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50899005 No.50899005 [Reply] [Original]

I am a zoomer, and the thought of working a regular job for 40 years makes me want to KMS. Is there any hope that I can make a living doing something I find personally satisfying, or should I just go to college and get a job then cope with a shitty life by using drugs and alcohol?

>> No.50899156

you're better of the alcohol route. But don't forget to do shrooms and add a bit of hookers to the mix. Don't go the OF way, even getting head from crack whores > simping for OF girls

alternatively you can try to improve your life quality but it's a gamble. I went through this route and had shitty 20's but it was until I hit 30 that my biz took off. Doing biz can go either way but if you want to go with something that fits your personality is gamble so just make sure you are continously betting. Just remeber, it will always be a gamble and treat it like so, dont't take it personally and don't go all in in your first bet, play the long game. Also if you're white you have it easier but you are a pussy by default so learn about other cultures and travel if you cana0d2hwf

>> No.50899168

lurk on /jp/ until you can read moonrunes
if you do this until age 30 you will be immensely powerful

>> No.50899177

If you sacrifice a decade and live with your parents you can retire early.

>> No.50899211
File: 116 KB, 901x527, 4320BEF0-AD6A-4ED0-8F43-E9E25B077EF8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s bad

>> No.50899291

Wut is /jp/

>> No.50899374

time to grow up kid we all go through that phase at 20

>> No.50899380


>> No.50899425
File: 719 KB, 1284x1306, 23B6386D-BE3F-4E25-9479-776F2F5EFB0D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So what you’re trying to say is I’ll never be happy

>> No.50899577
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>he fell for the demoralization psyop
I'm so sick of this meme. The dread-over-having-to-work-for-30-years meme.
Firstly, you have to do something with your time either way, and having nothing to do is actually a worse fate than having a regular job.
Secondly, don't fall for the "Personal Satisfaction" meme either. That's a psyop to get people to waste their shot. I fell for it. Do something boring that makes a lot of money. Work is work. Nobody found tilling wheat "personally satisfying" but they did it to eat. You can grind for 30k or you can grind for 170k, one of them buys you a lot more freedom than the other.
Also, even if you have a "personally satisfying job" you're gonna "cope with a shitty life by using drugs and alcohol". Like that isn't an either-or question.
At the end of all this it's just the human condition. "Cursed be the ground because of you, and through painful toil you will eat of it". That's God's curse to Adam. You don't have to believe in God to see my point, just consider that it's a pretty important book and they put that line right in the beginning for a good reason. Welcome to the world: You're gonna have to work. Just thank your lucky stars you're a Westoid with access to higher education so you have the opportunity to make a bunch of money by working, instead of doing all the work for no bunch of money. It's a dog's life for most, son, but you've got something special here.

>> No.50899609

He's trying to say you're going through something now but you come out the other end.

>> No.50899819

That's not true.
You will own nothing and you will be happy.

>> No.50900123
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>Is there any hope that I can make a living doing something I find personally satisfying
Yes but you need to figure that out quickly because anyone who is any good at it will beat you to the punch if you don't. Very, very few people enjoy their work. From my own personal experience maybe 5% of the adults I've interacted with actually enjoy their job and aren't just coping their way until they can retire.

>> No.50900212
File: 90 KB, 976x848, _91408619_55df76d5-2245-41c1-8031-07a4da3f313f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait untill election year and become a greentext youtuber. Be sure to use new youtube features like shorts to get a favourable algorithm