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File: 32 KB, 239x211, 944B9121-7469-4A3D-B5E9-B1EA17E994FD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
50923508 No.50923508 [Reply] [Original]

I’m 28 years old and never even kissed a girl

>> No.50923515

Same bro

>> No.50923524

im 33 years old and ive only had sex with 4 girls

>> No.50923530

These threads have never been funny

>> No.50923539
File: 382 KB, 310x315, 1596992551914.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you tried talking to women? I fucking hate you incels so much it's unreal. Now you're going to post a long list of reasons why you just, like, can't go up to a girl!

>> No.50923558


I feel like these days having a body count under 10 is basically incel territory. I’ve fucked 6 women and get made fun of for it all the time by my female friends

>> No.50923561
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hey off topic but can someone do a basedjack of this plz? note the sanpaku eyes

>> No.50923579
File: 195 KB, 750x743, 1CC005F8-D369-4E2F-B14F-99AB8DBB594F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who said it’s for laughs? Let people cope how they need to norman

>> No.50923584
File: 149 KB, 1088x1088, 3EA2DBFE-CD30-4C21-96E7-5BE1D7ABFD8B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm 52 and I fucked close to three hundred.

>> No.50923592

to be fair i probably could have fucked a tall 18 year old bisexual amazonian girl a few years ago.

>> No.50923596

I talk to women regularly. That alone doesn't magically make them interested in me

>> No.50923603
File: 298 KB, 736x960, 1615140544989.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

same here bro.
but you know what? idgaf because I make more money than w*men

>> No.50923628

Just read that 60% of 45* females in San Francisco had sex in the last 3 months. The only logical option is to make money and do an exodus for good

>> No.50923637
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I'm 31 I never had sex.

>> No.50923645


>> No.50923667
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>> No.50923690

>giving a fuck what women think
Or, even worse
>giving a fuck what loose women think

>> No.50923715

you also could have sold link at $50

>> No.50923740

You mean like going up to girls at the mall? Interrupting them and their shopping spree of buying lingerie to meet chad later that night?

Or going to some fag hobby or activity and there a like 4 soys and nice guys congregating around some 6/10?

If you meet a somewhat good looking girl she is fucking some chad in the moment, texts with a chad at the moment and has 6 other guys on her backburner

I couldn’t fanthom a more cucked activity than joining them and spend your living hours chasing some random puss

>> No.50923759

>Or going to some fag hobby or activity and there a like 4 soys and nice guys congregating around some 6/10?
i never understood this meme either and im not even that much of an autist.

>> No.50923760

Same but 39 and fucked many girls in the ass

>> No.50923777
File: 640 KB, 1284x970, 1649762891843.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just dont care about women

>> No.50923846

Women are boring, annoying and clingy. Highly overrated

>> No.50923852


Checked and true. If we didnt care we wouldnt all be so miserable.

>> No.50923877

Based trips caring about women's opinions in 2022 is just a bad move for men

>> No.50923902

Go to a kissing booth

>> No.50923905

>biz and finance

>> No.50923988

you have to drain your balls one way or another. personally, i also think it's retarded and couldn't pretend to care about what anyone has to say even if my life depended on it so i don't. oh well.

>> No.50924121

Ah, the middle class, always wanting to keep up with the Chads and not happy for not being absolute incels.

>> No.50924151

check those digits of truth

>> No.50924294

30 year old kissless, dateless virgin, never had a gf, never even seen a vagina irl
I don't know how to talk to women.
I don't even know where to find them, I work in IT and there are no women here.

>> No.50924360

if you want to fuck, just buy a plane ticket to thailand or philippines, you are in biz so you have some money right?
there you can use tinder and feel like a chad unless you are ultra fat or deformed..
dating in the west is just too much effort for too low reward

>> No.50924493

Im average loiking as people say, full of muscle, gays adore me and beg me to sleep with them for money
But manlet, engineering highschool 1200 pupils one shaved head girl, engineering college 2 girls 200-300 guys, old women and fat girl and some married femles at work, now zero because I work from home since Covid
Forigner because I moved just before Covid, here to Germany, as a english speaking manlet and I get 0 maches on tinder except trannies
When I visit back home at least couple of matches but mkw Im 34 and its done and over
All the interests I have, all the care I gave to friends and such, all the effort , time investment has been for nothing

I messed up my school choice, my college choice, my job choice, my hobby choice, where to work choice

But life messed up my country of birth and my manletism, and family economic situation. So I guess I made the right but tough and sad choices
All that to die alone

>> No.50924550

i travel a lot for work, and i can straight up say that nordic countries + germany are the worst for tinder, very few matches whereas in eastern europe, asia, and even canada i get quite many
if you are a manlet, just go to some country with shorter people, should be fine

>> No.50924586
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I held hands, kissed and had sex with girls

>> No.50924597

I’m 38 and only had sex with three women. I’m now married.

>> No.50924609

Is this milk fucked up?

>> No.50924625

I'm 35 and have been wanking it to anime girls for as long as I have been able to

how do I profit from this?

>> No.50924633

obviously, reminder about the tranny haired interceptor with the satanic ring.

>> No.50924646

with how many men did your wife have sex?

>> No.50924647

27 never kissed never held hands
But I've been fucking the hottest escorts ever
So I went on this date sort of with a girl from my social circle ( i showed her around the city as she was new) and she thinks I'm a player who just runs around with girls ahahah

>> No.50924656

checked and based

>> No.50924658

You're descended from an empire of white men. Go out there and conquer!

>> No.50924683

we are doomed

>> No.50924694

Who the fuck knows. I don’t trust women. She says four.

>> No.50924732

I've had sex with so many girls I lost count at like 50 or so but I actually calmed down now that I'm almost 30
I'm not even that good looking bros I just shower daily and hit the gym a few days a week and get my haircut on a regular basis. That's literally all it takes and eventually some not so bad roastie will approach and if you have any natural looks going for you some personal hygiene will highlight your good spots and you can pull some qts.

>> No.50924756

If i did not used services of 3 prostitutes or slept with 2 guys for free, I would be now a virgin at 28.

>> No.50924770

I'm 45 and a virgin. Have you got some good advice for me

>> No.50924808

>She says four
multiply by 3 and add 5 everytime
goodluck in your marriage bro 50% of marriages fail and the woman initiates divorce 80% of the time
imagine coinflipping your entire life networth for a whore LOL

>> No.50924864
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29 I beat you haha.

>> No.50924877

I'm 26 years old an have had sex with 20+ girls but now my wife dosnt want to fuck anymore so I'm literally an incel

>> No.50924916

Man i do these things but women never approach me. Theyre receptive whenever I initiate but lack of experience makes me think ill never be able to get real hot women unless i pay them :(

>> No.50925235

Eh I doubt that. I could be wrong but I wouldn’t have married this girl if I thought she was lying about that.