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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 58 KB, 696x449, decentraland.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5090226 No.5090226 [Reply] [Original]

Should i buy some because of the upcoming burn or not?

>> No.5090266

Anyone buying his will end up burned

>> No.5090300

it's taking off literally right now

>> No.5090430

Great. Now i have to wait and eventually miss a moon...

>> No.5090610

It's retarded but so are cryptokitties. You don't want to miss this mania.

>> No.5090798

No it isn't..

>> No.5090998


>> No.5091030

Paying real money for virtual land?

>> No.5091058


Haven't you paid real money for your virtual coins ?

>> No.5091077

Now we have liftoff

>> No.5091100
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Wow, that's a stinger

>> No.5091109


>> No.5091134

You son of a bitch.

>> No.5091183
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>> No.5091188
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>> No.5091268

Paying real money for virtual land owned by a company is retarded but because it's decentralized it can be just another asset like crypto. The company doesn't own it, you do and as long as there's a market for the land you can sell it back, in effect not pay anything for it.

>> No.5091376

Bought the initial pump 5 weeks ago and lost 10 ETH instantly; finally sold last week and it shot to new ath within 24 hours. Fuck this coin.

>> No.5091505

This weekend will make or break this. If speculation goes nuts, this will be a wild ride.

>> No.5091506
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>> No.5091539

This. Threw in 1 BTC. Let's see where this is going.

>> No.5091943

burn begins today right?
When does it start?

>> No.5091985

From today until next week.

>> No.5092024

yeah anon, but what precise time?
I dont see much change in prices

>> No.5092035

Terraform event starts 10pm gmt

>> No.5092066

If you know about the burn, everyone knows about the burn, therefore the burn is priced in.

>> No.5092108

The burn itself will affect the price.

It can't be priced in yet.

>> No.5092119

the price will rise because of the reduction in number of coins
not because people will buy more

>> No.5092140


>>being this retarded

>> No.5092156
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>> No.5092255

i have 2 same vintage collector cards, each is worth 10 bucks
i burn one, therefore, 1 is worth 10 bucks

>> No.5092360

No the price of your other card will go up because there is now 1 less in circulation

>> No.5092437

You announce a week before that you will burn whatever card you don't sell in that week. The price which I buy your card then includes the assumption that it will be the only one.

Mana might dump short term as people were relying on a sudden jump from the burn that they won't get. It should still rise in the slightly longer term as regular burns are confirmed and the auctions show demand.

>> No.5092442


>>being this retarded

>> No.5092507

Why does printing money make it worth less?

>> No.5092585

Ok, lets try it this way
I have 10 apples, and 10 people, each gave me a 1 buck for an apple, so i gave them 1 apple each. Now i magically erase 5 apples, but i need people to maintain their moneys worth, so they now make half an apple each, but it still costs 1 buck.
So in the end, price rose from 1 buck per apple to 2 bucks per apple without anyone needing to do fucking anything

>> No.5092619

Forget it, they don't understand the very basics of supply and demand.

You explaining it won't make them less retarded

>> No.5092696
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put it this way, if everyone knew that the card was going to be taken out of circulation then it would already be accounted for. effectively taken out of circulation before it literally was

>> No.5092736

Fuck this scamcoin, I bought and started tanking immediately afterwards. Avoid.

>> No.5092740


>> No.5092755

But we don't know how many MANA is going to be burned. It IS RISKY but I feel it's a calculated risk. If it's not for you, just bow out... but I know this is a Malaysian Footrub chatforum so we have to be petty and combative about everything.

Just call me a nigger already, and we can move on.

>> No.5092780

>thinking alts make money during a btc-run

You're panic selling.

>> No.5092830

don't get me wrong i'm all in on MANA with about 320k but it won't necessarily be the token burning that increases value. it will be the week of the auction itself

>> No.5092854

> i know an apple will rise in price
> i buy it for 20 bucks instead for 10
> One apple is now worth 20 bucks
> Half the apples go away, my half also goes away so i now have half an apple for 20 bucks, but i bough full apple!
> merchant gives me the other half for free
> my apple now has 40 bucks worth
You have 10 coins out of 1000000, they equal to 1 dollar. By magic, there is now only 500000 coins but the amount of money in the system is the same, therefore, your coins are now worth 2 dollars.

>> No.5092870

>People know the US is printing money like crazy, therefore the US dollar is already hyperinflated because people know about it

>> No.5092894

Semi Retired Miltel and 5D Crypto Trader reporting in. I'm going to encapsulate this Monetary Construct in something (you) can wrap (your) tiny Pajeet brain around.
I have ten Lamos.
They are the only ten Lambos in the world.
Ther are worth $200,000 each, 2 Mil total.
I burn 5 with (you) in one.
The five left are now worth ten mil, or 2 mil each.
Mostly because there are 50% less of them, but very tiny infinitismally small percentage reason is because all of the low IQ Lambo fud is now gone.
Moving on.1,000 wealthy trust fund basement dwellers who think Lambos will get them laid want those 5 lambos. they go up for auction, each one selling for 50 mil. A month later, 3 are being hodl'ed, and two come up for bid, those two go for 250 mil each. mrphg glrb mgrglrlrlgl yu burn onegumballmdhhfuh cardkjjirgjmrph pokeman hfhyuyrggr other g4rrepgro stillrhjfhuihr same urk. yeah no, fuck off don't ever post again.

>> No.5092935

Oldbizfag is my favourite anon

>> No.5092939

Read this post Brainlet pajeet, >>5092894

>> No.5092948


Let me put it in a way you can wrap your autistic LARPing NEET brain around -- the burn ONLY happens for the mana that actually gets used for land. If you contribute mana to the event and then don't buy land - your mana is returned.

The coin supply is absolutely fucking massive and not even a few percent of the token supply has even been added to the event. What happens when *most* of that gets returned to people who thought this dog shit was gonna moon.

Guess what, idiots, this shit ALREADY mooned. Zoom out on the chart.

>> No.5092999

Did it happen? Did I get burned?

>> No.5093014


Glad I sold at 850 sats after holding through the negatives after ICO.
Thanks for the free money, idiots.

Keep buying high and panic selling low : D

>> No.5093036

Guess what will happen when someone contributed MANA to the auction and gets overbid, right he will try to get any other LAND he can get and therefore even overbids another one. And so on. In the end some LAND will be sold for crazy amounts and only a friction of the contributed MANA will be returned.

>> No.5093067

whatever man

>> No.5093078

It will be burned over one week.

>> No.5093094
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BTC is stand still, is this calm before the storm oldfag?

>> No.5093105

Ok... I'll HODL strong. I don't know if I should trust biz but so am too dumb to do research. Reddit said it's good.

>> No.5093107


I don't think you're understanding.
The only valuable proposition for an investor based on the above scenario is that specific land which may have sold for less MANA could sell for slightly more. Anyone without a winning bid gets their mana back.

I wish these threads stayed alive so I could come back in a week when BTC has pumped super hard and all you morons got rekt on the ratio trying to chase another pile of shit p&d.

biz never learns.

>> No.5093138
File: 135 KB, 1167x567, SKIPPYS'WATERLOO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That is a bridge to far. (You) will fuck up, and when (you) do, (I) will be there.

>> No.5093144

So I committed my mana to land but idk if it was a good decision or not. I do some webvr development so I might actually use it or just dump when I get the chance to retrieve my mana back.

Am I misunderstanding how this works or no?

>> No.5093175

BTC will have 300 - 400 buck ups and downs to trade for a bit while they wait for Korean Gov. to make up it's mind. If Sorks move against it, bail. If Sork go easy on it, buy.

>> No.5093204

Google Don Laughlin, and his buying of sun blasted desert wasteland on the Colorado in the middle of nowhere. everyone thought he was batshit insane.

>> No.5093268

>If Sorks move against it
so if this happen then we will see 10k bitcoin again?

>> No.5093542
File: 80 KB, 1892x709, Capture9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey oldfag, this is the picture i take from MANA, is this a sign?

>> No.5093579

I doubt it'll EVER go that low. Remember that doom and gloom about the CME shorting btc that only dropped btc a few k USD on a random Saturday night?

>> No.5093594

even just one of those sells in there are far more than the all of the buys put together

>> No.5093639

No look at buy amount: 75.5857
trust me i've seen that shit before

>> No.5093697

It is a bit weird

You've seen it before a pump?

>> No.5093746
File: 65 KB, 1849x568, Capture5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Took this from MANA few day ago

>> No.5093969

when moon y'all? I'm all in, if its going to take a minute I'm putting half my stack back in link

>> No.5094053
File: 57 KB, 750x750, 1484152588835.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if its going to take a minute I'm putting half my stack back in link

As if link is mooning anytime soon

>> No.5094097

talking about MANA here rn

>> No.5094276

>half my stack back in link
>back in link

It's going to take years. Now drop your coins and go be a linktard pajeet so I can gobble them up.

>> No.5094417


Heh, thanks for convincing me to hodl. I knew claiming link would get a rise out of /biz/.

>> No.5094532

I actually hold link myself because its a great project and could honestly come out on top of most if not all alts.
But its a super long term hold and this is just for quick gains

>> No.5094580

I hope this actually does pump. I want to double my stack at least and put the gains in link

>> No.5094598

Good. That was the plan.

>> No.5094678

how do you get MANA?

>> No.5094701

>I was only PRETENDING to be retarded

>> No.5094829

thats what is great about /biz/, idiots lose money.

>> No.5095159

>losing money
pick one pajeet

>> No.5095844
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Yes, you should buy MANA.

>> No.5095898

google it faggot

also binance

>> No.5095980
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>> No.5096259

This shit crashed. Guess I'm losing my shekels.

>> No.5096401

well memed

>> No.5096721

Hate to be a weak handed pessimist, but I don't feel like this is going as most of us had hoped.

>> No.5096788

Guess what im holding these bags until 200 sats

>> No.5096807

I trust oldfagbiztard but he's been wrong before.

>> No.5096808

Sell now pls. Do us the favor...

>> No.5096831

maybe you learned a lesson.

Do the opposite of what you see on this board and you will be a rich man

>> No.5096864
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/not/ buying the dip

>> No.5096880

not entirely true. Just don't blindly follow the shills. I'm holding for a while regardless.

>> No.5096919

>Missed eth, missed omg, missed neo, missed ripple, missed REQ, missed DGB, missed every fucking moon in the crypto world

>> No.5096962

>price going down in spite of big event in a matter of hours

This might not be a dip, anon, this could be a real tanking

>> No.5096997

Like others have said, that's not true. Do some research yourself and don't believe anything they say here. If u think example REQ will be shitcoin, you're so wrong.

>> No.5097048

eh, I only have like 50$ in this so who cares if it tanks

I bet it will be worth 500 next year though, hands of steel here

>> No.5097073

I'm 80% in REQ but this whole boards saying its going to be dumped after the testnet

>> No.5097121

Tanking? Wtf are you talking about? Btc on a bull run right now and burning hasn't even stated

>> No.5097122

Maybe couple of cents, but it's not going below .20$ never again. If u want to risk that you leave train too soon, be my guest!

>> No.5097317
File: 20 KB, 359x241, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck it. I'm staying. What's the worst that could happen with my 550 MANAlets?