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50896561 No.50896561 [Reply] [Original]

she isn't coming back this time.

>> No.50896573

lol faggot

>> No.50896580

wrong board faggot


>> No.50896596

you guys give the best advice and i dont know how to cope with this fucking shit. 2 years. love of my life. and she's blocked me on everything.

>> No.50896608

okay zoomerfaggot. pick up some weights and books and mushrooms and improoov and quit being a bitch. it sucks but you should know how women operate by now. if not you're NGMI

>> No.50896620

>wanting to kill yourself over a woman
kill yourself

>> No.50896630

easy. just get new gf to make her jealous and she will come back like a dog.

>> No.50896640

she's moved on to bigger and blacker things.

>> No.50896647

she was pretty fucking perfect. she had the body of a model. was a fucking angel. all i had to do was convert to islam and my life would have been fucking bliss. instead my fucking anger and anxiety ruined fucking everything.

how do women operate...? at 34 i have no fucking clue.

>> No.50896648

just fuck other women, u met just one among 3 billion women

>> No.50896650

>he’s addicted to romance and sex

>> No.50896670


>> No.50896671

doubt it. she's blocked me everywhere. phone, snap, instagram, telegram, whatsapp, and probably facebook too. even if i did get a new gf, she wouldn't know or probably care. she's so fucking done with me and its fucking killing me. i restarted tinder a few weeks ago- 2 matches, 1 fake, 1 number. texted a bit, she stopped replying. went up to a chick last night at the bar, said "look you're beautiful, if you're taken nbd, but if you're not, i want your number" she gave me her number. texted her today, no response. fucking fucksDgunzdsfguienarfh

>> No.50896686
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>was a fucking angel

>> No.50896694

my past experiences say it'll take another 7-10 years to match with a woman even close to her. she was a fucking anomaly that slipped through the algorithm that presses my face into the dirt. its already slim picking nowadays. and she was perfect-- same age, no tattoos, no kids, never married, sexy as fuck, great to be around. i truly fucked up all because i couldn't handle my god damn anxiety, which is now 100000000x worse because of all this shit.

>> No.50896707

doing my best to resist picking up smoking weed again. but fuck its tempting. although i know that first hit is going to send my mind into a tailspin of worry and panic/dread.

>> No.50896714

They are like men but stupider and made for making babies and taking care of babies. They need to be guided and disciplined and cannot be regarded as an equal, quite like an exotic pet or something. You can still love them, but you must always remember who you are. A woman shouldn't be able to make you doubt yourself. And no, not because you want the approval of a woman. But because you want to be disciplined in the mind and soul.

>> No.50896725

Sometimes, just sometimes, it actually feels good to be a kissless virgin so I don't have to worry about bullshit like this ever

>> No.50896730

Lmao, you're fucked up mate.
Focus on yourself. Women want a guy with worth that doesn't define themselves through them or their relationship with you—women do that. You're not a woman are you dude?

Fuck it, might be casting pearls before swine, but I have a modicum of hope. Uncle Patrice going to kick your simp-ass into reality if you put in the minimal effort to listen to this shit nigga.


>> No.50896735

Now that you mention it, this board does give the best advice

>> No.50896736
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Oh no baby can't be by himself for more than 5 minutes without crying on /biz/ where most of us haven't had anyone give a fuck about us in years if ever
Just kill yourself

>> No.50896743

>listening to a nigger

>> No.50896751

well she took everything from me then. because i dont know who the fuck i even am anymore. wrapping my head around converting to islam really fucked me up. especially considering, i don't even know if i believe if societies view of god. and often wonder if we are all each our own god internally, which makes far more sense to me that someone up in the sky. but still... i was going to do it for her. but i cant even enjoy anything i used to do anymore. writing, painting, drawing, golfing, its all just fucking out the window. and i just sit here day in and day out browsing the god damn internet hoping she changes her mind and reaches back out to. but instead i just dwell on all the happy times and memories we had together. its fucking agony. i have rested or slept well in like three fucking weeks.

>> No.50896775

Not every black man's a nigger. Know the difference you prick.

>> No.50896779

really considering it. she might've been my fucking peak. she literally checked all my fucking boxes at my age, aside from religion. but its impossibly fucking rare to find a woman with a supermodel body, great personality, virgin, who has been with only 2 guys and wants the same things i do out of life. i spent fucking years settling before her, then she came along and my entire life changed. and now i dont even get any matches lmao its a fucking cruel, twisted sick joke.

>> No.50896788

i fucking hate myself for my anger and anxiety.

>> No.50896801

I'm not reading your faggy womanly ramblings, just kill yourself faggot

>> No.50896814

>Virgin who has only been with 2 guys
At the same time?

>> No.50896823

Listen, mainstream solutions are not the answer. You're right on the nail about God being a primordial oneness. Also did you not ever hear of mystical islam hahaha nvm. Anyways I feel, I was in agony before after a 2 year long relationship when I was real young. I wouldn't say I lost myself though, that's a bit concerning. You have your art. And other than that you should take this as a opportunity to improve yourself to be who you really want to be. Like I said you sound desperately in need of
>good literature, not this shithole
that bitch does not deserve you. she blocked you. sorry its time to get real move on and tell her to piss off forever

>> No.50896824

You're too pure/naive for this website. Leave while you can

>> No.50896837
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>> No.50896872

>peak of life
>islamic roastie
wowee get a hold of yourself.

>> No.50896891

Bro you have chemical dependence. You are not special, this is a normal, self-destructive male simp instinct you carry for the sake of the species at large.

Also you clearly had no spiritual conviction in the first place if you would even entertain the idea of conversion for a thot.

>> No.50897039

It will pass bud.... I was left too like 3 months ago.. To greener pastures.

>> No.50897050

just watch the poughkeepsie tapes

>> No.50897077

Sorry bro she's busy taking my dick right now.
She said she'll get back to you when she's done with me.

>> No.50897126

frogbot thread

>> No.50897140

i'm worried this one won't pass... she was quite literally perfect in my eyes. i don't get chances with women like her. and what she saw in me is beyond me. scared fucking shitless from here ill have to resort back to settling for below my means. overweight, trashy tats, 1-3 kids, etc etc FUCK

>> No.50897325

no it isnt, i want to fucking die.

>> No.50897335

She was never there.

>> No.50897358

>love of my life
that's called oneitis and it's a mental illness
luckily the cure is known and freely available: fuck 10 other women

>> No.50897469

considering they'd all be lesser than she was, i doubt itll help. i wish to fucking god i had some options on these dating apps though. unbelievable that i only have two fucking matches after two weeks. what the fuck.

>> No.50897489

You're probably swiping on all the ugly people so you got put into the ugly queue. seriously fucking a new woman is just cope who cares what some dudebro says about fucking 10 women. been there done that, doesnt make me feel better personally. What you need to do is focus on yourself. Focusing too much energy on dumb bitches is what got you into this mess in the first place man.

>> No.50897493

I mean come on, 2 weeks after the "love of your life" and you want to slam some roast beef std-ridden pussy? Please wake up man

>> No.50897845

i've been pretty selectively swiping, but still something seems off. and no it probably wouldn't fulfill jackass. i hope i can channel all this shit into getting into the best shape of my life but... losing her has truly fucking destroyed me. not even just losing her. just the way she went about it. blocking me on everything. barely getting a fucking word in before she flipped out and hung up on me. or telling me i had 2-5-10minutes to say whatever i needed to say and it was now or never. that pressure coupled with what i was going through was fucking madness. i cant believe she did that to me after everything we've been through. sure i called her a fuck ton of times but i did not fucking deserve that treatment for over three fucking weeks. i dont think she realizes what the fuck she has done to me.

>> No.50898767

Yeah my ex did this too. Buy crypto shitpost and see friends family and if you don’t have any make some friends at work and make an effort to see them. Try being yourself for once.

>> No.50898954

you sound like what is going to happen to my little brother in a year or two

>> No.50899004

by she do you mean my weed plant and by coming back this time do you mean hopefully the leaves aren't damaged?

>> No.50899039

ive fucked like 30 since it doesnt get better bros

>> No.50899182

yeah trying to. i have all these things/people floodding. i can't reach out and touch any of them but only observe...

poor bastard. i'm sorry. this shit is lethal.

had a feeling. fuck

>> No.50899260

Not my problem
Dombonk 50 bil EoY

>> No.50899279


it's only the 70th time we've had this larp

>> No.50899282
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>> No.50899297
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worse scenario
>she "comes back"
>but not to date or fuck you
>just to remind you that she's still out there
>"why won't you be friends with me?"
>if you choose to engage, she texts you multiple times every single day, for a month
>but will always slip little references to "The Person I've Been Seeing" in there to twist the knife
>gets mad and berates you if you say this is wrong
>push her away
>it's weeks or months later and you think you've finally purged yourself of those wasted hopes and dreams
>she pokes her fucking head back in again, with some surreptitious little message
I don't want to say women are evil... But this so clearly is. I don't know what it is. Literally the reason I drink, this fucking torture.

>> No.50899307

fuck you. i wish i was larping. i'm literally dying on the inside.

>> No.50899315

This but unironically. If you stay here for too long you are be so jaded mate.

If you dont know how women work you are a perfect candidate to follow one of those e daddy ecelebs such as andrew tate.

Imagine being 34 and being this immature jesus. I am so glad I had by first big break up at 20. These niggas living in their moms basement and having their first gf at 30 jesus christ.

>> No.50899322

I hope this is bait because you are fucking pathetic for a 34 year old