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50905633 No.50905633 [Reply] [Original]

>Travel nurse
>no college degree needed
>starting salary: 100K
Is this a good way to build capital bros for a few years before making it big in crypto?

>> No.50905644

Left > right

>> No.50905643
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>> No.50905649

answer my question

>> No.50905661

Have fun with your little midget Elliot Rodgers kids who will get bullied by pvre vhite chads

>> No.50905677

imagine wanting a bunch of short kids with phat asses lol

>> No.50905679

I want to mating press that shortstack and turn her into my broodmother
>t. 6ft4” male

>> No.50905683

>no college degree needed
unless you mean LPN, you're retarded.

>> No.50905716

They're both 5/10. Only reason they much stand out is because they aren't fat

>> No.50905729

Enjoy literally wiping drunk homeless bum asses all day in 24 hour shifts

>> No.50905730


>> No.50905737

Why do tall dudes always go after short women? You hate your sons?

>> No.50905764

She’s also mongoloid looking, so yes white men want kids who are failures.

>> No.50905776

>no college degree needed
>starting 100k

are you retarded? Making 100k entails working a shit load of hours hours, not starting salary even by a long shot at all, and to get any not-absolute-shit job travel gigs you absolutely need a BSN aka bachelors degree and several years of experience

But to answer your question yes it is a good way to build capital, but faggot here do not, but no faggot here could probably put up with a nursing job since it entails a lot of actual hard work

I'm a resident physician so I dwarf a nurses work schedule but make peanuts right now, but next year Jul 2023, my starting salary goes from 65k (my resident salary) to 450k (my attending salary)

>> No.50905778

Sex is way better with short women

>> No.50905805

short thick women essentially exist from my perspective as a set of ass cheeks and titties with a cute face attached that is constantly staring up at you asking for dick, the ass of such a creature also juts out at an angle that from a high vantage point is incredibly easy to access, it’s not my fault that my primal caveman brain then chooses to mating press such a creature.

>> No.50905815

also this, tall people having sex looks like a scene from The Thing.

>> No.50905823

I see this all the time with asian and white guys. They will pick the most short meek (usually flat) girl that practically guarantees a beta male lineage.

>> No.50905844

nono you see I would never date a short skinny girl, I’m talking a girl around 5ft2-7” with wide child bearing hips and a round ass with a huge set of honkers and large eyes I am simply just an ape my friend.

>> No.50905857
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Urr me want sex.

>> No.50905867

this but absolutely, and I say this with utter conviction, unironically.

>> No.50905879

Why do they give you guys such insane schedules, why not just split the salary and hire two docs for $225k, you can both be wealthy AND have a great life outside of work

>> No.50905883

my dad is 6'2 and my mum is a literal midget and i still managed to be as tall as him
i think it matters more how tall the man in the mothers side are

>> No.50905908

I can easily say the same in the other direction since my friend is 5'7 his mom 5'0 and his dad 6'6. Hes pissed as fuck and goes on rants about height all the time kek.
I think it just tends to average out. I support positive eugenics where two tall people fuck and have improved offspring.

>> No.50905955

my dad is 6'2 and my mom is 5'2. i'm 5'9 and my sister is close to 6'. oh well, can't win them all.

>> No.50905956

Based cunny enjoyer

>> No.50905957

>dad is 5'7"
>mom is 5'6"
>I'm 5'9"
I only date women who are 5'8"+, gotta get keep this upward trajectory

>> No.50905981
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only dicklets and coping manlets prefer short women

>> No.50905985

I hate women so much it's unreal

>> No.50905991

This. Huwite women are disgusting

>> No.50906010

>not filling up a short woman’s fat ass with your massive schlong

>> No.50906020 [DELETED] 

no college degree but thousands of dollars and hours in credentialing.
its the perfect career for bitches

>> No.50906082

By far

>> No.50906120

Also this. Short women are thicc and fun to play with. I only saw one tall girl I wanted to stuff, had a fat ass and big tits... She was an Amazon and I wanted her bad. Maybe if I put more effort in, but past is past

>> No.50906137

>Nurses make 100k starting salary in Muttland

America is EASYMODE for anyone to get rich

If you are born in America and still poor, what the FUCK are you doing?

You must be sub 80 IQ to not make it in Muttland.

>> No.50906203

>no college degree needed

You need at least a 2-year associates and to pass the board exam to get your RN license. Most agencies and hospitals are increasingly requiring that you have a bachelor's in nursing. I will say though even contracts for LPN's aren't half bad now (LPN = just 1 year nursing license). I was getting $35/hr as an LPN in Northern VA for a while.

This entire situation is hospitals fault. They treat their organic nurses like fucking dogshit. Trippling ICU nurses (you're supposed to have 2 patients), loading up med surg nurses with more people than they can safely care for, making new grads charge nurses, doing nothing to protect staff against a rising number of assaults, skimping on support staff so now you have to do your own transports/lab draws/ghetto pharmacy shit in the closet. The end result is terrible outcomes and patients suffering and dying regularly and hospitals just shrugging and throwing the nurse under the bus. Sorry I couldn't stop your grandma from getting out of bed and breaking her legs, I was busy transporting your neighbor to MRI and the hospital refused to give me a 1:1 sitter because they don't feel like paying to hire more CNA's or techs and putting all the side rails up is a "restraint" and I can't do that without an order and having to check them every 15 minutes and document extra paperwork that leaves me staying after my 12 hour shift for 2 more hours and no I have not had a single meal today thanks for asking.

Ontop of this admin has convinced themselves that using mercenary/agency nurses saves money due to the flexibility of short contracts and not needing to pay their benefits. Our current drop-out rate for the entire industry is 50% at the 2 year mark. That's LEAVING nursing all together. The numbers of nurses leaving hands-on, bedside nursing for easy jobs in clinics or admin is even higher.

Idk I just work easy jobs. Don't get sick tho lmao.

>t. LPN working on my BSN

>> No.50906245
File: 190 KB, 1080x1418, nurse5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hold up... that doesn't sound good. Do you at least get to fuck cute young nurses if you're a guy?

>> No.50906248

my nurse took the in-home nursing pill for special needs kid. makes like $80k/year as an LPN but she does work a ton of overtime, even at 60 years old. seems a lot comfier than wageslaving for schlomo shekelstein, MBA in some big jewish hospital network.

>> No.50906255


>> No.50906259

my aunt** took the...

>> No.50906269
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i see the wagie dance made it into the medical field
imagine if programmers did this?

>> No.50906295
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it's a good way if you like really long hours, being on-call, no vacations, and tiring work

>> No.50906303

Newsflash, being tall offers no benefit whatsoever.
Hasn't ever.
You can't go much past 6'4" without tending toward knee and back injury. Knee especialy.

>> No.50906319

Tall male + short female have the tallest male offspring.

Stop coping manlitos

>> No.50906345

Being tall is as inherent advantage.
You can go into sports and have it - basketball, football, swimming, etc are dominated by tallchads. Lower weight+height boxing and mma classes cant compete with the big boys so they have to separate them.
Women love tall men. Literally so digusting talking to avg women, how their base nature is just about muh height oo so hot.
Also other men respecr you more.

>> No.50906348

yeah this anon is right before I got into sports my knees were shot to shit, I’d get shin splints just from a 5km run, increasing calcium intake (ironically) and working on legs and playing a sport like basketball definitely helps if you’re anything 6ft4” plus desu

>> No.50906389

Manlets seem to do just fine. I see them everywhere.
There is a subjective human experience and a more objective evolutionary one.
Being short has not stopped short people AT ALL from reproducing.
Maybe their sex was less hot...
I'm only 5' 9". I never have any problems with my joints. I'm about 40. All my tall friends have issues. All my average or shorter friends (that keep in shape) are still just as good as they were at 30.

>> No.50906420

I didnt say that height is everything, only that its an advantage. Given all equal stats you and women will prefer a 6'4 guy to a 5'4 guy. Yes there are over a 1,000 ways to cope + game the system to your advantage.

>> No.50906433

It’s an instant rejection

>> No.50906441
File: 111 KB, 750x677, 0E8D9735-5B39-4945-AA8F-4413BD37C3ED.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i’m like a 6/10 and autistic as the rest of you, not being able to keep eye contact with a grill, but I’m 6’3” (193cm) and have had three gfs, four sexual partners. One was smoking hot too. I think height adds like 2+ points to your stats desu

>> No.50906442

How many hours worked?
How stressful is the work?
How hard on my body will it be to lift fat disgusting patients because I'm the only man on staff?
Are my coworkers shit to work with?
I already make double that for not even half that stress.

>> No.50906470

Not really. When I was in hospitals I was an enlisted LPN and all the hottest were officers and they wouldn't fuck me because it was against the rules. I got with some civilians but most of them were fat and old in my old military hospital.

She's smart. I'm in home health now doing a mix of admin, training, supervisory, and bedside stuff and its great. My days filling in at clients homes are so fucking easy. It's 1:1 and they're not even sick and you its such a slow process getting new orders/supplies that you can't even do much if you wanted to. I stay away from peds now though it makes me sad. I just hang out with old people and give then pills now and then and change them and we talk about stupid shit. Maybe I do tube feeds or draw labs and drop them off at a lab quest. A few months ago my agency had me visit a kindergarten every morning for a few hours and do oral (buccal not even throat) COVID swabs the kids were fucking hilarious. Sometimes I take hospice clients and I love it because its a break from torturing old people to death like normal, instead we just get them comfy. I flex my humanist-oriented psych interest and we just enjoy their time left together while I give them good vibes and morphine.

>> No.50906485

>Being short has not stopped short people AT ALL from reproducing.
Uhhh yes it has, heights have trended upwards over centuries BECAUSE short men were reproducing less than tall men

>> No.50906489

The stupid faces people make when they dance kill me, it's almost better than the actual dancing

>> No.50906491

Do you have any evidence that women preferring taller men leads to any concrete advantage to the species?

I'd venture to say that 12,000 years ago height was an indication of proper nutrition and that helped select for healthy offspring. A correlation that makes sense and would be adventageous.
But we are talking midgets back then where men were after just barely 5' tall during the worst of times.

But the environment has changed. Being tall makes it easier to get women, i"ll cede that point.
But it ends pretty much entirely there and I know a guy that would probably trade his wife for a knee they could walk on.

>> No.50906559

The original supposition I "pushed back" against was the guy who said he'd breed tall with tall until master race.
I am pointing out that a likely "master race" would not be over 6' 4" because there is no advantage at all for society to keep getting taller and taller just because it helps you (in a world of manlets) get girls.
If everyone is taller and taller then what? You just have 6' 3" manlets and the entire rest of society has knee problems their whole life.

>> No.50906577

yeah admittedly most of my dating app conversations do a 180 the moment they ask me my height, but my best friend is literally 5ft7 at a push and he gets waaaaaayyy more high value female attention than I do simply because he carries himself better (dresses sharp, better conversation, isn’t autistic as shit and doesn’t work in the IT sector), it depends on whether you want to attract easy sex or genuine wife material most of the time, I’ve had countless flings but only around two real solid relationships, a woman solely attracted to you based on a physical characteristic will never be worth your time.

>> No.50906593

I think you don't understand the concept of sexual selection anon. It doesn't necessarily lead to superior qualities in a species. For example the irish elk females selected their males based on the size of their antlers. This eventually lead to the species extinction due to large antlers being a hindrance, getting stuck on objects/terrain, getting raped by predators, failure of the body to support them.
But anyway the point here is that females of our species are fucking retarded animals. We used to have strict social controls on them via church+resources+state. Now we have a free for all where women have their own income and they don't want to be tied down to 5'5 average looks Kyle from the office, they want to get pumped out of their fucking minds by Jamal/Chad.
Future of the west will be tons of tall big dicked stupid people running around.

>> No.50906630

Am from the Netherlands, heightmaxxed genetics

Short girls are hot as fuck

>> No.50906660

>not lying about your height and the first words out of your mouth being "wow, you must be 6'4 because i'm 6'1" when you meet her IRL

>> No.50906677

Nutrition was responsible for that. The average heights float around back and forth throughout Euro history just that last thousand years by like 5" based just on being well fed or seeing famine.

>> No.50906713

Nutrition is a very small part of the puzzle

>> No.50906718

What in the fuck are you smoking rabbi?

>> No.50906751


>> No.50906760

You need a college degree
I'm a nurse

>> No.50906773

my bad
i think i replied to the wrong anon but you’re right
everything is designed for short people so I already get lower back pain and i’m only a 32 yo boomer

>> No.50906778

I hate women so much it physically hurts.

>> No.50906799

I’ve never had my height in my bio and wear baggy clothes so I guess it’s also hard to tell, in my experience it’s always the UGLIEST of roasties that will genuinely ask for your height and not date a man for being under six foot, I’m under the assumption it stems from their own insecurity, I’m always tempted to ask for their measurements in return for my height but I really don’t want to get banned off tinder.

>> No.50906801

I hate women but i want to have sex with them

>> No.50906812
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>tfw doctor
>tfw never got to fuck hot slut nurses in the bathrooms and call rooms because of autism
Literally everyone else was doing it. I'm such a fucking failure

>> No.50906814

Holy smokes all is not lost for me if that's a 5/10!

>> No.50906828

>100k salary
>cheapest apartment is 1900 bucks

>> No.50906842

short men are freaks
lock them up

>> No.50906844

>It doesn't necessarily lead to superior qualities in a species
I think you went on and on and I didn' read it because you didn't comprehend at all my point.
The greentext above is exactly what I said.
The OTHER anon was assuming selecting for tall, just because it happens, was good automatically. To which I refuted as I'm assuming you did as well.

>> No.50906854

>t. drooling fat retard eating mcd's just at this very moment

>> No.50906860

so true, it’s a damned if you do damned if you don’t scenario.

>> No.50906864

Imagine being gay

>> No.50906869

I'm a doctor in Canada, rarely happened here. Most of our nurses were grizzled as fuck anyways.

Pharmacists thought...

>> No.50906876

Why do manlets cope in such strange ways

>> No.50906882

>when you're a manlet with a huge dong

huge dongs > height, dicklets

>> No.50906888

social media is the worst form of cultural cancer

>> No.50906917

Highest paying job I was able to find locally was about $70 an hour at an ICU, fulltime.

Almost got it but "they wanted someone with more exp"
So I'm stuck at $43 now

>t.Applying to FNP schools

>> No.50906931


A lot of young female nurses are roasties but they don't go for average looking guys usually. Only if you are somewhat attractive or make more than they do

>> No.50906935

Over 6'3"- 6'4" starts being pretty lanky and proportions get all fucked up. Not very aesthetic

>> No.50906966

6'3 seems to be the optimal height and is the #1 preference by women on dating apps. >6'3 can still look very good if the guy has a wide frame

>> No.50907125


>> No.50907185

Easy choice. Right is a trailer trash looking butterface

>> No.50907203


>> No.50907228

>A lot of young female nurses are roasties
A lot of young roasties are nurses too unironically

>> No.50907234

Not all nurses need a college degree but without one you can forget about life outside work if you make 100k/year.

>> No.50907236

they're ugly as fuck

>> No.50907238

Is this even common? Like isnt a nurses job super exhausting? That plus getting regularly covered in human fecal matter is probably a good mood killer

>> No.50907242

kys tranny faggot

>> No.50907249

Manlet factory

>> No.50907253

>Do you at least get to fuck cute young nurses if you're a guy?
A lot of nurses are former sluts looking to bag a doctor or at least wealthy med tech. Like when they were riding the cock carousal, average men are gonna be immediately looked down upon. Unless you're in a senior position like nurse practitioner or DNP, don't expect to be fucking nurses as a male nurse. You'll spend most of your work week dealing with their fucking stupid women drama and cliche fighting.

>t. Male nursing student

>> No.50907305

>You can go into sports and have it - basketball, football, swimming, etc are dominated by tallchads.
Height over 6'1 is a huge disadvantage for vertical speed. Legs that long struggle with fast turnover as they have so much more distance to travel per step. It's why you almost never see elite sprinters beyond that height unless they do hurdles.

>> No.50907327


>> No.50907350

>Do you have any evidence that women preferring taller men leads to any concrete advantage to the species?
You literally already explained why. Height represents good nutrition, which means food resources, and height provides an advantage for reaching, throwing, and fighting, all of which are important survival traits.

Now in the modern world, humans don't live or die based on their ability to throw a stick but our evolutionary psychology hasn't changed. Women still implicitly desire the same male traits they did 100,000yrs ago, whether it's logical to modern society or not.

>> No.50907384

So when I asked one of the nurses in my unit to jerk me off, she refused but dancing like that is fine? I will never understand women

>> No.50907402

one simply does not ask to be jerked off...

>> No.50907416

God I hate nurses

>> No.50907429

Tbh it's better working with male nurses than female nurses almost always

>> No.50907438
File: 198 KB, 1125x964, 5B0DB858-E6E2-4A5E-96CB-12AB7415C9D1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you sound like a retard
shut the fuck up forever please and thank you

>> No.50907442

Self fulfilling prophecy

>> No.50907456

I honestly don't care about height but manlet posts like this are embarrasing.

>> No.50907459

Usain Bolt height: 1.95m - 6'5
Why do you wish to be wrong?

>> No.50907505

id stack them and make a fuck pyramid

>> No.50907510

Don't know where this meme comes from. Im a doc and I don't know anyone who has banged a nurse.

For one most are older women or flips but generally everyone is working their own weird shifts with a lot of work so there's basically no socialization. They do seem to have their own team night outs but certainly the meme of docs banging nurses is just that. Even amongst the docs when we try to find a time to go out it takes about 3 months to settle on a date and half the team can make it at most.

>> No.50907547

This. You can fuck petite women brutally while you lift em, it's like having a premium fleshlight. Also, petite women have rounder asses.

>> No.50907555

Its globo demoralization to distort the minds of young men. 'All women fucked 100+ men, anal first date, chads and betas. The sad thing is it worked, globo know exactly what they are doing and the only way to combat it is to know what they are doing and not react to any of it.

>> No.50907556

I think it was fine given the circumstances. I was horny and couldn't jerk off because my right arm was split in two. I asked the nurse if she could do it for me and the bitch refused like really? I bet it wouldn't be her first time doing that

>> No.50907560

There was a CRNA at my old job banging a tech or something in his sleeping room.

>> No.50907571
File: 2.40 MB, 960x540, life of a manlet.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy shit this is some fresh manlet cope

>> No.50907575

Holy fucking shit this site has brainwashed so many people on the realities of height. If you are 5'9/10 or above you are completely fucking fine. Hell as long as you are noticeably taller than whatever woman you are pursuing you are fine, and being 5'9-5'10 puts you there for 99.9% of women
>but what about muh amazon women taller than those heights
Tall women usually realize they are abnormal so they don't put as much stock into a man being shorter than them since its something they are more accustomed to. Do women prefer to hear that you are 6'-6'1? Sure. I would say thats probably the ideal height range though. Much beyond that, like 6'3 plus, you have to take care to not look like a fucking lanklet however. Otherwise your height will absolutely detract from you.

>> No.50907592

The tall amazon demonstrates significant amounts of charisma, causing me to feel horny

>> No.50907615

much like having brown eyes, short women are for sex, not for children. that doesn't mean you shouldn't have sex with them.

>> No.50907617

>Amazon woman
Kek reminds me of a buddy of mines ex wife. She was like 5'11 or some shit, just barely taller than me and I would call her an amazon. Apparently it made her livid and they had fights over it. Funny thing is, i meant it as a term of endearment.

>t. 5'10 chad

>> No.50907634

>much like having brown eyes, short women are for sex, not for children.
interesting perspective. Wonder if that's why so many ugly women are for my body my choice.

>> No.50907649

>muh single exceptional data point
Find me 5 Olympic sprint medalists over 6'2. Andre de Grasse and Noah Lyle's are both under 6ft. Trayvon Bromell and Christian Coleman are literally manlets. Fred Kerley is notably tall for his success but literally everyone in his races is shorter than him, including the athletes that have beaten him.

Stop being fucking retards. If height was an advantage in sprinting than we'd see elite athletes be almost exclusively men over 6ft.

>> No.50907651

>Father: 6'
>Mother: 5'3"
>Me: 6'
>My brother: 5'11"

>> No.50907663

Tall women are the equivalent of short men. They tend to be sensitive of their height because it feels less feminine. Besides, 5'11 isn't really Amazon so she probably thought you were being sarcastic

>> No.50907672
File: 1.59 MB, 640x900, maria31.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most tall women are very self conscious about their height

>> No.50907677

my dad is 6ft, my mom is 5'2. both my brother and i are 6ft. whenever i see a tall father and short mom the kids are rather tall. when the guy is short, the kids are short as well. i have no evidence nor have i studied genetics but based on my observations im gonna say height mostly depends on the father

>> No.50907693

Yep. As I said earlier ITT, tall male + short female = tall male children

>> No.50907695

pretty tall women are great
strong genes

>> No.50907771

Who gives a fuck about second bests lol.
Best sprinter is tall
Best mmaer is tall
Best boxer is tall
Best swimmer is tall
Best basketballer is tall (duh)
Strongest man is tall
Best squatter/deadlifter/bencher is tall
You can go on and on forever

>> No.50907783

Must take covid "vax." Must take flu vax or wear a mask. Must deal with surly assholes. And maybe the hardest for those of us anti-social low-skill retards: You must feel confident in your competence and react to sundry emergent situations without spilling your spaghetti.

>> No.50907798

manlets are almost always poor, neets, uneducated, leftist losers. definitely not /biz/ material

>> No.50907805
File: 107 KB, 1228x768, mini_2019-10-16-MESSI-BOTA-19.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Best football player is ta-

>> No.50907820

>ball monkey worshiper.
let me guess, you're a spic?

>> No.50907826

Soccer isnt even a real sport lol only poor africans and brazilians play that

>> No.50907836

i'm surrounded by nurses as we speak and they don't have good figures; overweight with severe lordosis and the scrubs hide their waistline
afaik they don't give wristies but if you're a chad they'll look you up after you're discharged to fuck

>> No.50907838

they dont accept smaller guys. Am I correct?

>> No.50907850

The current World champions for 60m and 200m are under 6ft. The Olympic Champion for 100m is 6'1. The Olympic champion for 200m is fucking 5'9.

If height was the most important value for success in sprinting, we would have super tall freaks dominating like with the NBA or high jump. Yes, 6'1 is "tall" but it's not freakishly tall. Bolt is a massive outlier and sport science considers him a biomechanical anomaly. Height is still a disadvantage to leg speed.

>> No.50907862

Nurse here, operating room is the golden ticket to decent pay and hours. You have a decently varied set of tasks to do, but day to day you're doing a lot of similar stuff so it's pretty easy to get a handle on everything

At least in my area surgeons for the most part aren't giant children who throw hissing fits like they used to

>> No.50907866

would you rather run fast or be respected more and have a trait correlated with higher success in life in most major important aspects of it?

>> No.50907869

since when is 6 ft or half an inch under it tall? its just not short.

>> No.50907875

I learn something new every day on this god forsaken stone-skipping board

>> No.50907880

Idk 5'11 is pretty tall for a woman. She is literally like only 1 of 2 women I have met taller than me.

>> No.50907886

Don't forget that there is a much lower sample size of tall men yet they still dominate. Imagine if there were 9 million 6'5 men out of a 10 million pool? Would we see ANY short men anywhere near the top?
Its an advantage. Just accept it.
Not a guarantee of anything but an inherent advantage.

>> No.50907935

Kinda sad since technically speaking its not a bad thing imo.

They actually might. Like I and other anons have said they know their height abnormal and they are probably used to seeing men their height or smaller throughout their lives. So they dont put as much weight into a mans height or the need for him to be taller (this exact opposite situation is why normal height roasties worry about a mans height so much). That paired with the fact that most men do honestly prefer smaller/more petite women, thus limiting their dating pool somewhat.

>> No.50907942

She looks... in pain

>> No.50907979
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Nursing attrition is horrendous for a reason, let's put it in this perspective... in a class of 60 students, 1/4th of them drop/fail out, of those 45, another 15 students quit direct patient care in under 2 years and within 7 years, another 1/3 of the remaining students leave Nursing all together; 40 out of 60 excited, ready students will ultimately quit Nursing all together. Don't get me wrong, Nursing is no joke, it pays really well, but the job fucking SUCKS. You can find a job that you like, but Nursing is for a really specific person. You work decent hours, but the work stress is extremely high, the work is hard, especially for guys and your co-workers will be fucking trash. If you do not like being around people, RUN away from nursing.

>> No.50907982

>tfw no sad amazonian gf to brutally pussyfuck

>> No.50908008

Wait what inherent advantages does being tall provide in sports (not counting obvious one like nigger hoop)? I mean being tall doesnt have any effect on your joints right?

>> No.50908032

Further reach (legs + arms)
More dominating prescense
Potential to put on more mass without having to add fat
Innate confidence

>> No.50908043

can eat more
better weight distribution for dad bod

>> No.50908072

checked, my ex dumped me bc she is a year younger and i was graduating uni and she didnt see a future bc she wanting to be a travel nurse. it hurts but gotta keep moving, since the break up in winter i increased my body count by 10 kek. and yes you need a degree you absolute fucking mong. You cant do medical shit in a hospital setting without being a RN

>> No.50908078

Based and truthpilled

>> No.50908096

With the growing roastie obsession with K-Pop and thus the K-Pop """"men"""" I think the suffering from manlets maybe coming to an end. I mean those dudes are giga manlets yet roasties gush over them.

The best NFL level running backs are usually pretty short desu.

>> No.50908117

Why is height so important? Strength?

>> No.50908131

South Korean birthrate is literally going to be 0 soon because Jews keep promoting pussy feminized boygirls in dresses and makeup. Protip: real women dont like that and certainly are not evolutionary attracted to it.

>> No.50908133

>to 450k (my attending salary)
This is why the US has a healthcare problem. Can't wait until the commies put all you assholes up against a wall.

>> No.50908160

Anon that shit is absolutely getting more and more popular amongst women. Especially zoomer aged ones. And they all fawn over those feminized gooks.

>> No.50908167

>only dicklets and coping manlets prefer short women
check and check

>> No.50908205

Bad news anon. Most of the men in groups like BTS are actually tall (for asians) at 5'9 or more. So it really wont help anyone below average height.

>> No.50908212

>Newsflash, being tall offers no benefit whatsoever.
Except that your average woman in their 20s writes off 90%+ of men below 6' off the bat.

>> No.50908230

Bro feminized men will never ever be popular. I mean I don't think overly masculine ones are either, but men need at least a hint of power to succeed. Limp dick boys that look like girls with makeup are not going to be in chicks hearts for long.

>> No.50908247

no they dont lol look at will smiths kids

>> No.50908343

Why did you choose that profession?

>> No.50908372

>zoomer chicks are obsessed with kpop guys
Kek there is some truth to this. A couple of years back I was dating this zoomer (she was 19 i was 28) and she was that way. About half a year into the relationship we "opened" things up (basically we just started having threesomes quite a bit) and she definitely fetishized asian men, since that was basically always her first targets. She got a couple, and it was always funny dick mogging them.
>inb4 faggots come at me with "cuck" bullshit
I knew I wasnt marrying this girl, so it was basically a avenue for me to live a hedonistic lifestyle. As a matter of fact I fucked more females while dating her than I ever had in my entire life up to that point. Seriously, there is no easier way to pull women then to have another woman basically doing it for you.

>> No.50908392

> This is why the US has a healthcare problem
I'm a UK doc and i'm paid £27k a year. Our healthcare system doesn't work, so it's not down to how much docs are earning.

>> No.50908410
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>fantasy: fucking amazons
>really: she's holding you down and having her way with you and you could do nothing about it

>> No.50908418
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>> No.50908420

imagine the smell

>> No.50908448

Hey before you laugh we get nhs discount cards that allow me to beg for 20% off at nandos. It's a very dignified profession.

>> No.50908472

this can't be real

>> No.50908498

Very real. I don't even use any of the discounts because people generally think doctors here aren't on poverty wages so they'd hate you for begging for every saving like that.

>> No.50908531

My buddy is a city & county paramedic. The respond with his crew of 3 in an ambulance to 911 medical calls which they transport patients to the hospital. He menrioned that travel nurses are the wildest ones. They stay approx 6-12 months at a hospitoal before moving on to the next. Before he git married, he'd slay atleast one on every rotation. They would even fuck around in the hospital in closests or empty rooms. It was wild. One of his guys got suspended because a woman ER surgeon walked in on him getting a blowjob from a nurse. A lot of them would travel in small groups and would share a house together. Those homes were party fests like frat houses.

>> No.50908533
File: 56 KB, 736x736, a96259827e95550eb793b0b1e707c764.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how old are you faggots? harry styles wears dresses and girls love him

>> No.50908557

no its not
height is not a factor.


prove it, bro science

you couldn't pull that. >>50907236

but coping muthafukaZ won't listen

presidents of the USA
CE muthafukinO'z

Soccer >>50907805 hahaha jejeje

>> No.50908608

He is also 6' though. Honestly though if you are just average height, learn to fucking dress and accesorize and you will pick up women NO problem. For example him wearing multiple rings and a necklace (obviously not the dress) women love guys who wear shit like that

>> No.50908620

I had a fling with another LPN at my hospital. We made out in the supply room and the elevator and empty patient rooms. She had a fiance, which she told me about after a week of this, and so would not have sex with me. I still think about her sometimes. I hate women, good afternoon.

>> No.50908660

>multiple rings and necklaces
my gf bought me a dumbass thumb ring or some shit and i asked her, "do i look like a faggot or a nigger pimp?" she didn't like that.

>> No.50908671

hahaha retard

>> No.50908686 [DELETED] 
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Literally easiest buy ever if you just buy Shiba rn you will have easy money money.

I'm in another 30 million

>> No.50908792

>Especially zoomer aged ones. And they all fawn over those feminized gooks.
So explain why most young women exclusively fuck 6'2 Div 1 athletes or 6'2, fit older engineers with a boat? The large majority of women are getting fucked by typically masculine men on the top of the ladder. It's a very vocal minority that likes feminine Kpop dudes. Talk to an actual female irl sometime.

>> No.50908825

>4chan memes
Anon. Most females are probably having sex with complete fucking average joes... you know since MOST PEOPLE have sex.

>> No.50908881

what are you talking about? d1 athletes mostly fuck instagram models and frat stacies

>> No.50908901

shut up dicklet coomer

>> No.50908906

>Why did you choose that profession?
I like helping people, I like physiology, and nursing is good money without needing graduate school. I also do enjoy patient interaction. I don't want to be a "drive by doctor" who talks to patients for 15 minutes then never sees them again. I want to be there to help people heal through each step.

That said, there are certain nursing jobs I never want. Geriatrics may be high paying, but it's depressing and the current generation of elderly are horrible human beings. I also want to avoid cardiac care because it frustrates me to help people that destroyed their own bodies. Gonna try for pediatrics or surgical care.

>> No.50909127

Even better

>> No.50909784


Try and get a chance to shadow or do an internship during school in the OR, it's how I learned that it's really what I wanted to do. I will say though your 'patient interaction' is gonna be next to nothing given that you're going to only talk to patients for less than 5 minutes in preop and in the room before they're put out by anesthesia. So if that's a huge factor for you then maybe not operating room

>> No.50909798

Small jaw. Fetal alcohol syndrome. Ngmi

>> No.50910140


>> No.50910156

Women love being treated like objects and being creampied inside as long as the guy is hot and succesful its literally their design. Ywnbaw

>> No.50910170

Your male offspring will be more prone to sudden cardiac failure in early-mid adulthood.

>> No.50910180

>manlet cope

>> No.50910214

5'10"-6'2" is the sweet spot. Any lower your risk of suicide increases. Any higher and your big stallion heart will give out as you eject your muck into some roastie cooch.

T. king of the manlets.

>> No.50910362

That's because homeowners act like German businesses before WWII aka they form cartels to stop competition. If the mayor and poor people aren't retarded housing crisis won't be as bad.

>> No.50910393

Post tits or stop larping.

>> No.50910432


>> No.50910592

>Like isnt a nurses job super exhausting?
all women say that about their job

>> No.50910605


Yeah but travel nurses, which are basically RNs, and both require at least an associates and nursing certification

>> No.50910609

Michael Phelps.....

>> No.50910763
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im 5'7" and dated a girl who was at least 5'10". she was def self conscious about her height as a girl tho. she was flat as a board but pretty face and gave the best sloppy i ever got.

tall girls need love too.

>> No.50910957

>thinks that vaginas scale with height
virgin alert

>> No.50910965
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>something happens to you
>your life is in the hands of these "people"

>> No.50911419

>tfw 6'3
>perfect height
>only have a 3.5 inch ERECT cock
>laughable penis looks even more laughable on my large frame
Bros why did I have to be cursed like this?

>> No.50911494
File: 246 KB, 1224x1445, betternotbe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are you actually retarded? everything scales with height (on average of course), just like your less than average dick lmao

>> No.50911502

>everything scales with heigh

So you're an actual virgin?

>> No.50911512

Apex suffering. Just like smaller girls have their above average tits look ginormous on them, a manlet with an above average cock looks like three legs. Go skelly mode or something, you're cursed

>> No.50911539
File: 104 KB, 553x517, -5aaVfQYt0Ug_h1w2mhtXh4AR8qjF-HUqYuY_juWNTo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not even close, but you're actually projecting

>> No.50911577

then why do you dress and act as such

>> No.50911746

Sounds ideal. What area do you work in, are you a scout/scrub nurse?

>> No.50911989

nice cope and cherry picked examples as an excuse to pick the easiest option in life and fuck a short woman.

>> No.50912204
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why are nurses such sluts? it doesnt matter if they come from poor or rich families, black, white, latina ect. If they're any kind of nurse chances are they fuck around.

>> No.50912284

They believe they are important or intelligent enough that they need not hide their misbehavior.

>> No.50912313
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well most still hide it enough that they're married and get dick on the side. since i started lifting most of the women i meet are nurses. teachers are a close second but they aren't as blatant.

>> No.50912350

>they are important or intelligent enough
wiping ass will do that

>> No.50912373


>> No.50912440

Because all women are fucking sluts?

>> No.50912461

Make nurse stripper pole tik toks a reality.

>> No.50912484

I'm a bottom rung factory drone with one month of on the job training in Sweden and I earn almost as much as you.

>> No.50912500

anyone else notice that homos and women love to use this word? try to avoid the pox when you are butt fucking your boyfriends bro

>> No.50912585


>> No.50912609

>moggingII shows womanlet mogging a literal 2 out of 5 breastlet and asslet who can't even get pants her size

>> No.50912644


>> No.50912716


>> No.50912737

All the retards saying they wouldn't fuck the left are fags

>> No.50912759

This is sadly true and rarely talked about

>> No.50912770
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all this anger when I simply pointed out that only dicklets and manlets prefer short women. it's pretty obvious what you're working with bro. your weakass pilpul can never trick people into forgetting about your shortcomings.

>> No.50912778

Elliot Rodger's Dad wasn't White fyi.

>> No.50912862

I think it's the uniform plus looks that does it for me.. Fuck I wanna be one of those middle aged perverts who has a nurse/maid take care of me. kinda like the old brazers scene "horny wife, hot nurse" starring Dani Daniels..

>> No.50913010
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Which ever way you bring in capital isn't important faggot. When investing you should have the basic fundamentals like security, utility and future. To become rich investing into crypto you need to be smart. Investing into long-term holdings like ETH, METIS and QANX. These are the bulechips I'm banking on atm.

>> No.50913051


I think it's a beta male thing. They are tall, but mental midgets.

Also it's easier to have power over a small women, so some men enjoy that feeling.

I'm 6ft and would gladly date a 6ft woman. Or every taller than me if possible.

>> No.50913064

Why are there so many hot women these days? I don't remember this back in the early 2000s.

>> No.50913103

more cameras, better cameras more social media and ways to show off

>> No.50913136

weak genes

>> No.50913173

Very true anon. Just revealing makes things easier for them. All they need to do is show their cleavage and navel kek...

>> No.50913196

Oh that's nice anon. Smart investments we really development all three growing expecting the ETH merge and the quantum resistant blockchain to make a significant difference in the crypto space.

>> No.50913232
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Well yeah I think the same anon. Desu we need security for sure against the threats posed by the quantum computers once they are out in reality. Let's just hope for the good. The development is really good with all three projects. Planning my retirement with these desu.

>> No.50913696

im 5 foot 7 and my wife is 5 foot 11 we have 2 kids that will be taller than me

>> No.50913881

Especially women have more rounder asses. This wasn't a thing back in early 2000s.

>> No.50913906

i just think "projection" is a gay concept and you outed yourself as retarded for thinking short girls all had tight little pussies

>> No.50913921

estrogen in the water from birth control being pissed out

>> No.50913941

cuz most doctors would take the higher salary before the better hours

>> No.50914191

Anyway you build funds is okay, I remember doing some menial jobs as well, just so I can buy my first ETH. Remember to focus on fundamentally solid projects, Allianceblock won't be a bad call since it's been like the most active project in this market.

>> No.50914391

nurses are sluts lmao

>> No.50914394

There's no one way to making money, and in investing, especially in this market condition, you might want to give Spool a chance as its risk is way little compared to the others out there because you get to choose your risk.

>> No.50914417
File: 1.15 MB, 200x147, 1656900166866.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I specifically said it scales on average, you really are sub 100 iq
it's a very true and heterosexual concept to point out that you, a manlet/dicklet/lowT/fag, are accusing others of being those things because it would comfort you if the light were turned on someone else even if for a short time and wrongly.
translation for your iq: Grug say Gronn is bitch when Grug is bitch make Grug feel better today but Grug still bitch tomorrow
you outed yourself as being a bitch by needing little pussies to cope

>> No.50914525

how the fuck are white women so ugly?

>> No.50914563

most active is what I'm. ot sure of, but they did let out some cool stuffs during this bearish market.

>> No.50914727

same Spool or another? ensure you know the risk model of the particular aggregator you'd be choosing so you don't become like me who expected more than what he got until I understood the mechanics behind everything.

>> No.50914872
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>> No.50915160

sorry i did misinterpret your post, but I still believe the scaling is minimal. cheers broski

>> No.50915899

right has better ass. also is this business?

>> No.50916017

That's only 20% moron.

>> No.50916369

Because most nurses are low IQ retards

>> No.50916447

right is too tall, going to age poorly

>> No.50916517

it's finance

>> No.50916522

>ok lets start the video with our asses facing the camera

>> No.50916540

That's enough to turn someone gay

>> No.50916569

Just put the bed alarm on and rails up, you sound like a bitch

>> No.50916615

>father: 6'2
>mother: 5'8
>me: 6'5
>brother: 6'3

Obviously taller people beget taller people you (short) retards.

>> No.50916641

As a very tall man, picking up girls over 6' is ridiculously easy. They take one look at you and immediately think 'wow, he's obviously meant for me!'. Had a 6'3 gf for a while, was great fun mogging the entire world together and seeing the looks of surprise and fear.

>> No.50916768

>grow, grow, grow

>> No.50916819

Their faces are mid af

>> No.50917503

5'3' here. give it straight to me bros

>> No.50917663

Youre gonna be fine king. Find yourself a 5'2 cutie and start a happy family.

>> No.50918291

Focusing on fundamentals before investing is a rule of thumb in the space. One of the reasons why I got into Ore Network which simplifies the complexity of blockchain for all users.

>> No.50918367

Patrician choice

>> No.50918390

No but this was a good strategy to get me to click on the thread

>> No.50918554
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i briefly dated/banged a qt travel nurse i met from pof or okcupid i forget around 2018, she was from cross country and had an accent; shit was pretty nice but she seemed to have a drinking problem; then also left as the whole travel thing.

>> No.50919359

Yeah I regularly consider moving country and just doing something else entirely. It's made me realize all those immigrant sob stories about someone being a doctor in their home nation then moving to the US to be a newsagent really misrepresent the situation. The reality is they earn more doing that than being a doc in their country, there's no "hard work ethic" story.

The amount I have to work and absolute shit put on me by people who say it's an honour to work for the hallowed NHS means i'd be more than happy to say fuck them and go work as a wallmart greeter.

>> No.50921068
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Security is a constant for every smart investor else funds would be lost every day. Good thing we have platforms focused on asset management and security in the space.

>> No.50921558 [DELETED] 

>but my best friend is literally 5ft7 at a push and he gets waaaaaayyy more high value female attention than I do simply because he carries himself better
>this isn't a bluepilled r*ddit sub, anon

>> No.50921583

>but my best friend is literally 5ft7 at a push and he gets waaaaaayyy more high value female attention than I do simply because he carries himself better
this isn't a bluepilled r*ddit sub, anon

>> No.50921788

no argument there