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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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50888520 No.50888520 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.50888566

If you were smart you'd hate chainlink as well.

>> No.50888587

>partnering with literally ZOG Inc
the future of finance...

>> No.50888592

we will be rich but will go to hell for supporting evil

>> No.50888651

Fuck, I mean we knew it didn't we?
Is this what selling your soul mean? I only have one to sell though.

>> No.50888667
File: 405 KB, 958x946, 40A59594-0109-4A58-BCC5-00790675BDD0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We’re already in hell Anon. Unironically Linkies are the light thay will shine from the darkness that has spread throughout every facet of this modern culture. Don’t hate the player hatethe game. >>50888566
Seethe and cope chud. This is happening and nothing is going to stop it.

>> No.50888673

yeah this was accepted in discussions back in the day
but i think seeing the ofac stuff actually happening with torandocash does make you realize it more fully
still hey, it's happening anyway. we're just going along for the ride

>> No.50888688

Its been 5 years already how many more years have to pass for you to finally accept you missed on everything just because of this conviction

>> No.50888701

I can hold until I die Anon, can you say the same? Does this make you seethe? Get on board and come for the ride, there hasn’t been a better time in the last 2 years to buy LINK.

>> No.50888762

What I've been thinking about is that blockchains at the end of the day are just tools. And who sets the rules is "layer 0", humans.
While it seems like we're going back to TradFi, at least the base upon which everything is built is decentralized, and somewhat transparent.
People will be able to create systems that easily plug in to that infrastructure, but you'll have "cliques" on it like with the Internet ; the way the west is doing things, the east, etc...
It will be in the hands of cattle to decide, and I don't know if they can be trusted to go with the fully decentralized utopia we all envisioned at the begging. Sergey maybe saw things for what they are since the beginning and didn't waste time with Vitalik's quixotic views, as it was mentioned many times before.

It's like democracies and capitalism. It took the death of a big chunk of Europe's feudal workforce by the plague for peasant's worth to skyrocket, get more freedom, and lead to what we have today.
Cynics are lucid.

>> No.50888843

Have fun holding until your bones are turned into dust then and it only makes me sad how people can waste their lives for nothing while chasing delusions kek

>> No.50888904
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You hold link.

>> No.50888943

Not anymore sold when it got to around $40 and have been enjoying life since then. I get depressed when i think that i wasted 4 years of my life chasing delusions but alas now im free

>> No.50888953

Imagine supporting evil and not even getting paid for it

>> No.50888960

Based, but Anon if that’s true, than you know what’s about to happen.

>> No.50888975

I don’t care anymore

>> No.50888981

why do you retards larp this obviously?

>> No.50889049
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He is Jealous

>> No.50889121
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>> No.50889154
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>> No.50889437
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>meanwhile in reality
You linkies are so delusional lmao

>> No.50889450
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>Can’t accept it’s a clowns world
>Calls other anons Delusional
>Best performing asset of the last decade is a dog coin

>> No.50889461

If you mean the price hasn't been lower, that condition will continue well into the future. If you mean that the price will increase as well, that's pretty unlikely. There is equal buying and selling of the token by construction and the hype is gone

>> No.50889463

>I-it’s a clown world
>meanwhile eth mooning
Just accept you bet on the wrong horse

>> No.50889466

The entire market is pumping. Link isnt budging. Were gonna miss another bullrun arent we

>> No.50889481

Now you’re getting it

>> No.50889731

post the ETH/LINK chart

>> No.50889746

If you use any fiat currency you are already in the beast system.

At least with Chainlink the beast system will personally enrich you for once.

>> No.50889755
File: 460 KB, 1170x1822, 859174C6-644F-4DAF-858F-2BB2E83133E8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s recovering

>> No.50889767

wow link is at $9 . i really missed out on that . t his board was meming it back in 2018 or so and i didnt buy . i only own 100 eth

funny of all the coins and tokens it is chainlink which eventually goes mainstream with the jews

>> No.50890424 [DELETED] 

>he doesnt know about ethereum

>> No.50890455

To me, it's quite funny watching all the retards figure out 7-10 years late where all this was heading from the start.
Asimov pretty much wrote about it over 100 years ago if you want to just mildly extrapolate from his work.
To me, this is very enjoyable to watch.

>> No.50890464

because he knows how pozzed ETH will be after all defi smartcontracts integrate with chainlink nodes pulling chainalysis data

>> No.50890479

He's a literal furry/tranny/faggot hand picked to run a fork of ETH (ETC) for the very specific purpose of pozzing the entire thing.

>> No.50890499

Me holding link doesn't support anything

>> No.50891216

You're literally down 95% vs ETH in 2 years. You would already be rich if you had sold kek

>> No.50891235

fuck chainlink

>> No.50891240

Haven't sold and am still rich.
Millions not needed (for now).

>> No.50891361

Is 1500 fragrant pinkies enough to make it? They smell so good.

>> No.50891378

I mean linkies :B

>> No.50891967
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>> No.50891996

Holy mother of schizo cope

>> No.50892253

The assassination smart contract will pay for itself!

Why not create a complete blockchain ecosystem which IP blocks the US and can be used by the rest of the world?
If successful it could serve as a tool to weaken the US.

>> No.50892273

>openly planning a crime

>> No.50892294


>> No.50892872
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Good cop bad cop as both work for the same masters and are not meant as anything beyond bait into a one world digital currency traded for integral obedience to the most ruthless totalitarian regime in consensus history.

>> No.50892930
File: 42 KB, 412x351, over.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's over bros, our Chainlink journey ends here. The Great Reset timeline has come at a crossroad with humanity. The magic is gone, the memes are stale, the shills have been uncovered, the agendas laid bare for all to see, i-i-it's over marines...only tears from here.

>> No.50893092
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Exposure is our weapon you witless dope.

>> No.50894169

but its only year 5 of a 15 year hold anon
dont despair, trust the plan, a storm is coming, just 2 more weeks am i right?

march dont even want to see what the price was then compared to today
half this board will rope when links misses another bull run and sergay betrays himself into another few billion

>> No.50895042

>we will be rich but will go somewhere for supporting something
Fixed the /pol/chud programmed irrelevant sideism for you, you're welcome.

>> No.50896323

yeah it has rough but maybe just the test we have to go through to make it. eth holders had to go through similar after the 2017 bull:
>Ethereum went from $1448 to $80 (-94.5%)
>In BTC, it went from 0.147 to 0.017 (-88.4%)

>> No.50897167

the second part is correct
the first part... oh boy. you're about to discover where the "idiot" part fits in "useful idiot"

>> No.50897666

Yeah eth has done well. You ignored the last part though anon and no amount of cope will ever be enough to erase that fact from your reality. It’s a clownworld. Deal with it.

>> No.50898185

you guys say such hateful things about one of the most positive and constructive teams/projects to come out of tech in a long rime.... really makes me doubt your judgment desu

>> No.50899074

I'm considering selling my LINK stack, mostly just because I can find no intelligent discussion about it anywhere on the internet.

>> No.50899095

>Fuck, I mean we knew it didn't we?
No it wasn't a big topic on here. I joked about it with a friend who holds but it wasn't
>You are backing zog
Until recently.

>> No.50899482

t. 145 iqlet/midwit

>> No.50899580


>> No.50899973

Kiss my ass you disengenious faggot. “Hateful”..what a FUCKING JOKE. Do you think I invest because it makes me a good guy. Fucking loser. Sergey FUCKED us costing all link holders the entire bullrun. Set my life back years. I literally couldve started a family a year ago but I was loyal to that Russian cocksucker, and he takes our money and hands it out to feminists. You have to be a special kind of KEKOLD to be ok w that, faggot

>> No.50900176

How much link do you own? Here's a tip: sell 25-50% of your tiny stack when it pumps to $300, just so I don't see your whining when it drops down to $50.

>> No.50900293

>now I'm free
>still posting in link threads
Cool story bro.

>> No.50900316

I'm all in but this nigga is guilty of hustling hopium

>> No.50900333

>Dear Slim

>> No.50901208

It always was the antichrist token anon. Don't try to give yourself credit you don't deserve. This is an anonymous board anyway

>> No.50901231

kekked and checked

>> No.50901358

>I wrote you, but you still ain't callin'

>> No.50901464

We support evil everyday, can’t escape it. We live in an evil society and pay taxes to pedophiles.

I think the point is to better yourself and your family and to shoulder that burden in hopes of creating some lasting change in your immediate circle or community.

>> No.50901476

How is the truth evil? God loves the truth. Christ said "I am the way, and the truth and the light" - John 14:6.
The pedophile elites who have it all to lose from the truth being cryptographically revealed without hope of escape through Link are the ones who are evil, not Chainlink.

>> No.50902311

No thanks. Im going to be super rich by not selling

>> No.50902401

worse. you'll be poor and still in hell. kinda like living in oklahoma

>> No.50902408

i dont know why it did the >e thing

>> No.50902824

Don't care. Still buying chainchink.

>> No.50903239


>> No.50904065

When you pieces of shit miss the next bull run and the one after that, I hope you realize they don't and never did have any intention on making you rich.
You were just an early funding tool and continue to be a source of liquidity for shitty tokenomics. They will continue the dumping indefinitely.
Partnerships like this will happen. Yet you will continue to see zero benefit.
Those few of you who realized the peak of the profit curve passed long ago and sold into eth something else saw the writing on the wall. The rest of you eat up retarded 1k eoy memes and future projection math on par with the 70 iq shib buyers who think it's going to $1. You know what I just wrote is true too.
You actually deserve this living hell because you think you'll gain from these types of people. But if you actually understood anything about crypto, either the financial side relating to how to profit off of it, or the idealistic longer term side you wouldn't be sitting in link.

>> No.50904144
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keked and checked

>> No.50904618

>twitter shit
you all need to go back and stay in your new liberal fascist bubble

>> No.50904622

Shut the fuck up you little fag. This is one of the most smug, deceitful, dishonest teams in crypto. They aren't JUSTin Sun levels of copium, but they mislead everyone with their subtle hype. Yeah anon eat a big mac with the fatass that lied about staking and ccip. Yeah anon we hire advisors that surely care about your bottom line and not just their own. Yeah anon hundreds of teams, but oh by the way those teams run literal scams with 30 users

>> No.50904646

what hype. Are you projecting vaporware peddler? Bet you hold meth bags since 2018

>> No.50904663

And this. It's amazing how far they went to prevent any sort of positive price movement. 500K going out again every few days and no one bats an eye


>> No.50904684

>meth bags
>Goes from $90 to $4000
>LINK goes from $5 to $9 in a couple years

All while subtly hyping 3 smartcons, swift, eric schmidt, the Diem hires, ccip, etc. ETH needed none of this to moon to heaven. Get fucked stinky linky

>> No.50904688

>lied about staking and ccip
What did they lie about?

>> No.50904700
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>> No.50904701

you meth bags are still below 2018 sat peak and in the same time link went from average of .20 to an average of 10 while the sat price is still way above the 2018 highs same goes for gwei pricing, though their os no point in pricing anything in gwei

>> No.50904711

>picks bottom to top for ETH
>picks previous top to near bottom for LINK
Obviously link price has been dogshit, but why be so disingenuous?

>> No.50904727
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>> No.50904737

>People were buying LINK for $52
>Currently not even $10
>Holding 100k gets you less than $1m

Because it's time to wake people up. The endless cope and hope brigade needs to be cut to their knees. Nothing ever happens with this token because they want it that way. Under $10 after 5 years while shitcoins like Quant and BNB blew it away

>> No.50904749

Checked. Sergey's hopium vid on New Year was clearly a stunt. They have nothing. Mid August and not even 0.1 is out, very telling

>> No.50904755

I cant tell at this point if you are just a disingenious attention whore that doesnt get enough interaction on twitter and has to be a cheap sad discordian troll on /biz/ or if you are a genious meth bag holder seething at your shit chain not just having lost its first mover advantage and quasi monopoly but also a big chunk of former users and managed to bare its chain from any new user interest

>> No.50904766

So you are altrusitically trying to save linkies from continuing to hold a dying project? Why do you care so much about their wellbeing?

>> No.50904782

So saying release was set for 2022 was a lie because we are in August and they haven't released yet? I'm not sure I follow

>> No.50904844

so you are complaining about a generational buying moment, why?
its perfect link wiped out harder than everything else so i can put my btc and eth gains of last cycle into it
you didn't go all in at 50 like a retard did you

but i will give you this sergeys betrayals will cause plenty of suicides from capitulated early investors when they see what they threw away