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50893551 No.50893551 [Reply] [Original]

GRT is not a good investment. The projects that MATTER (generating most of the query fees) have plenty of time and resources to run their own indexers. It gives them way more control over the data and removes the need to wait on fucking Edge & Node or whatever other random 5-person “””core developer””” to come in and fix their problems whenever they feel like it.

The Graph is only helpful for indie dev scaffolding projects that actually have restrictions on time and resources. The projects that will lead the charge of the revolution will never trust major infrastructure to another team just because “muh decentralization.”

By the way no one has refuted this FUD yet. The anon defending GRT in this thread got BTFO:


>> No.50893662

Didnt read not selling take a hike

>> No.50894189

OK you 80 IQ GRTards who somehow stumbled your way into a decent investment, I have your counterFUD for you.

"Indexing yourself" is CENTRALIZED. Aka, Lens Protocol and all the other "major projects" running their own indexer are requiring all consumers to TRUST that their method of indexing the blockchain is actually correct. There's no verifiability, proof, or accountability. It's the exact same as Google providing search results. It's the exact antithesis of everything web3 is supposed to stand for.

The ONLY REASON it is currently politically palatable to self-index is because The Graph is not yet at a point of having technical parity from a speed, coverage or feature perspective. For some faith that they can accomplish those things, just watch any of the non-roastie non-Yaniv talks at Graph Day. The only thing they're really focused on is making The Graph as performant as possible. That's why there's basically no marketing or hype. Heads down, get to work, improve the product.

As soon as The Graph is actually performant, can you tell me how any project could politically support not using it?
>Oh sorry we need to use our own indexer and fuck with your search results because.....
Shut the fuck up, jew. Use The Graph.

>> No.50894449
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it's been more than a year since I've been down over 90% on this dogshit, I've reached the unreachable state of nihlism, nothing mattered in the past and nothing matters in the future. Losing money is just the same as earning it, there's no right nor wrong, good decision or bad decision, there's only apathy.

>> No.50894596

COPE. As if anybody's gonna give a shit about "politically acceptable" queries lmao. As if the only thing that matters isn't the speed and simplicity of self indexing.

>> No.50894747

It’s easy to roll your own indexer. Making it run on a decentralized network so it can be a component in an actual dApp is a different story. If your “big players” are content with less, then guess what, they’re actually small players because then they’re only competing with tradfi.

>> No.50894837

People still hold this proven scam?

>> No.50894909

Derek Meyer any copium ?

>> No.50894916

If you’re not just fudding, please consider the following:
In theory, a smart contract (SC) can access anything on the blockchain. It can’t access the outside world, which is where oracles come in. People repeatedly make the mistake of thinking their homegrown oracles could suffice, but it’s becoming very clear a real decentralized solution like Chainlink is required to make the whole trustless equation work.
So SCs can access onchain data, but in practice for an SC to collect the data required for a statistical function is too expensive (in gas) in reality. So in practice, SCs have to call out for statistics from the blockchain too. But they can’t call out, so oracles have to feed them the statistics. Now, where do you think trustless, decentralized, reputable oracles will get their statistics? From trust-required, in-house indexers or from an equally decentralized, trustless indexer network?
Any objections you’ll throw at this are about the state of things today, if you can’t see this is where things are going I can’t help you.

>> No.50894946
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You should get some rest derek

>> No.50894969

I’m some other guy, I’m not regular enough for a nickname

>> No.50895007

…but since you’re around, please let me know if you see any serious objections to what I stated, as I believe very heavily in its veracity (enough for sizable investments).

>> No.50895081

Googled the name. I’m not an indexer, just delegator.

>> No.50895111

Just run the index locally using true blocks. Everything centralized will go zero either way.

>> No.50895496

I can’t believe I got duped by this reddit coin. I put mine and my wife’s life savings of $25k in when GRT was at 2.50 thinking it was going to $10 so we could afford a down payment on a house and now it’s worth just over $1k. I even convinced my father in law to buy some and told him it was “the google of blockchain” and he put in like $50k and I think he eventually sold his stack for only 3 or 4 grand.

Me and him used to have a great relationship but now he never speaks to me and i’ve been told he talks a lot of shit about me and thinks i’m a total loser. I’m pretty sure he is trying to convince my wife to leave me too though she hasn’t openly admitted it to me. This coin ruined my fucking life.

>> No.50895693
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Ah yes. Another GRT FUD thread. Excuse while I say: It's over

>> No.50895712

Didn't read already sold it's over

>> No.50895828

ngl anon you kinda turned me on frfr
too bad it's over

>> No.50895842

Even tho it's a shitty pasta it still shakes me to the core that these faggots could get away with it.

>> No.50895935

It’s just beginning.

>> No.50896199

GRT is a rugpull.

Imagine offering a service for free that a multitrillion dollar industry absolutely depends on and can't easily or inexpensively replicate and then turning around and charging for it this year, and then distributing the revenue to stakeholders. Just imagine how much money will be siphoned from these clients to the network. Extorted out of tens, hundreds of millions of dollars per year soon.

But because the industry has no other option, they'll pay to keep using it, and because the industry is quickly growing, more people will pay to use it. What choice do they have? The GRT stakers will be making bank in the future at the expense of the entire sector, which they'll be profiting from the processed data of, indexing and selling it to whoever wants it. It'll probably siphon and redistribute billions per year a few years from now. Does this sound like an honest way to make a living living? I don't think so.

How is this okay? Pure greed. Probably going to end up like Google or Facebook with their obscene market capitalization and monopoly on truth, except using "zero knowledge proofs" and "verifiability" technology developed by DARPA-funded partners in lieu of media partnerships and paid fact checkers. What's worse, it's "permissionless" meaning anyone can do what they want using the network's data, mixing sources as they please to create unspeakable horrors of insights using futuristic technologies like "composable subgraphs." It's probably going to lure real-world industry into using its services too, and then the entire world will be robbed of its hard-earned money, creating a monstrosity of a global database (A public version of the NSA's PRISM program? Hello?) in the process that no one is free from.

It's a shame that governments can't shut it down because it's decentralized and distributed across the planet and not maintained by a single company that can be sued or prosecuted.

This is not okay.

>> No.50896206

Its over

>> No.50896339
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It's joever

>> No.50896571

Can't spell it's over without GRT

>> No.50896799

I didn't buy Matic or Fantom at 1 cent because people called them scams. I just bought 10,000 GRT.

>> No.50896847

Checked. Be sure to delegate to the network for passive income. Welcome to the world of pain that is grt holders