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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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50925474 No.50925474 [Reply] [Original]

Men Edition:

Men of /biz/, /biz/ness men if you will.

How do you plan your day, week, month? ITT we discuss the best ways to make it by being accountable to yourself first and foremost.

I’ll start. I use the Franklin Planner ABC123 priority checklist.
It goes like this:
>Starting in the morning first thing, or the night before.
>Start by writing all of the shit you have to do.
>Doesn’t matter sequence just puke it all onto one page, from top to bottom.
>Once you have it all on one page we’re going to find the most important things that need to get done without question that day.
>These are the A’s. So write an A next to them.
>Should be no more than 5 things to keep your sanity.
>I like my A’s to be the things I need to get done in the morning.
>Next, write a B next to the things that need to get done after all of the A’s are completed. Or in the afternoon.
>Next C’s shit that needs to get done by the end of the week.

Once you’ve got your ABC’s go back through each letter and write 1,2,3… next to them to further prioritize them.

At the end of the day cross off what you got done and put an arrow —> next to the things that you didn’t get done and repeat the process.

Personally this method has changed my life.

What other cool shit can help you organize your business?

>> No.50925670

Joining in an autism bread

I have a Filofax to keep track of deadlines and birthdays, also to track voicemails etc and whether I’ve replied them; i take an hour every few days to write up a commentary to myself of where I am, and where I want to go

Good luck with your tread OP. /biz/ too full of reprobates to believe it’ll go far tho

>> No.50926121

Based. I had a system like this in college.

>> No.50927644


>> No.50927725

Wow this actually seems pretty helpful. Gonna try that this upcoming semester.

>> No.50927731


Good thread OP.

>> No.50927814

I write occasional to do lists. Sometimes for the day, others for the next year or so. But that's about all. I have my workout guide that I know by heart anyway. But I've left it hanging in my wall as a little reminder not to slip.
Might try upgrade my autism to your levels OP.

>> No.50927834

Didn't pencil in Fap on page one secondary tasks.

>> No.50928684

I don’t? Sometimes I remember shit, sometimes I don’t. If it’s work related I don’t even think about it once the day is over. If it pertains to a personal goal then it shouldn’t have to be written down imo.

>> No.50929127

Im a lazyass, can someone recommend one of these pre printed plans?

>> No.50929166

Based. I've been using a fitness planner (actual paper) with my workouts and it's helped tremendously. I've been wanting to do the same thing with day to day tasks but wasn't sure how. Thank you based anon for giving be a methodology to try out.

>> No.50929222

can any of you recommend a good calendar app? i literally just want to be able to color code certain days without having to make it an event each time.

>every 2 weeks be X color
>every 3rd day be Y color
some shit like that.

>i take an hour every few days to write up a commentary to myself of where I am, and where I want to go
i like that

>> No.50929354

tfw I know that doing this would make me much more productive but i don't stay disciplined enough and stop doing it
also too self conscious to do any kind of journaling stuff cuz I don't want someone to read it

>> No.50929404

>we discuss the best ways to make it by being accountable
I just do the task

journaling and goal setting like this is just for normies to feel productive

true chads know what needs to be done and do it

>> No.50929516
File: 41 KB, 713x713, 1624145932018.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>write out everything for the week by priority like OP
>accomplish zero goals at work and at home
>feel like shit
>next thing you know it's 3-4 months later with an empty planner
>somehow still employed

>> No.50930313

What notebook is that

>> No.50930325
File: 13 KB, 223x226, 16533321.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks OP, that's actually super helpful and you're a based chum. I can't believe people don't take this as seriously as they should, but that just goes out to show you the reason why they can't make it in the first place. Personally, i prefer to start my day by washing my face and hands (i always drool), taking a big cup of water and then making breakfast, then i plan everything i have to do and write everything in post it notes that i put in a whiteboard next to my study (i have adhd so i need this method to keep a high concentration). I have made 7 figs with QOM with this method, dunno, could work for other anons
Thanks again

>> No.50932510
File: 100 KB, 720x1280, retard trying to write.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a Lux Pro planner and because of the rings it is hard to write when you reach the edge, what I usually do is taking the page out of the rings. I would like to know if there is some secret technique to write without the rings getting on the way but also without you having to take the page out of the rings (pic related)

>> No.50932518


>> No.50932527

the secret is maybe stop being a little bitch and use your peanut brain to remember things, it might make it grow in size

>> No.50932532

why niggers have to be like this? kill yourself you nigger faggot nigger nigger nigger

>> No.50932571

if you put a book under the page to raise it up the rings might be less in the way

>> No.50932575

Good morning sirs!