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File: 23 KB, 256x256, Shiba_Inu_coin_logo-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
50900606 No.50900606 [Reply] [Original]

Why the fuck is this mooning?

>> No.50900645

SHIB pump is the market recovery signal, itll do 5x and nuke to hell right after

>> No.50900648
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Because zoomers want to stick it up boomers asses.

>> No.50900655

Because I literally bought back in after the end of the day on nyse Friday.

>> No.50900674

Trips of truth
Shib will 5x

>> No.50900676

Where can I buy it in the US?

>> No.50900693

Bitrue and robinhood

>> No.50900701

Nevermind, apparently Cuckbase has it, so I threw down a couple of bucks.

>> No.50900724
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I've been stacking and hodling for 4 weeks. I will still continue to hodl

>> No.50900732

>see SHIB mooning
>sell BTC profits
>tiptoe to bed with fingers in ears

>> No.50900752


>> No.50900754

SHIB is like DOGE but much more cheap, it has a lot of upside potential

>> No.50900758
File: 1.78 MB, 1080x1771, MEXICAN BUYS MASSIVE BURGER AND HUGE GLIZZY FOR ONLY 1.4 BAZAAGILLION SHIB (WOW) (IN THE HOOD) (NOT CLICKBAIT) .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.50900773

So fucking great if Shib is what leads the bullrun.

>> No.50900890

SHIB is based

>> No.50900996

1.4 million dollar burger and hotdog

>> No.50901003
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Is doge supposed to be this retarded smiling cat?

>> No.50901445

This. Shiba supply can’t go up and therefore will eventually go to 1 dollar a coin.

>> No.50901456

This and doge, has an endless cap, shib does not, doge is above 5 cents, and somehow shib isn't? It'll change soon once whales and normies get wise

>> No.50901472

Are you me? Is this John wayne?

>> No.50901545
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>> No.50901579

Dogcoin season is back

>> No.50901587
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But DOGE has a diminishing returns system built in. This way, there will always be a reason to mine it, but that value will go up over time as the work required to farm the doge increases.

I like SHIB for the memes. I only hold 27 million though so I need it to be in the .001 range for me to even get moderately excited. If we hold above .000015 for a good while I'll drop $150 or $300 and get a nice 25 million more and have a nice 50+ million stack.

>> No.50901644

Shib will eventually over take doge. The burn rate for Shib is growing exponentially.

>> No.50901651


>> No.50901693

It always moons. Biztards will forever seethe while we make millions.

>> No.50901700
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I don't know about that. The biggest thing is the market cap. Going off that, it'll take 100,000+ years to reach 1 cent. Unless Alladin is secretly using hedge funds that utilize shitcoins as leverage or some equally retarded shit like that, I don't see SHIB losing a 0 this year. That being said, If hedge funds bet against shitcoins while using them as collateral for home loans akin to some 2008-style shenanigans and every fag, retard and nigger with a small bag of shitcoins instantly makes it...that'd be pretty funny.

>> No.50901845

Yes a friend drew my attention to the pamp and I'm so damn grateful I bagged some units innit. Market has been on the rise, should I say the gradual increase is much indeed but some wagies believe the next dump is going to be massive without BTC attaining a 30k mark, well fuck dem TAs I bought JUNO which has done a beautiful x3, EVMOS which is gradually increasing, RIDE which will get right back on track too. Just a matter of time and these alphas will blow heads off.

>> No.50901849

Take a look at the burn rate this year. It already grew exponentially and there are more projects coming to increase the burn rate.

>> No.50902005


>> No.50902065

Even under optimistic conditions where we're burning 5 billion per day, you're looking at 150 years until we get it down halfway. That's why I'm thinking that if hedgefunds are doing fuckery that could boost it, that might make a good dent in the supply. Waiting for .01 or even .001 through burn rates alone will take a while to say the least.

>> No.50902092

>4 weeks of accumulation
>only 7mil shib
Are you buying in $1 increments or something? I had 15mil left over from the last cycle that I forgot about lol

>> No.50902094

Sup Adz

>> No.50902993

I'd love to meme that into reality just for shits and giggles, already had one dog coin moon during a craze

>> No.50903829

if you like this Dogcoins will really moon in December
you have this backwards. it is more likely Doge will reach $1000 then it is for shiba to reach $1

>> No.50903858

Its the market wide sell signal. The whole market is fucked because the bear was supposed to wipe these shitcoins out. BTC/ETH have another 50% down from here at LEAST.

>> No.50904140

nigger i have 10x ur stack get ur bread up lil broke boi

>> No.50904160

There are hedgies with SHIB positions source: my buddy runs a hedge fund in Miami and I talked him into it lol

>> No.50904173

fuck yea brother lets do it

>> No.50904236

clearly the market does not agree with your opinion that shib is a shitcoin. Its not

>> No.50904495

We don’t need to burn all the coins. We can can easily crowd fund to burn trillions of coins. All we need is a big time influencer to help with the cause. Last I check it take 15 million dollars to burn a trillion. That is doable considering Americans spend about 80 billion a year in lottery tickets. That isn’t counting the whole world.

>> No.50904607

Only dogbat is mooning

>> No.50904702

Imagine in 5-8 years that 1.4 million will be worth 1,000 dollars, kek.

>> No.50904881

Flipped avalanche.

>> No.50904927

T. 1,000,000 SHIB Bag

>> No.50904937

T. 10 mill SHIB bag

>> No.50904970

because markets are rigged, investors are ridiculous, and name recognition is really all that matters to tulip farmers

>> No.50905373

a burger will probably cost 1000 dollars in 2025
a bug burger on the other hand...

>> No.50905485

It's a traders market, pure speculation at it's finest

>> No.50905548

>stacking and hodling for 4 weeks
>$100 total value
Is this the average shib buyer?

>> No.50905591

your poor ass isn't making millions from a $100 bag on a 10B mcap shitcoin

>> No.50905668
File: 605 KB, 1170x2532, 07D8A36C-2713-46BC-B76A-3849E5C09695.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never selling

>> No.50905698

Are Zoomers really this retarded?

>> No.50905760

ive already made a million on this shit actually. still have 15.9b whch was currently 269k.
seethe more you fucking cunt.

>> No.50905771

Million rupees is not a lot, ranjeet.

>> No.50905774

No coiner

>> No.50905781

I have 110,000,000 of these Shiba coins and I’m not selling until it hits 1 cent.

>> No.50905824

What the fuck, should I buy now or wait for the correction?

>> No.50905873

plz stfu

>> No.50905939
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>> No.50906074

last time shib pumped to the 8000's and nuked, than BTC started pumping

>> No.50906090

SHIB mcap went up by 2billion in the past week. I don't know how it can do that but it do

>> No.50906098

Because we are God's chosen gamblers. Now kneel.

>> No.50906110

Shib will be worth 1 trillion dollars and be the biggest company in the world unorincally.

>> No.50906145

buy in now, it doesn't require a big investment. worst case scenario you lose a couple of hundred bucks and have a funny story to tell when crypto becomes fully mainstream

>> No.50906390

lol looks like somebody's dumping their SHIB profits into LUNC time to go BABOONA

>> No.50906532

you faggots were the top signal. thanks for playing

>> No.50906549


>> No.50906683

>giving (You)s to yourself
Nigger your poor larping ass isn't making jack shit from shib

>> No.50906943
File: 12 KB, 220x229, hujnkiih.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it was meant for your above post actually my bad.
have it again you fucking trannie and dilate.

>> No.50907658


I buy $10 here and there from daily doordash payments. I just started my portfolio 4 weeks ago. I'm also very patient to wait for dips to buy.

>> No.50907778

Based. Kikes, won't allow all you kids to get rich off shib. Keep holding and coping, 0.01 is never going to happen with shib. Now get ready for work tomorrow wagies.

>> No.50907806

My diamond dick will carry the weight of the Shib Army all by itself.

>> No.50907817

because drooling mouthbreathers are buying it thinking they will get rich

>> No.50908041

Do these dogcoins have any purpose except trying to sell them to some other retard for a profit? I mean anything at all.

>> No.50908128

Hodling my 8 billy coins. I still hate myself for not taking profits at ATH. Was almost 1 milly

>> No.50908129


>> No.50908226

I am Ryoshi. And yes, Shib is the greatest company in the world. Only crypto to have triple A game devs working on it. Shiba Eternity, $1 EOY

>> No.50908260

because propaganda works, inflation is 0% remember

>> No.50908269

24M here, not selling since march last year, waiting for $0.01 which in this gay clown market is possible.

>> No.50908393

200M hodlr here, by october/november I anticipate we will break ATH

>> No.50908497

Pre rug pump

>> No.50908998
File: 348 KB, 790x702, db7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


They call me Cuban Pete. I'm the king of the rumba beat.
When I play the maracas I go chick-chicky-boom, chick-chicky boom
Yessir, I'm Cuban Pete. I'm the craze of my native street.
When I start to dance,
Everything goes chick-chicky-boom, chick-chicky boom
The senoritas they sing and they swing with terampero-
It's very nice, so full of spice.
And when they dance in they bring a happy ring that era keros-
Singin' a song, all the day long.
So if you like the beat, take a lesson from Cuban Pete
And I'll teach you to chick-chicky-boom, chick-chicky-boom.
He's really a modest guy, although he's the hottest guy
In Havana, in havana.
Si, sinorita I know that you would like to chicky-boom-chick
It's very nice, so full of spice.
I'll place my hand on your hip, and if you will just give me your hand
Then we shall try - just you and I. I-yi-yi!
So if you like the beat, take a lesson from Cuban Pete
And I'll teach you chick-chicky-boom,
Chick-chicky-boom, chick-chicky-boom

>> No.50910595

desu senpai its going to be a few years til it reaches .01

>> No.50910613
File: 248 KB, 1284x1225, howto.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine buying a memecoin with no memes


>> No.50910768

Hedgefunds need it for collateral.

>> No.50910809
File: 10 KB, 209x122, go on get outta here.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they're getting normies to buy more so they can dump on them and buy BTC/ETH with it

>> No.50910977
File: 333 KB, 1080x1351, 1632010427641.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

respond to me you fucking dog kikes

>> No.50911341

There was supposed to be shibaverse, BONE, and other stuff to build utility but I haven't kept abreast of that.

>> No.50911491

Triple A games typically have a 5 year dev cycle and even then theres no guarantee its going to be a cash cow. Halo Infinite had one of the strongest IPs backing it, and New World was able to recruit top talent under the Amazon Games name + was also coasting off the markets lack of MMO's. Both flopped in less than 6 months. Both were also extremely playable games too.

Shibbaggies somehow think a dogcoin is going to attract top game developer talent when really making the move would be career suicide. Then on top of that shibbbaggies expect that there are going to be redeeming qualities in the game.

>were building a game

unironically the most bearish sentence any crypto scam could ever utter. The only crypto that could get away with it is maybe GALA due to their track record but even that is pushing it.

>> No.50911587
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>> No.50911614

What’s the burning mechanism? Which tokens are burnt?

>> No.50911699
File: 248 KB, 686x581, 1656160290653.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's fucking do this

>> No.50912067
File: 1.27 MB, 498x498, 1660268583738671.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im comfy shib bros

$1000 EOY

>> No.50912292

Artificial pump

>> No.50912309
File: 186 KB, 629x640, 1645820001123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Wanted to buy last week

>> No.50912312

Get bogged nigz

>> No.50912590

Whales control. Peasants get fucked.

>> No.50912616

>holds $100 in shib

>> No.50912643

going to $1

>> No.50912667

Still 80% down from ATH. It has a long, long, loooooooong way to go

>> No.50912688
File: 90 KB, 256x256, punishedtrump.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>have a million shib
>am now millionare
Jokes on you shibhater. Shib WILL moon and I WILL buy your daughter from you as you sell her to me to feed your starving broke ass.
Heil Hitler

>> No.50912776

6 million for a brick oven matzoball

>> No.50912779

>coinlets unironically excited over a 10m bag
This used to be considered laughable not even just a year ago

>> No.50913069

Halo infinite didn’t flop. It is still one of the most player games on Xbox live. Only steam isnt doing well and the mats because halo is made with consoles in mind.

>> No.50913156

Nobody is playing console. Nobody is streaming it on twitch. Its a dead game. I say this as someone who is in the top percentile of global players. I wish it wasn't shit, but it just is.

>> No.50913163

Played games* that*. Sorry, auto correct strikes again.

>> No.50913169

who cares... I'd rather shitcoins like sponge up retail money than the stock market, which I'm actively trying to short.

>> No.50913171

stop giving a fuck about shitcoins

>> No.50913175

What? I literally got in a match in five seconds on console.

>> No.50913191

maybe they can re-skin it and turn it into a blizzard game once the activizion-microsoft acquisition happens.

>> No.50913241

Green id blesses you fren

>> No.50913246

Halo infinite is more popular on Xbox than COD vanguard. 14th most played game last I check. Once forge mode and co op drops it will be top 10 again.

>> No.50913281

It launched even more broken than halo 5.
There is a complete lack of content.
Forge is the only hope for the game to pump before eoy

>> No.50913320

The only thing that was severely broken was BTB and it was fixed pretty fast. It is still the 14th most played game and will go back to top 10 easily once forge drops.

>> No.50913689

A new generation of SHIBagholders

>> No.50913857

39,000,000 shib

Am I gonna make it?

>> No.50913937

>Why is it pumping
One last run of congested bs before ETH can handle the transactions

>> No.50913996

It got too boring for me.
I will occasionally play against bots for fun but the multiplayer is very stale at this point.

The two new maps were a nice touch but it was a bit too little too late.