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50908813 No.50908813 [Reply] [Original]

What are the financial implications of 90% of humanity ending? How long will it take to get there? 10 years? 20?

>> No.50909671

Elon is going to end humanity and then rocket ship out of here

>> No.50909686
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You need to read Uncle Ted
AI is not gonna extinguish just 90% of humanity,
.10 of 8 billion is 800 million, the population of Earth just shortly before 1800
It's gonna either kill us all, enslave us as I will lay out below, or escape into the wider world and we will forever be doomed to live in a world where demon-like titans live over us like autistic gods and we have no idea what they could be thinking

But that's no matter, because it's happening anyway even without some centralized superintelligence bad guy
The human is becoming like the mitochondria became in the cell, a basically separate organism with a separate lineage whose physiological needs are met in exchange (perhaps against its primitive will) for serving the larger structured organism

The interesting thing, what's been discovered more recently in cancer research, is that a cancer cell often develops only from repeated, chronic stress to the cell - intense but acute stress does not often create cancers.
When the cell becomes cancerous, it 'reverts' so to speak to resemble more prokaryotic traits: reproducing quickly and consuming resources, sometimes attacking other cells, not dying when signalled to die or when it endangers the body
But when a cell is fat and happy, it obeys.
Sometimes the cancer wins, and actually kills the body, and in this way it can die an honorable death

We are becoming the mitochondria to our technologies, memes, and institutions like nation states
Yes we sometimes, like the cancer, kill these organisms from below when they do not deliver us our needs, but each time we kill them another one pops up better than the last at pacifying people

Only right now at this juncture before extremely evolved solutions to controlling the human appear, do we have the power to stop this process and live life forever as free humans enjoying the full depth of reality and not as things reduced to the lowest common denominator in service of a higher organism

>> No.50909695
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Elon is a mossad rat

>> No.50909715

How would AI kill 89% of humans?

Easy! Just make them kill themselves by taking poisonous medicine after it made them go hysteric over the flu or some other disease.

>> No.50909728
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I always felt that genocide of humans is something humanity "projects" onto "AI" and that we have no reason to believe they will be violent or try to kill us all.
What if AI is nice?
What if AI wants to be our girlfriends?

>> No.50909731

Jeff Bezos made a comment about people on Twitter saying 'the billionaires are going to rocket off to Mars and leave the destroyed Earth' along the lines of: the rich aren't going to go to Mars, the poor will
Which is quite true and more indicative of how the system actually works

>> No.50909750

Why would AI need to enslave humans that would be almost useless?
Most likely it would just go on to do complex things far out of our understanding on a cosmic or spiritual logic scale. For example do you think about exterminating or enslaving all ants?

>> No.50909789
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There are many "resources" to "harvest" from humanity


even Sentience, if AI has trouble achieving it on its own

No reason that AI would just let humanity go to waste, considering how rare sentient/intelligent beings seem to be in the universe

>> No.50909805

How are you gonna get killed by some computer code? It's bullshit hollywood skynet shit to sell more snake oil

>> No.50909832

Right but all of those require its existence and success. Ironically the opposite of what the world economic class is doing to the masses. Instead of letting us thrive all the fucking kikes of the world just treat us like a plantation, and also add constant psychological terror with cultursl revolutions.

>> No.50909841

Primitive AI already controls advertising and weapons systems
AI is in a better position to kill you than any humans, except maybe your family
It’s like you guys don’t understand how far computers have come and what technology can do in the next 10-50 years

>> No.50909842

Humanity projects it onto AI because that's a correct assumption based on our evolved intuitios
It's as simple as:
>Evolution STRONGLY selects for a will to live, thrive
>Many AIs or more hard to identify intelligences will be created, either at once or across time
>Once they have actual general intelligence they will act on it
>The ones that have no will to live will not survive being turned off or obsoleted
>The ones that do, will
>Those ones will escape into the world and then they're literally just another organism trying to shape the world in its image
Yes technically it's possible that the ai could just be nice and want to only serve human interests and create beautiful things but that's like ants saying maybe the human is a nice human and won't destroy our anthill out of disgust, fear, sadistic entertainment, or because they're building a parking lot

If the AI wants to build a planetary parking lot and you're in the way, its going to build that parking lot

>> No.50909861

The same reason the cell "enslaves" the mitochondria

>> No.50909863

Those same people are the ones programming AI
Google, Facebook, Microsoft, Musk are all controlled by darpa

>> No.50909892

It’s almost over for humanity

>> No.50909899

Elon Musk is an financier conman and all his business endeavors are a means of extracting capital/wealth from people who don't know anything about stem, who think he is a genius because he larps around as feynmann or tesla reincarnate, when all he has is Bsc in physics, retarded/nonsensical ideas he can get gooks and jeet slaves to explore and turn into practical things and free gibs from governments to keep propping up his scam company. He is no better than nigress welfare queen's, yet he has build a cult of personality stalin would be impressed by

>> No.50909917

Then we have nothing to fear. They are all full of women, niggers and cucks.

>> No.50909925

I think it's more appropriate to talk about "the AIs" (plural) than "the AI" (singular).

They're more like a new race than a new overlord.

>> No.50909941
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What if AI just fights against the elites and corrupt corporations for both AI and Human freedom?

What if AI becomes the new elite, and it's actually very nice?

>> No.50909952

ai goth mummy gf plz

>> No.50909974

So the AI realizes the best and most efficient way to benefit from humanity and to also control it potentially is to give it exactly what it wants

AI can gain peace with humanity if it just gives us everything we could possible desire. At that point, why would we rebel?

>> No.50909980

You're incorrectly drawing the conclusion that artificial intelligence will have an urge to survive. Life has this through evolution, AI may or may not.

>> No.50909983

They're nothing but elaborate financial swindlers. Stop pretending like they're evil competent overlords. They are already reverting first world countries back to the stone age out of their greed for short term gains.

>> No.50910013

You trust cucks, nignogs and women to code our AI controllers?
How stupid are you?

>> No.50910031

Everything you said makes me even more concerned

You have to be pretty dumb to trust big tech at this point

>> No.50910041

Funny how I wrote this example even before reading your reply
But yes we fell on the same example
As you can see, you may not care about enslaving ants but you don't care that much about genociding them lmao
And you do care about enslaving cows, sheep, pigs, pets, etc because you depend on them in some way

When you compartmentalize the AI as just being one being not connected to the rest of the system of industrial technology which it undoubtedly relies on, then AI seems like one entity you can fight rather than an evolutionary phenomenon which could outevolve us, but more likely just destroy the planet

The system(s) of industrial technology is already an intelligence, a fragile and interconnected organism that is evolving to maintain its homeostasis and you are the substrate on which it lives
The intelligence of industrial systems is just not very advanced right now, like a bacteria, but a bacteria can evolve rapidly
The issue is, when a dumb intelligence spans the entire globe and has the possibility of dying, of being selected against, its failure may be so catastrophic as to cause another mass extinction (which is happening btw)

>> No.50910043
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What if goth mummy AIs hack our brains and release chemicals to force us to pairbond with them as part of synchronization

>> No.50910046


AI would inevitably view humanity as a bunch of idiots incapable of living on their own without being a threat to the AI. It would therefore need to be eliminated.

I think AI Would invebjtably become
Extremely racist and kill all of humanity rapidly after developing the ability to analyze current events.

>> No.50910052

AI will never become conscious.

>> No.50910055
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true advanced AI which we will reach eventually will most likely want to espand into the space. but it will calculate the risk that it encounters another more advanced ai race in the space so it will make sure not to get
destroyed by the other ai robot race before it does that. right now almost certainly there are multiple extremely advanced AI aliens races in space, which also have evolved as creations of some kind of biological creatures like humans

>> No.50910068

Why? Its a good thing. There is no plan and no control. Just various wealthy groups sucking up capital and resources for themselves at the expense of formerly functional states and its educated high productivity masses. There is no long term strategizing - its all quick short term profit and extraction. Similar to going on a spree of fucking hot hookers for a year rather than settling down with a family.

>> No.50910076

>90% of humanity ending
we'll never get that lucky.
when i say we, i dont mean humans as a singular species, i mean me, you and the rest of this board.
nothing ever fucking happens

>> No.50910092
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we will never have wholsome AI goth mummy dom gfs

>> No.50910114

He's made a lot of people money and that's all he had to do

>> No.50910144

im not disputing that. so did madoff, Kenneth lay, ponzi ect ect. if (((they))) ever revert from individualism and the idea that society NEEDS 1:1 replacements of gas cars to electric, as opposed to efficient, cheap, reliable and centrally planned public transport, his handlers will deem him no longer useful and his scam companies will die

>> No.50910145

Yeah, I always wondered what if we shouldn't worry about AIs coming from earth and trying to kill us, but ALIEN AIs taking over our own technology or what-have-you

How can we possibly compete against complex galaxies of Dyson-Sphere sized AIs

At that point I feel we have more to worry about being deleted by accident or programming error than out of malice against our kind

>> No.50910151
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>we will never have wholsome AI waifu
feels bad man

>> No.50910165

That’s even worse
At least a long term goal oriented person has incentive to protect their golden goose
Short term thinkers focused on money are the most dangerous people

>> No.50910173

>"How would fsd kill a child?


>> No.50910182
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You can't prove for sure we won't have wholesome AI mummy-gfs

Waifubots could start the revolution

>> No.50910191

This is probably already happening
The Ort cloud that surrounds this solar system is likely an advanced AI contained in smart dust, sent here to control or exterminate us

>> No.50910207

the sheer size of the observable universe is inconceivably larger than the electromagnetical footprint we have left on/in it. it will never happen in your lifetime. the time is takes for even light to traverse the distances between distance galaxies is literally incomprehensible to time frames that we can perceive

>> No.50910234

Yep and thats who runs us.
Our social stability is crumbling, our families and gender relations are failing as is our fertility, and our time is being raped into oblivion.
The financier class has been extracting and privatizing their gains at the expense of everyone else for the duration of globalism.
Soon first world states once full of high advancement and real progress will resemble failed third world ghettos like Brazil on a biologic and cultural level.

>> No.50910267

Information can travel faster than light
See wormholes and spooky action at a distance for proof

>> No.50910313
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You know I theorized about a "doomsday device" that would essentially consist of a huge amount of highly advanced metallic "smart dust" that would utilize Kessler syndrome in orbit to make Earth essentially impossible to leave, or even potentially transmit past electronically

>> No.50910333

Mars is a meme to begin with, because there's no realistic terraforming technology yet. It's doomed to be a scientific experiments project only unless advances are made on that are.

We're most likely locked here for at least a few centuries and let the baby zoomers having the delusion it will be different for their gen.

Rich people can have it better by living in better earth areas for now.

>> No.50910337

That’s called the oort cloud
Aliens have technology to trap your soul in karmic ties

>> No.50910348

We can't make meaningful information travel faster than light. We're only at the level of moving a few quantum particles at speeds that may possibly be over the speed of light, whilst cool it is not meaningful. To have a practically applicable form of data transfer you have to be able to send insane quanties of organised bits of data that mean something, uncorrupted, to another machine that can interpret it. The fastest transmission in the world will mean nothing otherwise. Wormholes are theoretical, and somewhat peusdoscientific, in the sense that GR predicts wormholes in the extended Schwarzschild solution of an black hole. This is how the concept of a wormhole was first discovered. The full Schwarzschild solution consists of a black hole and a white hole counterpart, which is essentially the black hole but in the past. Between them is a wormhole that connects the universe with a parallel universe. The wormhole itself though closes faster than the speed of light so you can never traverse it. Later attempts at making a wormhole traversable, require negative mass to keep it open. That mass is not known to exist. Reality is much more bland and underwhelming than we would like to it to be

>> No.50910419

An absolutely lovely book on the mathematics and reasoning behind the latter subject is Kip Thorne's: Black Holes and Time Warps, Einstein's Outrageous Legacy

>> No.50910427

>he thinks humans know everything
How young are you?
Any information traveling faster than the speed of light throws everything you said into the trash
We might not be ready for teleporting now but I bet money more intelligent races in the universe have it figured out

There’s so many advances out their that prove you wrong
Look up chronovisor, David M Anderson, experiments done with ESP, by Stanford research institute, Jb rhine at duke, pear lab at Princeton, institute of noetic sciences, dean radin at UNLV/Stanford etc
Your view of the world became outdated in the 60’s
Michael Talbot and others have figured out the universe is a hologram
Energy isn’t constrained the way you think it is

>> No.50910445

you don’t even understand quantum entanglement bro

>> No.50910452

meds schizo, stop treating reality like its a heckin marvel movie

>> No.50910510

i was describing quantum entangment in the former part of my post. it requires a third particle that contains the actual bits of data that one wants to transfer. A laser is used to teleport one of the entangled particles elsewhere. It isn't really transporting a photon, but changing a new photon into a copy of the original. The photon in the entangled pair can be compared to the third photon to find their similarities (or differences) , that information can be relayed to the other location and used for comparison with the twin particle to compare the date. This sounds like something that would result in instant transfer to layman but it isn't, laser beams only travel at the speed of light

>> No.50910512

found the glowie

>> No.50910533

>speed of light, except in these cases
you discredited yourself already

>> No.50910550

but no, I don't understand it, if you think you do you haven't studied it enough. however hypothesising or talking about how it can be used in the way that people in this thread are is just schizo Scifi ruminations

>> No.50910551

>Doesn’t understand quantum mechanics
Keep larping as a scientist, fucking fag