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File: 160 KB, 1500x1000, fake-meat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
50902412 No.50902412 [Reply] [Original]

was told to ask this here. does beyond meat really sell? or are supermarkets just paid to stock it and then it gets thrown away? any articles regarding this topic?

>> No.50902429

Red meat is too much "tingy" for me.i prefer these over burger

>> No.50902439

during the covid crisis here in europe all parts of the supermarkets were basically empty except for the vegan isles.

>> No.50902464

e prefer chicken burgers over red meat,honestly

>> No.50902483

beyond meat is unironically the future. it will be too expensive to rare cattle and kill them (immoral - inb4 its our right to kill animals jesus said so!! at the same time saying you love heckin' doggos and cades and would do anything to protect them)

btw it is also proven that blue zones and life extension diets minimize animal meats. dont get mad at me get mad at the science.

>> No.50902496 [DELETED] 

(((the science))) has nothing to say about overpopulation of india, china and africa, yet we must reduce the cattle population for the (((climate))) goybros

>> No.50902509
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>Updated Apr 21, 2022, 08:19am EDT
TOPLINE Shares of plant-based food maker Beyond Meat plunged nearly 13% on Friday—to their lowest point in almost a year—after the company issued a dour third-quarter revenue outlook amid slowing growth and increased competition from other brands.


>> No.50902515

>the science
>someone said it so it must be true
Ahhhhhh, yes. Science.

>> No.50902526
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>McDonald’s Ends McPlant Burger Test in U.S. Beyond Meat Stock Is Falling.

>Earlier Thursday, there was speculation on Wall Street that the U.S. tests had ended. JPMorgan analyst Ken Goldman wrote in a research note that he spoke with McDonald’s employees at 25 locations that had previously carried the McPlant product. Now none have it on the menu, citing lackluster sales, he said.


>> No.50902527

My girlfriend is vegan so I've tried a few different meat replacements.

>Tidy to eat. No grease.
>Digests easier.

>Does not taste as good. The lack of animal fat is obvious. There's very delicate nuance to the flavor of meat that cannot be captured by onions proteins with iron in them. This is especially noticeable in vegetable stock vs. bone marrow stock.

I will say that there is no difference between Vegan Nuggies and Chicken Nuggets. I cannot tell the difference. Chicken Nuggets at McDonalds and Burger King are so far detached from the animal product they are from that it can be directly substituted with plant proteins with MSG and deep fat fried. The only difference is that the vegan nuggets are bigger and less greasy.

>> No.50902528 [DELETED] 

Why can't they just grow meat in a lab then? Why must they feed us this goyslop and soon bugs? There is something more going on here.

>> No.50902529

Holy shit you dumb fuck, how about you look at their financial statements since they're publicly traded?

>> No.50902534

epic straw man my dude, im just interested in living healthier for longer :)

>he doesnt know about blue zones LMAO

>> No.50902535
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shut up faggot there's nothing immoral about eating meat. it's natural.

>> No.50902537

They can and do. It just looks really, really fucking gross and has a slimy texture.

>> No.50902544

I buy it and it tastes good

>> No.50902545

>its natural
>crosses the is-ought bridge without any self awareness
kek you left school early clearly.

>> No.50902548

Ok, then don't kill any pests. Let mosquitoes drink your blood.

>> No.50902554

I had a plant based burger once. Actually not bad at all but would never replace meat with it. It doesn’t taste like meat but the taste and texture is still pretty good. Big downside is that it usually have more calories than meat KEK
Also it’s probably full of estrogen

>> No.50902559

>he thinks vegetarians/vegans wouldn't defend themself against a grizzly bear because they don't wish to hurt its feelings :-)
its literally about not needing to eat the animals to live. it isn't some boomer purity spiral you imbecile. if the animal violates the NAP its over.

>> No.50902565

I don't buy Beyond but I have gotten used to the Impossible patties. 11 minutes at medium flame, flipping at 5:30 and you've got yourself a pretty nice burger. It really comes down the pickles and bread you use though. Personally, I lean into the sourdough territory. Spread some garlic infused hummus over the toasted sourdough and slip in some medium cheddar. Shit's good as fuck.

>> No.50902568
File: 106 KB, 1338x664, beyond meat 3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The Street

>Beyond Meat Stock Stalls as Plant-Based Meat Competition Ramps Up
Plant-based meat maker Beyond Meat has struggled as new competitors enter the alternative meat space.

>Growth Slows for Plant-Based Meat
Growth in the plant-based meat category decelerated meaningfully in the U.S. retail sector from 45% in 2020 to a negative 0.4% in 2021 and Beyond Meat attributed that to primarily pandemic-related activity that's indicative of an unstable period in the U.S. and global economy.


Long story short Beyond meat is crashing because no one wants to eat their junk.
They marketed at well off people - failed.
Marketed at mothers to feed their children - failed because kids won't eat it.
Marketed through fast food outlets like McDonalds - failed because nobody bought it.
They're explaining the failure away by saying that it's due to increased pressure from competitors.
However the entire market share of plant based meats is falling so the real reason for the failure of Beyond Meats is that nobody actually wants plant based meat substitutes.
It doesn't sell

>> No.50902571

This. No one wants to eat this shit except for some millennials and zoomers. Further driving the line between healthy and dysgenic individuals.

>> No.50902576

Former supermarket worker here and no, these do not sell well. I was always putting them into the clearance section and often they wouldn't sell even at 75% off.

>> No.50902577

So much for the moral argument. :^)

>> No.50902578

>we are just animals
>eating animals is immoral
>animals eat animals
Fill the last one faggot. The only subhumans crying about killing mindless biological automatons are the same faggots who claim humans are just animals

>> No.50902579

>vegan isles
let me guess, all the fruit and veg isles were all booming full of food? why didn't anyone buy the fruit and veg? are people in your that area that militantly against vegan food?

>> No.50902581

Supermarkets get paid by companies to put up their products mostly, if they don't sell, its the companies problem, not the supermarket

>> No.50902584

There are a few irredeemable domesticated faggots out there and itt who buy it, yes. It’s quite rare though

>> No.50902586

it probably did sell well for a while, with the media hype train. and all the cucks and normies wanting to at least try it once to see what the fuss was about.

then comes the expected decline in sales as the initial hype dies down and those who only wanted to try it have already tried it. now it will settle into its rightful place in the market as another option for vegetarians, which are a growing segment of the market but obviously much smaller then the initial hype wave.

>> No.50902587

Every single vegan/vegetarian I've ever known looks lke a sack of bones.
Fake meat tastes worse and is less healthy.

>> No.50902593

Yet they don’t defend themselves from nigger animals when attacked or humiliated

>> No.50902600

Vegans don’t live healthier nor longer unless they buy wholesale into Buddhists practices which they don’t

>> No.50902602
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>Janny seething at the mere mention of the word "G0y.sl0p"

>> No.50902605

lol fuck niggers fuck jews and fuck jannies

>> No.50902606

>Every single vegan/vegetarian I've ever known looks lke a sack of bones.

That's because plants have low nutrient density, so vegans/vegetarians get full faster. Those that look fit and muscular are the ones that only very recently changed their diets.

>> No.50902613

Also they’re full of estrogen if you’re dumb enough to eat that crap on a regular basis you might as well buy a milking set

>> No.50902615

That's not true. There are vegan body builders. The fattest guy I ever knew was a vegetarian and he ate nothing but cake.

>> No.50902620

>onions proteins with iron in them
i think its peas because they noticed a lot of men have something against s o i
it’s also cheaper to produce
i think they arent bad especially in a burger with other stuff or if you make like a bolognese
but it’s not meat just as s o i milk isn’t milk
it’s fake

>> No.50902622

I eat more vegetarian now because she cooks vegetarian. I've lost weight, my T is higher, we fuck every night, she's pregnant, and my body hair is thicker than it used to be.

Don't mind the estrogen they put in your livestock which ends up in your milk and meat, though. That's based estrogen (meaty) as opposed to faggot estrogen (phytoestrogen)

>> No.50902627
File: 75 KB, 860x645, giant-panda-eating-meat-takin-china.jpg.860x0_q70_crop-smart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's natural, you can see all animals eating it and we need it too
or you get much more of this
a vegan diet isn't nutritious enough to make good breast milk, a small baby can't even survive off of fruit and vegetables

>> No.50902637

>retard tries to conflates fruits and veggies with “VEGAN” isles full of overpriced disgusting shit
go back to r*ddit faggot

>> No.50902638

i was vegetarian for a couple decades. towards the end the last couple years i had a lot of digestive problems. i was in a lot of pain and spent a lot of time on the toilet. i couldn't even eat vegetables anymore without shitting myself. in my desperation i tried eating meat again, it was the last thing i tried, and it solved my problem and within a few months my intestines were back up to full efficiency. i haven't had any issues now in years.

ymmv but not many people have tried vegetarianism as long as i did. it may work for some. it might not work for you.

id prefer if i didnt have to eat animals to survive, i don't like the idea. but i clearly do, especially beef that was the most helpful meat. my weekly burgers keep me going no lie.

>> No.50902640

Thanks, but I wont participate in your bizzare sketch. The reality is, we have hands that we could commit an array of atrocities with that we deem immoral. Just because we can eat the animals, doesn't deem it moral. Cope however you wish, but i'm sure if I said I have hands that can choke someone, therefore its natural -ergo moral, to choke someone out, you would take issue with it.

Debating with you imbeciles is always the same thinly veiled appeal to naturalism, and it is always embarrassing to watch people try to cross the is-ought bridge in different manners as if they are a ground breaking philosopher.

Who are you quoting? I know plenty of vegans/vegetarians that actually work in animal control and culling of pests. That is vastly different to eating them. Turn off whatever culture war influence is getting to you lmao touch grass please. I don't know any vegan nor vegetarian that would not defend themselves from an animal attack. I'm sure that one exists in the world, however that is not a generalization to be made.

>implying the average 'non vegan' diet enthusiast lives healithly
>implying the blue zones don't exist
a vegan can be someone who only eats oreos.
a 'non vegan' could be someone only eating hamburgers.
i'm not going to pretend that people who eat non vegan diets only eat potato chips, so please don't act like a bellend pretending all vegans eat only disgusting mock meats (or oreos).

>> No.50902642

Have you tried Jack & Annies nuggets? Those are by far the best I've had.

>> No.50902643


>> No.50902644

worked in a kitchen that sold beyond burgers and it wasn't exactly popular, but can be frozen near indefinitely. A couple of vegan servers and bartenders would order it and didn't mind it.

>> No.50902645

Never even heard of that fren. It's been a while since I was back stateside. Zaxby's chicken was real fucking good though.

>> No.50902649

keep in mind with vegetarianism you're experimenting on your body. there is no human culture in history to have ever adopted an entirely vegetarian diet. don't experiment with your food people. don't trust the science. trust trial and error over generations and pick a diet that is proven to work. the western diet is shit though obviously.

>> No.50902651

No shit retard you get fat from eating cake that has nothing to do with muscles

>> No.50902657

Don't know, but saw a great thread on Twitter advising anons to pick up basketfuls of this slop when shopping, then conveniently leave it all in an unrefrigerated area (ie, behind washing powder and cleaning products) so it gets returned, no sale

>> No.50902658

did you even read your own link? why did you feel the need to omit they ate a raw (and vegan) diet LMAO fucking imbecile.

do I have to go find a link now to some terrible parent feeding their toddler doritos as if it somehow means something? why do deranged animal killing enthusiasts resort to such bizzare dishonest arguments.

it was the opposite actually, because people get triggered at the word 'vegan' yet don't realize all fruit and veg is inherently vegan.

>> No.50902659

Shiet man. If you ever see anything from that brand, try it out. Their hot dogs are some of the best I've had too--none of that rubber textured shit like Lightlife do.

>> No.50902670

>lost weight
You can do that eating meat and dairy easily
>she’s pregnant
Yeah must be vegetarianism
>estrogen in livestock
Those fake burgers had like 10,000% if not more estrogen of the standard meat patties

>> No.50902677

slip in some medium cheddar up your ass and ask your boyfiend to stir it with his dick fagboi

>> No.50902681

I've had some plant-based nuggets that taste fine and are comparable to chicken nuggets (lol) but all of the burgers or red meat pretenders have been super bland and unimpressive to me and I've tried a lot of them because I signed up for a program to test new food products

>> No.50902684

>rustled by a sentence mentioning cheese
KEK thank you anon

>> No.50902706

>thanks, but you pointed out an obvious fallacy on the part of people who claim killing animals is immoral so I’ll just ignore it completely
Just because we can eat animals doesn’t seem it immoral. You have zero arguments for why it’s wrong so instead you cope with a verbal salad that has no substance.
>vegans on average are not as healthy as normal humans because of the people who only eat oreos
70 IQ at work

>> No.50902712

My dad would make veggi burgers when I was a kid, like 8 years old.

Boca burgers we called them, they were ok but didn't compare to real burgers. They were always leftovers if burgers were made, which meant he and I would eat lots of leftovers if he made them.

I don't dislike the idea of a vegi based patty but it is not a substitute for meat at all. Advertising them as a substitute for meat instead of a vegetarian/diet option is a mistake.

>> No.50902714
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how did i omit it when i linked it for you, vegetables and fruit cooked or not substituted with vegan breast milk can't sustain a baby should just make you stfu with your plants are food bullshit
i don't really care about doritos, it's potatoes, but if you can find a story of a nutrient deficient child eating a meat diet, ill be surprised

>> No.50902719

>fruits are vegan therefore check mate you’re a vegan if you eat fruits
That’s not what vegan mean you dumbfuck. It means not eating certain foods, not - eating foods that are not meat.

>> No.50902724

Fire the dumb ass who named it that. Nobody is ordering that shit.

>> No.50902737

Your burgers contain 18 million times more estrogen than beef faggot. You’re not even aware what you eat like an npc

>> No.50902754

Something tells me your chin is a lot more rounded than mine. I don't really care about those things because the genetic lottery was favorable to me. Keep on eating your burgers boy, you're so close to looking like a Chad.

>> No.50902757


Morality is a tool for cohesion of a group. Animals cannot participate in human society. The moral franchise simply doesn’t extend to them, no more so than it could extend to a tree or a rock you really like.

>> No.50902879

The answer is right here.
Ever notice how there’s no expiration date on these fake meat products? Like rolled oats.
They don’t need to be replaced on the shelves.

Captcha: —-HAY

>> No.50902906

all this shit eats up on clearance at the local grocery store because no one buys it (I don't live in some faggy city)

>> No.50902917

plantBASED, /thread

meat gives you cancer, heart desease and diabetes. it's basically the cigarette industry all over again, but you fat faggots never learn

>> No.50902920

>no onions
Based burger
I don't care if it makes some inbred rednecks seethe

>> No.50902930

the only people who eat this goyslop unrionically look like basedjak and live in apartments

>> No.50902947 [DELETED] 

Haha, ya're wasting yar cash on the trash and then cry on 4ch on every topic. Be smarter, kids, check Life Beyond

>Massive Multiplayer Online game
>Doxxed Team
>Upcoming NFT Drop

>> No.50902953

the vegan diet is the most unhealthy diet of the popular ones shilled to be healthy.
I know personally of people who almost killed their kids by feeding them vegan.

you can continue killing yourself but I'll drop a hint: science is not a ethics cult.

>> No.50902969

source: butt, reddit (popularity), and my ethics (a religion in reality)

>> No.50903001
File: 49 KB, 900x496, veganscam.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine being retarded enough to believe this and thinking you can beat millions of years of human evolution with an 80 year old diet created by religious nut jobs

>> No.50903030
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the ironic thing is that veganism actually gets more animals killed because farmers kill anything that eats crops from insects to mice to deer

not to mention the environmental damage from pesticides

>> No.50903048

the biggest one, is that they practically support the pro-diabetic epidemic because they inevitably push their cult to eat spaggeti and bread (because they run out of tasty things),

which probably costs multiple times more at the health industry than just having more steak.

>> No.50903065
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literally all vegans develop serious medical problems and organ damage after 3-5 years without meat or eggs and if they dont they're cheating


>> No.50903119

>this is your brain on amerimud education
Been vegan for 13 years and I could easily beat you and your entire family to death with my hands. One of the strongest people in the world (Patrik Baboumian) has been vegan for over a decade and still excells. Cope harder fatty, eat your poison medical goy meat.

>> No.50903124

Full of estrogen. Enjoy your bitch tits

>> No.50903311

did you take your B12 pills today?

>> No.50903441

kek fucking idiot.. research b12 you mongo.

>> No.50903485

i dont believe this for a second

>> No.50903519

did you or did you not

>> No.50903897

>The reality is, we have hands that we could commit an array of atrocities with that we deem immoral. Just because we can eat the animals, doesn't deem it mora
I thought Nietzsche made you moralist look so retarded you'd be too ashamed to spew your dumb bullshit but here we are
Evil for the lamb and all that

>> No.50903927

Look to see if it's on special offer or discounted. Supermarkets only discount stuff that isn't selling.

>> No.50903939

>something is really wrong


>> No.50903946

>I thought Nietzsche made you moralist look so retarded you'd be too ashamed to spew your dumb bullshit but here we are
my negro, you couldn't have chosen a worse example, Nietzsche literally had a mental breakdown from seeing a driver of a chariot whipping his horse and never recovered from his shattered mind

>> No.50903963

chad janny wasting your time

>> No.50903972

normies dont seem to care about it anymore
media stopped really trying to force it too

there must have been a reason they stopped trying to get people to convert

>> No.50904145

yes but it has seafood as a protein source, and not onions protein with caniola oil and 20 additives

>> No.50904172

>kill them (immoral - inb4 its our right to kill animals
News flash: animals kill animals. Animals eat meat.
We are animals. Through transitivity, we kill animals. We eat animals. We absorb their essence and become stronger. If you don't like that then, well... you're the very pinnacle of what it means to be a sissy. You were destined to be dominated, sexually and otherwise.

>> No.50904188

This shit sells. Pretty hard not to move an item when it comes with a 8-12 month expiration date.
The funny thing is these veganfags don't realize plant based meat products have been purchased by major meat companies. Purdue, Tyson, IBP etc. So they're indirectly supporting the meat industry by buying this goyslop.

>> No.50904202

i did research b12, the reason i was able to survive 2 decades of vegetarianism is because i took my b12. take your b12 anon. and when you start getting sick reconsider your experimental diet based on anecdotes and (((science))) and just eat what generations have have learned by trial and error actually works, theres a reason no culture on earth is fully vegan

>> No.50904215

> the science
I must urge you to find the nearest ledge and jump

>> No.50904232

Reviewbrah called them inedible and the company never recovered. Go look at their stock price. That shit ain't selling and people aren't buying it. There aren't nearly enough vegans or people who care about meat scaremongering to switch over to that worthless, overpriced garbage.

>> No.50904265

It's unhealthy processed worse than eating meat

>> No.50904286


>blue zones

Just replace all your oils with olive oil and a little butter, take some fucking iodine or eat some seaweed, eat a fish now and then or take a supplement

It’s not rocket science. Just don’t cook your food in literal motor oil.

>> No.50904296


my dyspeptic, just skip this step and then skip the next step of antinatalism and just kys

>> No.50904361

>was told to ask this here. does beyond meat really sell?
>or are supermarkets just paid to stock it and then it gets thrown away?
I own a reasonable chunk of a medium supermarket outlet chain in a European capital. yes. I have made it etc. Anyway No this stuff does not sell. In fact we have really accommodated it to stop targeted protesting, we have two freezer cabinets of vegetarian/vegan crap in each store eating floor space, positioned for massive footfall and with discounts all over the contents, no one buys it. In fact there are a sizable number of consumers (far more than vegetarian/vegans) who equally ideologically will never buy any product that is labelled as vegetarian purely because of bad experiences with vegan people and culture. However vegans are an extremely irritating and persistent and basically above the law consumer tribe, if you do not stock products for you they may start tapering with goods, ransom the store by introducing poisons, razors or pins in meat products etc. The ones that do this don;t care as they are all hippy drug addicts that spend half their lives in jail anyway. So you stock this useless crap no one buys instead. I was talking with someone who owns a Burger King franchise and he says that no one is buying the vegetarian shit there either and he assumes that it is just corporate PR.

>> No.50904422

>beyond meat is unironically the future. it will be too expensive to rare cattle and kill them (immoral - inb4 its our right to kill animals jesus said so!!
And....there it is the retarded vegan drivel has begun. A lot6 of retail is actiually pressuring police to take more action against the people at the heart of these vegan 'campaigns' as a matter of public safety. Again OP. No, it does not sell. Vegans are poor and stupid and criminal and have no money and no one else wants this shit. "Vegetarian" is a bad brand associated with obnoxious cunts and retards that people refuse to buy simply because of that

>> No.50904425

It’s silly expensive.
It’s like paying more for naugahyde than for leather.
Only cultists do that.

>> No.50904468

Based double dubs of truth. I've known a handful of people in my life that ate a largely or entirely vegetarian/vegan diet that weren't insufferable faggots about it, and they didn't label themselves as either a vegetarian or vegan because of the stigma associated with the faggots that do. Some of them even ate meat occasionally when offered or at social occasions because they're not irredeemable fuckheads. Anyone that openly and earnestly labels themselves a vegan or vegetarian is a faggot of the attention seeking variety. Exact same thing with athiests - I've known like three people ever that were athiestic and weren't absolute attentionfags about it, the entire rest of them were edgy teenagers or overgrown edgy manchildren that would earnestly pray to or mention God when life got hard.

>> No.50904471
File: 110 KB, 660x641, 321758.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm picking bthis as an example as they are on an island and therefor hard for the vegan cunts to harass

Fact is they will probably see a great increase in sales and margins because people will support them just because they hate vegans. Just putting the word vegetarian on something is enough to kill its sales, so strong is the association with vegetarianism and completely irritating cunts. It is also basically not good ro you, mentally or physically and everyone who knows vegans know that is true

>> No.50904480

I love there stuff but I’m plant based idk how regular carnivores feel about it.

>> No.50904539

Thanks anon and you nailed it. There is such a massive negative connotation with vegans/vegetarians that any product labelled as such will not be bought and people hate it when someone sells them sausage or burger that is a lie. Our stores sell more blood pudding in Eiros then all of the vegan/vegitarian stiff together. You would probably do better labeling something 'hitlers vegtable sauce' than 'vegan vegetable sauce' because people know what vegans are and fucking hate them but might buy the hitlers vegetable sauce just to see what it tastes like. That's it basically, vegans /vegetarians mostly less popular than hitler. He was a vegetarian and all.

>> No.50904627

who cares if it does? i like it and do you honestly need more space for hungry man salsbury steaks in the frozen section? 100% certain the WEF is pushing it, they aren't profitable yet somehow have distribution in every single supermarket in america. just fuck off and eat your bugs, nobody is forcing you to eat beyond meat, which by the way hitler would have loved.

>> No.50904628

Lol answer his question. Did you take your goypills today?

>> No.50904710

I just don't get the appeal of it to anyone sane. It tastes like shit compared to real meat, the texture is off, and it's more expensive than a traditional alternative like rice and beans with a multivitamin and other supplements included to get everything missing from a diet that includes meat. I fuckin' love brussel sprouts with a little butter and seasoning, I eat tomatoes and onions like apples, I've probably eaten more kale than a pizza hut buffet line used as decoration in the entire lifetime of a successful location back in the day when that was still a thing. The few vegans and vegetarians I've known that weren't irredeemable cunts mostly just didn't eat cheap mass produced meat but would happily eat a premium cut or something they killed and had processed or processed themselves.

It's literally just stupid.

>> No.50904770
File: 21 KB, 474x363, obama_laughing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BAHAHAHAHA what a retarded argument. We are the only animals that are moral agents (maybe not you though) so muh transitivity doesn't apply. It's the same reason why you don't hold a 2 year old to the same standards as an adult.

>> No.50904793

I would eat them if they didnt give you estrogen

>> No.50904804

>it's immoral because...it just is ok!!??
Fuck outta here bitch ass faggot nigger

>> No.50904806

>le healthy carnivore
only your mom cares about what veggies you eat, faggot. you eat meat, you're a callous sinner that murders to satisfy your gluttony. you would not be invited to dine at obersalzburg.

>> No.50904815
File: 451 KB, 810x688, eatshit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Decent bait, still gonna eat meat and slaughter animals for their meat.

>> No.50904873

shove a vegan pig dick up your ass

>> No.50904893

this is why

>> No.50904894

The supermarket business model is selling shelf space but idk about actual sales figures for this shit

>> No.50904907
File: 122 KB, 336x336, 1645268812723.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jews must hang

>> No.50904956

Heura is much better and is growing so fast. Beyond Meat will go bankrupt.

>> No.50904991

There is nothing moral or immoral about the killing of an animal for food. It's a natural law - life feeds on itself. Perhaps there is concern for the preservation of species, or maintenance of ecosystem stability - that is not a moral issue. That is merely pragmatic. In fact most of what is called "moral" is merely pragmatism dressed in religious or state sponsored™ undertones. Most people understand, pragmatically, that animals cannot be slaughtered with reckless disregard because it would run counter to our own interests in the future. No morality required, just pure self interest. As far as I can tell, your supposed "moral" judgement is a superimposed phobia of meat, something akin to hypochondria. An attempt as imposing your own distorted perception of self interest onto others.

>> No.50905036

>slowing growth and increased competition from other brands.
So they still have growth. But the industry as a whole is growing more rapidly.
As with stonks and crypto, it was overhyped hence overvalued. So people are realizing that. Nothing to see here.

>> No.50905083
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and inb4
>but we ARE slaughtering animals with reckless disregard
No we aren't. We are slaughtering cows/chickens/etc. with control and precision, maintaining their population always above equilibrium. In some sense we have actually conferred an evolutionary advantage to cows, chickens and the like as we breed the ever living fuck out of them far beyond natural capacity. Domestication has guaranteed their ability to avoid extinction. Everyone wins (except vegans)

>> No.50905146

"moral vegans" are retarded but "natural law" is a fallacy

>> No.50905189

People who say this haven't eaten a beyond burger. Lots of nasty vegan burgers out their, Beyond Burgers are great though. With other standard toppings the difference in taste is negligible unless your alternative is locally sourced and autistically raised.

I know the guy who raised and killed the cow > Beyond Burger > Everything else.

And they digest so much better.

>> No.50905195

kek word salad faggot

what is a "moral" vegan? Someone that doesn't consume animal products for ethical reasons? If so, how is that retarded?

>> No.50905202
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And dilate faggot.

Make sure to kill yourself for the betterment of the planet.

>> No.50905205

>natural law is a fallacy
To stay alive, living organisms must consume energy. That's an absolute, not a relative truth. Thus it's a law that cannot be broken. Call it whatever you like, "natural law", "immutable truth", it just is.

>> No.50905264

Vegan cucks detected

>> No.50905270

It sells in areas with large populations of lefties, hipsters, white women in their 20s/30s, and memers.
It sells so well in fact that you can buy the packs yourself at supermarket prices (instead of sourcing from a vendor) and still turn a profit by selling objectively crappy vegan tacos out of the the back of a truck if you park in a Whole Foods parking lot or city center. You could easily clear $10-15 per taco meal (hell, maybe even per taco if you're in the right spot) and net insane profits.

>> No.50905282 [DELETED] 

This man cooks onions

>> No.50905286

my sister bought it once to try. and i had one patty. it was honestly good and tasted like a BBQ burger. but she never got it again. it was kind of expensive for what it was.

>> No.50905293

You don't need to kill mosquitoes to live.
You don't need to kill roaches in your house to live.
You dont need to kill spiders or houseflies to live.
You don't need to kill maggots infesting your food to live.

>> No.50905294

holy shit did they really tag you for that? fucking hell.

>> No.50905315

If you think what I wrote is difficult to comprehend, try reading it from Kant himself

>> No.50905318

>AI posting schizo wordsalad

>> No.50905326


All these fake meats still have a weird bean aftertaste for me, it's disconcerting. Just reminds me that I'm eating an imitation, not the real thing.

>> No.50905359

>T. Never did the carnivore diet or animal based diet
Stay sick and gay retard

>> No.50905444

lol it was not difficult, it was stupid. It literally started with "natural law" which is a fallacy.

>> No.50905454

this guy's almost equally retarded to vegans but this series of videos is pure, unadulterated vegankino. My mom was making some sounds like she was considering going vegetarian or some shit due to watching videos from some jewish doctor and i sent her these to stop her.

>> No.50905463

Once you go down the buyer/purchaser black pit you'll realize how much garbage is sold to grocers.

>> No.50905482
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Vegetarianism is fine. I've been a vegetarian most of my and I am healthier and have more muscle mass than 99% of men and I am ripped/lean as fuck.

I eat 16 eggs per day however, which is unsual for most vegetarians who don't eat enough of them.
Everything you get from meat you can get from eggs, the protein from eggs even being more bioavailable than that of meat/fish. Vegans are fucking retarded though because not only is there absolutely no moral argument against eating chicken eggs, but they are a literal superfood that are ESSENTIAL for someone who doesn't eat meat. Even people who do eat meat should eat more eggs, but if you don't eat meant you need organic eggs in your diet or you will 100% be deficient.
You cannot be a healthy vegetarian if you are not eating eggs every day, and you cannot be a healthy vegan. It is impossible.

For the record I don't give a fuck if other people eat meat and I wouldn't prevent it if it were within my power, the idea of a meat-free future for humanity is a fucking joke and a bad one at that.

>> No.50905483

much easier way than that. anyway, even asking about goyslop on /ck/ got me globally banned. some mod really hates that word apparently. I wouldn't even be suprized if the food industry is paying them to remove goyslop posts. probably some risk assesment meeting showed that the meme is a great threat to their profits and thus the kvetching commenced.

>> No.50905495

It sells, not as much as regular meat but it sells. They are making it better all the time.

>> No.50905553

This. This is what I mean by 'not all vegetarians/vegans" are retarded, they're just not autistically strict about either dietary choice. On a personal level I try to eat more veggies and fruit than meat in my diet specifically so I don't turn into a fatass landwhale with insane cholesterol issues, and also so I can shit on a regular basis without straining. I still suck down a burger or a steak or some chicken breast but it's not everything I eat because I'd die in my 50's if it was. I eat the fuck out of eggs already. Every non-retarded vegetarian or vegan I know supplements a 90%+ vegetarian/vegan diet with high quality meat and eggs on regular intervals and they're all healthy as horses, which also eat meat in the wild and even in captivity fwiw. It's fuckin' dumb to press and amalgamate veggies into a burger patty substitute instead of just eating the fuckin' veggies, and it's fuckin' dumb to only eat meat or only eat vegetables and fruits as a binary in either direction. Even literal retards have an innate grasp of this.

>> No.50905562
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from my time at trader joes it was clear that our tofu products were the biggest seller in that category and often had to be ordered every other day. however they also carried impossible beef and chicken nuggets and those nuggets sold extremely well (restocked twice or even three times a day on weekends) where as the beef did not move for weeks on end.

>> No.50905610

what is your moral argument against eating meat
hard mode: no emotional arguments

>> No.50905702

>they're just not autistically strict about either dietary choice
I actually am autistically strict about my diet kek but I'm a real health and fitness nut. No sugar and no wheat for health reasons and no meat for personal reasons. I get every single vitamin and mineral in non-synthetic forms and have more bioavailable protein in my diet than most meat eaters, but if people want to eat meat they should be able to. If we should ban anything as a society it should be fucking sugar, not meat, because that shit is literal poison, though that wouldn't benefit the overlords.

>I eat the fuck out of eggs already.
based. Make sure they're from organic fed chickens that are allowed to roam and forage in pastures and not from "free range" chickens that get fed on fucking grains. Again, not for moral reasons, but to make sure you're getting eggs that aren't deficient. An unhealthy chicken cannont produce a healthy egg and a chicken that lives on grains instead of worms/bugs/mice etc is not a healthy chicken.

>> No.50905782 [DELETED] 

soft vegeterians like you aren't killing yourselves like the vegans, but you still linger to peer pressure that has no scientific basis other than the religion of "it feels better than eating poor little baby animal".

e.g. you have the delusion eggs are better than meat; they are not terrible but they aren't the best; there are better aminoacids profiles out there.

>> No.50905792

soft vegetarians like you aren't killing yourselves like the vegans, but you still linger to peer pressure that has no scientific basis other than the religion of "it feels better than eating poor little baby animal".

e.g. you have the delusion eggs are better than meat; they are not terrible but they aren't the best; there are better amino acid profiles out there.

>> No.50905809

the delusion that bad cholesterol on your medical results comes from eating cholesterol in food, is insane conjecture from the 1970s, and has absolutely no basis on scientific consensus.

>> No.50905818

I was just looking for a health nut.
Cast iron/carbon steel/stainless/non-stick/ceramic-coated alu pan — what's the healthiest choice?
Why high-GI foods like rice are considered healthy?
What's the most keto-friendly type of bread?

>> No.50905888 [DELETED] 

All "diabetes-friendly" starches are absolute scams. The doctors who suggest to those people to eat full grain pasta should be tried for manslaughter by idiocy.

They have about 95% of the glycemic index of purely white starches and it's absolute insane how people can't read a fucking chart about it.

Medical "science" is the most retarded field of anything normies considers scientific since 80%+ of doctors are brainlet glorified nurses.

>> No.50905899

All "diabetes-friendly" starches are absolute scams. The doctors who suggest to those people to eat full grain pasta should be tried for manslaughter by idiocy.
They have about 95% of the glycemic index of purely white starches and it's absolutely insane how people can't read a fucking chart about it.
Medical "science" is the most retarded field of anything normies consider scientific since 80%+ of doctors are brainlet glorified nurses.

>> No.50905905

It's more expensive than the real thing and just as good. In other words completely useless. People eat it for novelty and move on. Also meat is supposed to be greasy.

>> No.50906018

75% vegan here. The real key to veganism if doing it for health purposes is just shop at Whole Foods or the equivalent near you and spend the extra money on the healthier options. Most Non-moral vegans are quick to not stfu initially then eat meat in private while eventually slipping into "I'm not as strict anymore". Being Vegan is really just a dogwhistle for spending more money on healthy food/having a spouse with a considerable amount of time to cook/prepare food.

If you're not poor and feel like shit but too much of a NEET to cook for yourself. Go to Whole Foods/Similar store.

> Buy Bulk nutritional yeast and dump it on literally everything you eat. Put so much that it makes you want to drink gallons of water.
> Buy the pricy frozen pizzas that suit your needs. (Some dairy free, some gluten free, some don't fuck GERD as hard.)
>Amy's Kitchen products aren't horrible.
>Find a high protein content snack bar you like
>Buy Beyond Burgers/Fake Meat
> Organic Eggs
> Vegan Cheese if lactose intollerant
> Veggies (spinach mushrooms tomatoes etc)

All of this food is microwave/preheat oven/minutes on stove NEET-Tier prep. Overuse any veggies that may go bad, and accept the fact you can't make 3 grocery runs a week and go without.

>> No.50906102

Theres also milk in doritoes.

>> No.50906108

medical science is dominated by food/pharma industry produced science to defend their products. I think it was the hydrogenated oil industry that produced 10 papers saying that trans fats were safe, for every real paper saying they caused health issues. The American basedbean industry even had a propaganda department, that attacked other plant oils claiming they were bad for your health. That is why basedbean oil is so prevalent in America today.

>> No.50906127

And tons of fat too. Somehow they seemed less healthy then the ground up cow lips they were trying to replace.

>> No.50906135

There have been a number of competitors who have attempted to steal the mantle from ethereum typically by proclaiming lower fees, higher speeds, greater security or increased decentralization but not with one or more serious trade-offs. Syscon's Network Enhanced Virtual Machine (NEVM) promises all of the above but without the constellations.

>> No.50906173

Being vegan for health reasons is like setting your face on fire to become more attractive

>> No.50906183

You know what's insane? That is relatively easy to figure out which papers are just insane propaganda, because they are usually low quality and unconvincing with little cross referencing on the actual topic.

It's also combined with people who completely misrepresent results. E.g. almost everything in the anti-meat cult is based on studies of people who eat fast food trash. That has nothing to do with good diets.

90%+ of people never read papers though, they are only spoon fed the "truth", and most doctors are practically glorified nurses who follow orders and last time they read anything was in school.

>> No.50906256

It's not necessary for human health, it just fulfils sensory pleasures that can be done without. For example, imagine someone was beating a dog on the street because they liked the way it sounded. You'd think that person was a psychopath and tell them to listen to music or something else (maybe recordings of dogs yelping, preferably simulated). Same thing with meat, although historically we ate meat so meat eaters aren't mentally ill, but it's still a sensory pleasure no different than dog beaters getting off to the sound.

>> No.50906272

Boca burgers tasted fine. But i dont really feel like they were trying to replace beef burgers. They never pretended "omg its like a real burger". Maybe its the way they are marketting this as "the future" and "healthier".

>> No.50906301

it's funny me how they design it to look like meat as if vegetarians subconsciously want to eat beef, why not just make it look like plants if they want to eat plants?

>> No.50906309

>75% vegan
why the fuck would you call yourself this? you're just a vegetarian. and vegetarianism is not necessarily retarded and is a dietary pattern that groups of humans followed for thousands of years. Veganism is a 20th century bad meme that is obviously a starvation diet similar to ketosis, which is also a starvation state and is only 'healthful' in small, occasional doses to help engage autophagy (fasting works better anyways). Most longterm strict ketards end up with health issues like most longterm vegans do because making up rules for some hocus pocus restrictive diet (which are almost always ahistorical, even 'paleo' diets) usually ends up making essential nutrient deficiencies.

>> No.50906349

You're stupid. Nobody in prehistory eat vegan and how could they since they literally require B12 pills (among other pills).

Plenty of cases of zero carb in prehistory though with better health results than your retarded "balanced" diet.

>> No.50906367

Yes there are. Kek. Stupid westerner. Plenty of places that have a full veg diet including India

>> No.50906379

Did they have their B12 pills grow on a tree?
Bugs don't count, since they are animals.

>> No.50906398

cuz plants already exist

>> No.50906443

You mean India, the third world shithole where everyone is skinny fat, has low testosterone levels and shits liquid?

>> No.50906487

>does beyond meat really sell?
The Restaurant I work at offers Impossible Burgers (essentially the same thing as what you posted), we only sell 2-3 of them per week and half the people who order them don't realize they're getting a vegetarian patty. The patties stay good forever in the freezer, so we'll they'll probably stay on our menu for a really long time.
Also, the patties have a really weird texture when raw and have a funny smell when you cook them.

>> No.50906515

Veganism is for retards that don't understand human evolution. We thrive when we only eat meat and organs for a reason.

>> No.50906795

>t. skellie malnourished faggot on a pure copium diet
I bet your thighs are the diameter of my wrists lmao

>> No.50906852

only dysgenic retards (americans) eat that bullshit

>> No.50906857

i genuinely like these but theyre not healthy. i dont feel great after eating them atleast

>> No.50906910

>but you still linger to peer pressure
I don't linger to any peer pressure. Like I said I don't eat meat purely for my own personal reasons. My empathy for animals is close to religious yes, but it has nothing to do with the people around me. To assume that a moral decision is peer pressure is retarded. If I gave in to peer pressure I'd be eating meat.
I also don't know what "soft vegetarian" means. I am a strict vegetarian, not vegan, eating eggs doesn't invalidate that at all.
>you have the delusion eggs are better than meat
In bioavailable protein, they are. It is not a delusion. You can practically live off eggs. You are correct about there being better amino acid profiles though.

>Cast iron/carbon steel/stainless/non-stick/ceramic-coated alu pan — what's the healthiest choice?
Most non-stick is teflon and emits toxic gasses when heated so avoid it like the plague. Stainless steel can leach nickel or chromium into food. Alu will also leach and anything coated with ceramic or similar will eventually chip and expose whatever is beneath it that you don't want in your food, and that's assuming whatever else it is coated with isn't also toxic. Pure ceramic is fine but expensive as fuck, but it has to be 100% ceramic without any non-stick bullshit coating.
Cast Iron is safe but more of a bitch to heat, heavy, and can explode via temperature shock (hot pan into cold water), and needs seasoning. Carbon Steel is similar. Get either of these without a coating, unless you want to fork out for pure ceramic.
>Why high-GI foods like rice are considered healthy?
People are dumb and health trends are dictated by corporate money and doctors who don't know anything about nutrition. I don't eat rice.
>What's the most keto-friendly type of bread?
I can't answer this sorry I don't eat bread at all and I'm not pure keto because I eat too many oats.

I say I'm a health nut but I'm no expert. DYOR etc but this is my understanding.

>> No.50906987
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Not buying your bags retard

>> No.50908015

>because people get triggered at the word 'vegan' yet don't realize all fruit and veg is inherently vegan.
If you weren't a faggot you would know we specifically meant the vegan section of the store.
vegan brains are way too fucking withered for coherent arguments.

>> No.50908091

just wait for the next big thing

>> No.50908153

If you want a vegan chicken replacement then just eat Chicken of The Woods mushrooms. In fact mushrooms in general are a pretty good meat replacement if you know how to season them - their composition is closer to animal meat than plants (fungi aren't veggies, they even I have oxygen and exhale carbon dioxide like animals do).

>> No.50908195

Kill yourself.

>> No.50908217

Having worked in a grocery store, I can confirm that goyslop burgers do not sell. They are marketed to look as close to real food as possible in order to trick unsuspecting goys to buy them. Literal abomination that melts as soon as it gets above 40 Fahrenheit.

>> No.50908224


>> No.50908225

It's also proven that vaccines are 99% effecti-I mean 80% effec-I mean 50% eff- I mean 40% effective at preventing the spre-I mean reducing severe disease from COVID19!

>> No.50908235

There's a difference between wild animals getting killed from being in the wrong place at the wrong time and animals raised in shoe box sizes cages getting pumped with antibiotics and hormones their entirely lives for the sole purpose of one day being slaughtered.

Humanely raised meat is fine by me desu. I'm not a vegan or vegetarian, I still est whatever the fuck, but I do wish factory farming wasn't a thing. If that makes it so that only the rich can afford meat then so be it, learn how to trade crypto+NFTs and you won't give a fuck.

>> No.50908283

weird i see this word on /fit/ in like every other thread

>> No.50908293

>does beyond meat really sell?
no and peopel are paid to write propaganda pieces to claim its popular lol

>> No.50908304
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you gotta be flippin my flapjacks. Basedboys love this frozen vegan food. i was in target the other day and saw a women looking the Tattooed Chef , she decided not to buy any i guess cus its over priced trash, but TTCF to da moon anways

>> No.50908391

Doesn't sell at all where I live, they always have to discount it -70% before it expires and most of it still doesn't sell.
It probably sells in big cities.

>> No.50908445

Vegan foods are carbs, carbohydrates, and carbs with gluten. Vegans are 100% always either obese or mister skeltal

>> No.50908552
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>> No.50908672

Beyond Meat Annual Free Cash Flow
2021 -437.33
2020 -115.46
2019 -72.91
2018 -60.90
2017 -33.18
2016 -28.45

i'd say no

>> No.50908721

Your best example to point to is India? Lol, lmao

>> No.50908742

India, average male height 5'

>> No.50909031

>>>>>it’s moral!
see >>50902757 you have no grounds on which to claim it’s moral. The “muh sensory pleasure” argument is particularly sad, sensory pleasures are fine in moderation and necessary to exist/indulge in in order to orient yourself toward the things you’re evolutionarily attuned to.

>> No.50909130

Id rather eat ground deer meat than that onions shit.

>> No.50909187

The grocer I go to used to have a huge section just devoted to vegan shit. Now all they carry is beyond meat burgers and nothing else. No one eats this shit outside of the internet. Some other anons said they worked at stores that never sold a single unit of the stuff and threw all of it away over and over again.

>> No.50909343

>No Grease
>Digest easier

Aside from water, the 2nd ingredient on beyond meat is canola oil, 3rd ingredient (((refined))) coconut oil. If you look at the grams of fat you are essentially getting 1g of fat for every 1g of protein. They play this down by putting a *40% less saturated fat on the box (notice saturated).

by comparison a fatty ribeye will generally contain about 25% of its nutrition in fat.

What's worse is that polyunsaturated fats (vegetable and refined oils found in beyond meat) oxidise easily and are the reason for plenty of health issues -thinks of the buzzword "anti-oxidant" which is slapped on to blueberries and a bunch of fruits, but advertisers don't explain why 30% of your bodyfat is oxidised in the first place. It's fine to be vegan but for the love of god don't replace butter and lard with canola oil and meat replacements. Buy REAL olive oil (do research on this because most is blended with vegetable oil) and add it to your meals like lentils, soups, beans, mushrooms etc... Or just become a vegetarian and use butter which makes everything easier.

>> No.50909960

>you have no grounds on which to claim it’s moral
Watch me. I honestly couldn't give a fuck about your highschool level interpretation of morality. I never made the claim that people should stop eating meat because of my empathy. I don't give a fuck what you do so don't drag me into fighting against your shitty argument just because you didn't get any (you)s on your low IQ post that implies animals have never had any important role in human society other than food lmao

White people actually experience empathy for animals so I'm guessing you're either a nigger or a mutt whos ancestors have never had to bond with animals before. Either way don't ever (you) me again.

>> No.50910062
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hello carnifag

>> No.50910123

Were these bait posts or are you actually serious? No one wants that fake shit. Eat a dick you WEF neoliberal trash.

>> No.50910201

>Compares a 60 year old news anchor to a 30 year old bodybuilder
>Thinks he’s making a point

You’re such a fucking retard. But yeah let’s disregard the billions of scrawny skinny fat veggietards across the world because this one is a bodybuilder on steroids.

KEK peak vegan retardation right there. Your brain is deficient on B12 and it shows

>> No.50910502

blue zones are much more complex than vegetarian zones
they also have strong communities, there will be genetic confounders and they don't overeat
lean meat seems perfectly neutral for health, it's the fat on meat that's not too great

>> No.50910565


Cattle barely costs anything aside from high taxes and standard of living demands put on them. They eat grass nigger, that stuff is free. Good for the field too.

>> No.50910599
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>they hated him because he spoke the truth
Hope you enjoyed all the (You)s from the low IQ Cletuses. Stay classy my (plant) based friend.

>> No.50910621

that's anecdotal evidence from a sample size of two people you have to assume are being honest. even if they are, thats too small a sample to draw any conclusions on. genetics are a factor as well.

ultimately the best you can do is trial and error over generations to figure out the diets that actually work based on massive numbers of statistics. which shows no all vegan diet has ever been done by any culture in human history. which means you have to experiment on your body or trust the largely political and biased "science" of modern day. the safer bet is going with a diet proven to work over generations for a large body of people and the mediterranean diet is an example of that.

>> No.50910624

It's failing everywhere, in the UK it's the only thing that's always fully stocked in the supermarkets.

>> No.50910661

>muh xenoestrogens are just like estrogen!!1
I know that big words that sound similar confuse you but xenoestrogens don't give you tits, actual mammal estrogen does. You know, the thing that milk is full of.

t. meat eater and cheese lover.

>> No.50910774

>if the animal violates the NAP
Wow i didn't realize wild animals were classical liberals.
I only eat animals that violate the social contract personally

>> No.50910818

Except he didn't speak the truth. I have fucking crohns and severe gut issues from falling for the plant based diet meme, turns out I have severe reactions to salicylates and oxalates in foods. Literally the only diet I can eat is meat based (carnivore, although I can handle white rice and eggs too), otherwise I am a inflammed wreck who cannot function.

All you fucks trying to ban meat give me serious anxiety because I literally have no choice but to eat meat.

Sincerely, go fuck yourself. Shove your toxic plants up your fucking asshole.

>> No.50911203

>foregoing the joys of life because muh carcinogen
Couldnt be me, Im meatBASED

>> No.50911874

>My girlfriend is vegan so I've tried a few different meat replacements.
Wife is vegetarian and hates Beyond shit. Beyond fucked up with positioning; veggies hate it because texture is meat-like. Meat niggas hate it because...its s.0.i

The Italian sausage one is good though.

>> No.50912005

yet you don't seem to grasp that people can be vegan without eating any of these "beyond meat" ""vegan"" products
I'm not even a vegan but some of these arguments that people use against it are just fucking sad

>> No.50912728

>I never made the claim that people should stop eating meat because of my empathy.
>My empathy for animals is close to religious yes, but it has nothing to do with the people around me. To assume that a moral decision is peer pressure is retarded.

In which you directly call your empathetic decision a moral one (an “ought” statement). Anon please take your B12. Your brain damage is getting concerning.

>implies animals have never had any important role in human society other than food lmao
It’s not about their role in society. Their role in society is specifically not one that actually interacts as a moral agent with others. They are subserviant objects, their consciousness is nothing more than a blip. You call this highschool-tier morality and low IQ yet you cannot refute it, fascinating. What does that make you?

>white people mutts blah blah blah
ok Rajesh the cow worshipper. Stupid dravidian genetic trash kek

>> No.50912946
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>it makes you feel good, ergo its bad for you.

You know you get sensory pleasure from breathing fresh air right? I guess you better stop and start breathing in pure smog.

>not necessary for human health
Meat has Vitamin B12. Last I checked, B12 shots didn't exist back in caveman days.

>> No.50913018


Vegans eat it.

>> No.50913121

Lmao, imagine being this retarded.

>> No.50913368

I agree with this guy. Beyond burgers aren't too bad, id even say theyre better than mcdonalds tier goyslop trash, but thdyre priced at like double a bubba burger and theres just no comparison on the taste.

But i wouldnt really ever buy chicken nuggets, id rather get the veggie ones, if im eating chicken im gonna deep fry it or drench it in buffalo sauce like god intended

>> No.50913433

>meat is food for weak men
hell of an argument you're making there