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File: 66 KB, 510x521, cute.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5091088 No.5091088 [Reply] [Original]

50 year old here.
Yes, for most of you I'm old enough to be your father...so here's some fatherly advice.
Stop pinning all your hopes on this stupid fucking crypto shit. Sure you can make some short term gains, but look at yourself. 'Mooning', 'blockchain' 'FUD'...lol you guys are a fucking wreck. Get out while you can!
As for me, I trade forex and stocks, and own several multi-family apartments. Passive income over 14k per month! Forex usually gets me minimum 3k per week with little effort.
BUT I STARTED SMALL AND WORKED MY WAY UP. This is literally dot com redux and you guys are gonna be hurting when prices go down ...or even WORSE THEY LEVEL OFF AND DON'T MOVE...
Learn a trade or learn another mode of trading that is time tested like forex, bonds, commodities, etc.

>> No.5091108

Nice pasta

>> No.5091116
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>> No.5091127

>Boomer advice


>> No.5091130
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Hey, another 50 year old here
We're all gonna make it guys

>> No.5091131
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>> No.5091133

nice, just bought 100K

>> No.5091175

>Passive income over 14k per month!
$12.5k of which goes to pay the mortgages for the multi-family homes

>> No.5091177
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fake and gay

>> No.5091192

Fake and gay

>> No.5091214

top kek.
this so-called 'stupid fucking crypto shit' has made me $50k in one month

>> No.5091234

>1 post by this ID
OP is a fag

>> No.5091254

Fuck off you smelly old man whats the point of being rich when you're old anyway you can't even enjoy life

>> No.5091272

how many forexs and apartments for a big tiddy asian?

>> No.5091398
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when i hear people say things like that I shudder...reminds me of people who say 'I wouldn't want to win the lottery because imagine all those taxes you hafta pay!' ...so then i get $1500 a month passively? even that would be ok to start...what would you do with an extra $1500/mo?
I started there and worked my way up...baby steps

>> No.5091426
File: 15 KB, 268x267, hi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thats not what yer mum said last night...or Monday...or Saturday.....

>> No.5091433

You mean you already withdrew 50k in dollars? Nice. Because remember that you haven't made jack shit until you cash out.

>> No.5091504

Priced in

>> No.5091510
File: 14 KB, 310x283, perhaps.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good...now repeat month over month and next year at this time you'll be a millionaire...ezpz ...r-r-right?

>> No.5091567

26 year old here...I could buy a small country with the amount of BTC I have accumulated over the years.

Fuck you and your dumb 14k passive income.

Passive income is for passive as pussies.

>> No.5091583

> 50 years old
> 14k monthly
> spends his time on a mongolian fingerpainting board

>> No.5091607

just calling you out on the original statement you made, thanks for admitting the truth. also with an extra $1500 it'd go into my brokerage account, like the rest of my money, which is more than you have. prove me wrong.

>> No.5091623
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It makes me laugh, so yes

>> No.5091656
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prove me not right

>> No.5091669

So dad, tell me, how do I get a woman like that?

>> No.5091728

Forex is the boomer shitcoin day trading, fuck off with your LARP

>> No.5091840

yeah but dad, my goal is to not work. not working in life is more important then making it. if i fail, ill just go live with my mom

>> No.5091887

fuck off boomer, you ruined life for our generation enough already. If there's one thing I've learned it's never take advice from a boomer, nothing they say is relevant to the current year

>> No.5091915

Older than you
>fatherly advice to you
Leave the kids alone.

>> No.5092018

Kek this is me exactly.

>> No.5092036

You may not be a boomer but you sure act like one. God damn boomers and their fucking real estate. A dwelling for people to reside in should not be a means to speculate and invest. That is immoral. It's for people to fucking live in.

>> No.5092085

51 year old here, passive income of 15k a month, crypto gets me a minimum of 4k per week.
Disregard this fag.

>> No.5092630

memory problems at 50 already, old man?

>> No.5092789

It's literally impossible to be poor at 50 unless you're a colossal fuckup. You've benefited from a mostly white education, the japan boom, the dotcom bubble, two to three real estate bubbles and the last one hasn't ended. Your advice doesn't apply to most people on this board. Can't "start small and work your way up" in industries locked down by boomers or flooded with affirmative action and immigrants, unless you're significantly above average - and if you are, you don't need anyone else to tell you this. Stupid topic, and I say this as a thirty-something with 6 figures crypto holdings AND 6 figures real estate investment. Millenials have it worse, gen Z have it MUCH worse. Let's not pretend otherwise.

>> No.5093030

i already made over $400k from a $20k investment in profit from crypto, $200k of which i have transferred over to USD already. after taxes that'll be $180k profit.

if i lose 100% value in all my crypto i still walk away with $160k profit for a month of work.

fuck off you old bitch you don't know what you're talking about. get off the computer and go contribute to your 0.05% gains IRA, faggot.

>> No.5093086

Do you margin trade, grandpa? have you in the past?
How much leverage? would you advice against it?

>> No.5093090

Trading loses you money fuckface. That is how the pajeets win. Never gamble your money away unless it is a 90% sure thing. You can't get rich overnight in crypto without luck. Most will have to spend 12-224 months working their way up. You said it yourself. Start small. Above all, you need to take your time and be patient.

You are probably baiting but I wanted to say this in case any noobs actually believed you about the trading. The fact you have a woman as your pic screams pajeet to me. A pajeet after noobs money. You cant win vs the pump and dump groups long term so don't even try.

this is not a dot com bubble, this is the start of the stock exchange and we have a few eyars left to find some golden companies in this shitheap. 90% will fail but there is the next microsoft and google in this bunch of ALTs, it is just about finding them and holding on.

Then get the property for passive income and then maybe stocks. For now, us younglings need to make our money in this gold rush. You don't do that by feeding it to pajeets by losing trades.

>> No.5093099


This isnt facebook pops. But good try.

>> No.5093202

Late millenial here. This is all i really want acknowledged. Stop saying everything is fine or will be fine. If you are a boomer, don't be surprised if we scrap welfare and social security and feed you to the dogs in your old age.

>> No.5093223

OP im 26 am I too old to learn a trade

>> No.5093233

crypto is the only way i'll own apartments and get 14k passive income per month before im an old fag like you, otherwise wagecucking will get me the same but take waaay longer. At your age its less about enjoying your gains and more about legacy and your childrens future, which sucks.
We want money and enjoying gains now, not when we're oldfags. You have your money but lost the most valuable thing in the world, your youth

>> No.5093289


You haven't fucking shit for us more huh. Can you guys hurry up and fucking die please, so we can actually start fixing all the shit u guys fucked.

>> No.5093291

shut you olds faggot. go eat some farts. you are the reason why we invest in crypto

>> No.5093974

All it takes for your precious fiat to become worthless is our generation to stop recognising it as money. And that's exactly what will happen.

>> No.5094074
File: 204 KB, 800x988, 1509979370893.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

70 year old here.

Don't listen to that 51-year old faggot. He's a wagecuck and will always be one.

Use the Crypto gold rush to fund your retirement and seed a business.

>> No.5094098

I make more than $1.5k a month in crypto. I'm up $6k from last month alone, why would want to manage apartments for less money?

>> No.5094139

Semen demon

>> No.5094628

I've got some bad news for you.

>crypto won't become accepted as currency more widespread until it stabilizes
>it won't stabilize until retards stop day trading it to get rich quick
>retards won't stop day trading it to get rich quick until it crashes
>when it crashes your "gains" will be gone

>> No.5095072


but the mortage goes towards home that you own, which eventually you can sell back, perhaps at a higher price that what you paid for

>> No.5095141

You're obviously going above their heads. They think a mortgage is like rent.

>> No.5095179

60 year old here, you are all kiss-less fags

>> No.5095264

SUPER busy

>> No.5095300

This guy gets it

>> No.5095303

yes, on average, about a third of it. there are other things like interest, repairs/maint, property taxes, HOA fees (if applic), insurance, and replacement reserves for large expenses (water heater, etc.).

my home is paid in full, how you doin faget

>> No.5095334


>> No.5095500

Cool story from someone who didn't understand the concept of equity in their post above.

>> No.5095526

what's mom making for lunch today?

>> No.5095587

Chicken tendies...of course

>> No.5095639

fuck you old fuck! (im almost 40) hahahha

>> No.5095712

Nope. Crypto isn't going anywhere dadshill.

>> No.5095742

116 year old fag here, Can confirm

>> No.5095772

im 150 years old, and this is stupid advice. When i was 50 i thought i was always right too but actually i was always wrong

learn from my wrongness and be right, idiot

>> No.5095824

199 years old here, on my way to immortality thanks to that crypto shit

>> No.5095850
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>boomer advice

I earned 16k mining monero this month at age 22, while your generation ruined society, I'm gonna moon till I die faggot


get fucked grandpa, get on test while you can

>> No.5095871

What's your setup brohan

>> No.5095994

I have withdrawn over 100k in dollars entirely from crypto and I'm not him. So yeah, I have.

>> No.5096122

got a small loan of 10k from my father, bought a fuckton of RX Vegas

lets have a meet-up with our lambos 2020, OldP provided he stops being a wagecuck and at least buys salt

>> No.5096974
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I'll take my chances, gramps.

>> No.5097368

>claims to know how to trade forex but ignores crypto

Gramps I know forex traders sitting at 200x from crypto

>> No.5097506

Time for your nap grandpa.