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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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5086457 No.5086457 [Reply] [Original]

We are making tons of money on a daily basis without any effort.

My friends are skeptic about my methods and don't want to interact with crypto not even with a 100 ft stick.

We will become the old men running the world

>> No.5086496

A blind retard would be making money in this crazy bull market.

>> No.5086502

no pol is

>> No.5086507

every thread has someone talking about how they did something retarded and lost all their money

>> No.5086520

Nah normies ruined it

>> No.5086534

No, we're just reckless and in the right place at the right time

>> No.5086550

Investments and stocks are literally alien tier language to the normies
Derivitaves are like alien programming language
Cryptocurrency is like the alien manifesto written in alien calculus.

>> No.5086560

>We are making tons of money on a daily basis without any effort.

Literally everyone involved in the crypto market is

>> No.5086595

I have known many people that have invested in crypto and trust me, not even with all the alt going 300%, they haven't made as much money as some people here do.

There is always a retard losing money, but I think the gains are higher than the losses

>> No.5086654
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You faggots couldn't cook up a fart.
That makes you, lazy, uncultured, uncreative, unattractive & without character.
You're just another suit wearing wannabe Shekelstein.
Get on /ck/ & /diy/s level, then maybe you'll grow half a brain & might learn some skill.
>pic unrelated

>> No.5086931

Less than 5% of the people here are making money that’s even worth mentioning.100k folio??? Normal FUNCTIONING members that actually contribute to society aren’t browsing boards all day, instead they at work for 8-10 hours on average pulling in a SECURED cash flow of $100k-200k Also, the 5% that actually make it here only get there by pure chance. And they will fuck that shit back to 0 within the next decade.

>> No.5086978

What's the point of living in a capitalist society if you don't participate in the free market? Might as well move to North Korea

>> No.5086994

smartest board is /sci/ followed by /lit/

No biases as I don't browse either.

We're probably in the same tier as /g/

>> No.5087007


>> No.5087029

literally the dumbest board

>> No.5087057

>making tons of money on a daily basis without any effort

easy come easy go!

>> No.5087079

This. We're not quite intellectuals, but skilled people nonetheless

>> No.5087104

>All others

>> No.5087105

Please show me any personal “gains” that are so fucking crazy outside of bullshit larp, to where it’s going to beat an actual secured income that has the potential of $1mil within 5-8years?

Here’s an idea. Leave the fucking house for once and and go learn an actual trade. You’re all on the same bullshit scheme to attract the inflow of normies so you can MAYBE gain a 20x gain, essentially from a god damn penny stock. Nice gains.

>> No.5087145
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Unironically /fit/ is the smartest board.

>> No.5087177
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I beg to differ.
>Got a female friend into crypto.
>she saw it on CNN and kept following me around like a puppy since everyone knew I dealt with internet funny money (Ive been shilling it to them for years)
>Gave her 5 ETH to get her started, ETH was $400. ETH dipped 5 percent.
>She calls me at midfuckingnight asks me what do. (GF now thinks im cheating on her and keeps trying to unlock my iphone when Im sleeping)
>Tell her this is normal and she should hold. >mfw she tells me next morning she sold into USDT couldnt handle the pressure.
> ETH then proceeds to 1.7x that later that day
some people arent just made for this

>> No.5087219

life is a game of acquiring resources to support your tribe. that's what "smart" means. /biz/ #1

>> No.5087223

You're an idiot. There are countless cryptos that had crazy high gains. If you want a quick example, just look at litecoin. You could have bought a week ago at $100, sold at $350 (not even the ATH, multiple chances to do this) and 3.5x your money in a week.

> potential of $1mil within 5-8years
I'm glad that normies have such small dreams, as I will continue to exploit your labor.

>> No.5087229

im an engineer that has a full time job. ive made 600k unrealized holding litecoin for 2 years. reading your posts you seem mad at yourself and in disbelief that you missed out. alot of people here have been here for years. everything has mooned 6000%+. there are rich as fuck people on this board i guarentee it.

>> No.5087247

you give money to someone who you don't even want to fuck to get her started? how retarded are you? I wouldn't give 5 bucks to anybody. Because I am the best trader in town.

>> No.5087259
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>Gave her 5 ETH to get her started

>> No.5087313
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>female friend
>girl friend
>telling people you buy crypto
>shilling crypto to your friend group

>> No.5087320

everyone participates in capitalism.
Commies, Anarchies, Federalists, and Democracies, as well as monarchies.

Not everyone has the money, attention span, or "know how" to navigate the various exchanges and markets.

Also they assume you need a lot of money, or alot of money to loose. And some dude you need to pay to be your broker. The markets are pretty much a leigitmized way of gambling, and thats how a majority of the public sees trading.

They don't know a whole lot about protections and regulations for the buyer and seller as well.

Consider that many people still find it hard to grasp abstract concepts, as that is that last stage of cognitive development in humans. And things like shares and stocks, derivatives, mutual funds, bonds, cryptocurrency, cryptotokens, not to mention other things like the commodieties and foreign exchange market.

Its why a lot of people don't like this money thing because they found that its pretty much just backed up by ideals and nothing else.

And lastly the concept and what it means to have a stock or whatever "investment vehicle" you have is very superficial. Sure on the deep down things like Storj, Chain Link, EOS due seem to be apply block chain tech in very novel and interesting ways. Yet most people jumping on the market really on see the ticker symbol, current purchase price and the delta percentage. If people understood that buying stock in a company gives you actual tangible, fungible power in said corporation a lot more I think would be hopping on the train.

>> No.5087335
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>>Gave her 5 ETH to get her started, ETH was $400

>> No.5087336
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>Beta orbiting despite having a gf

>> No.5087369
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fucking poorfags. we go way back, known here all my life and wanted to set her up. and $2000 is fucking chump change I stacked tons of BTC with ETH

>> No.5087419

I’m glad you missed out on the actual launch of the year with ETH. It must suck not accumlating when it was 20-50$ in value back around Jan-March. The only ones winning here are the ones that had play money to invest with in the first place. Unlike 70% of the normies that flood this place just losing money listening to fucking potential gooks and the other 25% are just faggots playing with penny stocks. The 5% that I mentioned who are actually winning invested in ETH at Q1 like myself. Stay fucking thirty because 95% positive you haven’t made shit.

>> No.5087435
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fucking virgins, if you see a woman you just see sex, this is why you will never get laid. Women sense your desperation you know

>> No.5087446

i bought my first 150 eth at $8

>> No.5087500

>>Gave her 5 ETH to get her started, ETH was $400.
what a retard holy shit, so you gave your money to a girl and then she loses a part of what you gave her. Really good.

>> No.5087522

I’m sure you did buddy. Go back to deciding which penny stock you’re going to all in next. You were smart enough to get ETH at 8$ but not LTC prior 100$???

>> No.5087538
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whats wrong with his ear?

>> No.5087585
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didnt want to go down as the asshole who made millions and never tried to help anyone
and $2000 is nothing for me

>> No.5087605

Also you’re fucking retarded. You’re choosing 90% of the coins that are just penny stocks in reality over an example of 1mil/5 years. Without ANY risk of losing your 10k life savings.

>> No.5087640

I'm a /biz/ namefag who's also a CPA and a 3rd year law school student (technically I can already practice law in certain situations only) and I can confirm /biz/ is full of business students and NEET faggots

so yeah, the smartest board in 4chan

>> No.5087691 [DELETED] 
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youre a faggot kys lol not everyone is a poor like you sorry to break it to you
>pic related

>> No.5087709

No one is disagreeing that most people on here won't make it.

I'm disagreeing with your statement that you'd be any better off with other more stable securities. You're still exposing yourself to risk, maybe less than cryptos, and your dollary-doos are going to get killed by inflation.

BTW, you can be a contributing member of society and also buy cryptocurrencies.

>> No.5087720


Women literally can't into crypto, not even a meme. Their lizard brains just weren't made for it.

>> No.5087914

I never said everyone who is involved with crypto isn’t. I was just giving real advice to 95% of the people here who are just now finding out about the idea of penny stocks in 2017. Also, most people are literally just gambling with pennies here. So, I think the risk factor from an actual trade is pretty much non existent.

>> No.5087931

cauliflower ear

>> No.5087990

Nice. More bullshit.

>> No.5088357
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>We will become the old men running the world

>> No.5088495

Not the highest ratio of smart people, that would be /sci/. Even if the number of you is high here there are a fuckton of retards like me.

I understand the strategy of hodling BTC and then temporarily trading for alts until its time for BTC to move again. But I literally cant make money doing it. I always buy the coins at the wrong time and it results in me slowly bleeding sats, just like when I was hodling alts.

>> No.5088703

As a browser of fit for several years, I can tell you that is categorically wrong.

>> No.5088735

We aren't smart we just have what should be common sense and a high risk tolerance.
I'd think wise would be a more accurate term.

>> No.5088833

whos that semen demon?
saw a few other pictures of her here

>> No.5089076
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>>Gave her 5 ETH to get her started, ETH was $400.

>> No.5089103


>> No.5089105

We're tomorrow's jews. Only then when we are hated and despised will we realize that we only misunderstood the ashkenazi.

>> No.5089122

Not really, a ton of people panic sell.

>> No.5089260

I've done this so many times today.

I placed a perfect order at the very bottom and all signs pointed to a healthy rise but at the very first minor correction I sold half and then a minute later sold the rest.

Gotta channel my inner autist and remove all feelings.

>> No.5089730

I think I'm going to mostly quit this board, and just look at more charts. This place makes you panic sell and panic buy.

>> No.5089783

I've made 300k in the last month doing fukall, lifes good

>> No.5089861


>> No.5089925

>be me
>have just under 50k in crypto
>own two subscription based websites
>do amazon fba
>own website design and social media management business
>be fairly attractive
>be completely self sufficient at 19 - paying tuition, rent, and any other bills, i am entirely financially independent thanks much in part to /biz/
>literally drive a porsche 987 s

>still cant get a text back


>> No.5090005

are you a hapa?

>> No.5090053

put 1k into prewabi,, sold back to wabi ico, bought 8500$ worth around 34k wabi, dumped on binance at 2$ ish
bought 20k aion presale months ago, 75c, locked up in trs which is a 322% return on tokens over 12months, 33% of tokens relased today, around 25k, aion trading around ~$3 now,
bought neo at 32$ in bulk, sold yesterday at 48$
hold 80k cobinhood, has had a mini moon this month, exchange launches next week so will go another 100% by then,
bought gas during the dip around 001, dumped yesterday around 0014 will do this again during next btc moon, neo and gas and win again
bought 20k obsidian at 2k sats, 3k now and will moon end of year/2018

also put 60 eth in icon ico, 30 in wanchain combined with aion will net me over 7 figures this time next year, be smart buy early, buy dips, be strong but know when to sell shitcoins. Rinse, repeat. Crypto is simple

>> No.5090070

no im from ireland but most of the people with similar young entrepreneur/hustler mindests are almost exclusively hapas and jews

>> No.5090370

most people dont yet realise that if they're retarded theyr're better off holding only top5 coins over trying to hold these unproven shitcoins hoping theyll pump, 2/3rds btc, rest eth ltc dash monero something riskier like neo or eos, that portfolio simple but will outperform 99.999% of biz, its not hard, dont chase pumps and stick to whats been proven. ^ those go up and down, then will literally go up 50-100% overnight.

>> No.5090929

just look at how much you brag about yourself for starters. half of it probably isnt true. You will never be able to commit to a partner/relationship cause ur a fucking faggot

>> No.5091435

>also put 60 eth in icon ico

nigga you've made it off that alone. i put 28eth in and i regret not doing more

>> No.5091549


>> No.5091869


Are you mad that even CNBC has started to shill crypto 24/7? Sucks to suck nerd. Keep investing in that american funds index fund earning ~12% annual while I earn 20 years of your salary in 6 months betting on shit coins like LTC.

sucks to suck

>> No.5091918
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Tip top motherfucking kek. The board is and always has been filled with first and second year students spouting shit straight out of the text books in order to establish some sort of dominance in threads. It's all one big dick waving competition between first year students.

I used to browse for a while, since a board dedicated to science seemed to by right up my alley, considering I hold an MSc in biochemistry and bioinformatics.

The fucking moment you step out of their comfort zone of text book bullshit, they all lose their shit.

The point of science is exploration and adaptation. Both of which the pseudointellectuals on /sci/ are incapable of.

Before the 2016 election, I'd honestly say /pol/ had the most dense population of intelligent people. Now they're even worse than /sci/ because of the normie invasion.

I could go on for days about /lit/, but they're nowhere near as smart as you think. They're reddit-tier.

>> No.5091938

That’s still 100% enough for a lambo , icx will be too hot for words in 2018

>> No.5091947

/tv/ is smart board /biz/ come after that

>> No.5092046

Can I ask you something?

Since you hold an MSc in those areas It's guaranteed you have an higher than average IQ, following this do you change your opinion based on new information or do you deny it?

A good example is how in /sci they deny that IQ matters even after one posts all the studies saying otherwise, and that IQ is mostly down to genes and not environment, do you notice this in that board as well?

>> No.5092135

any icos on horizon you think look good? teach me ur ways

>> No.5092207

I'm assuming you're referring to the connection between race and intelligence. Everyone in academia knows that IQ is a result of both genetics and environment. The only thing that is disagreed upon is to what extent? 20% genetics vs 80% environment? 80% genetics vs 20% environment?

You can go right ahead and reject anyone who says that IQ is attributed solely to either genetics or environment as brainlets.

As for much how IQ matters in success? About as much as motivation does. A person with a 130 IQ but little motivation to pursue his ideas will likely fall behind a person with 90 IQ but extreme motivation.

>> No.5092292

IQ is a meme. A true meme, but a meme nonetheless. IQ probably does measure g, but bringing it up in polite company is still considered rude and even distasteful. Probably because normalfags cant stand the idea of some neckbeard declaring himself superior to Chad based on some abstract concept instead of the usual face/height/frame/money/status power ranking. IQ has tended to be a way for betas to console themselves for being a beta. Realizing that social skills and social acceptance are literally the only thing that matters is horribly depressing for most smart and socially awkward people.

>> No.5092314

I live with my parents and have 250 dollars to my name.
Should I even bother getting into crypto or will I never net big enough profits?

>> No.5092392

Having said this, yes, I notice that in the board as well. It was what I was refering to in my first post. The first year students on /sci/ are unable to process information that extends beyond their text books. Their text book is their bible.

I remember talking to one person who claimed to be an educated chemist. He argued his beliefs viciously, and I brought up some very obvious points that are being taught in the third year to BSc students in chemistry. He had no fucking clue what I was talking about, but he kept spouting the bullshit from his first year text book.

>> No.5092405

>just time the market works every time
if you bought in january and held you would have made a ton of money. if you held btc also.

>> No.5092427
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Yes anon I've heard these talking points before.

Read pic related, new book, clear and to the point full of data.

IQ is positively correlated with height to I forgot about that one.

Read pic related.

>> No.5092502

ya it doesn't mean you're not a genius still but that also doesn't mean you're going to be doing everything like sell the porche jesus

>> No.5092557

I've noticed the board structure on 4chan is quite similar to the 4chan vs reddit rivalry. In the 4chan vs reddit rivalry, you've traditionally had smart people who act like dumbasses gravitate towards 4chan, and dumbasses who act like smart people gravitate towards reddit.

Same in the internal board structure of 4chan. On many occasions the least "intellectual" boards seem to hold the most intellect, underneath all the irony and shitposting. While the dumbasses who pretend to be smart often seek out boards like /sci/ and /lit/.

>> No.5092603

How does the Neuroscience of Intelligence compare to the Bell Curve? I've been resisting the IQ fatalism i see on /pol/, because i dont believe a single stat can't tell you everything you need to know about someone. IQ doesnt measure discipline, it doesnt measure habits, it doesnt measure positivity or social skills. Afaik, it tells you how good someone is at recognizing patterns. Fantastic, and what are you doing with that? Obviously a higher than average IQ is helpful, but I'm not convinced that an IQ >120 is. Isaac Newton died penniless, as have countless other geniuses.

>> No.5092634

No this is one of the most schizophrenic brainlet boards. No one knows what they're talking about on here.

>> No.5092691

project go

>> No.5092816
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And before I leave, read about VeChain.

You're welcome.

>> No.5092818

pls respond

>> No.5092836

Not since /pol/ and /fit/ decided to shit up the board with their newfag rhetoric.

>> No.5092921

kys brainlet

>> No.5093040

are you retarded brah? look at that coins
hes a larping pajeet, ignore like the plague

>> No.5093049
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>suggesting others possess a newfag rhetoric
kys fagot

>> No.5093115
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I've earned 27k without an initial investment or a rig, I mined low difficulty coins and shilled for bounties then flipped alt coins. I'm so glad I didn't have to get a job and I could just click a few buttons, you have to be mentally deficient or a woman (same thing) to lose money lol.

>> No.5093126

I started with that amount, 3 months later I have about 3k. My target was 10k by summer and if the current trend continues I will hit my target early. It is definitely worth it, especially if you don't have a lot of money, it is def worth it.

>> No.5093160

How did you start out anon? I have no clue as to how this thing works. I don't even have a wallet yet.

>> No.5093321

Go the fuck back to /pol/ with your "muh tripcodes" bullshit.

Only newfags to /biz/ care about tripcodes. I use mine to specifically spot newfags like you.
Does a tripcode make money? No? Then why the fuck is it remotely relevant to you?

>> No.5093691
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>> No.5093709

I haven't read the bell curve, I don't need a book to tell me races differ from each other, after all what are the Ashkenazi jews if not a race that was bred for intelligence.

You're wrong on everything you wrote, read the book it came out in October I believe you can get it on gen lib ru, I can get you a magnet link if you want.

Btw I'm only interested in the truth, I don't care what race someone is or isn't and I know some people like their minorities to be unsuccessful, which is something that is primal and understandable although quite illogical.

>> No.5093749


How much do you make of the website design shit?

>> No.5093874
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>> No.5093968

wageslave cuck

>> No.5094159

Social skills utilize intelligence as well, though.

>> No.5094875

what are bounties?

>> No.5094928

/lit/ is undeniably the smartest board. travel is a comfy board. Biz is a lot of fun though

>> No.5095089

Nutrition is an environmental factor
Your brain can't grow you if you don't get your proper nutrients
Hence, it's not a surprise intelligence in some form is environmental

>> No.5095131

It's good to have you friends distant from this bubble, don't get them in just yet, accumulate as many bags as you can to drop on their heads

>> No.5095321
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No I'm retarded.

>> No.5095358

>Getting females into crypto

You fucking retard, do you want crypto to crash and burn?
Fucking white knights like you should stay the fuck away from crypto aswell.

>> No.5095385

Just a small loan of 5 ETH

>> No.5095415


"Talking smart" isn't actually being smart. /sci/ is still the smartest even if they are littered with the occasional idiot. Or /g/.

>> No.5095464

you dump any of your aion after release

>> No.5095512

Truer words have never been spoken

>> No.5095523

>He doesn't know about the friendly tripfags on /biz/ like twenya that help you make money

You silly cunt. Your entire story is bullshit isn't it?

>> No.5095563


Same. A female friend got me into crypto. I invested 500$ into antshares (NEO) when it was 9$ each, flipped it, bought into tons of other coins. She couldn't handle the wild price swings and dumped all her NEO when it hit 11$

>> No.5095614

I'm also an engineer. I make 103K per year. Been in crypto since 2014. i'm a crypto millionaire (1.2)

>> No.5095641

Why though? I'm really confused because I turned $3000 or so into roughly $80,000 in crypto this year, yet I do nothing but kick myself over all the opportunities I miss every day.

All I would have to do is go all in on, say Litecoin, this morning, and I'd be $8000 richer now. But I didn't. Instead I'm stuck holding a small stack of coins and day-trading a few thousand for baby gains along the way.

>> No.5095653
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>>Gave her 5 ETH to get her started, ETH was $400

>> No.5095682
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Twf when gurl who started 2 months ago with 18k and have 80k now.

>> No.5095773

Well if she bought Litecoin with it, yeah.
Large cap coins exploded these past 2 months. But the market moves in boom and bust cycles so it'll crash down again and repeat, probably over the course of a year or two.

>> No.5095778
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>> No.5095964

No litecoin was touched. But yeah, I agree with you, a lot of people can "earn" a lot just by buying into a coin and hold it for a year. Swing trade and day trade isn't necessary, though it's possible to make money from that.

>> No.5095975

>link bag holder support group

>> No.5096026

smart and redpilled are two different things
besides the board is so shit right now it was better before trump started campaigning

>> No.5096336

gratz femanon.

>> No.5096405

N-no that's not how it works. You're supposed to be triggered and rage and then I masturbate to your pittiness