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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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50907068 No.50907068 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.50907080

Bobos never learn. It’s mumus time to shine my trips confirms it

>> No.50907086


>> No.50907109
File: 248 KB, 792x832, you lol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

maybe after you useless retards manage to break 24k/1900

>> No.50907137
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>> No.50907154
File: 19 KB, 377x124, Clipboard02.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

niggers like you, they tongue my anus

>> No.50907163

>here's a chart of exactly where I missed the bottom!!!
nice, you're retarded

>> No.50907265

keep dreaming about it, nigger

>> No.50907336

I don't have to, I bought sub1k. You're the one fantasizing about a better entrypoint in the future.

>> No.50907357

How about you mu niggers break 25k?

>> No.50907376

i solomined eth successfully, you dumb nigger, i don't care if you bought sub1k. i never bought eth in for $ in my life, you're pathetic
>hurr i paid $1k for a pedo-coin
lmfao just listen to yourself

>> No.50907450

lmao sure you did retard, and I mined thousands of BTC in 2010. keep hodling, time in the market beats timing the market am I right?

>> No.50907471
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Holy cope. Gonna cry bobo?

>> No.50907503

>y-you bought a pedocoin and doubled your money in 2 months? w-well I SECURED THE NETWORK for the pedocoin and uh.... I'm a bear!
I can't believe the copes these retards come up with

>> No.50907526

sneed, pedos!

>> No.50907538
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holy fuck you're a loser, you've never mined a single ethereum in your life have you

>> No.50907542
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Im a bear

>> No.50907598

yeah guy, whatever you say. sneed

>> No.50907768
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