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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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50889779 No.50889779 [Reply] [Original]

Pic related

I'm studying finance and surgery

How much would this cost in your country? Is this a good business?


>> No.50889885

>How much would this cost in your country?
About a couple hundred thousand.

>> No.50889892

Why live at this point, it's just a torso

>> No.50889913

Fear of death. Its easy to say you'd rather die but when you are faced with the choice of not being able to enjoy whats left of life or living without the ability to shit or walk, most will pick the latter.

>> No.50889930

So would you still be able to eat I'm so confused. Is this guy still alive

>> No.50889933

Maximise your drain on society before perishing. Very based IMO.

>> No.50889941

So why is suicide so prevalent?

>> No.50889949

the surgery would be free, whats not covered is supplementary painkillers and the hospital room itself

>> No.50889975

Next time you think you have it bad, think of this dude.

>> No.50889983

Do you see over 50% of humanity killing themselves? No? Then shut the fuck up. Fucking imbecile.

>> No.50889984
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>> No.50890021

you shit in a bag and piss out a tube so yes he can still eat

>> No.50890041

Still less drain on society than by politicians

>> No.50890342

Whats his tdee and water requirements? Like a glass of orange juice and a boiled egg, and he is set for the day.

>> No.50890353
File: 168 KB, 1242x1540, forklift.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is that the forklift kid?

>> No.50890413

You just moved the goal posts.
>living without the ability to shit or walk.
>50% of humanity.
No, I don't see 50% of humanity killing themselves. What does that have anything to do with the very small % of people who are living without the ability to shit or walk?

>> No.50890423

whats the story

>> No.50890431

What a fucking retarded post

>> No.50890435


>> No.50890441
File: 37 KB, 355x500, the-underminer-132162-normal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm always beneath you, but nothing is beneath me!

>> No.50890445

>How much would this cost in your country?

>> No.50890460


Basically what he can do is wait for the medical or transhumanist tech to allow either his body getting regrown somehow or just a brain transplant or mind upload.

Given the rate of technological advancement it might be possible in 10-20 years.

>> No.50890469

Daily reminder that he still gets to eat his gf's asshole every day (and is high on pain medicine all the time)

>> No.50890494


Maybe she can fit him with one of those "lower torso" sex toys that camgirls tend to use.

>> No.50890507

I imagine she sits on his face often, farting into his face as he lies helpless and high off his tits

>> No.50890508

It’s a great business. So many people need that surgery. Also the repeat business for more hemocorporectomkes. Dumb faggot.

>> No.50890515


killing oneselves takes a lot of courage.
Death is the most scary thing ever. It would mean you would no longer exist, something we cannot conceptualize

>> No.50890534
File: 30 KB, 450x400, TheFuture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They can rebuild him, they have the technology.

>> No.50890555

>Given the rate of technological advancement it might be possible in 10-20 years.
Tech peaked in 2019, it's all backward from here. Who do you think in going to invent the tech for an android body when people with an iq of 130 or mare have 0,5 children on average?

>> No.50890576
File: 38 KB, 684x673, 1623565525601.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.50890579

You're too stupid for this conversation, I suggest you go back talking with the likes of you on twitter or wherever you came from

>> No.50890582 [DELETED] 

The only ecosystem I'm using rn is Life Beyond. because:

>AAA Blockchain powered MMORPG
>Open Alpha is live
>Upcoming NFT Drop
>True Ownership of in-game items

>> No.50890667

>no genitalia
>has a libido
pick one

>> No.50890684

I'd rather be a cripple than a pseudo manlet

>> No.50890696

he will still want braps

>> No.50890697


> How much would this cost in your country?

Half a body

>> No.50891077

>Literally means "half body remotion"
How can doctors get away with this?

>> No.50891145

Damn thats fucking depressing

>> No.50891207

>Fear of death. Its easy to say you'd rather die but when you are faced with the choice of not being able to enjoy whats left of life or living without the ability to shit or walk, most will pick the latter.
That's true but people who has experienced near-death twice in their life aren't really scared of it.

>1st time
>got malaria when I was a kid
>was 9 around that time
>docs say I don't stand a chance if there's no blood transfusion within two days
>three days came
>heart flat lined
>no pulse, no brain activity (my experience it was all black like a long sleep)
>for 14 hours
>but new blood came
>docs: "meh, wahtever, let's try it anyway and see what happens"
>blood transfusion success
>suddenly pulse and brain activity came back
>woke up two days later
>was out of hospital a week after that
All these is what my dad said, while my aunt said that dad was almost ready to bash that doc's head

>2nd time
>I was 23 years old
>bus accident up the mountains
>woke up with gas dripping on my intestinal wound
>broken arm, broken legs, broken ribs
>stomach wound wasn't that big, but instestines were already peeping outwards
>I kept saying I WANNA DIE x1000 instantly that time
>rescue came
>fainted on the way to hospital
>woke up three days still feeling the extreme pain in the stomach
>rest of the bus passengers didn't make it
>another passenger, a girl probably in her teens was beside me, with broken spine and left kidney stabbed with a metal handle
>she didn't make it
>she died two hours after I woke up
>only me and 6 other bus passengers survived
>released from hospital five months later
I read the newspaper of that incident and saw the bus torn apart in half. I never expected to survive that accident.

>> No.50891228

Uhh...I actually think most would pick death. He can't fuck anymore...