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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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50888664 No.50888664 [Reply] [Original]

has anyone made money directly from browsing /biz/?

just curious

>> No.50888672


>> No.50888676


do explain good sir

>> No.50888679

Surprisingly yes. Its a bit of mine field though

>> No.50888686

Yes, during the halcyon days of the last bull I was printing money on dog coins and other random scams like wynaut and rocket bunny.

>> No.50888687

is this the bottom

>> No.50888692

I could have if I listened. I was here when link, prq and pnk were extremely cheap. PRQ i could have bought below 1c but I didnt listen.

>> No.50888706

Yes. Rubic, bao, shiba in that order would have got you a 100000x last bull run if you just aped in at the first thread posted here

>> No.50888713
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I had no idea what I was doing when it comes to stocks.
But /biz/ books gave me a direction

>> No.50888715

not bad I've seen better

>> No.50888757

Not true, none of these cucks were in on any life-changing wealth trends (BTC, Shiba). Right now, /biz/ is flooded with LINK and Chainlink accumulation; its fucking boring asf. because they need something to make them money. Too autistic to hold jobs lol.

>> No.50888760

bought siga at 17 cause biz told me to

>> No.50888768


this is the bottom sir

>> No.50888839

Yeah. I made $600 into roughly $85k when I dumped Mithril. I didn't want to, I like the project, but the dev put a time bomb in it at launch when he gave away ludicrous amounts at launch for almost free to myself and abut 20 other whales. People seethed and called me a retard for selling all at once in the telegram (Dev had a 50% sell tax over a certain amount) instead of slowly bleeding it out, but i knew the same thing that the other 20 did. It was basically all 20 of us at a round table watching a pot fill with money, but the first one to leave the table took it. Any whale starting his slow exit would have triggered a selling war between the whales. So I made the logical choice when I had about $160k worth and ate the half tax. Sure enough, as soon as I made my move the others tried to get what they could and it crashed to the floor.

>> No.50888892

no but ive made about 60k from browsing /pol/.

>> No.50888912

Yes, if you can sift through shit.
Took the no trading compounding ETF pill when I was too scared for crypto, and still sitting on massive gains even while not investing in it since 2020.
Introduced me to crypto properly (saw the ban from /g/ and didn't think much of it, was too young), made me massive gains with ETH and LINK.

It's not /biz/ only, but basket weaving opened my eyes on normie behavior, what the world is like, incentives, never trust the news, the value of autism, measured elitism, and applying yourself.
Whenever someone gives you any information, ask yourself what does he gain and is it zero or positive sum.
Make no mistake, everyone is out to get you. There are no gifts.

>> No.50888955



>> No.50889002
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/biz/ first introduced me to Chainlink in 2018. Been holding it ever since.

>> No.50889055

I lucked into with doge and shiba, it's really stupid. Now i am waiting for the next move. Hope you guys can pull through for me one last time!

Also, Shiba is still very cheap, any chance it hits the 1c margin (within 2 years)?

>> No.50889070

and you didnt get out when everybody was screaming top and get out asap!
>you deserve to be poor

>> No.50889075

Someone posted elons second tweet about doge and I fomod in at 0.0003 thank you anon
>never took profits so I’m 15k down from my ath

>> No.50889106

What do you think it means when they give you overt info about themselves? Are they showing their neck or do they want you to sympathize and pity em? I am sure there's a combination of both with clever folk. But for a long while i didn't understand why people were always giving up their private lives to me. Now it's scary abit, how often i am told this or that. Now that i am older, such proposals are quite out there.

>> No.50889152

they were talking about food shortages and oil shit like 6 months before msm was. theyre probably too schizo to take their own advice but i decided to take quite a large fertilizer position based on their shitposting.

>> No.50889198
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What's there to explain? Hundreds if not thousands of people have become millionaires from investing in crypto that /biz/ shilled, and many coins started their runs right here. Shiba Inu for example largely began right here.

>> No.50889204

There was an anon who was giving out Rubic for those who got dubs and trips and i got dubs. He gave out several thousand cubes before jannies nuked the thread

>> No.50889210


>> No.50889234

Not /biz/, but I've made quite a bit posting on reddit.

>> No.50889287

Kek, same

>> No.50889298

ya i bought 100 ETH in 2017. its now locked up in eth mining wallet until 2.0

>> No.50889613

I bought SHIB in February last year and still hold it. It's a long hold for me since I didn't sell when I should have last year. Sometimes I don't like this board because there can be nasty anons on here for different reasons but I cannot deny there are also anons here that do want to help people. Like other anons say, you really have to wade through the garbage posts and threads. You also have to spend a lot of time on here at different times of the day. So, spend the morning, afternoon, evening and then night time 10-30 minutes or so each time. Right now, because this is bear market, the catalogue moves slowly so you'll see most posts for the entire day.

>> No.50889703


>> No.50890067

I have the same meme happening to me, people just like to talk a lot, especially about themselves. If you're an introvert, chances are you listen to people intently, and it makes them feel good.

>> No.50890076

No its sergey

>> No.50890090
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I'm still up on proton and starl from last september.

>> No.50890255

Absolutely not. The big gains I've made all came from coins I first heard somewhere else. Maybe this place has saved me some money though, by making me avoid shit that gets aggressively shilled here during bull markets.

>> No.50890265

yes, i browse biz with brave, so I made some dollarinos from just browsing

>> No.50890282
File: 106 KB, 292x257, 89b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah I heard about D0B0 here super early, but $200 in and made $160k

>> No.50890374

I have made more money than I ever thought I could, then lost it. Also I don't use solely biz. I diversify my learnings.

>> No.50890438

I've lost money on everything that I bought just because somebody did a good job shilling it here. 4chan is ahead of the mainstream in general but in crypto its "behind" Reddit, Twitter, Discord and Telegram as a source of news. Not that there aren't good ideas and advice to found here, but 4chan is small compared to those other platforms. If you want to make money on /biz/ you have to learn how to filter good information from bad. Usually by the time something is on /biz/ it's too late to make quick money on it if it's a shitcoin / NFT.

>> No.50890453

No. Problem is that even when /biz/ gives good advice, I assume it's some underage shitposter from the Third World making things up to get me to buy some ripoff.

>> No.50890536

Jesus Christ the absolute state of this board.
Fucking hang yourself you utter retard

>> No.50890552

Nobody was screaming that
Chainlink has been down several times before

>> No.50890565

Check out Kishimoto-inu. It's got potential

>> No.50890618

god what i would give to perform a direct-contact sniff right there

>> No.50890625

Yes, actually. Link, dog w bat, rose. It’s rare, but it’s possible

>> No.50890663

I bought siga on biz's recommendation at 12-13. Up 100% right now.

I should have listenrd sooner. Coyld have bought in at 8-9a d be up 200%

>> No.50890941

I'm a newfag so buying AVAX at $5, KDA at 40c and selling near the top were my big plays. I also still hold some bags (LINK) which has been an important lesson

>> No.50890954

Where else do you learn?

>> No.50891029

When I saw LUNA (now LUNC) crashing like Anne Heche I was basically laughing the whole time. Once it got to SHIB levels of price within a few days I timed the bottom almost to a T and threw some spare tether at it and picked up 12 million. Turned that 100 or so into 1000 within a few days and regret not going all in. Oh well. Free money is free money.

>> No.50891064

/biz/ told me to buy eth during 2015 ICO. I didn't. Anyway, fast forward to September 2017. I didn't invest in link ICO because i had a principal of never investing fiat. Then lots of people got rich off ebtc airdrop. I was seething about missing it then someone here told me about exrp(exrn). got in time for this one and the airdrop was worth 4 eth ath. It's a dead shitcoin now because of egoistical Korean CEO but anyway

>> No.50891096

Bought GRT at $2.40
Bought ICP at $50.00
Bought ENS at $50.00
Bought RSR at $0.11
Bought Link at $19.99
Bought BTC at $64,000

>> No.50891106


>> No.50891134

Yes. Got millions from SHIBA INU

>> No.50891353

tsuka is the real shib

>> No.50891410

bought GME at 5 because of smg

sold at 37 because of smg. lol.