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50930563 No.50930563 [Reply] [Original]

Financially speaking, how do you open a convo for tinder matches where there's nothing to talk about besides their bio and close-up pics. Do you just say "hey nice hair"

>> No.50930577
File: 105 KB, 458x458, 7352CC60-9244-444A-B60E-5C78D9CF823C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just send a wave emoji

>> No.50930584

Ask them about their bio. I treat it like a job interview. I literally asks the girls who matched with me all the interview questions. Usually they are amused.

>> No.50930594

come out with a pun or say something related to their bio.

>> No.50930606

why do you care about hoes full of stds?
>how are u
>fine, u?
>cool, wanna go out?

she may ghost you or only want free food so take her to a very cheap place or split the bill
make sure you know something about penicilin trust me you will need it later

>> No.50930607

close up pics is "i like ur selfie collection ;/"

>> No.50930610

hi, wanna fuck?

>> No.50930638

based, unironically

>> No.50930652

>ayy sup grl, wanna chill and come bounce on this bbc.

Always works, but I am black.

>> No.50930753

>eyyy bby
>want sum fugg?
Literally that’s it
Women that use tinder and such only want a quick fuck
If you’re moderately attractive you’ll get some

>> No.50930799

>chasing femoids

>> No.50930821

I read in an article that the most common successful reply is "wanna smash?"

>> No.50930822
File: 38 KB, 594x654, 1660108527924421.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just talk to girls at church and the YMCA. Never installed tinder.

>> No.50930890
File: 65 KB, 599x422, SUMFUK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.50930916

One of my top openers which worked on my current wife is

“Do you like bagels?? Canned cream cheese bagggellls, yeeeeeee”

>> No.50930923

approaching strangers in the metoo era


>> No.50930942
File: 57 KB, 636x775, zBQ5spJ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys don't know how to talk to girls anymore unlike the glory days of 90 chat rooms.

>> No.50930956
File: 514 KB, 832x936, 1647875529916.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I met so many "girls" in those days

>> No.50930963

show them your rare peepee collectiob

>> No.50930991

dm them 9/10

>> No.50930995

I bought an android tablet to do some development really early and had tinder installed among he first in my city.
Like when t was released and started picking up steam world wide but was obscure in this part of Europe.
Then the local whores started showing up.
Every city girl that went abroad, some that you would never believe, girlfriends of acquaintances, married women...
Eventually some local men started poping up but only after years since I installed the application.
The game was at first like irc chat ASL? tier but it over time boiled down to just ?
That was it if she is there and we match everything was understood.

>> No.50931062

How the fuck do I get unbanned or around tinder bans?

>> No.50931077

This is so fucking dehumanizing. I hate it. It wont fill the void of the lady thats literally in my dreams. What's the point of making it when you blow the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for the happiest you can be? Fuck. Thank you for these though. My goal is that hopefully she'll find me to be a man worthy of love-love at that point. Twisted man logic? Probably. But fuck man there's nothing else I can do. I've tried it and I'm just stuck here. /blog

>> No.50931095


>> No.50931104

women are nothing but holes for breeding and entertainment

get a dog for companionship

>> No.50931118

God I miss the old days

>> No.50931134

You mould your girl into the woman you want her to be. Please redpill (do not mistake for the Jewish blackpill) yourself before you give up.

>> No.50931155

>marry a fat with no self confidence
>teach her to loose weight and gain self confidence
>girl now attractive with confidence
>leaves you for tyrone and chad

>> No.50931175

Perfect example of a blackpilled loser who thinks being captain save a hoe is what I referenced instead of a simple healthy relationship where you are the dominant figure. Builds up some fantasy senarios then cries foul.
Don't become this guy.

>> No.50931193
File: 114 KB, 622x747, Screenshot_20220816-011517_Messages.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Girls just want to have fun" is all you need to know to understand 99% of modern women. Don't have feelings, don't share your true feelings and just recruit them to your rolladex of holes. Most guys here scare off women because they don't understand none of them want anything serious or monogamous.

>> No.50931215

>directly reference being captain save a hoe
>i didn't say be captain save a hoe!
>look at this incel looser!

>> No.50931218

>Most guys here scare off women because they don't understand none of them want anything serious or monogamous.
this. there is 0 incentive for most available women to have serious relationships. you can only get that if you fuck them good enough to make thwm catch feelings

>> No.50931219

Are you serious? This works? I have only tried small talk and I've never met someone from tinder or any online app

>> No.50931221

Wrong board reported

>> No.50931256

you don't, that's the whole point. it's a meat market for stacies to browse for chads. it's not about conversation or bonding or two people sharing and exchanging thoughts and feelings.

it's an evil system created to destroy the bonds between men and women to erode the foundations of human civilization.

if you're tall enough and have a high-testosterone face then women will swipe like and you arrange a time and place to fuck. that's it.

charisma, intelligence, humour. it all goes out the window, that shit doesn't matter anymore. this is how humans date now.

>> No.50931277

women are social creatures. All it takes is to shame them for their whore ways in front of other women. When one picks up on it the reat will follow. If all men would do this, the women joining in shaming would grow in numbers overnight and so on. Do you think our women like to be around niggers? No but social pressure makes them think it's ok. Believe me, they would love to join something new right about now. Be the new. Shame them and lay down the rules. In all your interactions.

>> No.50931281

>This is so fucking dehumanizing.
that's the point
it's anti-human and created by the enemies of mankind to destroy us

>> No.50931292

How do you convey being a fun guy when you've already gone the "feely" shit route? I'm a fun guy, and she seemed down to play a game out in the park with me... but it's too fucking late to change?

The worst part of this is that she (at least used to) have similar feelings for me.

>> No.50931307

tinder is a weapon
we are at war, we don't know with who exactly
but shots have been fired

>> No.50931328

The exact senario you described was you moron.

>> No.50931336

Ask for their hand in marriage

>> No.50931339
File: 254 KB, 1242x1550, 6C6C050C-DF2E-4F90-B4E3-71F4E5133530.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tinder is a weapon
>we are at war, we don't know with who exactly
>but shots have been fired

>> No.50931341

>stop it with the anti-semitic remarks,pal!

>> No.50931354

Most anons just cant grasp how very easy mode life of leisure and everything they want any class young hot women have.
Like you have to be insider to a girl group while they are 16 to 26 to understand.
If you dont understand and many just dont get it, you assume life is similar to them like it is to you.
Which is the source of many fuckups and mistakes.

Upper class hot young woman has it so easy its unparalleled by even the wealthiest hot attractive young men.
Middle class plain jane young woman made me realize this as I was middle class but attractive and when talking about life and perspective on things and when living side by side for a few months you just see it at every step.
She burns your entire monthly wage on accessories because she seen some hotter woman in the shop called Accessorize trying them on.
She needs an IKEA table assembled her first reflex method is to call you or her cousin or any man she can abuse to do it. She wants to go to the city on the other side of the country for a music festival? Sje is calling her friends and trying to find any chad with a big car to take her there. Regardless if she has a bf if she is married if anything she is doing will hurt someone or not.

Literally first thoughts are
>can it be acquired for free with pretty eyes
>can it be acquired by scamming some thirsty beta with promise of pussy
>can it be acquired by just doing a quickly blowjob and a once and never again quick fuck
>can she get even more by letting that man fuck her occasionally
>can she get away with regularly getting fucked by that older richfag on the side; does he have the means(free apartment, car, skills to be secretly and incognito)

>> No.50931374

i had that coming but i don't care. i'm not trying to play cool guy right now to impress normies, this is 4chan i don't have to hide my power level here and i'm not going to. we're under attack, simple as.

>> No.50931417

I've had one "true love" that I met when she was 19 and tried to turn her into a wife. Upper class girl that eventually was persuaded by her friends the hoe life was superior until she caved. It was always lady and the tramp vibe anyways so I'm suprised it lasted 6 years but I fully understand what women really think and talk about amongst themselves.

Since then I just play the game. Every single girl I've met on dating apps has fucked on the first date regardless of religious, educational, or political backgrounds. I will never marry/trust any of them desu. Sex is fun though I dunno maybe there is something more in the next life.

Don't be a simp

>> No.50931439

>i know you are but what am i
post boobs

>> No.50931449

Anon, you stupid.

>> No.50931460

notice how tinder and all related apps are banned in china.

is china behind this? is it north korea? is it aliens? will the intelligence agencies do anything to determine who is really behind this attack on western civilization or are they too stupid or worse, in on it.

i think we all suspect we know

>> No.50931486

your out of your bants league, hole

>> No.50931509

Who ever it is they probably have some sort of protocols they adhere to..
I'm a male anon. Sorry I upset you for pointing out your beta mindset.

>> No.50931513

1. Be at least 8/10, well groomed.
2. Compliment but neg all the time. It fucks up their brain in a way they constantly think about you.
t. Tinder slayer, but poorfag.

>> No.50931517


>> No.50931520

i'm already a sexless pariah, whst could go wrong?

>> No.50931531

I just wanted to state the point.
When I want something like a new gpu or a trip to Greece, my first thoughts are
>how much does it cost
>how much am I willing to spend
>can I get it at a lower price somewhere else
>do I really need it
>can I do some gig to earn more cash
>can I get a much better deal with 20% more money
>is there some equivalent or replacement

There is no woman in this world that thinks like that.

>> No.50931564

Try to have a discussion with any woman about the time value of money and you can see their brain short circuit.

>see pretty dress
>gibs me dat
>put in closet with 100 other dresses

>> No.50931570

lmao I remember the good old days, time to put on my robes and wizard hat

>> No.50931604

"we shud wrestle"