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50909219 No.50909219 [Reply] [Original]

What do the billionaires know that we do not?
How do we profit off of this?

>> No.50909249
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Billionaires are mama's boys that sold their souls for money and power. They slowly lose their minds as the Demons infest their bodies. Ignore them.

>> No.50909279

Should I Buy or Short Meta?

>> No.50909290

If our world is just a simulation, then likely the ones who created it, also live in a simulation, so they'll also get turned off eventually, if it helps your mind

>> No.50909297

>Claim you found some super scientific way "out" of the simulation
>"Oh but it's very very expensive, need at least several million to contact the overlords to wake you up."
>Get tech billionaires to pay you eight figs to essentially vaporize their body in a particle accelerator
It's just too easy

>> No.50909307

Desiccant packets

>> No.50909373
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Brain hemisphere synchronization binaural beats
It’s the only way to blast off in a controlled setting
Or just try DMT or Ibogaine both worked for me.
You basically have to activate your third eye and ask the machine elves what the truth is.
Everyone on earth is too stupid to be counted on. Go above all of our pay grades if you want the truth of what existence means

>> No.50909398

Convince them that dying is what they want.

>> No.50909412
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>ask the machine elves what the truth is
Imagine trusting those fucks lmao

>> No.50909426
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>he trusted the machine elves


>> No.50909442

High IQ take

>> No.50909456
File: 14 KB, 474x355, AE79C794-309C-4646-8825-7D25AE5D62A8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>scientists get us out

Might as well ask some homeless std-ridden drug addicted retard to get us out.

>> No.50909464
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Choo choo

>> No.50909485

those elves are your gods, you two samefags better show more respect

>> No.50909498

>humans created Skyrim
>humans live inside of Skyrim too

>> No.50909547

Simulation theory is just another abstraction on intelligent design/creation except it’s for the I Fucking Love Science crowd

>> No.50909560

Low IQ take
Very low energy

>> No.50909561
File: 17 KB, 474x316, 2D79D06C-5049-406E-9E43-8BFEAE041A78.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>intubate virginal spiritual astronaut
>give right internal jugular central line
>place in water container at 96F
>inject said person with max doses of mdma, crack, heroin, fentanyl, dopamine, lsd, peyote, leviphed, and all the other “spiritual” and high drugs
>play binaural 432-frequency beats directly into his auditory nerve that say “we are humans and we want to be free.”
>then see what happens

>> No.50909579
File: 786 KB, 1387x673, The Matrix.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok, but are we all in our own game playing single plaer mode, or id this an MMORPG?

>> No.50909580
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Oh vey I would rather trust old book written by old man

>> No.50909584

if you've spent any time with them then you'd understand

>> No.50909610

multiple streams of income. buy low sell high. run nodes on web 3 protocols like Sylo when its nodes are live.

>> No.50909635

Are you talking about the joker aspect?
Go ahead and explain since you’re such an expert

>> No.50909636

Ain't see no bugs so far, explain that

>> No.50909659

Try psychedelics retard

>> No.50909690
File: 104 KB, 597x559, come on now.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>says something retarded
>"nuh uh, you're retarded"
>offers no explanation or rebuttal
many such cases

>> No.50909707

Lick the connector!

>> No.50909734

>asking the machine elves
ngmi (to enlightenment)

>> No.50909761

>if we live in a simulation that means we could also reach a point where we make a simulation similar to ours, just like our overlords could be a simulation too.
kill yourself you stupid frog nigger.

>> No.50909969
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>if we are in a simulation it means everyone else is in a simulation too
this concept is literally addressed as one of the 3 pillars in the simulation argument trilemma. if the simulation hypothesis is correct, there are likely approaching infinite simulations. i still dont see how our simulation ending would in anyway result in the creators of that simulation being negatively affected.

>> No.50909992

fair enough chud. info the biz when the nodes are lives.

>> No.50910014
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>> No.50910072

no, retard, im calling you out in your faggot take that skyrim is a simulation too, i don't care for that nerd shit about simulation mental wank that fags love, im simply calling you retarded, retard.

>> No.50910093

Tbqh I think the only thing that still proves we're not in the matrix is Nature. Developers are lazy and Nature's complexity would be probably impossible to code/simulate. If you EVER ask yourself the question if you're in the matrix or not, take the time to observe nature

>> No.50910096

You have to ask everybody
The elves are just 1 piece of the puzzle

DMT isn’t for kids like you, keep reading your Bible and stay off biz you little bitch

>> No.50910118

Nature looks like it’s done by a shitty coder

Energy exists as a wave until it’s observed at which point it behaves like a particle

If you can’t tell this is a simulation, you’re the retard

>> No.50910209

>Energy exists as a wave until it’s observed at which point it behaves like a particle
sounds like a fancy worded way to claim some bullshit analogy that's not really true

then if your alone in your room at nite with no one around. you literally shouldn't behave like a particle you should be a wave if no one is observing you

if no one is observing you. your body should evaporate into a bunch of energy waves

>> No.50910223

>Nature looks like it’s done by a shitty coder

Urbanite detected. Nature's incredibly complex, just dig a hole in the forest. Roots, Insects, spores, minerals, etc..

>> No.50910225
File: 47 KB, 600x817, fedora faggot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no planetary-scale, generational simulations to cite
>substitute skyrim/sims/AoE/etc... to make the point
>"tHaTs NaWt A sImUlAtIoN!!1"
jesus fuck, you're an insufferable midwit sperg

>> No.50910268
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gapped down

isn’t that crazy

>> No.50910314

You never heard of the observer effect?
How dumb are you guys? Don’t you ever read?
Not too complex to be a simulation. You’re just too stupid to see it because you’re a part of the same shitty simulation
Do you think Mario ever figured out how crappy 16 bit graphics are? No he just keeps eating mushrooms and stomping on koopas

>> No.50910315

Imagine paying any attention to micromind homosexuals who fall for the aliens or simulation meme
They "exist" insofar as some paid "professionals" will publish a paper and lie through their teeth in their conflict of interest disclosure but immediately they'll be touted as 100% wholly legitimate even when it can't be replicated by literally anyone else

>> No.50910377

>keep reading your Bible and stay off biz you little bitch
you let the machine elf into your body, didn't you

you did

>> No.50910552

Unless the said simulation was generated by AI 100% and no humans I don't see them wasting so much time coding the details of nature as deep as they really are.

>> No.50910593
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>not acknowledging inter-dimensional aylmaos
>not understanding the simulation hypothesis
>realizes the sciences of cosmology and particle physics are completely stalled/flawed/broken but can't comprehend that it's because we may not be able to fully perceive the nature of our own reality
>blames kikes

>> No.50910618

It only seems deep because you live in it retard
If you were born in a cartoon you would think that was detailed too
Christ cuckks are the worst

>> No.50910632

the world is a simulation. I mean, e, pi, I, the golden ratio, it all points towards a simulation with advance math to recreate the original universe. And because it is a simulation it has bugs like the speed limit to casuality and a fail safe like entropy.

>> No.50910647
File: 95 KB, 656x1154, Screen Shot 2022-08-15 at 1.35.14 AM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just wake up dude, how hard could it be

>> No.50910674

mouthbreathing communist

>> No.50910761

Short. I hate Zuckerberg and my incensed rage for this alien looking abomination will plummet the price of his abhorrent META to the ground.

>> No.50910799


Even the machine elves report to/work for someone else bro. They're all demons.

>> No.50910829

Billionaires are mostly retards bud. Also
>Use the simulation science to break us out of the simulation!
Empiricists seething

>> No.50910846

DMT opens you up to the spirit realm
Some are positive and some are negative
You don’t get demons without angels and vice versa
Why is biz full of scared Jesus freaks?

>> No.50910861

the hallucinations you experience on psychedelics aren't real, retards

>> No.50910890

>never heard of the observer effect?
i just debonked your precious "observer effect" mr. tardo

>> No.50910904

Have you actually observed the proof of the observer effect?
>checkmate bcus u havent lol

>> No.50910906

Hallucinations are never real dumbfuck
Go read a book retard

>> No.50910918

You idiots really can’t spell?

>> No.50910991

I don't live in/with nature, I live in a city made by human for human. That, I can't argue with you. That's why man should alwaya reconnect with Nature to remind him of it's true belonging

>> No.50910998

debonk website

>> No.50911040

This is just the extreme ignorance of the ultra-wealthy mingling with the hubris of the Dunning-Kruger technocrat
There are ZERO physical processes that can be simulated with real-life fidelity, ZERO. And it isn't due to lack of computing power, it's the very nature of the equations that describe reality.
Yet, these arrogant Silicon Valley pricks want us to think the whole world is being simulated, just by "an advanced civilization like ours in the future bro, quantum computing, machine learning, keep buying my company's stock as our software gets worse and worse every year!"
>t. computation physics PhD graduate

>> No.50911081

This. Kurzweil is a hack and a fraud.
simply as that.

>> No.50911085

>muh spirit realm


>> No.50911097

I found the bitch on biz
Go back

>> No.50911145

machine elves are the only way fallen angels can manifest. so you've been trusting satans army

>> No.50911160
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>There are ZERO physical processes that can be simulated with real-life fidelity, ZERO.
Our fact checkers have determined that that was a lie.


>> No.50911217

there is no cure for schizophrenia so just kill yourself already, nigger

>> No.50911227

Machine elves are the unconscious logical processes of our mind. Literal mind daemons. The people you talk to in your dreams are your brains machine elves in dream suits.

>> No.50911249

maybe that means your an npc lol or already too influenced by the forces from Saturn
my mind daemon is a flame of fire

>> No.50911262

Native americans worshiped jester and clown Gods independently of european cultures which had similar archetypes.
Pyramids have been found all over the world.
Legends of dragons and winged serpents have also existed all over the world.

Do you have any idea how rare liquid water is in this universe?

>> No.50911290

Maybe it's an organic simulation, like an ant farm, and we're all "real" to that extent. Or some hybrid of that and data based that we can't comprehend.
The other anon was right, you're misspelling it. It's deboonked.

>> No.50911301

The ancient wisdom has been lost to time in the forms it was once known, but even this was merely a misinterpretation of what was happening. Find Jesus, he holds the keys for you, it may already be too late for many. Seek him URGENTLY.

>> No.50911313

There are lower level logical processes in your brain which unconsciously process the geometry and dis-coherent logic of reality into a semi coherent narrative.
Most people don't notice all the squares and other shapes that surround them, but your unconscious logical processes do. DMT allows you to interact with those low level logical daemons which reside in your geometrically focused brain which is why they appear as brilliant geometric fractal patterns.

The DMT is allowing your conscious mind to communicate directly with an unconscious process, which ironically causes you to be more aware and "awake" to your environment.

>> No.50911316


>> No.50911329

havn't done enough ever, just low grade acid. maybe your right, maybe they hold the answers to why i go to the same place everytime i dream

>> No.50911331

If you're too stupid to understand what "real-life fidelity" means you're too stupid to understand that paper

>> No.50911333

One of NASA's guiding policies in the search for alien life is to "follow the water." Water is fairly common in the universe, found everywhere from vast interstellar dust clouds to the orange-red fields of Mars, but most of this water is in the form of ice.

How rare ?

5000 ICP merge until 2050 when the AI start to wake if we’re still alive, we will become space faring gods

I’m taking my spaceship/portal out of here praise kek

>> No.50911347

I don't think that only one can be true. God could be the creator of the "simulation." But what is it a simulation of? Some other being's "real" reality? Anyway, God never said he didn't use a computer...

>> No.50911396

Think about it.

liquid water exists between the narrowest of ranges, 0 degrees Celsius to 100 degrees Celsius, in a universe where temperatures usually range from negative 240 celsius to billions of degrees celsius.

If the sun was any other size, and the earth a mile further or closer to it, we wouldn't have liquid water.

Liquid water is one the most rare substances in this universe, and we've got most of it.

>> No.50911403

Simulation implies a recreation of a "real" experience. So, what exactly is meant by simulation anyway, there are other beings like us, but they live in the real reality and we live in the simulation they created? Or is it more like the Matrix where the real you is locked in a test tube somewhere with VR glasses on?

>> No.50911407

you cant deboonk the debonkers

>> No.50911411
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Btw come I get banned for saying Nigger and this thread is still alive?

>> No.50911421

You are the demon on earth
I hope they slay you

>> No.50911427

We're talking about the business implications of escaping the matrix with forbidden magic and faith in jesus christ.

>> No.50911457

Doesn't Chaos Theory postulate that even real life doesn't have "real life fidelity"?

>> No.50911515
File: 60 KB, 500x500, 1304F6D2-994C-4A64-8367-02F4E0BA54E9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus was just another human, many have bled and suffered…in fact it almost seems like a common human fate In one way or another

Open your third eye and materialise from within. All religions and religious scriptures have no full truths.

Now dump your life savings into the internet computer before it’s too late brainlet

Wageslaving is truly suffering I hope to not stress over fun coupons one day

>> No.50911542

As long as you understand money doesn't exist, no point in living the BIZ life. I've seen family members destroy themselves over numbers on a screen. It's out of subject, but it's an addiction, they never want to withdraw or lose that (((amount))) which doesn't exist.

When you die, it's only the memories you left to the people around you that remains.

>> No.50911710

Naw He was God in flesh

>> No.50911986

Those " machine elves" are still lower level entities. Sometimes malicious, sometimes helpful. I just ignore them mostly, or just scorch their ass if they bother me. They asually avoid me or "run" away. Jesus is an ok dude, maybe a little too preachy for me tho. Praise mother aya, may she guide us with loving serenity