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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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50886398 No.50886398 [Reply] [Original]

I’m 18 and I work at McDonald’s and have been since 9th grade so about 4 years I already graduated god dang it. And I don’t wanna quit because I don’t have a job lined up and I’m getting tired of the job and even hearing the word McDonald’s. I’m done with them and planning to quit just to say fuck it since I have no costs I don’t need to work there. Problem is I don’t wanna work and service jobs I’m tired of them and I’m currently sigining up for college to do computer science, pls give me your thoughts

>> No.50886407

Please don’t ban me , just delete this post I’lll repost it in the right forum I forgot the rule

>> No.50886533

Going to college is a fine idea if you have a career planned.
Having a job while in college is a good idea if you can work part time, manage school, and have fun partying on Friday nights.
If you’ve been working for 4 years, hopefully you have at least 5 figures saved or an equivalent of that invested.
If you don’t need a job you don’t need one. But if you do need one, start applying to others before quitting. You can also request to have a week off of work so you can relax a bit before continuing the grind. If you have no trade skills, then it will be hard for you to get a job that isn’t service oriented, and if you’re in school full time then you can only get a part time job, but if you’re in school part time then you can get a full time job.
What field are you interested as a career?

>> No.50886578

Chemical engineer, anything to do with mining, heavy industrial is where the money is.

>> No.50886610

Dude says he's signing up to go for computer science and you tell him go into chemical engineering. Yeah he can spend 4 years in college and 2 years getting a master and work for a fossil fuel company and make low six figures, if he has any interest in that. He'll also have to relocate depending on where he lives.
>thats where the money is
There's money in every field. Tell him to be a doctor or go to WallStreet too. Or become a politician and get millions in bribes

>> No.50886648

>Please don’t ban me
LMAO there are no mods here, /biz/ is ironically one of the most laissez faire boards on 4chan.

>> No.50886689
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I got banned for saying nigger

>> No.50886701

>I have no costs
move out for college don't stay cost free
the money saved by staying at parents house is irrelevant at that stage of your life

>> No.50887101

I’m intrested in coding as my fathers a coder and I live near San fransisco, better than any other jobs I can think of not just because pay,
I can but where I live is hella expensive on top of that I’m only good enough for a mc wagie

>> No.50887284

This braindead cocksucker is trying to bait you into doing something retarded. Keep college costs to a minimum. Also be prepared for the “general education” scam your first few semesters

>> No.50887312

Truck driver

Trade school - linesman (for example)

Sales grunt

All decent options that don’t involve raping yourself with huge debt and guaranteed employment. With trucking you could get started quickly and if you DGAF put your head down and make decent money with basically no cost of living.

I seriously regret not becoming a trucker right out of high school, saving and grinding for 10 years…you’d be so rich

>> No.50887548

Coding is fine. Either get into a prestigious school to get set up for a good job, or go to the cheapest shool possible. Most likely, the in between schools will not offer any more of a leg up, unless you see they have partnerships with the companies you want to work for.
Most people who go to school for technology learn the same things: the school's lectures are outdated and you are paying for the piece of paper. That's fine.
The best suggestion is to get the degree, while pursuing coding in your free time. If you don't have a drive to pursue it in your free time, you probably won't enjoy it much but IDK.

>> No.50888362

Keep costs to a minimum for what? He's not going to get a decent job during college. If he's going to work anyway then go use the money to experience life
Once you graduate you get a real job and make everything you've spent in the last 3+ years in the first half year, then if you want you can move back in with parents to maximize saving

>> No.50888363
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I was in a similar situation and my only answer to that was to put money into nfts because my "artist" friend was making money with it, one thing led to another and now I have champ soccer players and I don't even know how to go on with it anymore

>> No.50888530

You're right about it being pointless to save before having a real job but how are you going to pay rent without being a wagie at some shit job while you also study. Just stay at home with your parents and spent the rest of your money on dumb shit.

>> No.50888700

Yeah you're right that is almost always the better idea. I didn't notice I was projecting my own specific regrets, nevermind my posts OP

>> No.50888722

Yeah I'll have a big mac meal please.

>> No.50889374

do you eat their food?

>> No.50889465

my mate worked at mcdonalds and in 2 weeks learned the entire kitchen and was offered management training and he was in 2nd year university.

dont tell me you've been working 1 food station the entire time? cause youre a lost cause and will fail university

>> No.50889699

Since you live near san francisco just be a professional shoplifter and sell it on ebay dummy. But make sure to keep each haul at a max of $949.99 or whatever the niggerloving law is