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File: 18 KB, 590x113, burry.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
50905920 No.50905920 [Reply] [Original]

Is Michael Burry right about this being a dead cat bounce?

>> No.50905927


>> No.50905946

Yup. Emotionally retarded niggers and Zoomers here don’t understand how oversold the market is and was bound for a bounce.

>> No.50905990

I mean, if he say so, no

>> No.50905994

I think I'm gonna cut loose some value stocks that are up, I have a bad feeling about this although I suspect they'll move heaven and earth to make sure the fall doesn't happen before the midterms.

>> No.50905999

brb buying more GME

>> No.50906003

He's been wrong about many things over the last few months

>> No.50906006

This fucking faggot is always wrong, going to countertrade this

>> No.50906071


>> No.50906117

Ofc it was bound for a bounce. That's why we bought. That doesn't mean it's not a dead cat bounce... Aka bear market rally

>> No.50906150

>can't shake that X feeling
people who trade emotionally get massacred. it's as simple as that.

>> No.50906235
File: 5 KB, 183x275, Elon_Rocket.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are wrong on one major thing.
The robots, AI, paperless office, etc. NEVER came in early 2000s BUT they ARE coming in the 2020s
Legacy internal combustion cars are being replaced with electric cars, AI is finally being used for real world applications, humanoid robots are just now being introduced in the workplace.
The changes in the next 7 years will be larger than the changes in the last 30 years.
By 2030 space colonization, mining, tourism, and industrialization will be started.
The stock market is a golden ticket to wealth right now.

>> No.50906456

so buy crypto now?

>> No.50906573
File: 27 KB, 216x398, investing - green serenity.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>$10k in TQQQ at any point in 2010, would be worth $650k-$850k at any point in 2020
What will $10k of TQQQ in 2020 bring you by 2030?

>> No.50906620

this. it seems like this guy is a meme man whose job is to lead retail away from the pink

>> No.50906646

He was wrong for months in 2008 too, until eventually he was not

Cant time something like that to a day

>> No.50906871

>It's going to crash bro, I'm telling you!!
>Doesn't crash
>Next year: It's going to crash bro, I'm telling you!!
>Doesn't crash
>Next year: It's going to crash bro, I'm telling you!!
>Finally crashes
>Next year: It's going to crash bro, I'm telling you!!
>Doesn't crash
>Next year: It's going to crash bro, I'm telling you!!
>Doesn't crash
>Next year: It's going to crash bro, I'm telling you!!
>Doesn't crash
Meanwhile, you keep losing all your money by buying puts

>> No.50906904

>was right in 09
>took billions dollars bet on it
>made money

what did you do in that time? jerk off to gay clowns?

>> No.50906924

>so buy crypto now?

NEVER ever ever buy crypto

will all present crypto millionaires please make yourself known....
cricket sounds

Invest your money in the stock market in companies that are making products YOU use or are planning to use.

>> No.50906937

I've been DCAing into index funds and have averaged 18% per year every year over hte last 5 years, and 12% since inception of my account in 2009. What have you done? By all means, keep buying puts and blowing up your own personal account

>> No.50906947

if it's oversold, why would it not pump legitimately?

>> No.50906960

No, Burry is a moron whose been calling for a recession for over a decade.

SPY returns last 10 years: 200%+.

If you listened to this moron you would be broke by now.

Even if market goes down by -50% you will still be ahead by staying invested rather than listening to moron permabears.


Market will always go up over time. 200%+ in the last decade. Don't listen to morons like Burry who got it right once.

>> No.50906972

Imagine still listening to the guy who predicted 405 of the 2 most recent crashes. Eventually he'll be right again of course and then people will suck his dick again.

>> No.50906975


It's like a guy who keeps telling you its midnight, doesn't matter if he knows what time it is or not he'll be right at least once a day.

>> No.50906997

This is the most agreed upon bear market rally of all time yet there are still some fags who claim we're on the way to ATH kek

>> No.50907028

The rally will last until the midterms are over.

>> No.50907042

space is fake

>> No.50907043


Sentiment is more often wrong than right, because its priced in. Everyone who is complaining about this being a suckers rally has already sold, is sitting in cash, and can only fomo in at higher prices.

>> No.50907048

considering how many are still bearish, we still have some way up.
we are now seeing the retracement below the breakout before it breaks out again

>> No.50907053

so in other words, the market can go up forever and bears are gay
got it

>> No.50907070

Market has been going up since inception.

Humans continue to become more productive. Growth is infinite with space.

If market ever stops going up forever then that is end of mankind and we will all die.

So yes, market will keep going up forever. Just buy index funds and hold you will always make it in end.

>> No.50907091
File: 501 KB, 800x450, Robotic_Tractor.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>space is fake

so YOU invest in farming

>> No.50907103


Market will go up forever just like a building will get taller if you redefine feet and yards to be shorter every year. For money its called inflation, and every year currencies become less valuable and asset prices will go up even if no value is created. But on top of that companies generate, distribute and reinvest profits.

>> No.50907108

Yeah, even without rates changing at all from here. It is unsustainable. Companies are barely squeaking by with increasing profits and consumers are fuckin drained. See the recent consumer debt numbers...

>> No.50907204
File: 60 KB, 750x410, Fusion-Reactor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the market can go up forever

YES... as long as you will live this is true.
HUGE growth yet to happen.
There WILL be downturns, but the overall the markets will grow and continue to grow for the foreseeable future.

>> No.50907251

I think he is right to predict some bearish movement especially in the near term
long term the markets will go up
world governments just discovered they can print currency

>> No.50907269

>he doesn't know that the world is becoming ever more brown and female

>> No.50907281
File: 289 KB, 1200x675, One_Hundred_Trillion_Dollars.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they can print currency

Double edges sword , they can print currency and pay off their debts and offer huge welfare benefits to their people, but then the currency becomes worthless.

>> No.50907304

>Cant time something like that to a day
You can certainly time it after the fed stops easing, which he didn't, because he is biased and not the hyper-objective 'above it all' autist that doomers think he is

>> No.50907308
File: 115 KB, 1460x1220, Africa_Population_Growth.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>he doesn't know that the world is becoming ever more brown and female

I like females.
I am married to one.
I got ZERO problems with women... maybe you are gay?

Yes the world is getting blacker BUT most of that increase will be in Africa and STAY in Africa.

>> No.50907315
File: 328 KB, 680x582, 1307972694001.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It will crash, the question is, how quickly? Will it be a slow bleed or a massive dump all at once?

>> No.50907379

>stops easing
That's literally never going to happen though, the "QT" right now is fake and real rates are still the lowest they have ever been.

>> No.50907380


Lmao, printing money wasn't "just discovered" is has happened ever since money was invented. But you are right, almost never in the last century, since the gold standard was mostly abandoned, has fiat currencies not been inflated so consistently every year.

In the US, when you adjust for circulating money supply, the S&P 500 for example has stayed relatively flat, peaking in 2000. Stocks indices only beat the money supply after adjusting for dividends. Almost the entirety of the growth in nominal terms, not adjusted for dividends, can be attributed to inflation.

>> No.50907414

There are subhumans here who unironically believe the "growth" is organic, even post 2009. I mean being bullish is fine, I'm bullish, but posters like >>50907070 actually believe the economy is organically growing and not simply a result of Fed policy.

>> No.50907478
File: 1.79 MB, 3000x2317, Rich.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It will crash,

What if you are wrong.
Russian invasion effect have already been factored into the economy along with Covid.
What if you stay out of the market now and you miss getting in low?
Unemployment is at record lows and the recent increase in inflation IS going down.
Boomer ARE retiring in huge amounts meaning companies need to hire others to replace them.
America is NOT decreasing in population but growing so the customer base is increasing.
Compare this to European countries and Japan.

America has had peace for decades and it appears we will continue to have peace for more decades.
The 'recent' military action we have had have been training for the troops, no real threat to American heartland.

There will be a correction in the market but NOT a big one, waiting with cash for a huge drop is not a great idea. Buy good companies and hold for the next decade.

>> No.50907540
File: 770 KB, 1366x2048, NYC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>actually believe the economy is organically growing and not simply a result of Fed policy

Are you mentally challenged?
The economy IS growing and people are MUCH better off today than they were yesterday.

>> No.50907569

oh cant shake off your faggy feelings, huh, faggot? huh? huh? huh?

>> No.50907573

I am already in stocks, most of which I bought just recently. I just have an uneasy feeling that there is more pain ahead. Burry seems to think so too. I hope you are right that it is a small correction

>> No.50907647

They aren't printing money to give to people, they print money to give to the banks. The effect on inflation is minimal because the money doesn't have much velocity

>> No.50907719

You understand how fucked we're going to be because we're using credit to grow like this right?

>> No.50907734

>everything is priced in
>cites unemployment numbers put out by an illegitimate presidency
>America is importing lots of niggers and the majorly white elderly population is dying off
>this is bullish
Fucking lol at the audacity of this nigger.

>America has had peace for decades and it appears we will continue to have peace for more decades.
Do you even fourth turning, scroogemcduckfag?

>you when the US gets pulled into WW4

>> No.50907741

If he is I’m buying water related real estate

>> No.50907786

High IQ post
Don’t forget aging reversal tech maturing in the 2030s and 40s

>> No.50907793

I see your point, but the fed raising rates does have an outsized effect on both the economy and the financial markets even if real rates are still negative. It is a very significant departure from the easing regime they did beforehand.
My main point however is that prognosticating a market crash while the fed was still at 0% and doing QE is simply not supported by reality.
The most telling sign that he is too biased is how he is flip-flopping from the '80s to the '00s to the '08 crisis to describe what is happening, depending on which part of his prophecy has been disproven by the given week's data release.

I do think the US is in recession, it is simply very different from the previous ones, but people don't see it, because they are hung-up on the crazy inflation data or how much the Suck & Fuck's 500 went up in the past 2 years.
In the real economy orderbooks are still filled to the brim and the past 2 years companies had a very hard time hiring enough competent people for the pay they are offering so even if everyone knows things will slow down in the coming months they still can't fire people for 2 main reasons:
Orderbooks are full at this time and they are still shortstaffed, meaning that wagies are doing more than one wagies job, so if you were fire one wagie you would be losing more than one wagie's productive output, which -at this time- is too much capacity to lose.
I think this recession will be unmistakably defined by cut hours, rather than cut jobs and this will be visible in the employment data already in '22.
My schizo theory is that the fed could actually achieve a softish landing because of this employment dynamic if they only stopped hiking at this point, but they can't, because the topic has been hijacked politically and even the economic discussion is poisoned by Milton Friedman half-quotes. Nobody wants to admit that inflation was caused by the destruction of the productive capacity of the global economy rather than "money printing".

>> No.50907802

This is how I know it's the top. Posts like these.

>> No.50907807

Its literally overbought here u retard

>> No.50907809

>That fag listens to Ghost
checks out

>> No.50907819

fed unironically is achieving a soft landing as we speak, the markets oversold as they were panicking over all the macro factors and the rate raises+inflation data, but the numbers in US markets look good and no one can force markets down on good numbers.

>> No.50907835

these midwits wont understand fren.

>> No.50907837

You understand that Debt the Government or Corporations have isn't like your credit card debt, right?

>> No.50907852

unironically touch grass

>> No.50907885

>the idea that I interact with people who have wildly differing realities to my own is too scary for me to accept

>> No.50907955

I’ve checked white papers for some things that will migrate current tech to the blockchain. DYOR or don’t man it’s up to you there are some hidden gems in the space with concepts that aren’t even radical but they will hopefully met me some money in the future

>> No.50907960

I'm not scared of you. Nobody is. You are just being a silly goose who has been warped by too much /pol/, and not enough actual societal interaction

>> No.50908001
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>> No.50908004

It's September 1929 wake up already

>> No.50908014

you going to buy a dam?

>> No.50908017

No wonder this clown deletes his previous tweets, he has been predicting a crash with S&P retracing 80% yet here we are with many of the big tech companies having good Q2 earnings.

>> No.50908049

So by touch grass you actually meant spend more time in pozzed cities absorbing the homosexual parasites in the shit laced food?

>> No.50909406
File: 318 KB, 1200x947, Von_Trapp_Family_Lodge_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>spend more time in pozzed cities absorbing the homosexual parasites in the shit laced food?

Or just visit Vermont and enjoy the outdoors.

>> No.50909482

>This is how I know it's the top. Posts like these.

Then SELL.
If you know it is the top then sell before the prices lower.
Go with your gut and feel good about your choices.

Read this first:

>> No.50909583

He didn't say it's a dead cat bounce. He's basically predicting the sky falling. Could something bad happen like a war with China yes. But that's unlikely because nobody (including China) wants that to happen.

>> No.50909716
File: 27 KB, 306x568, Begging_For_Employees.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The economy collapses when people stop buying.
Unemployed people stop buying.
We have record low unemployment.
The economy is NOT going to collapse.

>> No.50910220
File: 10 KB, 249x137, 1646575104738.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is the only thing I hope is true

>> No.50910366
File: 62 KB, 820x492, Prince-William.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this is the only thing I hope is true

Curing baldness should be about a million times easier than curing aging.
ZERO cures for baldness.
Even the super rich and super famous, kings and queens, do not have access to a cure for baldness.

>> No.50910381

God this guy needs to shut the fuck up.

>> No.50910665

I'm 35 and need my investments to grow so that I can afford to buy a house for my family and so that I have some hope of retiring in the future.

Which investments did best in the 30 years from 1929 to 1959?

>> No.50910758
File: 46 KB, 453x576, 1657879468359.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that increase will be in Africa and STAY in Africa.

>> No.50910779

women and browns are less productive, gdp per capita will go down.

>> No.50910795

when your a hammer, everything looks like a nail. michael burry is a one trick pony. hes basically the peter schiff of the stonk market.
theres no collapse coming you dumb faggots, its just wishful thinking

>> No.50910800

He's an autist so he's right, but he's an autist so he's got shit timing.

>> No.50910804

Its not a dead cat bounce. Its an artificially pumped market for political reasons.
It will collapse 1-2 months after the election and will keep going down until 6-8 before the next election.
I've been saying this since April:
Unload a good amount of your bags before mid-September, another amount right after the election.

>> No.50910821

>keep going down until 6-8 before the next election.
*6-8 months before the next election

>> No.50910842

>STAY in Africa.
They won't stay in Africa right now motherfucker why the hell would you think this will change when they are poorer and more numerous?

>> No.50910849
File: 7 KB, 225x225, Elvis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm 35 and need my investments to grow so that I can afford to buy a house for my family

OK... free financial advise
You have a Roth IRA account (if not you are fucked!)
Sell everything in this account and buy Tesla stock with the money.

Do NOT under ANY circumstances sell this stock for at LEAST a decade.

You will be Roth IRA millionaire.
Sell half the shares and diversify.

When you retire buy enough dividend yielding stock to live of the dividends.

All money taken out of your Roth IRA is income tax free, basically you will live income tax free for the rest of your life.

Tesla is basically the rail road stock of 1850s or the Ford stock of the 1910s

>> No.50910907

we have record low labor force participation tho.

>> No.50910931

>Even the super rich and super famous, kings and queens, do not have access to dentists
damn is this what universal health care looks like?

>> No.50910932
File: 27 KB, 601x375, lol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao this advice is about three years too late. You don't honestly think past returns are indicitive of future results, do you?

If OP wants to get into a gambling stock he should look into Chinese tech (KWEB), but he'd be best served just taking the tried and true method of just SPY and riding the assured 8% of the total market

>> No.50910978

so retarded
battery tech is still far too basic for the whole world or even half of it to transition to electric vehicles, there literally isn't enough materials either
>space mining
fucking hyped up retards, ye good luck, the current state of space is an awkward janky affair at best, mining is complicated enough on Earth, you are stupid

>> No.50910994
File: 1.94 MB, 720x416, Feed_Me.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>lmao this advice is about three years too late. You don't honestly think past returns are indicitive of future results, do you?

Dude... Tesla is not anywhere NEAR done on growing.
Tesla will be the largest company to have EVER existed before it is broken up.
The robotics division, car division, energy division, etc... EACH will be the largest company in their respective fields.

Tesla is CHOAM

>> No.50911032

Reddit take

>> No.50911106

>I suspect they'll move heaven and earth to make sure the fall doesn't happen before the midterms
they cant do anything besides print more money and fuel inflation

>> No.50911140

I feel the same, but you have to understand OP, you have to trade, always, and nothing in this bear case gives you any information that you can use in the now, only a potential future of an unknown date.
Good luck.

>> No.50911200
File: 110 KB, 628x679, 1655502375638.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im so tired of this fucking meme a.i. is a bunch of "if, then" statements

>> No.50911202

>America is importing lots of niggers and the majorly white elderly population is dying off
This unironically extremely bullish. Boomers are solely responsible for how absolutely cash strapped a lot of local and state governments are. Most of my state taxes basically go to two things: schools and pensions.

>> No.50911206

Yes. I went all-in in early july, but that was only because everything was oversold and we were primed for a bounce. The moment the tide begins to turn I'm locking in profits and waiting for another opportunity in a few months

>> No.50911210

just get better emotions you fucking retard the markets are driven by emotion

>> No.50911211
File: 357 KB, 1536x1284, 8130796A-249E-42D5-B537-25897F6C5798.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can’t say I didn’t try

>> No.50911240
File: 47 KB, 500x661, 1444250899362.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This time it's different
The retard fell for it, point at him and laugh.
You see a golden ticket to wealth, I see plastic mock-ups held together with wood screws

>> No.50911299

Not really. A bunch of ifs would be too slow for the style of compute most NNs run on. The AI dream is a massive fucking meme currently though. Just like how JPMorgan PM trading desk is getting reamed in court for fucking with algo cucks, people will eventually weaponized how naive and primitive NNs are for their own gain. If you expect anything more than basic image classifiers and basic NLP, that's about all you'll get with "AI" now.

>> No.50911367
File: 62 KB, 956x960, Crypto_McDonalds.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You see a golden ticket to wealth, I see plastic mock-ups held together with wood screws

I am betting $500K on Tesla.
I am not touching it till 2030.
I am estimating between $6 and $12 million at that time.

You go play with your crypto coin ponzi scheme.

>> No.50911397

>they cant do anything besides print more money and fuel inflation
Well that hasn't stopped them yet

>> No.50911436
File: 93 KB, 750x500, Slav_Squat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>im so tired of this fucking meme a.i. is a bunch of "if, then" statements

If robo-taxis get approved, then transportation will radically change for many people.
Imagine easily callable taxi at 1/4 to 1/10 the cost of taxis today.

>> No.50911467

So apparently fucking up the grammar on purpose is peak American humor these days. And you expect this nation to conquer the stars, in a decade no less. That's a bold opinion if I've ever seen one
I estimate $0 and a lot of lawsuits

>> No.50911481
File: 81 KB, 1080x1080, 1659468499042784.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This time might indeed be different.
Just embrace it.

>> No.50911519
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>the most agreed upon

>> No.50911547
File: 117 KB, 800x800, Discard_Females_Acquire_Currency.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>And you expect this nation to conquer the stars, in a decade no less. That's a bold opinion if I've ever seen one

YES... in LESS than 10 years SpaceX will dominate the entire space launch industry AND have created the beginnings of a space-tourism and zero-G manufacturing industry.
And Starlink will probably be the one of the world's biggest internet providers by 2030

>> No.50911583
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>> No.50911586


>> No.50911656

>we have record low labor force participation tho.

Because so many do not HAVE to work, they either have acquired enough to stop working or have others supporting them (stay at home mothers and fathers).
Also the under-the-table economy is very large (private day care, small lawn services, etc) they 'sneak' under the radar of the taxmen.

>> No.50911688

Literally a scam, buy chainlink.

>> No.50911742
File: 179 KB, 565x600, Ellie_Sees_What_You_Are_Doing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Literally a scam, buy chainlink.

I have always wondered... are people like stupid or just ACTING like you are stupid?

>> No.50911807

They can lie and without information from the public.

>> No.50911854
File: 1.23 MB, 2853x1902, Biden_Groveling.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Are you suggesting that the USA government would LIE to its own citizens!

>> No.50911875
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There are no lies if the people believe them to be true

>> No.50911896

>I got zero problems with females

>> No.50911964
File: 184 KB, 1250x1080, itsover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Retards are only looking at the price, seeing the number go up for a few months and going by their feelings. They aren't looking at the ever decreasing volume or any indicators. Their buys will provide some exit liquidity for the smarter money. Which is why it's a biz meme: 'how come it dumps after I buy, every time it does this!'.

>> No.50911978

Chainlink will be a quadrillion dollar asset. Nice projection calling me low IQ when you unironically hold Tesla, a literal scam by the worlds biggest con artist.

>> No.50912083

It's like a guy who insists it will be midnight eventually while other people say it will never be midnight.

>> No.50912268

>a.i. is a bunch of "if, then" statements
Not exactly but modern AI is waaaaay more primitive than what people give it credit for. We’re decades away from anything remotely impressive

>> No.50912591

You don't understand we're in a new paradigm! It's priced in!!!

>> No.50912618

on a long enough timeframe, everything's a dead cat bounce.

>> No.50912659

yes, he is always right

>> No.50912841

>the ever decreasing volume
post a chart

>> No.50912875

No he trying to defend his ruined legacy

>> No.50912896

Personally i think we are heading back to 22k.
There is resistance to breaking 25k.

>> No.50913116
File: 60 KB, 514x680, FaGd2kWXoAQQomk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the market has not yet been fully flushed. the shitcoins have to die. btc will lose its 1st place. it. it was foretold.

>> No.50913303

No, not really. It's literally linear algeba and linesr regression.
Not to say that it's advanced as people think. It's actually super primitivr and brute force, but it's not if then statements.

>> No.50913512

of course michael burry is right.

>> No.50913595

Jaime Diamon says we likely headed to a depression (30% chance)

>> No.50913607


Trips + GME

>> No.50913614
File: 30 KB, 554x554, Serious_Pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Chainlink will be a quadrillion dollar asset

Here is the thing.
Crypto coin can ONLY ever pull out the amount of REAL money put in.
This is why you just had the last crash... there was no more real money to pull out UNTIL more fools buy crypto.
Crypto coin IS a ponzi scheme.
The 'rarity' of the coins will fail completely when quantum computers can find them.

Run fools... run away!

>> No.50913631

micheal burry is a fucking faggot and so are all you other r*ddit faggots shitting up my board. go back

>> No.50913654

You had me until space

>> No.50913765
File: 99 KB, 1200x680, Starship.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You had me until space

Then you are not aware of how very close we are to a LARGE fully reusable rocket that lowers the cost to orbit by over 97% what it was.

>> No.50913790
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Keep pumping that Blackcock anon

>> No.50913795
File: 1.35 MB, 1200x1575, spacexcostssoace.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read this:

>> No.50913889

Kek the US has put tens of BILLIONS Into lithium battery tech, and the total capacity of those batteries (20 gWh) equals the output of a single average hydro dam.. not to mention the fact lithium cells can only max output for around 4 hours, that’s not going to cut it for powering the grid. Good for cellphones, cars we will see, large scale energy storage for the grid I’m not sure.

And yes space mining is a farce. Like why don’t we mine underwater copper deposits that average 20% grades when the average copper grade on the surface is 0.5? It’s difficult as fuck to develop the machinery and it becomes cost-prohibitive and non-economical.

Of course the anon you responded to is a zoomer Bay Area faggot who disregards basic physics and material limitations in lieu of “tech bro” Moore’s Law optimism.

>> No.50913900

He is a permabear. Literally the same as a broken clock being right twice a day.

>> No.50913944

I don’t really see how is a bad thing that blackrock is bullish on Gamestop and Ryan Cohen , who previously was founded by blackrock before.

>> No.50913946

This. I think we are heading back to 20k, I've got $3k waiting to buy more BTC when the price is right. I just got a good paying job finally so I am finally able to invest again, and in the thousands. I wish I had this money when we were at 15k but oh well it's still cheap

>> No.50913963

oh yes they can

>> No.50913989

Why are you rambling about lithium as though thats the preferred battery for 'grid storage'?

>> No.50914016

I am surprised by how out of touch with modern tech /biz/ is!

HUGE battery plants are being built around the world

CATL announces giant new 100 GWh battery plant in Hungary

>> No.50914435

Nigger it JUST crashed not that long ago

>> No.50914474


Winner winner, chicken dinner.

Also, the government going forward will never allow the market to crash, even on paper. They will simply keep redefining recession and other metrics to look good, and convincing the proles that all is well is really half the battle.

We are entering a post-cycle time where recessions will never happen again.

>> No.50914596

The difference is nobody was saying there would be a housing crash in 200 8. Now people have been saying we are fucked for like 6 or 7 years and THIS IS IF and yet here we are. I'm not saying he's totally wrong but we are in a stagflationary environment and that means stocks are gonna get weird in how they behave.

>> No.50914653

>2030 space colonization
No, only the super rich will get flights for a trip around the moon.
It will be banned because carbon

>> No.50914673

>always say crash is coming soon
>be wrong 90% of the time
>get it right eventually
>SeE gUiSe I tRiEd tO wArN yOo
Michael Burry is a faggot that made one good call and turned into an eternal bear

>> No.50914743

How else are you going to store next-gen power generation (wind/solar)? It doesn’t get immediately sent out to local grids, it gets stored and used as needed with seasonality and regional demand impulses.

The main proposed method of storing this fag Energy is lithium ion Battery storage which is why I brought it up. You work in the industry or?

>> No.50914992
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>>2030 space colonization
>No, only the super rich will get flights for a trip around the moon.

The thing to understand is Earth's gravity is FUCKING HUGE!!!
Seriously, Earth's gravity is fucking insanely large compared to just about every other planet in existence.
Mankind just got unlucky in this regard.

Once you get to orbit, getting ANYWHERE else in the solar system is easy

At $100/KG to orbit means $7,500 to get the average person to orbit (75 KG average person)

How is ONLY affordable by the 'super wealthy'?

>> No.50915028

>New paradigm!

>> No.50915320

I feel if you do proper research and invest in something that's relevant then you'd surely get good returns. I for one have been looking into platforms that bridge Web2 to Web3 cause they would play an important role when we hit the next bull market.

>> No.50915381

Thank you for the advice, I never think to look at it in the grand scale of things. I just throw like a tard

>> No.50915408

That's for cargo dude, I mean people have to be in seats lol. How much cargo can an airplane carry, vs the weight of the average passenger at max capacity?
It's a density issue

>> No.50915449

Good luck getting those metals off the ground and getting electricity on those factories :)

Tesla going up is simply incompatible with the actual golden bull run, commodities.

>> No.50915669

Sorry to say that AI is mostly a scam. A better statistical method was discovered which lead to the current boom, but it's basically clapped out at this point, and further progression in the field on a theoretical level has been totally stalled for years.
Electric cars are expensive and nobody can build them at scale due to hard resource limits. Replacing gas cars with electric isn't even a net positive for productivity. They don't do more than a regular car, they do less, and the savings on fuel only adds up to break even.
The paperless office lmao. That shit has been a work in progress for three decades and now most industries are mostly there. The efficiency gains are real, but the biggest bang for buck shit was realized many years ago. The only thing left is kicking the last dumb boomers who refused progress into retirement.

Tech won't save the market. Everyone's is going to realize how little it actually matters.

>> No.50915717

>mining is complicated enough on Earth, you are stupid
on an asteroid, you could literally shoot the chaff out of the back of the drill machine at escape velocity as opposed to hauling it up out of a terrestrial mine, making it orders of magnitude more efficient

>> No.50915753

>claiming a board as your own
>telling others to go back

>> No.50916193

All of this is correct but it doesn't quite communicate the severity of the problem:
I'm working for a world famous tech company's "AI" department and one of our fancy prediction models is literally just Wolfram Alpha solving some equation from a high-school physics textbook. We spent hundreds of man-hours on this.
I have no words to describe just how over it is

>> No.50916379

He can see things that are obviously on the horizon but he can't nail down the exact dates that anything will happen because the entire market is working to try and prevent the inevitable from happening. The markets are being artificially propped up by unprecedented money printing which is also having the effect of causing widespread inflation.
This is basically 2008 only worse and instead of admitting it they've used the excuse of war and the pandemic to veil what's really happened.

They knew that heads needed to roll if they publicly bailed these companies out at taxpayers expense again.

>> No.50916414

Just tell the carbon suicide cult that we’ll be taking the carbon and dumping it in space. It’s not like they understand physics.

>> No.50916434

you are saying we are dropping tons of billions of dollars to make an artificial nigger brain and hope it will one day become nigger++?

>> No.50916443

You were 14 in 2008 weren't you

>> No.50916500
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We are so fucked, holy shit

>> No.50916503

>print money with abandon
>everyone gets 'rich'
Same thing happened in weimar. None of the charts matter when your money is going to zero.

>> No.50916840

And gay

>> No.50916865

Science is gay, and so are you for believing in it.

>> No.50916873

Boomer detected

>> No.50916943

AI is a philosophical concept retard and has been around since 50s, the term was invented by Mckarthy who was a cognitive scientist. The things you identify as "AI" are not AI. There is no AI, in fact, all we have are Machine learning models, Machine learning has been around since 60s.

>> No.50917231

If he can't even get the YEAR right then he doesn't know shit about anything.

>> No.50917240

take your meds

>> No.50917267

do you mean artificial smarts? :)

>> No.50917328

Checked trips of truth and basedness.

>> No.50917513

>he doesn't think that astroid miners will be fucking impossible to tax.

If you want this 50 ton palladium rock you better nuke it. Big governments will be blasting it non stop with high intensity sun lasers but fuck in a bucket if that stops me from shooting my hot palladium loads to the mars blackmarket.

Get fucked.

>> No.50919938

>it doesn't exist right now so it will never be so
Impressive, very nice
Let's see Paul Allen's argument.

>> No.50920041

Why would it not be a dead cat bounce? The world economy is under going a controlled demolition. They haven't stopped any of these disasterous policies that brought us here. They are doubling down.

>> No.50921466
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It depends on what you're investing in anon. I currently have my eyes on privacy solutions as they play an important role in asset security for users.