be able to play this technology for most of your life.

>> No.50953834

>WTF is going on back there?
Arbitrum Nova is a comercial product for gaymers and other non-financial shit. That's why they are hiring sales people.

>> No.50956476

Is it possible to create a BTC payments app on Arbitrum chains which is more secure and scalable than Lightning network?

>> No.50958936

shut up gucci

>> No.50959483

this poster probably holds 30k+ link

>> No.50960156

How much longer can they hide? Seems like they're putting it all out there on the line so to speak for this event. I think being able to hold the event in person may have even given Sergey more incentives to keep the volume low, because televideo conferences don't exactly scream legitimacy.

Aside from the insane lineup, I'm most excited to see Sergey live on stage again. I wonder how long it will take for them to upload vids so poorfags can watch? I'm sure some people will be live tweeting the event though, very likely someone on biz will mirror the streamed portion so anons can watch.

>> No.50960426

Mycelium IS TracerDAO, mycelium is an Australian based VC started by Sean McNab, Ash Morgan (not sure if it’s part of the banking Morgan’s but)

Queensland University alumni, Australia is all over crypto, not sure why

>> No.50960510

god i wish i got more LP

>> No.50960553

anyone know where i can listen to this talk?

>> No.50960574

Imagine not having the link memes appeal to you
Just fucking imagine being that dumb

>> No.50960783
File: 1 KB, 28x28, 3E1D852C-CAC8-462B-9D2D-37E1546E29F8.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's their technical background that excites me, specifically how they got their data on-chain and what's coming soon that could possibly make MYC quite valuable (maybe)
bankless will probably post it on their site eventually. I don't think they mentioned arbitrum at all, they mostly quizzed arthur on the merge and his thoughts on eth price trajectory. he did express his bullishness on defi protocols and that mycelium/tracer was more than just a straight fork of GMX. the mycelium guy talked a bit about their new product

>> No.50960814

>Australia is all over crypto, not sure why
because it is going to be the foundation for advanced surveillance, Digital ID and carbon credits ;D

>> No.50960857


>> No.50960914

probably right considering Mycelium wants to bring credit scores onchain with their ReputationDAO bullshit

>> No.50960938

Ticker: N

>> No.50960995

Priced in surely.

>> No.50960998 [DELETED] 

Did you not sign up already, anon? I think many of the keynote speakers will be available to those who did

>> No.50961579
File: 238 KB, 480x480, -33893432251450.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>only 341 lines of code

>> No.50961855
File: 244 KB, 1500x500, 20220817_140540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No way. So I started a different thread (with this pic) and it was all going well, fud geting ignored, and good convo going on. Just got 404'd and IP banned for a week for:
Advertising (all forms) is not welcome. This includes any type of referral linking, "offers", soliciting, begging, stream threads, etc.
I fail to see how discussing the lineup at Smartcon constitutes that.
You know we're getting close, boys. They don't want us even talking about it. WAGMI

>> No.50962112

I made a thread about the speaker from SAP and it was nuked once the discussion started heating up

>> No.50962597

there is no "they" schizo. It's just you losers rehashing the same "breadcrumbs" (cringe) over and over, only to inevitably move the goal posts another few years when the nothingburger (heh burger) happens.

>> No.50962733

Was it you who banned me? You sound unhinged enough to be a candidate

>> No.50962832

>You know we're getting close
The whole ticket fiasco is a really interesting part of the whole thing. Firstly, that they seemed to completely misread how battered sentiment was amongst holders (did they expect a sell-out rush on tickets at $1500 a pop?). But secondly, how keen they are to get attendees that are just "link fans". From an oldfag persepctive it's all cringe shit, but it's notable because Chainlink has never tried to drum up support from that part of its community before. It's always just been devs, devs, devs.
My takeaway is that, if they have done all this to hype SmartCon to "us", and it ends up being yet another "we are excited to be building a trust minimised future" fest, then it's a sign they have completely lost their sense of community sentiment. But my stronger inclination is to say that, if they are finally inviting "the community" to come, then maybe they are ready to pull the covers off after all.
It's going to be an extremely important moment in setting the tone for the next 12 months, that's for sure.

>> No.50962975


There is some confusion on this even though we've covered it so many times. chainlink nodes act as validators for arbitrums rollups. That does NOT mean you have to buy chainlink to use it. You'll pay a fee native to the chain you are requesting the rollup for, so if you're using eth you'll pay in eth to arbitrum itself. Arbitrum will then buy chainlink with a portion of your fees to pay the validation nodes in link. Chainlink nodes can only be paid in link just as gas fees can only be paid in ethereum.

What this means is that arbitrum provides a certain amount of daily jobs to link nodes. Node jobs are basically the same thing as mining rewards, but they are generated by client demand not by block rewards on the link network. This means that if there are no users that require validation there will be no jobs and no nodes get paid. Whats exciting about things like arbitrum is that they create a base level of daily jobs. These types of infrastructure jobs provide stability to the node market.

As far as i can there is no token you can buy for exposure to arbitrum directly. Chainlink is a b2b relationship. Maybe a little bit closer than that, but the same idea. Arbitrum is acting esentially as a private services company.

>> No.50963018

>Firstly, that they seemed to completely misread how battered sentiment was amongst holders (did they expect a sell-out rush on tickets at $1500 a pop?)

price was slashed from 1477 (1488) by 700 dollars to 777 dollars. They were clearly using the ticket prices as a wink and a nod at our community which is too extreme for them to acknowledge directly. Theres literally no other explanation for it.

>> No.50963036

Calm down Moshe

>> No.50963059

Trust the plan.
Just 2 more weeks and we'll see the validators paid in Link.

>> No.50963093

Given the obsession with link on this board (me too, og, all in, delusional cultist) it's very unlikely they wouldn't have someone at least keeping a an eye on sentiment as it relates to the chins. For safety if nothing else. Shout out to all the aspiring Elliot Rogers reading this post.

>> No.50963106

Woahhhhhhh duuuuuude that was soooo cool of them!!!!!!! I mean who cares that they decimated our holdings when we get big macs and a WINK right???

>> No.50963176

it used to annoy me but now i think its pretty funny. Literally the DTCC is going to use chainlink on their tokenized assets and people still don't get it.

>> No.50963255

If DTCC is 2025+ I would kind of like some bullish general sentiment between now and then.

>> No.50963280

Oh shit i missed that. If SAP is going to use chainlink that would mean an immense number of jobs. It would be a great too for regulatory smartcontracts for monitoring things like ensuring quality controls on product lots, and it would be a great advancement in logistics and scheduling automation.

>> No.50963308

we'll have to see what they say at smartcontract. If they come out and say hey we're going to tokenize all our securities and allow them to be purchased directly in our proprietary wallet as validated with chainlink nodes, then i can't see what would hold back the price any longer.

>> No.50963311

Good news just doesn't pump LINK, for whatever reason. Forget being used as a standard, if a shitcoin like Cardano was even in the same room as a DTCC rep, it'd be $15 a token.

>> No.50963380

True. The last few years have tempered my expectations to unreasonably low levels. At some point they have to stop suppression, right? You'd have to be truly dim to miss the obvious link pump/btc dump combo that's been played out.

>> No.50963403

When you say restarting, do you mean that all of the nfts will be attainable or just the next ones in the oddyssey lineup? I missed the first week so went 'fuck it'

>> No.50963434

They can keep suppression on indefinitely, and I expect it is going to get worse the further along adoption goes because these price moves are not made by humans, they're made by algorithms exploiting arbitrage and volume and order flow. The only real upside is: you don't suppress something that you don't care about.

>> No.50963480

>They can keep suppression on indefinitely,

only so long as the only thing they have to suppress is retail buyers. The second any one of these enterprise applications goes live and people are finally earning staking rewards they're shit out of luck.

>> No.50963527

Anyone got any thoughts on that Google cloud puzzle thing we sussed was set for 25th October? That all kinda got forgotten about..

>> No.50963537

Starting again from the start. People who participated in the first two weeks will get credited but everyone else can start from scratch

>> No.50963558

Also you only have to do something like 80% of weeks to get the “completed” award. You can miss a few

>> No.50964004

have a bad feeling link will literally range between here and $10 for another 12 months, if all the legacy enterprise partnerships are real - it is still going to take years for legislation to catch up and allow these entities to use the tech at scale and you fucking know it is the truth, there is no magic button now we're basically locked in for another three years

>> No.50964048

If they really wanted to break retail I think the best way to do it would be to hype up smartcon, make it be a nothingburger, delay CCIP and staking, dump to $5, then moon to $50. They would shake out a lot of people.

>> No.50964642

If holders haven't broken already then they will not be broken. Most linkies have good jobs and will accumulate more while it stays in the single figures.
The only stunt left to pull would be something relating to early staking.

>> No.50965286

Same, which i i is no problem, no sireee, because I just looooooove to accumu-ACKKKK

>> No.50965369

>good jobs
LOL what is that based on? Most linkies are on disability from the pure torment of holding and/or quit their jobs expecting a massive run and are now fucked

>> No.50965547

Nigger I’ve been neeting and working retail since ico

>> No.50967281

I unironically don’t think so actually

>> No.50967353

I've held since 2017 and have a good job and a big stack. I also am not demoralised at alla and will wait more years if need be. Much rather not, obviously but the notion we're all somehow demoralised is nonsense and just part of the fud. Fine here and enjoying the summer very much. I've used the time to mentally prepare myself for being very wealthy. I don't drink or smoke anymore, have become more spiritual and have developed as a man. Its been a journey and I'm better for it.

>> No.50968119

Even if you aren't christian, even if you hate catholics and orthodox, i think if you have a heart that loves God you will find something of value in the stories of the saints. This one i'm sharing with you really got me the other day.


>> No.50970160

Thank you that was interesting, though I'm not quite at that level yet! Have kept the link and will check out others

>> No.50971266

Decimated to reduce by 10%.
You wish.

>> No.50973887

Reddit Moons

>> No.50974024

They have been winking since 2019, and we still havent got staking other than dumping. I swear I think one of the pajeet got into marketing and was offended by all the nazi post and want to exact revenge

>> No.50974063

the sentiment started drop when they started doing that in my opinion