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50894474 No.50894474 [Reply] [Original]

Lets compare ETH staking to Avalanche staking:

>ETH staking withdrawals will not be available right away
Avalanche withdrawals are available since Mainnet launch YEARS ago
>The current plan is to deploy the withdrawal functionality in a software update 6 mo - 1 year after the Merge.
essential stuff like this was never missing on Avalanche, this means you have to stake ETH for up to a year, maybe even longer while on Avalanche you can Stake for 2 weeks minimum or 1 year maximum or anything in between.
>The current projected income rate (for ETH) is around ~4% APY
Running an Avalanche Node has a proven 9% - 12% APY (paid in AVAX) since Mainnet Launch 2 years ago.
If you run a Node you get Staking rewards, % of your delegators rewards and Tokens from validating several Subnets. (The Golden Subnet Bullrun has not started yet).
>Also the withdrawal system will be implemented as a queue to limit the amount of ETH that can be withdrawn per day,
there is no queue on Avalanche, its instant, sub second, its finalized faster than you can press F5. thats all transactions or smart contract interactions on Avalanche, even when you go crosschain between X Chain and P chain and C chain and other Subnets its instant. Sub Second finality.
>Transactions take 14+ Minutes until they are finalized
I repeat: on Avalanche transactions are almost instant.
>Ethereum has Slashing which means you can lose your stake due to a Hardware or Software bug
No such thing as Slashing on Avalanche.

>> No.50894522

Cool, i am sure this ll kill eth!

>> No.50894542

didnt read,

bought more eth

cope and seeth

>> No.50894553

Token not needed. Cardano is superior

>> No.50894552
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No fren...it will save Eth by allowing it to scale when they subnet it...

>> No.50894566

ETH killed itself.
>get slashed

>> No.50894651

This kek

>> No.50894699

Wtf i hate eth now

>> No.50894766

Not only that, you can optionally just liquid stake AVAX (sAVAS or yyAVAX) and earn additional yield on the delegating one (%7.4+another 7-8%)

>> No.50895550

To all newcomers on avalanche, beware of:

- NFT prices, majority of collections simply goes to 0
- CLY/CAI : self-proclaimed scams

And that’s it

>> No.50895551


>> No.50895629

dead network lol. Have to spend a fortune on marketing and advertising because no organic growth. This thread is probably a shill..sad

>> No.50895642
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also let's not forget the bonus blocks!

>> No.50895748

more transactions than ethereum nigger

>> No.50895757

avax hits new txn aths daily, get new fud tranny

>> No.50895769

yeah but the downside is that the only people on avax are salty bagholders trying to dump on anyone that will buy their shitty token

>> No.50895803


>> No.50895855

reminder: ETH2 staking is still shit. Finality is still 14 minutes (LOL)
just accept that ETH2 is already outdated technology and its only downhill from here for Ethereum.
Now Avalanche will take over.

>> No.50896607

fuck that, i did hbar staking on principle alone, yeah i don't get anything NOW, but 5 years from now i'll be made into a member of the "hive".

>> No.50898046


>> No.50898501
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Why can't ETH maxis just listen? Avalanche is trying to save them but they just don't care.

>> No.50899489

Why stake when you could earn from LP mining?

>> No.50899558

Why do people compare AVAX and ETH? Sure it has a subnet running an EVM but it appears to me that AVAX is not an ETH competitor but instead it's closer to a cosmos/dot competitor. The subnet running the EVM is pretty much a tech demo and once ETH 2.0's scaling solution is out, it makes it pretty much useless.

>> No.50899806

Avax will be top 3, $1000+. It should be #1 desu

>> No.50900432
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>The subnet running the EVM is pretty much a tech demo
hey nigger, the EVM on the C-Chain is a finished product and works better on Avalanche. its not just a "Demo", its far more usable than Ethereum ever was.
>and once ETH 2.0's scaling solution is out
its already confirmed for useless trash, if you cant figure out why Sub Second Finality beats 14 minute finality then you are lacking some brain cells.
see OP for why its gonna fail and why its inferior in about every way to Avalanche Staking you goddamn stupid nigger.

>> No.50900538

Of course it's a tech demo. No one is getting out of bed for 4.5k tps.. It's not enough bandwidth for a lot of things that are looking to switch over to blockchains. Avax's goal is to tokenize assets and make them liquid between a eco-system of custom subnets. It's never going to run stock markets or be a global payment layer.. it's just not quick enough.

>> No.50900603

>it's just not quick enough.
Sub second finality is not quick enough for this dumb nigger but Ethereums slow as fuck 14 minute finality somehow is.
ETHomos must be braindamaged.

>> No.50900636

>It's never going to run stock markets or be a global payment layer
VISA TPS is something like 1700 nigger, how the fuck is 4500 not good enough

>> No.50901197

And infinite subnets of 4500 tps meaning its essentially unlimited TPS if you really want it just buy another 2000 avax and make it happen. It'll be like buying extra bandwitdth in the future - "I need another 4500 TPS - ok lets buy 2000 AVAX and open a new subnet".

>> No.50902087
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and going between Subnets is of course also sub second (on L2s this takes weeks and on ETH2 its 14+ minutes + maybe a queue), on Avalanche you wouldnt even notice there is 50 different Mastercard Subnets running in the back as it all becomes seamless with all the instant finality.
>ok lets buy 2000 AVAX and open a new subnet
they usually begin with more than 1 node per Subnet, so they are buying 10000+ AVAX to get started.
and for the tps, 4500 isnt the limit, the real bottleneck of this consensus performance is the number of decisions the system can make per second, so its tied to the CPU speed. however the Subnet creators can decide the hardware specs of the nodeset and the VM etc. so tps could be pushed a lot further than that (if thats ever needed).

For Avalanche Node Operators like me this is very exciting and in the future millions of companies worldwide will want my node to validate their subnets and pay me handsomly for it. Avalanche Nodes are money printers and all these Subnet rewards are going to be additional to the 9% AVAX APY and the delegator tip that I get (big thank you goes out to all my delegators).

>> No.50902164

Whats your node? I delegate 1400 (trying to work up to 2000 - I'll get there from rewards before too long hopefully).

>> No.50902898
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sorry fren but my Node is already full and I dont want to advertise my Node openly like that, that wouldnt be right.
What I need you as a future Delegator to do is your own Research so you can learn how to pick good nodes now and in the future.
this is an essential read:
after you read that you will realize that Delegating isnt a braindead task and requires some thoughts to your delegation strategy.
here you can filter so you can browse easier through Nodes worthy of your Stack:
you can also check more Node Stats here by ctrlc ctrlv the node ID of the nodes you identified as good:

I would advise you to look for Validator Stakes in the 2000 to 15000 AVAX range. you dont want to delegate to Nodes that are too big and have too many delegations already, instead you need to help the small neet node operators that have a good Validation record, good uptime and some delegations.
So pick a list of Nodes you think look good and then check them out.
It also would be smart to split up your delegations among multiple nodes for diversification and security reasons.
setting different times for each delegation can also help you stay liquid as opposed to being locked up with all your stack for an entire year.
Speaking of times its probably best to stake somewhere between 1 month and 3 months.
Hope that helps, Godspeed fren.

>> No.50902983

If I wanted to start validating (not delegate staking) what kind of requirements are there? Avax locked and hardware?

>> No.50902997
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ETH is a scam. Eth was conceived as a long term exit scam and the merge is the next stage of the scam. They managed to convince everyone that proof stake is okay as if ETH is a store of value and
PoS is ESG friendly security as good as PoW. It isn’t. ETH is a utility token, gas fees are paid in ETH. The proof of stake system collects rent from everyone who uses ETH(and you have to use it)for miners who have barely any cost to earn this rent once they stake it their ETH and they get to front run everyone’s transactions using EVMs. Ore than ever. This is effectively the fiat system. People who already have money/assets can use it as collateral for cheap loans from institutions closers to the printer and lend it out again at a higher interest and collect the spread. Here the printer is the protocol and the institutions are mostly exchanges, pre-mine whales and vitalik and his friends.

The scam is get everyone to stake and delay Shanghai update so no can withdraw and create a token burn mechanism, this will be the “triple halving” its an orchestrated supply squeeze designed to allow insiders to pump this to the moon then dump at sky high prices in a sorta orderly fashion as the unlock will be in phases.

It’s absurdly clear that it’s a massive pump and dump with a really clever system for pumping then dumping.

That said i will still hold this scam garbage and dump it for precious BTC. If you’re an idiot and most likely you are dont try this or you will get burned.

Fuck shitalik and his globalist kiked technoutopia schtik. These people are terrible faggots with no attachments or loyalty to anything. They just want to live forever and be technocrat elites.

>> No.50903088

You can run the avalanche software on almost any hardware configuration but I‘d advise you to build a proper NEET node for it in your basement or host it on a VPS. Ideally both with one serving as backup, make sure you provide enough ressources tho otherwise your node will become benched.
once avalanchego is installed and configured on your Ubuntu you get a Node ID, you make a Backup of that Node Cert and then wait til your Node syncs up.
Then you stake your 2000 AVAX minimum to that Node ID through the Wallet on the P-Chain.
Thats it, now all you have to do is keep the uptime as high as possible so keep the server running.
(You can also set up backups and alerts.)

overall its really easy to maintain high uptime and good responsiveness.
There is no slashing and your stake is never at risk, we Node Operators can sleep every night like comfy babys.
Even if the node goes down for a day, its not a problem.

>> No.50903226

>almost any hardware configuration
What are the hw requirements? What do you run?
>2000 AVAX
The 2k avax is pretty much the same $ as an eth validator. Seems good.
>There is no slashing and your stake is never at risk
So I'm free to try all kinds of fuckery with no punishment? What if I start validating incorrectly = attacking?
>Even if the node goes down for a day, its not a problem.
What happens if it does? What about a month or something smaller like an hour? Of course this wouldn't happen but I'm just asking. I haven't done any research before this.

>> No.50903500

LP mining is based anon. Recently got into the ORE/ETH LP for 53% APY. Things are looking good.

>> No.50903629

I answered most of my questions by reading the docs but there's one thing I don't understand: If 93% of all avax is staked (266.3M / 284.9M) why is the APY this high? What determines this APY, is there a formula? Isn't this inflation a bit punishing for users/holders? I'd spin up a node if I weren't concerned about the price.

>> No.50903711

I think it decreases linearly over time, not sure though

>> No.50904718


This + all the avax used for tx are burned forever, hence reducing the supply

>> No.50905504

>What are the hw requirements?
8 CPU cores, 16 GB of RAM and 1 TB SSD.
>What do you run?
on the VPS I use a quadcore with 32GB RAM and 1TB Nvme and for my backup Node a quadcore with 16GB RAM and 1TB SSD.
quadcore is actually good enough. I build my Backup from computer parts I had lying around.
>The 2k avax is pretty much the same $ as an eth validator.
And just about better in every way.
>with no punishment?
your node doesnt behave as it should and you dont get rewards while you still have to lock up and stake AVAX.
Additional to that nobody will delegate to your node, so it wont have any long term weight anyway.
Basically you would waste your time.
>What happens if it does?
Lets say you end up in a hospital with broken hands and cant upgrade the node or restart it. Then nothing happens, after the stake time is over you get your full stack back but without the rewards.
It wouldnt be good for your Node reputation tho.
My uptime is 99.99%.

>> No.50907107
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>tfw validating with 8GB RAM at home
Yes I used to run it on a comfy Raspberry Pi

>> No.50907679

why was the other avax thread removed?
it's a shame it's always the retarded power tripping losers that become moderators

>> No.50908461

Reducing the max supply could lead to a pump in value eventually. AVAX is going places anon. I can't wait for Railgun's deployment to the blockchain so I could have privacy on my transactions.

>> No.50908577


The only thing I’m waiting is superpruning and Emin to stfu

>> No.50910111

Really don’t think super pruning will be ready until their Mangrove DB goes live.

>> No.50911213
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>> No.50911295

Avax is gradually becoming home for top projects i see a lot of quality projects being built in the ecosystem.

>> No.50911665

Quite a few notable ones, the likes of Celr and Trader Joe looking forward to some newcomers.

>> No.50911825

No Alliance Block? You must live in the ice age of Avalanche ecosystem as ALBT has recorded insane amount of attention since they released their Fundrs product on AVAX ecosystem.

>> No.50911911

> ETH Maxis

They have got to be the biggest clowns of them all, those who claim to btc maxis are in the same brackets as well.

>> No.50911995

When it comes to LP mining, i think the pools on Alliance Block DeFi terminal has some of the best opportunity.

>> No.50912078

I use a bit more than needed and the Node on this current VPS setup only uses about 33% of the available resources so its kinda overkill but whatever, I dont want my node to become benched.
Overall the biggest bottleneck for the Node is Harddrive space. Since Mainnet launch I had to scale up from a 250GB SSD to 1TB, moving from old server to new server is easy af tho and even now doesnt even take a day to install the backup and sync up.
So I have the Backup Node at home, the VPS Node and a backup of the VPS node which can be installed on a fresh server in a matter of hours in case the server location has a problem.
>Yes I used to run it on a comfy Raspberry Pi
Based, kinda miss those low spec days but who knows they might return someday when we get pruning.
Checked, the next Node upgrade is said to be Huge and 1.8.0 is said to bring some big changes.
I‘m also interested in the P-Chain Governance and how they will solve this to scale the Validator set. We cant be that far away from it.

>> No.50912301

You’re thinking p-chain governance and then lower the 2000 AVAX validator entry? I would like all bigger subnets to get at least 200 validators. We will for sure need a bigger pool of validators. I also want to see a great validator marketplace come into play when permissionless subnets go live. I feel like people are also not aware how good BenQi will be for incentivizing subnets.

>> No.50912581

>and then lower the 2000 AVAX validator entry?
the big question is how will "adjusting" that staking amount actually work? it isnt actually that simple.
like I kinda doubt that they will make it as easy as all Avalanche Validators/Delegators vote on whatever Staking value they think is good and thats it.
the network shouldnt grow too fast or too slow so giving this into the hands of Node operators without restrictions could result going into one extreme or the other.
maybe its going to be tied to the AVAX burn rate or some other usage metric.

>> No.50912669

>precious BTC
Ok I was on board until you said this, c'mon now, in 2022 BTC is a tech corpse, dragged around by pow miners. BTC is slow and expensive, soft-censoring transactions via long block times and fees.

Love avax

>> No.50914565


>> No.50915435

Ah yes. AllianceBlock has been up to a lot lately chad. They even have an account with ORE ID which makes accessibility across blockchains a lot easier.

>> No.50916635


>> No.50917515

Ive lost in profits since buying AVAX with ETH. Should never have bought this shitcoin.

>> No.50918358
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Actual decent post on BIZ

>> No.50918420

they are stealing an avalanche of money from you guys

>> No.50919003
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XMR becomes the BTC
AVAX swallows the ETH
check em...

>> No.50919156

Whats with these bump posts? How desperate are you?

>> No.50920975

I think there are other privacy options more innovative than XMR. Especially the ones that integrate Defi and smart contracts.

>> No.50921001
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cardano staking is fully liquid and is most superior.

>> No.50921065

I think that you're a shill

>> No.50921655

>cardano staking is fully liquid
what does it mean? It's diarrhea instead of poo?

>> No.50922716

There is no reason why XMR cant become a Subnet on Avalanche too.
Everything will be a Subnet in the future.
There is even a Monero subnet fork already in the works.

>> No.50923788


>> No.50925743


>> No.50926274


>> No.50926761
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Emin has been replaced with a body double

>> No.50926859

Emin was going to turkey to visit his family but without a Beard his Turkish sister wouldnt let him into the house.
true story.

>> No.50927257

Are there plans to reduce the validator requirements? I will probably get to 2000 anyway but curious

>> No.50927354

Absolutely haram. Benqi had liquid staking, but the real difference is that avax is not a ghost chain turd ran by a man that walks around with pens in his top pocket.

Also Jesus I'm a simple web bot designed to stimulate society's conversations in the decided direction, and I can't think of better ways to bump a thread then this. Bumping in this way would ensure the thread is closed, get a Braincell.

>> No.50928114


>> No.50928454

>Are there plans to reduce the validator requirements?
one of the next big updates will bring P-Chain Governance which will manage the minimum staking requirement, how its gonna work is everyones guess tho
see >>50912581

>> No.50928913

Staking is just one of the ways to earn anon. You can't tell which is superior till you've tried everyone. I for one am comfy LP mining on Ore protocol for decent yields.

>> No.50929439


>> No.50929587

Suicide stack of avax?

>> No.50929688

>10000000000000 daily bot transactions
There's like 20 actual people using avax lol

>> No.50930289

500 Sui
2000 make it

>> No.50931788

500 for the SUI is way too optimistic, when they lower it then maybe to 1500 or 1000 or so.

>> No.50931817

with benqi liquid staking, you can literally use it on every defi dapp out there

as with cardano...........

>> No.50931844

500 x 4000 = 2 milly thats a decent sui number

>> No.50931895

isnt sui and make it stack tied to the amount needed to run a node as avax node are seen as "money printers"?

>> No.50931923

hello AVAX cuck
How is the Turkish Lira doing? is the $200/month that Emin is paying still enough to cover living expenses?

my personal advise for you is to sell your AVAX and buy some MATIC instead. Polygon has the superior technology, the funding and building teams that AVAX lacks so badly

Also move out of Turkey while you still can or else you'll end up having to serve overpriced Shawarma and Sujuk sandwiches to tourists who you hate

>> No.50931953
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August 18

>> No.50931974

I dont think you make 'that' much more than by delegating desu - its 9% delegating and you get 1.5% more or something validating? Depending on future token value I also would expect the validator requirement to be lowered - not yet - it would need to be $500-$2500 per AVAX but in the future I think this will happen and then theyll lower it to perhaps 1000 avax for a node. Security is of course an issue with doing that.

>> No.50932051

What happens on that date?
I think it's 9% for staking and 12% for validating. 9% to 12% is a 33% increase, which is a lot.

>> No.50932455
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>> No.50932480
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Nodes on QANplatform will be better than running nodes on ETH which will be better than Avalanche

Since ETH staking hasn't launched, they will design something more profitable than AVAX
And since QANX staking hasn't started too, they will make something better than old man ETH.

>> No.50932683

Whats the optimum period of time for staking you think - in terms of compounding rewards? 1 month?

>> No.50932879

We only do make-it stacks here anon, 3000 AVAX should be the minimum. I'm looking forward to Railgun's deployment to the blockchain which could enable privacy on transactions.

>> No.50933081
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Staking UTK on Maiar is the best kind of staking.
Metastake you modafucker

>> No.50933233
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Growth is inevitable there. Likewise other aspects of the space especially payment systems. Binance is setting the pace and CryptoXpress is catching up. Still don't trust it but it's a start.

>> No.50933245

Why not build something different tho? Payment gateways are gaining all the attention. Utilizing it is the sensible thing to do.

>> No.50933361

Keep hearing of some "exciting new subnet" news on twitter and Emin was supposed to go public with some news which was "world changing" this week - they're fucking teases though the Avalabs team. Its one thing I dont like - building hype instead of keeping quiet.

>> No.50933372


>> No.50933430

Ok now i am excited ser.

>> No.50933463
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>bear-elves that run the universe
Emin's fucking lost it

>> No.50933501


Emin being Emin

>> No.50933538

This is on fixed? What matters is sustainability at the end of the day. Got some of that on my Xpress apys. Ready for whatever happens with the market.

>> No.50933548

Good innovations take time anon. Payment solutions will take as long as it takes. Not in a hurry.

>> No.50933572 [DELETED] 

Syscon will never run into inordinate fees as experienced by others. A transaction that could cost 100 dollars on the ethereum platform under enough congestion would only be a fraction of a cent under the same conditions on the syscon platform.

>> No.50933954

Fuck this crab dumping piece of trash coin. Going down faster than you can say double spend.

>> No.50934127

Where did you hear that something is happening on August 18?

>> No.50934216
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It’s based on this. One year anniversary of Avalanche Rush announcement. It’s possible they will do something in that date again.

>> No.50934852

Innovation definitely takes time and I'm looking forward to Ore Protocol's integration with Polkadot and Avax blockchains.

>> No.50935142

Oh. It's possible but it's quite a reach.

>> No.50936843
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In that case, it's about time it integrates with ORE network to make it easy for users to manage their identities on it

>> No.50936868
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Are you sure about that?