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50920118 No.50920118 [Reply] [Original]

Layers 1 by TVL / SmartCon attendance

As far as I know, this is the only crypto project-hosted event that can host such a range of competitors and players across the entire stack (layer 1 leaders, but also L2, leading dapps, enterprises and banking, centralized exchanges players, NFTs etc). That's really on par with the likes on Coindesk or other project-neutral, generalized blockchain-related events except these are typically organized by VCs/events organizers as a whole. As far as actual crypto projects with their own tokens, this is really unique to Chainlink, and what this really showcases is how central they are to the entire industry, how entrenched they are within all those different and even often competing ecosystems while still maintaining their own form of neutrality. Those who still do not *get* how important it is despite it being in plain sight and spoonfed here on biz will eventually regret not paying adequate attention.

Chainlink is the kingmaker. If your chain doesn't get Chainlink support, your TVL - the only relevant metric for chain success - is dead in the water. It's as simple as that. Leading dapps won't port cross chain and use other solutions.

When you look at this list however, there's obviously one major red flag and a few minor stand-outs. Is he really too fucking busy to show up? What's his fucking problem?

Chainlink just announced they won't support the fork. A bold fucking move showing support for the merge, considering their supposed blockchain agnosticism. This in practice signifies that no matter how hard the VCs try to rig the numbers, the fork will never get any serious TVL traction. And he still can't even pay some fucking respect?

>> No.50920170

Someone from ETH Foundation is coming, don't know his name but he's on the speaker list

>> No.50920661

TVL is meaningless. All of these #s were much larger 6 months ago due to all the defi fraud.

>> No.50920705

How early are we? One half of me feels like only ICO buyers were early while the other half feels like anything before $1000 LINK is early.

>> No.50920760

>5 years in
>w-we're still early!
This cope is getting sad
Yeah bro that will pump the price fr this time right?

>> No.50920937

There’s still a chance he could get added.

>> No.50921096

Why does vitalik hate sergey and chainlink so much. From the very begnning too

>> No.50921354
File: 600 KB, 770x677, 661A0AC4-C735-4447-935A-5686FA8B32A5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No one cares about your /pol/tard coin

>pic related, your average link holder

>> No.50922127

Eth, is his mind, was about creating a truly alternative and separate financial system. Cyberpunk
Sergey’s whole model is extending an olive branch to legacy stakeholders to bring them into the new system in a ‘safe’ way

>> No.50922824
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Public humiliation, thats why.