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50910718 No.50910718 [Reply] [Original]

Who else loaded up on puts on Friday? Can't wait to short reddit and watch the BBBY bagholders join the ranks of GME and AMC

>> No.50911083

You are truly a stupid nigger, enjoy losing money on puts. Fucking retard go do analysis and DD.

>> No.50911125

Found the memestock bagholder LMAO. To the moon, right redditfag?

>> No.50911164

to da moon xD

>> No.50911185

i dont know which army or retards will win but i do know it will be a blood bath with theta GANG reigning supreme again

>> No.50911207

Too early, those might have printed at like $80, baggies will just hold onto the stock and never let it get down below $30.

>> No.50911418

You are a retarded fucking nigger. Can’t wait till you lose your money.

>> No.50911522

When you lose all your money on puts, post a webm of the sheriff evicting your broke ass.

>> No.50911749

You hold Link

>> No.50911836

found the blood bath and beyond baggies

>> No.50912158

Why would you buy BBBY puts? Thats gotta be the dumbest trade ever. BBBY has been super hot the past week and gaining moment. Not only that, futures looking promising and the better than expected CPI numbers this past week which shows that we we've already hit bottom of the recession and coming out. Do you do any DD or research or just guessing or going on how you feel? If so, might want to stop trading as you'll lose everything in no time.

>> No.50912198

Not him, but assume I want to make money off this shit company. What would you advise?

>> No.50913187
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>Who else loaded up on puts on Friday?
uy oh...

>> No.50913223

Who loaded ZOM here

>> No.50913282

At least he didn't short it.

>> No.50913348

you're fucked

>> No.50913349
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>we've already hit bottom of the recession and coming out
absolutely delusional

>> No.50913396
File: 42 KB, 492x481, 0ED3A0FE-D51B-4A70-85A4-AFF9DD1D0C82.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is no BBBY DD. It’s literally a hype pump. That’s it. It’s going to crash just like AMC and LRC. All in GME or you’re a faggot

>> No.50914107

Kek baggie
Kek baggie
KEK baggie

>> No.50914136

They’re all going to squeeze together and your puts will be worthless

>> No.50914318

The fact that WSB is hyping up BBBY is enough for me to stay away from it. I don't care that RC bought.

>> No.50914419

> lumping GME and AMC together
My guy, youre really bright
Verification not Required

>> No.50914716

It's good if it goes down a little bit, that's just consolidation. I took profits last week, gonna buy the next dip

>> No.50914736

Analysts were valuing the stock at $1 and it was literally true for a minute, considering the -$4 EPS at earnings. However, things have changed but they are still insisting it's worth $1.
Never going to be below $5 again if it does what it's supposed to.

>> No.50914759

Do technical analysis on the rise and, most importantly, the fall of AMC and GME. It's going to moon, then it's going to dump. This happens with parabolic price action. No reason not to buy puts when the time is right. It's way too fucking early now. I'm not even thinking of trying to buy any until it hits $50

>> No.50914770
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>we've already hit bottom of the recession and coming out
We're not even officially in a recession yet and you think this is the worst of it?

>> No.50914814

BBBY is shorted over 100%, with a shrinking float and huge long positions (both shares and calls) from Ryan Cohen.

It's literally free money.

>> No.50914852

Free money up, free money on the way down, too

>> No.50914870

you're retarded for taking a short position in a stock with over 100% of the float currently short.

>> No.50914888

congratulations on admitting you browse that website

>> No.50914961

I haven't yet. But eventually I'll take profits and buy puts after the moon. Mean reversion and all that

>> No.50914998

Fuck it im foming into bbby. Probably going to be my best investment because I am doing the opposite of biz

>> No.50915000

You do realize that shorts and puts are different things, right?

>> No.50915015

You do realize that shorts and puts are different things, right?

>> No.50915038

>Get a load of GPT-3 over here

>> No.50915065
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>there are fucking 10,000 1/23 $40 puts already

>> No.50915144 [DELETED] 

The delta on those is 60. What a crazy fucking bet. Someone is likely holding those as a hedge. This is gonna take awhile to pop off but if it does then that's max pain for them. There's too much upside and not enough downside to hold that kind of position right now.

I get the bear case too:

>> No.50915163

Wew lad, fucked the link up. Goog puts all kind of globohomo shit in the copy text. Origami post:

The delta on those is 60. What a crazy fucking bet. Someone is likely holding those as a hedge. This is gonna take awhile to pop off but if it does then that's max pain for them. There's too much upside and not enough downside to hold that kind of position right now.

I get the bear case too:

>> No.50915193

Wow a lot of angry baggies in this thread. No easier way to know I made the right move

>> No.50915207

Post position, guy. I got btfo on other so-called "reddit squeezes" but this one's delivering so far and I only got in fucking Wednesday

>> No.50915277

Iunno the market is rallying. If this shit starts going parabolic , take profits because I have a feeling the markets are gonna start tanking next month when the recession starts to become more real.

>> No.50915327

Gotta wait till all the votes come in, heh. If it comes crashing down and gas doubles again, it will be a massive red wave

>> No.50915366


>> No.50915773

also u forgot to mention they have their own NFT marketplace coming out this fall. OP is literally a weak handed faget pay no attention to him

>> No.50916125

Big big news, for GME and ETH
I believe

>> No.50916135

Massive debt, not remotely profitable and no good plan to become profitable again. What more 'DD' do you need?

>> No.50916164

We know the fundamentals suck lol. It's a short 'pop!'
Bob Sacamano put his savings into one and bought himself a taco truck, just like that!

>> No.50916175

A momentum pop is the polar opposite of DD, dummy

>> No.50916235

Yeah, we know. That one analyst made a very good case for the stock being worth $1, it looks like a sinking ship. Hopefully it can turn around

>> No.50916280

The sudden interest in BBBY feels fake and gay though.

>> No.50916313

It does and it's a really gay store, but one chain store that goes down is another that's never coming back. I've seen too many gutted malls. Some day my town will lose theirs too. I hope the new leadership can reposition for a better course
Oh yeah, and seeing it go from $5 to $13 in a couple of weeks made me a believer in the short squeeze again. Otherwise I'd be buying puts myself. It's not nothing

>> No.50916763
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>BBBY is shorted over 100%
This is a blatant lie

>> No.50916957
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>> No.50917022

From my experience when something random happens that makes people lots of money, attempts at replicating it usually fail

>> No.50917026

Broke Baggies and Beyond!

>> No.50917250

I don't think many people made money on GME it was sort of a proof of concept.

>> No.50917985

I agree XMR and ETH barely moved compared to BTC

>> No.50918062
File: 279 KB, 1080x1527, ohhhbbby.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.50918074

didn't read, never selling

>> No.50918210


>> No.50918268

Hurrr durr lets post actual true information to the goyim we are trying to fleece. You are blatantly retarded

>> No.50918348

Oof OP how are your ops doing? The market is taking a dump but bbby is pumping. I’m actually mad cause I was going to increase my stack today.

>> No.50918369

Bought 2000 shares at 6.35. The stock has a 1bil market cap. Hard to go wrong here. Gme had 30b at peak. Doubt we see a 30x from 13$ but 5x or 10x is totally reasonable if shorts have to close and cover in a low availability environment.

>> No.50918387

So you only believe they told you the truth when they confirmed your bias?

>> No.50918428
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Man, you're going to be a horrible week.

Not anon here, and I agree, reddit are a bunch of fags, but WSB is the only reason why I go to it, at times.
Also they make money there, unlike you losers... LOL
Its okay, some are just allergic to making money!

Best of luck OP, youre going to need it!

>> No.50918447
File: 49 KB, 160x160, thwomp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How's that portfolio looking pal?

>> No.50918821

Built for BBBY

>> No.50921140
File: 25 KB, 600x600, comfype.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I put a thousand bucks in, a 5x would be very nice for a quick gamble. All gains will probably directly go into more GME though if it has not exploded by then.

>> No.50921227

God you people are so retarded. Yeah I'm sure with record money printing in the tens of trillions that the inflation from that would just pass through in less than a year.

>> No.50921263

Fuck off Reddit spacing nigger go back

>> No.50921411

Anon, you can't trust the SEC. They're obviously lying. Except when they say that shorts didn't close on GME in 2021... That part we can trust.

>> No.50921510
File: 175 KB, 573x547, imagine believing this.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>believing the man on TV who is PAID TO SAY WHAT THE SHORTS TELL HIM

>> No.50921555

I bought a bathroom soap dispenser from them over the weekend. Based on that, they'll probably beat earnings expectations

>> No.50921885

>Who else loaded up on puts on Friday? Can't wait to short reddit and watch the BBBY bagholders join the ranks of GME and AMC


Thanks for your money !


>> No.50922583
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Is it too late to buy? What are the price targets and why?

>> No.50922674

I think 30 is realistic. After US elections all stocks are gonna dump hard so I would get in now in this meme stock and sell shortly before

Actually I put 250 into it. I might put another 2k

>> No.50922918

Has OP roped yet?

>> No.50922938

The retards on wsb are thinking it could hit above 100. I don’t think it’s possible because that would make me a millionaire and nothing ever good happens to me but I’m hoping for at least 30-50.

>> No.50923025


>> No.50923033

Literally 100+, don't listen to retards here. They got rug pulled and paper handed on Tuesday's drop, their ego doesn't let them FOMO back in.

Im up 50% in less than a week and watching a sustained rally on 2000% average volume, you'd be a fucking retard to think this is a pump and dump.


>> No.50923140

250 max
Likely 90 top
Middling 50
Worst case scenario high 20’s

>> No.50923368

OP are you ok
are you ok
are you ok OP

>> No.50923391


I am literally cumming in my pants. holy shit not even sex feels this good. what the fuck??? winning is such a good feeling so glad i fomoed

OP trying to be the next burry when literal retards are making 6 figures on this pump

stay classy /biz/

>> No.50923406

>betting against meme stocks
I'm not fucking touching BBBY but even I know this is retarded

>> No.50924273
File: 606 KB, 956x1434, 1660506131764402.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Who else loaded up on puts on Friday? Can't wait to short reddit and watch the BBBY bagholders join the ranks of GME and AMC

Hows it going OP ?



>> No.50924628

Just took out my initial. Remainder riding to $80. Also, OP has aids

>> No.50925041

So about those puts. Just remember the suicide watch hotline is always there anon. Help is there if you need it. Everyone makes mistakes. Just not usually this expensive...

>> No.50925128

So this guy must have made a lot of money since it's up 24% on the day right? That's how puts work amirite?

JK I'm up over 6k today alone on the calls I bought super cheap from june thru july.

OP KYS now while your family can still afford a funeral.

>> No.50925714
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Show short position or fuck of Pajeet

>> No.50925746

Absolutely ignorant, read the misbehavior of markets by Benoit Mandelbrot, we are at the bottom still you delusional bono faggot , you will LERN

>> No.50925769
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ITT: coping no BBY midwits who think clown world is just a meme

>> No.50926224


>> No.50926258

All these companies are shit and will go bankrupt, but you are an idiot if you short against a bunch of reddit apes. Do not short anything that has been targeted by short squeeze apes.

>> No.50926306

Buying bbby actually profitable today, thanks reddit!

>> No.50926317

Reddit can suck a dick, this is Ryan Cohen and institutional money doing their business