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50921686 No.50921686 [Reply] [Original]

Michael Burry just sold everything he owns

>> No.50921710

noooooo not muh heckin michael burryrino

>> No.50921759

Why don't he short the markets with no survivors?

>> No.50921771

i wiykd also like to knowe

>> No.50921789

>sells the bottom

>> No.50921795

>just sold
he probably sold the June bottom like a true /biz/raeli

>> No.50921834

lmao he sold the bottom

>> No.50921841

>just sold
learn about the deadlines for what's reported in a 13f, jamal

>> No.50921851

So he is bullish on AAPL and GEO

>> No.50921884

This only means one thing : he don't expect the creditors to be able to pay for his positions. Nor the insurances and banks to be able to pay for the bill if they default.

>> No.50921886

Scion these nuts lmao

>> No.50921932

Smart man but he waited too long to sell.

>> No.50921979

He sold everything to invest in private prisons? Wtf

>> No.50922001

reminds me of how i crashed my scion tC into your nuts at 100 mph

>> No.50922002

He just wants to hurt the world

>> No.50922003

that's so fucking funny if true. this "above it all" autist has been seething for 5 years and then sells the bottom? lmao

>> No.50922010

or he's snakebitten about all the bullshit regarding price movement and credit fraud in 2008

>> No.50922019

>all-in on prisons
no wonder everyone fucking hates this guy

>> No.50922021
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This is from June. He sold before this rally and missed the entire thing.

>> No.50922027

>he sold?

>> No.50922047


>> No.50922048

Even worse!

>> No.50922054
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Is it actually happening now?

>> No.50922084

Too volatile to short

>> No.50922108

So sold the bottom? Why does anyone listen to this retard again? Is it because his namesake was in a jew movie?

>> No.50922113

he sold the dip

>> No.50922162
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He'd rather miss a +20% bulltrap than take a 100% loss. If you had as much capital as he have to manage, you too would become more risk adverse.
Bad timing or not, it means he expect things to become WAY worse in the mid term.

Or maybe he wanted to free as much cash as possible because he found a position he want to all-in?

>> No.50922203

this is an interesting point
how up is he?
everyone laughed at people selling the 30k bottom as well

>> No.50922210

is there anyway to verify it happened in june and and not in the beginning of q2? i wanna rub it in his cocksuckers' faces that the guy is a fucking retard.

>> No.50922213

Even if there is a massive crash... You aren't going to have 100% loses.

>> No.50922251

No he's a permabear moron who got right one time and has since thought doomsday was always around the corner when in reality absolutely nothing has happened

>> No.50922284

the economy basically bought a new car on credit in 2008, the car's had no problems but they keep saying this car is different and itll never break down
burry is screeching because the media keeps saying
>oil changed, no lights!
>did a great checkup today, passed inspection!
>check out our bluebook value!
>still riding in style!
somehow we've come to a narrative that the market cannot go down, which in and of itself is scary and fucking weird

>> No.50922307

Look at the conditions and sentiment right before the crash that brought on the great depression. Eerily similar now.

>> No.50922320

Did he not sell at the top of the bubble? I’m curious why all of a sudden Elon, Larry fink, and even this genius investor guy sold at the literal haircut of the market instead of selling when Matt Damon was telling people that fortune favors the brave lmao

>> No.50922335

Lmao what a fucking retard. When is he going to delete his account again?

>> No.50922353

he bought into the covid meme. not realizing they did a fakeout crash to get rid of trump . now that hes gone its gonna be business as usual

>> No.50922384

lmao this

sold the bottom and then made dozens of tweets how the market is "wrong" and "silly"

>> No.50922461

>he expect things to become WAY worse in the mid term.
priced in

>> No.50922463

if you dare say recession then you're a trump supporter
also if you say inflation, you're a trump supporter
remember when yellen said inflation is transitory last december?
on the scale of fucking country time horizons yes its transitory, but not 20-30 fucking years

>> No.50922556

Glad he took my advice from 4 months ago. I’m sure it’s in the archive where I said I’m surpised he’s not invested in hospice and long term care for the vax/prion degradation.

>> No.50922564

shorts aren't public

>> No.50922582

they're not crashing the markets until their new financial system (powered by Link) is ready to go. if there's going to be a crisis, you better believe they'll trigger it only once they have the solution to offer. this is all you need to know, in the meantime ignore all financial "news" and twitter charlatans. their only purpose is to confuse and mislead you

>> No.50922627
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Don't forget that he warned you

>> No.50922738

More than that. We have the same problem that existed in 2008 but worse. A lot of people tied in credits they couldn’t afford to begin with attached to a variable rate of interest, all this while you have strong inflation, soaring energy prices with a coming winter, scarce and extremely expensive housing, overpriced and bubble like feel to the real estate markets in europe. Stagnant wages. Increased sovereign debt and printing of cash.
I don’t see things getting better in the next year.

>> No.50922799

He's early, but not wrong.

>> No.50922857

>SPX drops to 0 (zero)
>but le big short
>muh greatest investor ever
Somedays i just can’t take the amount of retarded faggots on this site. He made one good trade over 1 decade ago and hasn’t been right about anything since. Yes, the MBS trade was really smart and actually based on an insane amount of research. Unfortunately he’s become a completely paranoid doomsday schizo and his predictions are now based on nothing except le government bad. Stop drooling over this autistic fuck and start looking at the actions of people who actually made money in the past few years

>> No.50922881


Like150-200 p/e Tesla?


>> No.50922897

So will shorting the SPY be a good decision right now? I have a small short position since $380, wondering how much more we can run up.

>> No.50922917

why would he be? he made a lot of money in 2008.

>> No.50922949

Sell for the love of god

>> No.50922979

>powered by Link
crypto retards are so tiresome.

>> No.50922986

kek he has less than me

>> No.50923007

he now owns nothing

>> No.50923086
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>You will never Michael in his Burry
Look at this hot piece of ass. Why live bros?

>> No.50923172
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nothing is going to happen
current situation is different none of the banks are going under

>> No.50923248
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he cant subjectively analyze the current situation, he lost his mojo as soon he got the celeb life

>> No.50923395

What an incredible view.

>> No.50923501

He literally ALWAYS expects things to get way worse. He's wrong most of the time. He was right once.

>> No.50923626
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>his predictions are now based on nothing except le government bad
As it should be for any sensible man, you triple nigger. In case you didn't notice our government is nothing more than a 100% corrupted judeocracy high on talmudium.

Kek true, probably the top signals for the giga-whales aren't the same as for us the plebs. Above all it's an information war, and their wealth allow them better/earlier informations.

>> No.50923775

>everyone shitting on him

isn't this what literally happened in 2008, he got super stressed from everyone including his mentor telling him he's wrong? yea he was early and lost not insignificant amounts of money in premiums on his CDS especially as the banks and rating agencies bent over backwards to delay and deny the mortgage bond defaults, but he was ultimately right in the long term and his investors didn't say shit about him being right in the end.

>> No.50924023

He’s going to be proven right when the CPI goes back up from the gas and oil demand rising back up in the fall. This is just a short term rally until then.

>> No.50924108

But since then he has been saying everything is going down constantly, throughout the entire 2010's decade

>> No.50924129

>he's wrong but not wrong
you're fucking retarded

>> No.50924157

sorry faggot
the world isn't ending and vindicating you losers
even when USTreasury ponzi goes under, the world will just switch to whatever it wants and keep business as usual
your world ending fanfic is never gonna happen

>> No.50924184

losers desperately want to see the world crash and burn because then it validates their shitty attitude that they are smarter than the normies. Every day it doesn't crash and burn, it provides objective proof that they aren't as smart as they thought. And every day it hits ATHs, it kills them to think that dumb bulls are making more money

>> No.50924187


He's kind of a broken clock. In 07 he had a very direct thesis, right now he's going on about everything imaginable and predicting all around doomsday, it's less coherent.

His GME bull case was similarly direct, coherent, and an arrow shot, and he was correct.

>> No.50924228

kek you unironically fell for the bull trap.

>> No.50924261

>trannies taking over everything and total chemical destruction of the planet is not crashing and burning
Have fun eventually only being able to afford cheeseburgers with your "millions" of dollars.

>> No.50924346

Careful guys. Broken clocks are right twice a day.

The second time is way overdue.

>> No.50924428

yall do realize he talked about the bullwhipple effect? he knew this rally was coming. he knows what's next.

>> No.50924523

do you know the exact dates he sold? because it could've been between march and 30.June.

>> No.50924582

he has a thesis again, however he knows he can't time the market, he's waiting for a catalyst like 9/11 or enron.

>> No.50924584
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Dump BTC to $10 already and stop testing my patience. We put in the wave 1 ($1->$69k), now time for wave 2. Look what happened to the stock market in 1929 if you want to know what's coming.

>> No.50924801

Whats his thesis on BBBY

>> No.50924984

lmfao bro what the fuck is that webm from?

>> No.50925033
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>> No.50925099

why can't he accurately evaluate the existential risk to the value of USD? he's too stuck on asset markets

>> No.50925113

You are a retarded zoomer if you think he only made one good trade. Just because you only know the trade they made a movie about doesn't mean shit.
>Look at people who made money past few years
Kek yes please keep looking at retards who made money during the greatest bull run of all time and not a man looking to preserve his billions, you absolute gorilla nigger.

>> No.50925142


Interesting. When bulls react highly emotionally to sound logic like this, it usually indicates some kind of delusional sentiment in the market. Not saying burry's right but I wouldn't be surprised for another large correction in the near future that also checks these petulant mumu's ego.

>> No.50925178


why gas and oil? that's more political, which burry doesn't touch?


as a literal autist savant value investor, it's hard for him to NOT see companies that are overvalued and due for a correction. he has his shortcomings, and one of them i think is predicting the fed (among other semi-political institutions like the ratings companies). in 2008, he (along with 99.99% of everyone) didn't anticipate the fed would bail out banks that lost huge on mortgage bonds and got caught in the liquidity crisis. on that note, brownfield capital (the 2 garage fund investors with brad pitt) also failed to anticipate the fed stepping in (which i find weird because they accurately predicted the 2006 thailand coup but lost when they tried to short the baht). they predicted the meltdown of capitalism and civilization, obviously that didn't happen. but they made out quite richly.

don't forget that boomers have been continually shorting the future for gains in the present, for decades. we're not going to see complete collapse, but the fall is going to be brutal, if not the next 12 months. my views somewhat align with burry, but we'll see what happens. i dunno why people are so quick to tell burry he's wrong with trending data of the recent past. i was talking to a security guard in my aunts apartment here in NYC a couple of days ago, i told him i'm a bit afraid about the recession and he looked at me in genuine surprise then told me the recession was over in june.

>> No.50925268

Well a broken clock is right twice a day, right?

>he still yet has one more time to be correct

>> No.50925377

We're on military industrial complex time
Each hour comes once

>> No.50925416

what kind of american is this?

>> No.50925667

Burry must know something. Maybe riots and martial law incoming soon. At the current rate of decline the masses will shit themselves in rage over the absolute state of the economy by the time winter hits. Anything is possible the next several months.

>> No.50925892

They are going to provoke social unrest through the new IRS army and then send all their political enemies to private prisons to have their organs harvested and their children turned into slaves.

>> No.50926253

You guys always have to throw in the old “but it might happen later” line so youre never technically wrong. A ben cowen special. If youre gonna make a prediction, make a prediction.

>> No.50926344

literally who

>> No.50926763

This is partially true. Corona proved the world's economy CAN be dramatically damaged, but it will rebound and adapt.

>> No.50926833

He definitely made money on his AAPL puts. I think something like $10m based on his filings.

>> No.50926906

He bought OTC CDS in 2005-2006 and held onto them for 2-3 years until Lehman collapsed.

>> No.50926917
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this is the chart that burry just went all in

>> No.50926929

So I looked into this some more. Anyone weirded out that he's long Jails? He didn't sell everything.

>> No.50926961

He bought GEO a while ago as well and $3m is like 0.1% of his funds.

>> No.50926971

>le bulls reacting emotionally
dude, MMT is a failed concept, keynesian economics is also a failed concept
doesn't mean the world will go back to the stone age
shit will just be priced on neutral assets
"shorting" anything is pure midwittery, if you're concerned with a macro environment, go long on some commodity or whatever lmao

>> No.50927022

I think he'll take a quick 2x on it and dump it when it starts recooovering.

>> No.50927026

oh yeah. Actually I remember seeing this.
And now some desperate bear fag is trying to use this as FUD. omegakek

>> No.50927096

the way his fund is structured, he is only required to report (and quarterly that is) his LONG holdings of listed US stocks

>> No.50927122

GEO is is a private prision. the majority of money managers follow ESG bullshit and GEO is a GLARING no. It is primed for a squeeze, regardless of the fundamentals of a private prison.

>> No.50927188

I know, as is CXW (which I bought @7). I'm just waiting for the inevitable. I'm just saying I think Burry will take profits early instead of waiting for the big squeeze like he did with GME.

>> No.50927231

I don't disagree with you...this is a trader's market

>> No.50927572

ohhh its the retard that got lucky and now thinks he is Jesus. Nate Silver and Bcash man in one package

>> No.50928044

>Get right literally one single time in your entire life over a decade ago
>Wrong every single fucking time after
>People still remember you as some kind of god because you delete all your wrong predictions non-stop and their only knowledge of you is Le American Psycho Batman
>People unironically think it's a big deal when you sell everything even though you have nothing to lose in doing so since you're already giga generational wealthy anyway

>> No.50928623

So how many times in the last 10 years has he sold everything?

>> No.50928641

>gets one call right once 14 years ago about people still copy his trades


>> No.50928690
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he's got PUTS on Apple and more

>> No.50928698

He sold everything but private prison. He's become cynical. The biggest bear.

>> No.50928894

Buy signal. Also:
>post the dates so I can lol :^)