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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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50883194 No.50883194 [Reply] [Original]

the literal state of "decentralized finance"

>> No.50883475

the maxis are right

>> No.50883511

no refunds lmao

>> No.50883559

The UI is meaningless. You can still use the contracts. That's the purpose of DeFi. Another web interface will pop up shortly.

>> No.50883591
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Ya. Use Aave. Lmao. Fucking DINOs.

>> No.50883598

Public ledger.
What the fuck were people expecting?
This is tech your grandma going to be paying gas bills on.
It's like governments evicting moonshiners from public land to be developed as condos.

>> No.50883603
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How do you do that

>> No.50883614

The UI is meaningless. You can still use the contracts. That's the purpose of DeFi. Another web interface will pop up shortly.

>> No.50883618

bitcoin chads i kneel

>> No.50883974

You forgot the part where Infura, Pocket and Etherscan are all blocking actions at RPC level
But hey, you can always build a server, download a full 10T archival node over the next 45 days, and then you can still use the contract, so convenient, truly decentralized

>> No.50884009


>> No.50884026

You can use any other provider and anyone can make their own if these go down

>> No.50884073

>you can always rely on another 3rd party
mETH heads are goddamn moron I swear
There will be no third party waiting to rescue you
ETH is a centralized mess and it’s only gonna get worse with PoS (it already was a centralized piece of shit so the merge will be seamless, imagine forcing hardforks with zoom calls between a couple of folks)

>> No.50884112

b-but regulation and institutions are supposed to be good for brypto

>> No.50884297

it's reasonable for these devs to be cautious, they've already spent the last few years getting hounded by the SEC and frivolous lawsuits. what are you expecting?
that doesn't sound correct

>> No.50884566

Wait until using anything that isn’t chainlinked becomes a crime.

>> No.50884583

>If you can't do anything with your coins, the government can't fuck you over as easily

>> No.50884594

>state mandated hodling
sounds bullish as fuck

>> No.50884601

This. if OP was accurate it wouldn't be decentralized. Decentralized platforms don't account for risk or security by nature. A company like Kraken for example is centered around security and they're as centralized as they come outside of maybe Coinbase.

>> No.50884602

tell me how then

>> No.50884627

>dubs and ID
I’ll go ahead and check myself. Fuck 4ass.

>> No.50884645

uhh just stop funding anti-vaxxers and right-wing terrorists chud
if you have nothing to hide you have nothing to fear

>> No.50884650


>> No.50884945

>hodl mode
>its for your own safety

>> No.50885120

just wait until defi contracts all integrate with chainlink nodes connected to chainalysis data

>> No.50885147


>> No.50885236

bitcoin does absolutely nothing here

>> No.50885256

It's spiritually related, as it is actually decentralized, not decentralized in name only.

>> No.50885292


>> No.50885314

bitcoin is more vulnerable to censorship than ethereum under every single metric
mining is controlled by big companies that buy power plants just to mine, they will enforce all laws
every ln node is a money transmitter by the most direct definition and minimum enforcement means full kyc
even polygon is more resistant to american regulators

under ethereum I can actually make my own blocks (after the merge) and put my own transactions. I don't have to ask anyone. I just need a node. That's decentralization. There are thousands of people like me. There's no mining warehouse with an industrial connection the government can send agents to confiscate the asics.
Good luck doing that on bitcoin.

>> No.50885323

You are a retard. Miners and nodes aren't the same thing on BTC.

>> No.50885333

I think you missed the 'ln' part.

>> No.50885336 [DELETED] 

there's a reason why despite the corporatization of bitcoin mining the only miner that has tried mining OFAC compliant blocks--marathon--and which capitulated and no longer does so.

>> No.50885352

there's a reason why despite the corporatization of bitcoin mining that the only miner that has tried mining OFAC compliant blocks--marathon--capitulated and no longer does so.

>> No.50885373

that reason is that there's zero enforcement.
you can notice that ethereum miners aren't censoring tornado transactions either.
It's an open question whether block producers have to enforce or not.

The question is what happens when America tries to enforce - and the answer is that bitcoin is completely unable to resist. If America tries to enforce on ethereum PoS - nothing happens. I expect some American funds to yield, but transaction will still go through with solo stakers.

>> No.50885395

if USG tries to enforce with a heavy hammer, BTC's cypherpunk core will lead a chain split. in a worst case scenario for miners, it could lead to a pow change, which would render their mining hardware investment moot.

>> No.50885399

You have to find the CA and add certain info to the transaction. Not sure if there's any retard proof guides yet so if you don't know what you're doing I wouldn't recommend it. All the website does is present it in a way that looks like a normal exchange and then autofills your transaction and asks you to sign it.

>> No.50885421

So what you're saying is that I can't.

>> No.50885438

Litecoin and Bitcoin is all you need.
Imagine thinking PoS works. KEK (Kill Every Kike)

>> No.50885489

>it could lead to a pow change
Moving to gpus doesn't do anything, it only repeats the situation.
Ironically it's also only a viable threat as long as ethereum exists.
After it exists, there's simply not going to be a big enough pool of potential miners. Which means the fork could trivially get killed by few actors that have many gpus in that scenario - which means clouds like amazon. In fact asic miners would most likely overpay and rent just to kill the fork.

What's actually possible is forking bad actors out under PoS, because it's always possible to delete accounts of hostile stakers.

In reality: miners and everyone else in btc would yield immediately. It's only some random terrorists after all. Some guys would sell btc. That would be the end of it. You think people like Saylor would support the pow change? No, they would support regulation.
but fundamentally, as long as gui is on github you can always run it locally after removing the check

>> No.50885500

>Ironically it's also only a viable threat as long as ethereum exists.
as ethereum PoW exists*

>> No.50885516

>What's actually possible is forking bad actors out under PoS, because it's always possible to delete accounts of hostile stakers.
>your staking wallet was found to be associated with rightwing political donations; your staking account has been deleted

>> No.50885544

there's no protocol mechanism to delete it, but anything is possible with a hard fork.
Users won't support a fork over 'right wing political donations' but deleting stake of some big staking pool which intentionally orphans blocks that contain sanctioned transactions, possibly

there are plans for one block finality in the near future, which would make such censorship extremely hard to execute in the first place

>> No.50885568

>deleting stake of some big staking pool which intentionally orphans blocks that contain sanctioned transactions, possibly

>> No.50885577

why lmao? that's one of the biggest advantages of PoS. There's no way to delete asics of hostile miners under PoW.

>> No.50885590

that you would seriously write that the same week that the OFAC sanctions against tornado cash came out
it's quite obvious that a validator that validates a block containing sanctioned addresses would be violating OFAC sanctions

>> No.50885601

combined with the fact that most staked eith will be staked by entities bound by OFAC/FATF

>> No.50885605

there's no legal difference between pow and pos here. In fact mining pools are easier to legally identify. So if you're right they should get punished in some way soon.
Also, I'm not going to enforce sanctions in my blocks. Unlike mining it's actually possible for normal people like me to make my own blocks.

>> No.50885644

You're right. YOU can't.

>> No.50885652

Half of the network is controlled by just 5 mining pools

>> No.50885659

pools are irrelevant though

>> No.50885670

Currently pools are making blocks, so they are breaking sanctions.
First step in enforcing sanctions would be to go after the pools, forcing miners to either accept pools that censor or mine on their own (which only makes sense for big miners in the first place).

>> No.50885845

Miners just sell security. Node operators end up being what's important. The blocksize wars for example, miners wanted big blocks, nodes didn't, nodes won.

>> No.50886306

sure it will. github shut down tornado cash. https://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/2022/08/us-bans-transactions-on-crypto-system-that-some-used-for-money-laundering/

>> No.50886593

Even a single act of bowing to government makes defi completely pointless if it wasn't already. Maxipads will celebrate this but the truth is that the same has happened to btc and its a non fungible piece of shit just like usdc

>> No.50886721

The future of smart contracts will be done on a tokenless layer on top of Bitcoin. I could send dollars now to another country through lightning for almost nothing. One decentralized layer is all you need.

>> No.50886722
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>Another web interface will pop up shortly.
I will use it when it catches up with 90s browser-not-needed technology.
Oh wait, you cant centralize and control that, it'll never happen.

>> No.50886723


Monero Smart Chain with both POW and pay-for-RPC.

>> No.50886730

>forking bad actors out under PoS
they tried to do that with the early internet too

>> No.50886762



>> No.50886792

There's already a few projects making simplified alternative web ui. You could donate. After all, these transactions are basically just forms.
-token contract
-sender address (usually prefilled)
-recipient address
insert these values into an abi encoded transaction and submit to rpc

>> No.50886799

this anon knows

>> No.50886816

The contracts are already deployed. Shutting down github only stops development of new contracts, it doesn't shut down the ones already deployed.

>> No.50886859

I will donate when a service has been provided, not before. Ive lost enough on vaporware as it is. If I want to throw money away ill buy shitcoins.

>> No.50886866

>Ive lost enough on vaporware as it is. If I want to throw money away ill buy shitcoins.
Uh, ok...

>> No.50886885


>> No.50886979

Bitcoin narrative perfectly harmonizes with the foundational myths of America, and pioneer spirit. There are too many bright heritage stock fully on board that I don’t see your scenario playing out without literal blood in the streets, Boston massacre tea party style. Even if Amerikwa shoots itself in the foot, btc has the enormous beautiful advantage of small blocks. you fail to understand the distinction between miner & node, so if anybody takes any of your shit poasting seriously I feel sorry for them, they are lost

>> No.50887024

This is why Gavin Wood is hoping to totally eliminate RPC's from Polkadot and Kusama in the future. The lead of Talisman Wallet gave an excellent presentation on "light clients" at Polkadot Decoded this year. In short, his goal is also to kill RPC's, and make crypto more P2P.

>> No.50887040
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>deleting stake
>biggest advantages of PoS

>> No.50887085

Mining requires energy. Miners must sell to cover costs.
Rich stakers can horde. Cartels of rich stakers will horde, making the little guy totally irrelevant. Denial of service becomes trivially easy and impossible to counter because as you say, it’s just a cloud swarm of gpu’s. Laughable from strategic defense point of view

>> No.50887837

does anyone know where to buy tainted torcash coins?
i really want to fuck with a lot of those twitter faggots

>> No.50888182

Don't let them annoy you too much, you are one of the few people with a brain in this thread and you tell them the answer, and they still don't get it.

>> No.50888193

>You can still use the contracts.
Until Infura kikes block RPC calls like they are doing to Tornado

>> No.50888201

>t. retard
See >>50888193

>> No.50888224
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Kek. Sending tainted ETH to people is one of the funniest things to happen lately.

>> No.50888238

you can run your own node you mong

>> No.50888250

kek he's a nonce

>> No.50888288

Future of finance

>> No.50888338
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>under ethereum I can actually make my own blocks (after the merge) and put my own transactions. I don't have to ask anyone. I just need a node. That's decentralization. There are thousands of people like me.

>> No.50888339

This shit is getting hard level
Nice, way more supply out of circulation == price going up

>> No.50888372
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Iced urine unironically will fix this

>> No.50888420

https://www.pokt.network/ its that easy, no need to own a node

>> No.50888523

>ITT: fanboys of centralised crypto #1 arguing with fans of centralised crypto #2
lmao you're all shit

>> No.50888550
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>> No.50888611
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>> No.50888640
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Exactly and that's insanely bullish.
You are witnessing Ethereum becoming a geopolitical issue, in a few years states will begin to realize controlling a stake in the network is incredibly important for getting your transactions through and not getting censored by bullies like the US gov, the CCP or the EU comission.
The US will be able to screech as much as it wants about Iran, if China controls 20% of the stake what are they going to do? Try to force a fork and cause tens of billions in damage because the Hamad transacts 50 millions a year on ethereum?

100k is programmed for ETH just based on this thesis.

>> No.50888655

>retarded thing is based on retarded thesis
well done anon but remember to sell the murge

>> No.50888685

Knows what? That there are other RPCs you can use aside from Infura and Pocket? Infura is owned by the same company as Metamask so comes by default as the Ethereum RPC but you have plenty to choose from here:

>> No.50888707

t. low iq low creativity flesh automaton

>> No.50888708

Pokt censors it too, retard

>> No.50888714
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>kek he's a nonce

>> No.50888726

>The US will be able to screech as much as it wants about Iran, if China controls 20% of the stake what are they going to do? Try to force a fork and cause tens of billions in damage because the Hamad transacts 50 millions a year on ethereum?
Based. And yeah Im bullish on the future of crypto. I hope we can get past all these awful UIs who keep cucking out at every instance but it may be a temporary thing until the network is unstoppable.

>> No.50888744

>moon price prediction after a 120% rally
wow anon you are the high IQ one

>> No.50889100

Would love to see ransomware operators do this kek.
They got plenty from all their hacks.

>> No.50889119

lmao that's top kek

>> No.50889159
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thank you very much, it lists two eth mainnet rpc
tornadocash addresses blocked
tornadocash addresses blocked
thx for playing

>> No.50889241
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the btc maxis were right

>> No.50889250

pools are made up of idnepeyminers who can switch pools when they please

>> No.50889258

independent miners*
fucking phoneposting

>> No.50889289
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If someone had the means and will to crash the market now after sending whales tainted eth so they can't access AAVE to stop liquidations, that would be pretty fun.
Man can dream.

>> No.50889294

Who could have seen this coming?

I hope there will be refunds...

>> No.50889361
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>tranime avatar

Risk of AIDS, most likely. The future of degenerative finance

>> No.50889685

How do we solve this?
Create a privacy first chain and make it impossible for burgers to use it ban IP range banning them?

>> No.50889811

billions of dollars are getting blacklisted but you are laughing?

>> No.50889896

> 80% of eth staked in exchanges after merge since nobody can run a node
> govment decides exchange staking pools have to enforce this tornado thing
> maxi whale chads taint everyone’s address
> account based model means no coin control so shit out of luck
> btc chads sit back and say I told you so

>> No.50890367


>> No.50890600

future of finance

>> No.50890635

wait, could i lose my funds on a dex?

>> No.50890673

>I just need a node.
need 32 eth
currently around 60k
that'll be about 300k when eth his 10k so...

>> No.50890675

you're at risk of your funds getting poisoned simply by self custodying

>> No.50890692

you don't need an archive node to interact with a contract you fucking retard.

>> No.50890752

lmao as if they can't just ignore those transactions
If you haven't realized...they PICK AND CHOOSE who can do what and who can't.

>> No.50890758

>the US Jews don't already own it all with printed money

>> No.50890794

whats the solution?

>> No.50890808

>maxi whale chads taint everyone’s address
You teenagers (?) live in a fantasy world.
Anyone that is an ETH whale is a globohomo furry that would never do any such thing.
Crypto isn't fighting the man. It has NEVER even a single time fought the man.
It IS the man.

>> No.50890821

either accept it as a risk and take risk mitigation like don't share your public key publicly, or don't self custody

>> No.50890823

KYC and Coinbase like any respectable non criminal would do naturally.

>> No.50890852

so... is eth going to dump?
if any wallet can become tainted
and more and more exchanges, even dex, banning tainted coins. people not even able to withdraw. isn't it going to become a race to get out of eth as fast as possible? sure they're not going to taint literally everyones wallets, but its like russian roulette. there's a chance that by holding eth you lose it all and by no fault of your own. am i understanding this correctly?

>> No.50890869

i hope someone punches you in the dick
that's what any respectable non criminal would do naturally, punch you in the dick

>> No.50890887

never mind i misread your tone, you're here to warn us not to actually be a stupid normie shilling for kyc. i withdraw my punch to the dick comment

>> No.50890919

did they do this shit now so poorfags cant make safe comfy returns on a merge pump. gotta keep us poor. sabotage the ecosystem right before the big moment so we get fucked instead.

>> No.50890939

like, for all any of us know, our wallets are already tainted with tainted eth and don't even know it.

>> No.50890946

Is this enforced only in the frontend or at the contract level?

>> No.50890960
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>rev 13

Accept Jesus as lord and savior. Ask forgiveness and forgive others.

>> No.50891042

>Tainted Tornado Cash ETH Sent to Shaquille O’Neal’s Wallet
they got shaq

>the wallet has sent portions of 0.1 ETH to Shaquille O’Neal and Jimmy Fallon addresses. Other figures include NFT artist Beeple, Coinbase CEO Brian Armstrong, and Ben Horowitz


>> No.50891141

this. also why vitalik's wallet will never get banned. Nor will eth become a security for the premine and selling the tops and all that (which would have brought down any other project). Whoever gets (((their))) approval will be safe in the coming reset.

>> No.50891147

Anybody else notice the sudden explosion of bible thumping Christians on the internet after an absence of 20ish years in popular culture?

I think it's bots. The question is why

>> No.50891162

Please someone make a meme of joker throwing 0.1 eth on a pile of money and burning it.

>> No.50891167

If your wallet is associated with risk chances are you are a subhuman scammer and has been flagged by such by other people

>> No.50891197

i'm on it

>> No.50891282

There was an ETH dusting attack from Tornado Cash

>> No.50891352

Try sending crypto to any of the Kiwi Farms wallets from a platform and see what happens.

>> No.50891422
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>> No.50891479
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>> No.50891534 [DELETED] 
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another one

>> No.50891582
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slightly better, blurred the edges a little. just being ocd

>> No.50891594

LN needs to be centralized to function properly. If nodes do not have enough liquidity locked up along the chain your transaction cannot get through so people will naturally gravitate towards nodes which have the highest liquidity centralizing the network over time. BTC needs something like MATIC which in itself isn't a great solution. That or miners need to allow the development of the core protocol to handle beyond 7tps but that doesn't benefit them so it will never happen.

>> No.50891797
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>by do anything, I mean throw my money away into defi ponzis

>> No.50892616

one word: ICP solves this

>> No.50892640
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>one word: ICP solves this
These are three words.

>> No.50892780

> Internet computer protocol solves this

>> No.50892834
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Well this certainly wont ever be exploited


>> No.50893064

you're eventually going to see fedimints operated behind tor which are operated by trusted individuals outside the reach of the GAE. fedimint has no liquidity or scaling issues

>> No.50894616 [DELETED] 

can Institutions sell their gme and screw DRS bot calculations?

>> No.50894993


>> No.50895012

next step: ISP censorship.
(use PKT c**h, or even ICP if they get their shit together, to get around this)
the code will be illegal to host

>> No.50895078
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>> No.50895329

DeFi will prevail
i will never sell my BIT
>i will never sell my BIT
i will never sell my BIT
>i will never sell my BIT

>> No.50896029

>the USA in it's communistic fever isolates itself from global finance

>> No.50896171

Checked 4ass!
Bullish for Chainlink and bearish for ETH.
This is part of the final adjustments to make ETH into the official government approved chains for institutions and means the network is going to get an increase in use soon.
It also means that ETH is becoming a strongly regulated chain with no privacy which is the opposite of what it should have been according to its decentralized narrative.

Why not?
If the US is entering the final phase of collapse the rest of the world could profit from an economic boom by giving up on the $ and taking profit from the technological advances of blockchains for micro financing and company creation.
Why should a blockchain have to follow the same regulation as the $ when it should have nothing to do with it?

What right does the US have to say what someone can and can't do with ETH?
It's not their currency.

>> No.50897139

>What right does the US have to say what someone can and can't do with ETH?
Interstate commerce clause. Also not just why it would matter to prosecutors which currency is used to pay for the act.

>> No.50897631

No It doesn't. ICP still bends the knee to the state. If people wanted to they could force dfinity to take off stuff by requesting boundary nodes to take down and they'd be legally obligated to. The NNS as is, is a farce

>> No.50897711

They can pull funds just fine from the contract or alternative frontends like defisaver.

>> No.50897722

Regulations shouldn't be enforced without proper consideration for user privacy. All user data needs to remain private and it's a good thing that there are a few platforms that make this possible in defi.

>> No.50897917

Problem is average User is useless without a UI.

Sure I could run solidity contracts, but Whale with 50k wanting to make passive income doesn't know how to run or use the contract without some UI form to fill out.

>> No.50897985
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>> No.50898125

You eth fuckerZ are beyond evil and unhinged

>> No.50898285

The sexualization of pregnant women has always made me really uncomfortable

>> No.50898297

There won't be a reset bro,

It is literally just retards huffing their own fumes as they wait for the landlord of earth to evict them for being useless vandals.

>> No.50898339

yes its so unnatural and fucked to continue pair-bonding with a woman you've impregnated. so fucked bro

>> No.50898407


Another holocaust

>> No.50898411

if you didn't impregnate her it's cucked and fucked up

>> No.50898429

it's a fantasy dude, you're either not thinking of how someone else impregnated her or you're imagining that you did it. the instinct behind the fetish is pair-bonding a woman you mated with, it's not unnatural, you're just a weirdo.

>> No.50898467

if you are on the "list" does it just pop up like that when u connect your wallet to aave/uniswap or do you actually have to use the app to initiate transaction?

>> No.50898703

How many eras of technology do people need to go through to understand how this works?

>new technology
>high IQs trailblaze it and do all of the heavy lifting perfecting the new technology
>once the technology is at a sufficient stage of maturity, Government steps in and regulates it
>the high IQs are offended by the imposition of regulation on their Pure Technology
>now that the Government has regulated it, all people in the population are welcomed in
>the Low IQ (95%+ of the population) don't give a shit about the Pure Technology, and just like whatever convenience it provided
>The Government can now use the safety of the numbers of the Low IQ to destroy any High IQ people who break the law
>The new technology is integrated into The State.

This is EXACTLY what is happening again. Nobody here is in """the majority""". Nobody here is part of the 95%. Once the government gets a strangle on how to regulate this space, they will QUICKLY let in the entire population.

Then YOU are the outcast. YOU are the outlaw weirdo. Any all of your transactional history is for the world to see.

Did you really think the State would take this lying down? Every new technology has destroyed freedom. This is no different.

>> No.50898829

i once believed it was different, that this time we had an edge, this time we could really tip the balance of power in the peoples favour. it all seemed so promising, be your own bank, trustless decentralized lending, daos replacing the function of government. so hopeful, so optimistic, so naive. the daos are pay to play where the rich always win like they do everywhere else, regulations and "compliance" for the precious institutional fucktards has ruined everything else.

lesson learned: make zero concessions, do not cooperate, do not be seduced by institutional money, do not be friendly. if we learn this maybe next time some new tech comes along we'll do a better job of making it actually fulfill our idealist objectives, but probably not.

>> No.50898849

and before you think institutions will pump the price and you'll make money. no, they won't let you. it's not enough for them to become rich, you must become poorer. for institutional money to enter a space means that space must be first rigged against you. scientifically engineered to ensure your failure. fuck big business, fuck anyone in a suit and tie, fuck compliance, fuck esg, fuck corporate buzzwords, fuck it all.

>> No.50899038

I guess it's time for privacy solutions to come into the limelight. Data breaches like this just goes to show that privacy needs to be prioritized to achieve true decentralized finance

>> No.50899122


Ok done.

>> No.50899164

how about an exchange that can't be shut down or regulated by anyone because its not on any servers. peer to peer. built in total privacy. something like plebbits trying to be but with exchanges and more hardcore. with all the features (stop loss, leverege, etc) and cross chain. something that can't be cucked, uncuckable. can't leave a single vulnerability or concession anywhere has to be absolutely hardcore or it will get taken out or cucked eventually. i know of no such project, maybe it already exists? would be nice.

>> No.50899190

ICP got forced to take down fucking super mario 64 from their "immutable" blockchainy

>> No.50899192

something nobody can stop, not even the creator if he wanted to. a real pandoras box of an exchange. cat of the bag type thing. all the trading pairs in monero

>> No.50899202

exactly, plus their whole "internet account" concept is just waiting to get cucked as soon as their governance (largely controlled by vcs who bought in early and icp foundation themselves) decides to apply a social credit scheme to it. shits faulty. not paranoid enough

>> No.50899245

>cat of the bag
cat out of the bag i mean
as in once you let a cat out of a bag you will not be able to put it back in that bag.
once pandoras box is opened it cannot be closed sort of thing.

it would be hard though. would need vpns to use it with total privacy probably and vpns are completely uncuckable. something needs to be done there or the ip addresses hosting it could be shut down. encryption up the ass but who is to say the deep state doesn't already or won't one day have a quantum computer that can break it.

the levels of paranoid autism and programming genius required to build what im proposing here might be beyond the realm of possibility

>> No.50899257

>vpns are completely uncuckable
aren't completely uncuckable i mean

>> No.50899274

too many devs aren't paranoid enough. going for "good enough" solutions that have worked so far. things that could be broken but they trust nobody would bother. not good enough. has to be 110% impossible to compromise in any way by anyone. without that there is no possibility of blockchain technology overthrowing anything

>> No.50899331
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When you talk to people about why fungibility and privacy matter they treat it as some quaint little fixation you have and not as an actually integral part of sound money. Ethereum having zero layer-1 privacy makes it incredibly vulnerable to censorship. Combined with the fact that 95% of """defi""" is centralized and you have a high-fragility, globohomo abomination. Same problems Bitcoin has to a lesser extent. And even beyond the direct censorship problems we now have the hilarity of the mass dusting attack where some madlad has been sending Tornado Cash to hundreds of whale wallets and celebrities and getting them blacklisted from Aave, Uniswap, etc.

Turns out fungibility isn't some quaint, niche property that's only useful for drug dealers or privacy fetishists.

>> No.50899387
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It's over.

>> No.50899815

try explaining all that to the average normie in the space and get met with a fluoride stare in return before they go on with their lives having no idea what you were talking about until one day they can't withdraw their funds and then they act surprised.

>> No.50899930

I run my own ETH validator but you’re coping. ETH is under a timely attack right before the merge. Not a coincidence.

>> No.50899971

exactly. now when the market manipulators make sure there is no pump they can point to these recent events as explanation, as a cover, so their price manipulation isnt so obvious. just to keep us poor while they know just when to short.

>> No.50900000

A lot of people in crypto underestimate how new the industry really is. It's easy for theorists and autists on a green frog image sharing forum to understand the problems, but the companies and CEOs and programmers working on this stuff aren't going to understand not to put their hands on the stove until they've been burned a few times.

This is why I'm long term bearish on bitcoin, and believe that Monero will eventually flip it. Not necessarily because Monero will moon, but because the censorship/sanctions on bitcoin will hit a tipping point and everyone will just dump it en masse.

I have no idea how you'd run a smart contract platform with monero style security/privacy though. And Ethereum's spaghetti code is trash anyway. I just buy and hold and tell everyone around me to buy monero.

>> No.50900022

Checked and wasted, another bagholder thinking fucking Monero of all things with flip boomercoin.

>> No.50900081

Nice get /checked

>> No.50900193

I get being bullish about monero but
>long term bearish on bitcoin
post your long dated options bets or gtfo

>> No.50900194
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Thanks bros, been a while since I got quints.
We ARE going to make it.

>> No.50900219
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Nah it's impossible to predict when the final crash will come with enough accuracy to put money on it. My biggest holding is actually bitcoin because I think there's one more solid pump in it, but during the next pump I'm going to take profits and convert it all to monero.

>> No.50900318

don’t worry, buddy. idnepey is also a good word.

>> No.50900552

This but for real this time

>> No.50900595
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dude shes like a meat balloon wouldnt it be funny if she just popped haha

dont listen to these guys just keep buying eth

>> No.50900657

This goes against every international law.
The US exported their laws through the $ use which was already manipulation and will kill the reserve value of the $ in time because no one wants to hold such a risky shitcoin, but they have 0 justifications to do the same thing for something which is not theirs.
ETH is not their currency and belongs to an international network.
They are just abusing their banking cabal power, but this too will turn against them because it is even more revolting to every other citizen of the world.

You could call it the arrogance of the falling empire to think they get to decide how the world should be.
This arrogance is what will destroy them and make everyone hate them.

>> No.50902132
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Quantum computers will rekt Internet computer.
Better switch to a quantum resistant blockchain like QANplatform to protect your small bag.

>> No.50902155

for now yeah, but ((soon)) that'll be impossible. dfinity's aware of the problem and is working on it. it's the best shot in my opinion to escape censorship as bureaucrats start putting their hands on crypto.
I know the mario 64 creator; he took it down himself. in fact, the removal proposal on the nns was rejected.
quantum threat = nothingburger for the next decade or so

>> No.50902187

>apply a social credit scheme to it
wrong. each dapp gets a unique user ID so activity across dapps can NOT be tracked. making an internet identity is fully anonymous too so you can make a kazillion identities.

>> No.50902673

Well, it's only natural that you'd be big on privacy in the crypto space. There has also been good innovation in the space such as privacy protocols that integrate with defi and smart contracts.

>> No.50902902

What if hypothetically, walmart made their own company scrip and called it crypto?

They then keep the entire blockchain private and don't pay taxes on it because they don't try to put the blockchain on some retarded exchange?

>> No.50902925

Send tainted ETH to vitalik

>> No.50902972

Lmao just send tainted ETH to faggots, kikes, and niggers.

>> No.50903050

Plleleeeaaase do this

>> No.50903216

I don't think it's possible but keeping funds in a ledger would be safer. That's what I do and I'm looking forward to Railgun's hardware wallet support for Ledger which would turn the privacy level up a notch.

>> No.50903718

Vitalik already used tornado cash himself, why would one send him more retard.

>> No.50903851
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>> No.50904372

when did banteg become the voice of decentralization warriors
this scamming industry never ceases to amaze me

>> No.50904399

>for now yeah, but ((soon))
You can't say ICP can solve this and also say that it doesnt yet at the same time. Literal baggie cope

>> No.50904432

Cardano decentralization enjoyer hopping into the thread

>> No.50904442

Based quints of truth. XMR is the only coin worth holding long term.

>> No.50904565
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There is a privacy smart contract platform already and it is not called monero.

>> No.50904653
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>Public ledger.
The public blockchain ledger. Let me have your wallet address and I can track you for life; every single shit and deal you make- all traceable and accessible. That's the literal state of the pseudonymous blockchain.

>> No.50904670

They are not. They are all just looking for a problem without an actual solution.

>> No.50904720

>"Supposed to be".
I can't imagine regulations being readily accepted in decentralised finance. Although, privacy based projects have more to gain with the speculations around the need for regulations rising at an exponential rate.

>> No.50904990

dumb nigger what I'm saying is that icp is the best shot crypto has at evading censorship.
dapp run by a dao on chain powered by sovereign independent nodes = no cloud service provider censorship = no owner to arrest

>> No.50905033


>> No.50905772

Smoke and mirrors. Dfinity would have to bend the knee, because they have the capacity to if it ever came to it. Curious how spinner will play out considering what happened to tornado cash

>> No.50906040
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>> No.50906179

Syscon's mass node network utilizes chain logs which fully protects against the threat of 51% attacks. Perhaps these days the main criticism being levied against proof of work security is the energy and efficiency.

>> No.50908276

It's just eggs dude, shes just full of eggs

>> No.50908520
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It's called Railgun. Monero is basically a privacy coin. Anonymous swaps of nifty altcoins cannot be achieved on it.

>> No.50908537


the maxis are compromised too retard

>> No.50908561

UI is what 99.5% of non-bot users use
saying it's meaningless is a huge cope

>> No.50908653

>Moving to gpus doesn't do anything, it only repeats the situation.

Oh yeah, the entities who invested hundreds of millions of USD to buy their power plants and mining rigs are just gonna flush it all down the toilet. Lmao!

>> No.50908985

Highly diversified funds is basically under a serious security risk. If it's not managed at a single point through an identity management system, the security of your funds is questionable

>> No.50909025

Not sure but you should probably check what ORE network does in terms of security. I believe that in its utilities, you'll find a solution.

>> No.50909313
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Monero is outdated. RAIL is a better option in my opinion. If their respective privacy utility is brought side by side, it's obvious the one that will make it bigger in the long term.

>> No.50909681

>A company like Kraken for example is centered around security
Another one is ORE, I think. I believe projects that helps users maintain full custody of their assets should fall under the class.

>> No.50909803
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Uhh sweaty y u still use tranny shit like Iffirium, switch to DERO my man

>> No.50909878

Why is it outdated? Just because it launched earlier?

>> No.50909914

>mining is controlled by big companies that buy power plants just to mine, they will enforce all laws
That's also true for Ethereum right now.

>> No.50910265

Why should I do that anon? I think the only blockchain worth switching to would be one that focuses on securing users asses with proper management.

>> No.50912110

>being retardedly early unironically