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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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50937711 No.50937711 [Reply] [Original]

Daily reminder that it's over

>> No.50937724
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>> No.50938197

I'm going to make the ultimate sacrifice for you, bros. Tonight...I burn my 500 GRT.

>> No.50938887

It's over, I sold everything. I'm fucking done.

>> No.50940292

Great insight! If you have any additional insights, share them with the rest of us. Will 8c hold? Best time to sell is now!

>> No.50940315

I won't forget you anon, thank you for your sacrifice.

>> No.50940375

I've been warning you GRTtards. GRT is not a good investment. The projects that MATTER (generating most of the query fees) have plenty of time and resources to run their own indexers. It gives them way more control over the data and removes the need to wait on fucking Edge & Node or whatever other random 5-person “””core developer””” to come in and fix their problems whenever they feel like it.

The Graph is only helpful for indie dev scaffolding projects that actually have restrictions on time and resources. The projects that will lead the charge of the revolution will never trust major infrastructure to another team just because “muh decentralization.”

>> No.50940417

who cares? token supply of GRT sucks.

>> No.50940532

Yes! Huge selling incoming! It is going to be a bloodbath!

>> No.50940570
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>> No.50940837

Don't panic guys. I'm back. I'm back.
$40 EOY is FUD! guy is back.

>> No.50941194

Yes I also think that 8c won't hold. 4c is very reasonable! Bloodbath before September!

>> No.50941373

My basis for crypto holdings is: "If I use it, I hold it." I use GRT thus I hold GRT. Its interesting how different my portfolio is because I only hold projects that I actually use for something.

>> No.50942667

If I sneed it, I feed it

>> No.50942722

Its over

>> No.50942891

Talk like this pushed me away from Fantom and Matic and I missed out. That's why I bought 15,000 GRT so far.

>> No.50943231

Great job on selling! Best time to sell is now! Will 8c hold?

>> No.50943351

Same. I also only hold 15k and I'll either see it moon or go to 0

>> No.50943449
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>Forgotten Runes Wizard Cult pfp
