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50942979 No.50942979 [Reply] [Original]

Ai has now taken over graphic design

Art was suppose to be the last thing that gets taken over (human creativity etc)

Now that it’s the first to go amerifat 9-5 wage slave cattle are shitting them selves LMAO

Every single job will be taken over by ai and it’s happening fast as fuck. It’s not some slow gradual thing. Once it gets started it goes faster and faster and faster and were now seeing this with the art shit

All those “skills” you 9-5 wage slaves learned will be useless in 5 years tops lmfao. Imagine giving up your life learning how to perform a job to be overan by ai and kicked to the curb

The only people I see who will still have a job in like 10 years are maybe salesmen or jobs where people want to interact with a human and not ai

>> No.50943010

my company only hires humans
checkmate jewbots

>> No.50943020

To expand:

These amerifats programmed drone cattle simply don’t know what to do without a job. It is there life.

It makes there brain just explode

All they know is wake up, down 10,000 calories of McDonald’s, wage slave the 9-5, talk about sports(watching other men play lmao), then come home and pass out on the couch watching brainwash box drinking beer

Then they wake up after 4 hours of sleep and do it all over again LMAO.

They do this all to impress others and follow social norms to impress others

Aging fast af. Deteriorating they’re body.

All my peers who entered the workforce look 35+ at 25 and have huge beer guts. And they’re completely invisible to the opposite sex

And at the end of the day they get kicked to the curb by ai replacing them LMAO

Meanwhile I’m 27 and look 18-21 because I never had a wage slave job and I just workout and have a Greek god body. Women throw themselves at me from my youthful looks and body

Something that wage cuck gave away to comply with social norms and not be “weird”

Now he’s a fat fuck and aged from stress.

>> No.50943092

I deploy ai to deploy capital. My job will be taken last. Ai will run hedge funds before they replace me. By time they take my job ill be retired on ISO20022 coins.

>> No.50943121

can't wait to one-man-dev my genius video game narratives with the power of ai generating my code, music, and art assets

>> No.50943399


This is not a slow process. As AI gets bigger it grab momentum and goes faster and faster and faster. This shits going to hit in an instant

And you now seen that with art with how crazy fast it progressed in weeks/months

>> No.50943971

Plumbers and electricians might last 5 years longer

>> No.50945350

>there brain
>there life.


>> No.50945369
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>>50942979 >>50943010 >>50943020 >>50943092 >>50943121 >>50943399 >>50943971 >>50945350

>> No.50945388

this... I have so many fucking games I wanna make and no talent.... gimme the future I can do this in dammit!

>> No.50945633

>Art was suppose to be the last thing that gets taken over (human creativity etc)

To be fair graphic design can barely be called art. it's a shit career even highschoolers are capable of doing.

>> No.50946752

AI isn't taking out any art jobs out there.

Why? Because AI cannot make any sort of copyrightable artwork.

The Supreme Court has decided that, there is no legal precedent to it and most importantly:

>Robots do not have rights

>> No.50946790

In the US, meanwhile britcucks allowed any AIshit to be copyrighted, meaning one could copyright all the quadrillions of random images his generator blurts out

>> No.50946796

If ai could do what I’m doing I’d be happy to be working on something more interesting. Until then, it has to be done

>> No.50946812

Also AI is getting more closer to impersonating human work by the day. How will anyone be able to tell your art is or isn't AI made? People are already selling AI NFTs

>> No.50946818

There has to be someone who implements what the art ai makes I guess kek

>> No.50946928

I'm signing up
>t University grad

>> No.50947133

Just make it in the physical realm. It's as simple as that. Any 'digital art' is bullshit, not ever 'art' for those with physical ownership. Take yourself out of that matrix system, simply make things in real life. Only use blockchain to categorize and record artwork, so that it cannot be duplicated. The real thing is what counts, so much more than simply owning a 'replica' of such.

>> No.50947154

>he thinks AI art is good
tell me you literally have autism without telling me you literally have autism

>> No.50947286
File: 42 KB, 452x678, E-David brushcopier.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Just make it in the physical realm.
Really good tip, it's not like a robot will be able to — ACK

>> No.50947309

>Only use blockchain
I'm interested in this though. Do I just put my artwork in NFT sites or are there better measures? I would like to have my existing designs and art held by me at the very least before britbongs copyrighted every pixel pattern made. I also thought about direct US copyright, but I think it is 45$ per picture so fuck that

>> No.50947790



You literally must have not been following this

Ai art is now photo realistic and 100% indistinguishable from real art


This isn’t dalle 2 we’re talking about here

>> No.50948669

>art was supposed to be the last thing that gets taken over )human creativity)

yeah, well, this means, graphic design isn't actually a creative act. any artist could have told you this.

>> No.50948686
File: 110 KB, 628x679, 1655502375638.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the ai meme again

>> No.50948692

Kek OP you faggot retard. AI cannot do graphic design and your midwit takes doesn't change the fact.
AI is a giant fucking meme.

>> No.50949187


Lmfao retard

This proves anything can be taken by ai

Music. Shows. Etc etc

Anything and everything is possible now

In a couple of years ai will be able to make new breaking bad episodes with jessepinkin from 10 years ago without ever having a single actor play it

>> No.50949225


Why would someone pay a graphic designer to make them a logo for money

If they can now just type in “my buisness name on a billboard dramatic lighting 8k hyper realistic” and get it for free(and 10 other versions of it) in less than 24 seconds

Graphic design and art is literally finished

Video production side of graphic design is next and we’re already seeing new shit coming out in mere days. Can make 30 second videos from a single image now.

The rate at which this progressed is beyond crazy

>> No.50949255


Not to mention it takes a graphic designer days/weeks to make that same product

Meanwhile ai does it in 24 seconds for free

Just lmfao.

>> No.50949491

I’m in consulting and sell AI solutions to corporations. This shit is amazing, but it’s not THAT amazing unless you’re literally FAGMAN and have in house dev teams to solve the real cockblock problems. Off the shelf solutions will do amazing shit, but you’ll have a job as long as you’re not a total brainlet.

>> No.50949499

I can't wait for the lawsuits to start flooding in about corporations using AI-generated art.

>> No.50949573

Someone's been living under a rock

>> No.50949585

I platform and maintain ML models, I'm going last, eat my ass NEET loser.

>> No.50949665

Did you giggle to yourself as you typed this novel up? What drives someone to post retardation like this?

>> No.50949696

You are completely missing the point you sperg. High quality art is desired for a number of reasons, who made it, when it was made, who else wants it, etc. AI generating realistic art pieces means literally nothing besides maybe trouble for bottom tier artists who will have their work stolen by it. Any mid tier to extremely popular artist who is actually competent and has a unique style will not be displaced by AI, at least not for decades. You are yet another AI jerkoff that’s watched a handful of videos and because you have no appreciation of real art you fail to see how uninspired and soulless AI generated art is. You literally do not understand art in general.

>> No.50949753

>maintain models
I mean your skill set is probably gonna last, but that specific job can already be automated to a degree.

>> No.50949764


Like I said, you’re literally out of the loop

This is new shit. Like within the last couple of weeks/last month

You’re probably thinking of dalle or something

Watch the vid in my other replies that shows how easy this shit is and how much momentum and fast this is happening

>> No.50949822

The platforming part, maybe.
The maintain is perpetual user error and linux bullshit that will last as long as the concept.

>> No.50950072

I actually believe you dude, I don't think like that extreme but I've been working out seriously for 9+ years and I'm 26 and everytime it comes up when meeting new people they guess I'm 20-23 I've even gotten 19, this happened a lot over the summer. I'm comfy and I feel great almost all the time, and it is nice to get attention from girls and even dudes, because a lot of people do live a life like how you describe